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The King's Grave [1] -- Kiviksgrave burial site near Kivik, Sweden
The King's Grave in Kivik, Sweden
Royal burial mounds at Gamla Uppsala
Burial mounds of the Silla kings in Korea
Roman: malmoe
From: Swedish Malmö [2]
  1. 스웨덴 남부에 있는 항구 도시. 건너편의 코펜하겐과는 철도 연락선으로 연결된다. [3]
  • Native Korean 말뫼 from Middle Korean ᄆᆞᆯ 뫼 (molmoe) [4] aka. 말메 (malme), 말미 (malmi)
    1. high mountain; high tomb, tumulus
w: Tumulus
  • A tumulus (plural tumuli) is a mound of earth and stones raised over a grave or graves. Tumuli are also known as barrows, burial mounds or kurgans, and may be found throughout much of the world. A cairn, which is a mound of stones built for various purposes, may also originally have been a tumulus.
w: Dolmen
  • A dolmen (...) is a type of single-chamber megalithic tomb, usually consisting of two or more vertical megaliths supporting a large flat horizontal capstone or "table". Most date from the early Neolithic (4000–3000 BC) and were sometimes covered with earth or smaller stones to form a tumulus. [...] In many instances, the covering has weathered away, leaving only the stone "skeleton" of the mound intact.
  • The etymology of the German: Hünenbett, Hünengrab and Dutch: hunebed - with Hüne/hune meaning "giant" - all evoke the image of giants buried (bett/bed/grab = bed/grave) there. [5]
w: Großmugl
  • Großmugl is a town in the district of Korneuburg in Lower Austria in Austria.
  • The name of the village literally translates as "large steep hill," and refers to a nearby tumulus (locally known as the Leeberg) that is believed to have been erected by the people of the Kalenderberg culture, probably around 600-500 B.C.
The Leeberg, Central Europe's largest hill grave, rises from the fields near Großmugl
  • Mugel : (slang, dialect, Austria, Southern German) hillock"
    aka. Mugl
  • Hügel : hill
  • Hügelgrab from Hügel (“mound”) + Grab (“grave”)
  • Grabhügel from Grab (“grave”) + Hügel (“mound”)
  1. cf. 돌무지무덤: 시신 위나 시신을 넣은 석곽(石槨) 위에 흙을 덮지 않고 돌을 쌓아 올린 무덤. 선사 시대부터 고구려ㆍ백제 초기에 나타난다.
  2. Its original name was Malmhaug (with alternate spellings), meaning "Gravel pile" or "Ore Hill".
  3. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=말뫼
  4. 교학고어사전, p. 628
    ᄆᆞᆯ 뫼 [명] 말메. [지명(地名)] ¶ ᄆᆞᆯ 뫼:馬山(龍歌:42)
  5. Especially, German Hünengrab literally means the same as Korean 말뫼 (malmoe, "huge tomb").