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Internet and Project Competence

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Internet- and Project Competence


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We think that the basic objective of schools and universities is to prepare students for the knowledge society, i.e. to train their knowledge networking skills. Students should get used to search for information and to transform it into knowledge through individual and collaborative, participative techniques. In this context, we would like to stress the perspectives offered by various web 2.0 tools such as weblogs, wikis, video conferences and discussion boards. Thanks to all these different tools, people (students) from different countries and cultures can take part in the collective construction of knowledge by carrying out international projects. This implies, of course, a high degree of communicative competence and - besides technological skills - social skills such as

Course description

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Follow link for a brief course description: course description

current international project

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We will carry out projects about primary school teaching, open learning and the ideas of formal and informal instruction together with students from Bulgaria, the USA and Germany. The professors involved are Leigh Ausband (USA), Iliana Mirtschewa (Bulgaria) and Klaudia Schultheis (Germany). Our students will work together on some of the topics and prepare presentations and thus create content which they will present online.

specified period

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13th Oct – 1st Dec (6 weeks)

project schedule

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Project Schedule

first instructions

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Follow link for first instructions: Instructions

Working groups

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working groups


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In order to sign up, please click on edit (here above) and replace "XY" by Your personal information (cf. Michael Kratky)

name university Wiki topic URL
Michael Kratky Catholic University of Eichstaett Michael Kratky assistance michaelkratky.de
Miriam Falke Catholic University of Eichstaett assistance de:Benutzer:Miriam
Leigh Ausband University of North Carolina at Charlotte Lausband instructor http://education.uncc.edu/lausband
Klaudia Schultheis Catholic University of Eichstaett KSch instructor http://www.ku-eichstaett.de/Fakultaeten/PPF/fachgebiete/Paedagogik/lehrstuehle/grundschulpaed
Iliana Mirtschewa Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohriski", Bulgaria Iliana_Mirtschewa instructor [1]
Veronika Pfaller Catholic University of Eichstaett Veronika Pfaller XY XY
Verena Kröger Catholic University of Eichstaett Verena Kröger XY XY
Daniela Widdmann Catholic University of Eichstaett Daniela Widdmann Student XY
Daniela Schweigl Catholic University of Eichstaett Daniela Schweigl XY XY
Christiane Rohr Catholic University of Eichstaett Christiane Rohr Student kirstybra@gmx.net
Kathrin Bogenrieder Catholic University of Eichstaett Kathrin Bogenrieder XY kathrin.bogenrieder@arcor.de
Katharina Band Catholic University of Eichstaett Katharina Band Student katharina_band@gmx.de
Elisabeth Altmann Catholic University of Eichstaett Elisabeth Altmann student elisabeth.altmann@ku-eichstaett.de
Kathrin Lehnert Catholic University of Eichstaett Kathrin Lehnert XY XY
Desislava Maneva Erasmus student at KU-Eichstätt, Germany Desislava Maneva XY XY
Michelle Hemraj University of North Carolina at Charlotte Mhemraj Student XY
Sherry Ott University of North Carolina at Charlotte Slott Student slott@uncc.edu
Marissa Williams University of North Carolina at Charlotte AquaNut Student XY
Allison Trotter University of North Carolina at Charlotte Altrotte Student XY
Lindsay Robbins University of North Carolina at Charlotte Lindsay_Robbins Student XY
Dennis Hendrix University of North Carolina at Charlotte XY Student XY
Meredith McGuirt University of North Carolina at Charlotte Mnmcguir Student mnmcguir@uncc.edu
Ashley Novak University of North Carolina at Charlotte Ashley_Novak Student anovak6@uncc.edu
