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Korean Roman Meaning European Remarks
가! ga go! Dutch ga!
까까 qaqa cake Icelandic, Swedish kaka
갈래 gallai division, fork, a set of rows English galley
  1. old warship with rows of oars
  2. kitchen of a vessel or aircraft with rows of cooks
  3. oblong tray holding rows of types
  4. proof sheet with rows of corrections
겸(兼) gjem cum Latin cum
골개 golgai stream in the gorge cf. English gorge
나귀 nagui nag, pony, ass Middle English nagge
난쟁이 nanzaing`i dwarf French nain, Greek: νάνος (nános), Italian nano, Latin nānus
낮다 nazda nether, low Dutch neder
nai rivlet Czech naj of Dunaj, Hungarian na of Duna "Danube"
French ne of Seine, Spanish na of Sena
노래 [1] norai song cf. German Lorelei or Lore Ley [2]
노루 noru roe deer Danish, Norwegian rådyr
누나 nuna older sister of male English nun, Slovene nuna, Swedish nunna
[3] [4]
See also: 둑
dam dam, dyke Dutch dam, German Damm,
Estonian Tamm, Russian да́мба (dámba)
cf. 댐(daim)
덕(德) [5]
cf. 득(得)
deg virtue [6] German Tugend cf. German taugen, OEnglish dugan "to be fit, of use"
두다 duda to put, place English do, Danish du, Dutch doen, German tun

See also: 담
dug dyke Dutch dijk, German Deich,
Estonian Tamm, Russian да́мба (dámba)
dun dun, dune English dun from Irish dún or Scottish Gaelic dùn "fort"
English dune, Dutch duin, German Düne

See also: 벌
dyl dale Danish, Dutch dal, German Tal
Tys meaning Danish tyd of betydning, German deut of Bedeutung
마니다* [7] manida to handle OFrench manier
말[言] mal language ONorse mál Both are long vowels, hence exactly match!
말[馬] mal horse ONorse marr cf. English mare, mule, OEnglish mūl
말- mal horse- English horse-(animal) horse-ant, horse-bee* cf. Yiddish ferdbin,
horse-fly, horse-leech, horse-mackerel
말개미 mal-gaimi horse-ant German Pferdeameise
말거머리 mal-gemeri horse-leech German Pferdeegel
말벌 mal-bel wasp or hornet English horse-bee*, Hungarian lódarázs
Yiddish ferdbin likely from German Pferdebin*
말파리 mal-pari horse-ant German Pferdebremse
말뫼* [8] malmoi huge tumulus Swedish Malmö [9]
말[斗] mal the biggest volume
mesurement tool
ONorse mál
말(末) mal coarse English horse-(plant) horse-bean, horse-chestnut, horse-mint,
horse-nettle, horse-raddish, horse-weed
말밤* [10] mal-bam horse-chestnut German Rosskastanie, Norwegian hestekastanje cf. French marronnier
맑다, 말갛다 malgda, malgahda to be clear cf. English morning, German Morgen cf. English Margaret from Latin margarita "pearl"
모으다 from 뫃다
See also: 모이다
movda to gather, collect cf. English moat, also motte [11]
모이다, 뫼다
See also: 모으다
mojida, moida to meet Danish møde, Norwegian møte, Icelandic mæta, Swedish möta

See also: 해자
mos pond, moat English moat, Irish móta
bab meal, cooked rice cf. English, Dutch pap, German Pappe