Ashley Marlowe University of North Carolina at Charlotte Anmarlow Student anmarlow@uncc.edu
Verna Endaya University of North Carolina at Charlotte Vendaya Student vendaya@uncc.edu
Ashley Sos University of North Carolina at Charlotte Asos Student XY
Ashley Gilmore University of North Carolina at Charlotte ashleygilmore Student algilmor@uncc.edu
Jennifer Hinson University of North Carolina at Charlotte jhinso35 Student Jhinso35@uncc.edu
Jennifer Sain Universtiy of North Carolina at Charlotte Jlsain student
Jordan Goodson University of North Carolina at Charlotte Goodsonj Student XY
Ashley Coberly University of north carolina at charlotte Acoberly Student XY
Regina Barnhardt University of North Carolina at Charlotte rlbarnha Student XY
Valerie Reyes University of North Carolina at Charlotte Valerie51988 Student XY
Jessica Ledford University of North Carolina at Charlotte Jledfor8 Student jledfor8@uncc.edu
Amanda Martin University of North Carolina at Charlotte Armartin Student armartin@uncc.edu
Casey Valentine University of North Carolina at Charlotte Cdvalent Student XY
Erica Grimm University of North Carolina at Charlotte http://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/User:EricaG Student XY
Chelsea Watson University of North Carolina at Charlotte Cwatso41 Student XY
Ashley Graham University of North Carolina at Charlotte amgraham Student amgraham@uncc.edu
Angela St.Charles University of North Carolina at Charlotte Arstcha Student XY
Megan Bolick University of North Carolina at Charlotte Mlbolick11 Student mlbolick@uncc.edu
Amie Travis University of North Carolina at Charlotte Atravis2 Student XY
Lee Earnhart University of North Carolina at Charlotte lwearnha Student XY
Ashley Reese University of North Carolina at Charlotte adreese Student adreese@uncc.edu
Ashton Ryan University of North Carolina at Charlotte Ashtonbbr Student aryan7@uncc.edu
Ashley Stacy University of North Carolina at Charlotte ashleystacy Student astacy1@uncc.edu
Mary Katherine Nowlan University of North Carolina at Charlotte Mknowlan student XY
Whitney Jones University of North Carolina at Charlotte wjones54 Student wjones54@uncc.edu
Megan Surette University of North Carolina at Charlotte MeganSurette Student mesurett@uncc.edu
Mark Rhoden University of North Carolina at Charlotte Mrhoden student XY
Genny Murrell University of North Carolina at Charlotte gmurrell student gmurrell@uncc.edu
Iglika Kazanaklieva SU "Kliment Ohridski", Sofia, Bulgaria Iglika kazanaklieva tutor iggy_pop@abv.bg
Eva Krumova SU "Kliment Ohridski", Sofia, Bulgaria student eva_krumova@abv.bg
Veronica Belcheva SU "Kliment Ohridski", Sofia, Bulgaria student veronica.belcheva@gmail.com
Mariana Igova SU "Kliment Ohridski", Sofia, Bulgaria Mariana student lortela@yahoo.com
Gergana Georgieva SU "Kliment Ohridski", Sofia, Bulgaria Gergana student frany@dir.bg
Raina Stoikova SU "Kliment Ohridski", Sofia, Bulgaria Raia student raia.stoikova@gmail.com
Cayton Register University of North Carolina at Charlotte caytonpr Student cregist5@uncc.edu
Boris Aleksiev SU "Kliment Ohridski", Sofia, Bulgaria Wiki student borko@data.bg, [2], [3]
Irena Videnova SU "Kliment Ohridski", Sofia, Bulgaria Wiki student URL
Michelle Stewart University of North Carolina at Charlotte [[User:Mstewart]User:MStewart]]] student mstewa53@uncc.edu
Danielle Reynolds University of North Carolina at Charlotte DaniR student drreynol@uncc.edu
Sidney Truesdale University of North Carolina at Charlotte http://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/User:Sltruesd student sltruesd@uncc.edu
Lilia Popova SU "St. Kliment Ohridski" in Sofia, Bulgaria http://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/User:Lilia student kudjooo@abv.bg
Taylor Capps University of North Carolina at Charlotte Tcapps3 student tcapps3@uncc.edu

KWL CHART (template)

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Common reading assingment for students:

How Can ICT Literacy Skills Support Global Awareness at the K-5 Level? questions to answer: 1. The reading on ICT/Global Awareness describes two examples of how ICT (Information and Communications Technology)skills can support global awareness. What do you think are the benefits to students who participate in these types of projects? What similar types of projects might you do with students when you begin teaching?