See also: 들
bel vale, valley French val, Italian valle
bul fire Danish fyr, Dutch vuur
sab shovel Dutch schop, German Schüppe, Norwegian skuffe
sul liqor OEnglish sūr, ODutch sūr, OHGerman sūr "sour"
어느 eny any Dutch enig
엮은 yeq'yn combined together Latin iugus "combined together" cf. English yoke
오르다 oryda to rise Latin orior, AGreek ὄρνῡμῐ (órnūmi)
orym mount Greek όρος (óros)
  • 오른 vs 옳은
oryn vs olh'yn right:
"righthand vs "complying with justice"
cf. 바른{baryn)
"righthand" vs "complying with justice"
올레 [13] olle alley French allée Estonian allee
올배미 olbaimi owl Dutch uil, German Eule
왕게(王게) wanggei king crab German Königskrabben, Finnish kuningasrapu
왜가리 waigari heron OHGerman heigaro, Icelandic hegri
우리 uri we, our, us MEnglish ure "our"
이운 from ㅇㅣᄫㅡㄴ [14] iun, ivyn waned, faded cf. English evening See also 맑다 "to be clear"
cf. English morning, German Morgen
ib mouth, lips cf. English lip, Danish læbe, Latin labium
ip leaf cf. English leaf, German Laube cf. 입 English lip, Danish læbe
잉걸 inggel ablazing charcoal cf. English ingle "open fireplace" cf. Englsih inglenook "chimney corner"
or "nook besides open fireplace"
자벌레 [15] zabellei measurig worm Finnish mittarimato
지렁이 [16] zireng`i earth worm, rain worm Dutch aardworm
치우 [17] ciu Tiw OEnglish Tīw, German god of war cf. Tuesday, literally, Tiw's day
텽집(廳집) [18] [19] tyengzib Thingstead, literally, Thinghouse Danish, Norwegian, Swedish tinghus, Icelandic þinghús cf. English, German Thing, Dutch Ding, Norwegian, Swedish Ting
풀무 pulmu bellows [20] Latin pulmo "lung"
품다 [21] pumda to dip, pump Dutch pompen, German pumpen
See also: 못
haiza moat, boundary Dutch haag "fence, enclosed area"
Dutch Den Haag "The Hague" or 's-Gravenhage [22]
cf. English hedge
  1. from 로래(rorai)
  2. More likely meaning "singing rock" than traditional "murmuring rock," since the siren of Germanic mythology sat on the rock on the Rhine riverbank and with her great beauty and delicious song seduced the navigators causing frequent ship-wrecks.
  3. 깊은 해자 높은 담 싸고 [교학고어사전 p.1469]
  4. cf. 댐 (loaned)
    • 덕(德)이란 곧 인간이 자연[天]으로부터 얻는 것[得] (고등학교 철학 p. 253)
    • 노자에 의하면, 도는 만물을 생성시키는 근원으로서, 이 생성과정에서 각 사물은 근원적인 도에서 얻어 가지는 것[得也]이 있는데, 이것을 덕(德)이라 하였다. 덕이라 하면 인의(仁義)의 덕만 생각하기 쉬운데, 그것은 유가의 경우에 인간만 가지고 있는 덕이다. 그런데 노자에 있어서는 인의가 인위적인 것이라 하여 부정되었다... 그것은 만물이 도에서 부여받은 어떤 자연스런 능력, 힘을 뜻한다. 모든 만물 속에는 도와 덕이 있다. 만물이 도에의해서 생기고[生] 덕에 의해서 이루어지기[成] 때문이다. (고등학교 철학 p. 292)
  5. From Latin virtus "manliness, bravery," while German Tugend and the like likely have come from Taoism.
  6. originally, ᄆᆞ니다
  7. ᄆᆞᆯ 뫼
  8. Said to mean "pile of gravels." cf. 돌무지-무덤: 시신을 넣은 석곽(石槨) 위에 바로 흙을 덮지 않고 돌을 쌓아 올린 무덤.
  9. cf. 말율(末栗) "water chestnut" or "water caltrop"
  10. It sounds like a mystery that a body of water is etymologically related with a mound of earth. Yet both are commonly a collection!
  11. Jeju dialect
  12. 길에서 집까지 연결된 아주 좁은 골목 비슷한 길. 제주 방언.
  13. pp. of 이울다 from ㅇㅣᄫㅡㄹㄷㅏ "to wane, wither, fade"
  14. Literally, "measure worm"
  15. Literally, "earth worm"
  16. Likely from 탸우*(tiu)
  17. Obsolete Sino-Korean
  18. Mars Thincsus means "Mars of the Thing," literally, "Tiw of the Thing".
  19. (archaic) lung
  20. 괴어 있는 물을 계속해서 많이 푸다.
  21. literally, "the Count's hedge or enclosed hunting grounds"