Framework for the 21st Century questions to answer: 2. The Framework for 21st Century Learning list 4 areas that are important for a 21st education: Core Subjects and 21st Century Themes; Learning and Innovation Skills; Information, Media, and Technology Skills; and Life and Career Skills. Which of these, if any, are the schools in your area addressing? What does a teacher in training like yourself need to know and be able to do in order to teach 21st century skills to children?

Reading recommendation for the German students:

  • Martin Wellenreuther (2008): Lehren und Lernen - aber wie? Empirisch-experimentelle Forschungen zum Lehren und Lernen im Unterricht. 4. Aufl. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Verlag Hohengehren
  • Falko Peschel (2006): Offener Unterricht. Idee - Realität - Perspektive und ein praxiserprobtes Konzept zur Diskussion. Teil I: Allgemeindidaktische Überlegungen. 4. Aufl. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Verlag Hohengehren
  • Werner Jank & Hilbert Meyer (2008): Didaktische Modelle. 5. akt. Aufl. Berlin: Cornelsen Scriptor Verlag

Reading recommendation for the Bulgarian students:

  • Мирчева, Илиана. (2004): Проблеми на дидактиката на родинознанието и природознанието. София: ИК "Веда Словена - ЖГ". (виж разделите, посветени на отворените форми на обучение)
  • Мирчева, Илиана. (2006): Докосване до природата. София: ИК "Веда Словена - ЖГ". (виж разделите, посветени на отворените форми на обучение)
  • Петрова, Ваня. (2003): Работата по проект при запознаване с природната и обществената среда в І-ІV клас. Стара Загора: ИК “Кота”.
  • Boo, Max de. (2004): Using Science to Develop Thinking Skills at Key Stage 1. London: David Fulton Publishers. (мога да предоставя книгата на всеки от Вас, тъй като я няма в библиотеката)
  • Brubacher, M. , R. Payne, K. Rickett. (1990): Perspectives on Small Group Learning. Oakville: Rubicon Publishing Inc. (има я в библиотеката на факултета)
  • Fried-Booth, Diana. Project Work. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (мога да предоставя книгата на всеки от Вас, тъй като я няма в библиотеката)

Reading recommendations for American students for some groups:

Group 1 – open education Humanism and Open Education http://chiron.valdosta.edu/whuitt/col/affsys/humed.html

Check for the next two in Atkins Library: A Learner's Bill of Rights (EJ709893) Author(s): Rathbone, Charles H.

Source: Phi Delta Kappan, v86 n6 p471 Feb 2005 Pub Date: 2005-02-01 Pub Type(s): Journal Articles; Reports - Descriptive

Abstract: Celebrating its 35th year, the Fayerweather Street School of Cambridge, Massachusetts, is one of the few extant schools associated with the "open education" movement of the late Sixties. Not only has the school flourished, but it has managed to stick to its original progressive principles.

The Open Classroom: Were Schools Without Walls Just Another Fad? (EJ763250) Author(s): Cuban, Larry

Source: Education Next, v4 n2 p68-71 Spr 2004 Pub Date: 2004-00-00 Pub Type(s): Journal Articles; Reports - Descriptive

Abstract: The open-classroom movement originated in British public elementary schools after World War II. American educators who adopted the trend viewed informal education--or, as they came to call it, open classrooms or open education

Group 3 - Types of instruction and learning theories Instructional Methods http://itc.utk.edu/~bobannon/in_strategies.html Direct Instruction http://olc.spsd.sk.ca/DE/PD/instr/direct.html Indirect Instruction http://olc.spsd.sk.ca/DE/PD/instr/indirect.html Learning Theories http://tip.psychology.org/theories.html

Group 5 – Interaction between children and nature Children and Nature http://www.childrenandnature.org/uploads/CNMovement.pdf