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Social Victorians/Diamond Jubilee Garden Party

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On Monday 28 June 1897, Queen Victoria hosted a garden party at Buckingham Palace, inviting between 5,000 and 6,000 people. This party was the final official event of the London Diamond Jubilee celebrations. The Queen released to the press the names of people invited, which means the newspapers could print some or all of this list. The very long article in the London Morning Post, for example, prints what may be the comprehensive list of those invited, although two columns are illegible in some places.

The original newspaper account seems to have been published by the Court Circular, and then the popular newspapers reprinted pieces of that story, many adding contextualizing paragraphs of their own. Some of these later reports are quite long, perhaps 5 or more full columns. Sometimes the newspapers included short descriptions of the women's dresses, suggesting that for the list of people invited, the source was the Court Circular, but the parts of the stories devoted to context, history or fashion might have been written by a reporter present at the event.


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  • 28 June 1897, Monday, in the gardens at Buckingham Palace, hosted by Queen Victoria.
  • Between 5,000 and 6,000 guests were invited.
  • Many visitors from the empire who were in town for the Jubilee celebrations were invited to this garden party.
  • The weather was fine, having improved since the day before.
  • The garden party was held in the grounds around Buckingham Palace, and the Palace itself was open and available for guests to visit:

    Great preparations had been made in the splendid grounds adjoining the Royal Palace for the party, the whole scene presenting a fascinating appearance. The beautifully-kept grounds were partially covered with tents and marquees for the convenience of the many guests, and the lovely lake was really in the hands of the Queen’s bargemen, who had charge of the many boats which had been placed on the extensive ornamental waters for the use of guests. There was also plenty of music, several regimental bands being in attendance, while for those who wished to become acquainted with the valuable pictures and works art which are to be found at the Royal residence, all the State and reception rooms of the Palace were thrown open.[1] (6, Col. 3a)

  • The streets around the entrances to Buckingham Palace were lined with spectators beginning hours before the Queen was to arrive:

    Although the Garden Party was not timed to commence until after five o’clock, the Mall from Marlborough House to Buckingham Palace was well lined by two o’clock, and an hour afterwards large crowds, for the most part composed of ladies, had taken up their positions. This was also the case along Constitution-hill, where the assembly which had gathered to witness the Queen’s arrival at the Palace from Windsor nad [sic] to a large extent remained. The heat was somewhat oppressive, but the trees along the Mall and the Green Park afforded welcome shelter. Many ladies had evidently come prepared for a long wait, as they had provided themselves with the now familiar camp stool, which is always prominent on these occasions. On the other hand, the police were waging war against the men who frequent such places with stools and forms, and as soon as any of them put in an appearance they were quickly pounced upon by the officers, who at once proceeded to destroy the intended stands before the eyes of the helpless owners. Among the sightseers were several of the Indian visitors in gorgeous coloured coats, tight-fitting trousers, and turbans, as well as some of the Australian and New Zealand troops.[1] (6, Col. 3a)

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This garden party was the culminating event of the official celebrations for Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee, and more specific events led up to it:

  1. Trip from Windsor to Paddington Station Queen Victoria and a large retinue traveled by train from Windsor to Paddington Station the day before, preceded on an earlier train by "the royal equipages sent from Buckingham Palace for the use of the Queen and her suite," which were

    First came the splendied semi-state landau in which the Queen made her now famous journey on June 22d. It was preceded by scarlet-coated outriders, and horsed by four magnificent bays driven by postilions in navy blue and white uniforms. Two similar carriages followed, and these were in turn succeeded by a number of pair-horse clarences for the conveyance of the household and suite, and several breaks and ‘buses for luggage. A captain's escort, furnished by the 2d Life Guards, and commanded by Captain Ellison, clattered along in rear of the carriages, and took up a position opposite the spot where, by prior arrangement, Her Majesty’s saloon was to be brought to a standstill. These magnificent troops, riding their great black horses, and with the sunlight dancing upon their nodding plumes, and reflected by their burnished helmets, cuirasses, and trappings, made a very fine show indeed. The escort did not carry the colour, as it did on the 21st, nor was it accompanied by the regimental trumpets.[2]:5, Col. 3b

  2. Reception at Paddington
  3. Visit to Kensington
  4. Kensington to Buckingham Palace
  5. The Garden Party
  6. Return to Windsor by Way of Paddington

Foreign Admirals

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On 29 June 1897, the day after the garden party, the North British Daily Mail reports that, after the Queen's garden party, the foreign admirals would return to Spithead for a tour around the dockyard and luncheon:


The fleet at Spithead was again illuminated last night, the railway companies having duplicated the ordinary train service to bring visitors down. The Koenig Wilhelm was to have sailed on Sunday evening, but her departure has been deferred, and last night her officers gave a private dinner party aboard for the anniversary of the Queen’s Coronation. All the commissioned ships in the harbour were dressed at noon. A royal salute was fired. The [Col. 6c–7a] foreign admirals will return from their visit to London on the occasion of the Queen’s garden party to be conducted round the dockyard to-day, and they will be entertained to luncheon.[2]:5, Col. 6c–7a

Colonial Premiers

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The day of the garden party the colonial premiers attended a meeting with Secretary of State for the Colonies, Joseph Chamberlain:


The whole of the Colonial Premiers went to the Colonial Office yesterday for further conference with Mr Chamberlain, who received them in his private room, attended by Mr F. H. Wilson, legal assistant, Mr Reid and the Hon. T. Cochrane, M.P., assistant private secretaries. The conference lasted hours, and was of a strictly private and confidential character, the matters discussed involving several points of high State policy.

Premiers will be entertained at Warwick Castle by the Earl and Countess of Warwick on July 15th. On the same occasion the Attorney General of Queensland will present a loving cup from Warwick, in Queensland, to the old county town of Warwick, from which it takes its name. He will be accompanied by the Colonial troopers.[2]:5, Col. 7a

For these visitors to London during the Diamond Jubilee, the next major social event was on 15 July, at Warwick Castle, hosted by Daisy, Countess of Warwick and Francis, 5th Earl of Warwick, although perhaps some attended the Duchess of Devonshire's 2 July 1897 fancy-dress ball.

Who Was Present

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In the absence of a copy of the report about the garden party in the Court Circular, the newspaper account with the fullest list of names is from the Morning Post, although people further down the list can be impossible to identify, and two full columns are damaged (Col. 7 on p. 4 and Col. 1 on p. 5).[3] Whenever possible, then, what is here has been amended with other newspaper reports that have names to help decipher the illegible ones in the Morning Post account. The names in the Morning Post are grouped, mostly by rank and name.

People of Color at This Event

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One purpose of a closer look at this event is to get a more precise list of names of people of color from the various countries in the empire, who were not recognized and thus not named in newspaper descriptions of other events. For example, the Duchess of Devonshire's 2 July 1897 fancy-dress ball was said to include a number of South Asian dignitaries, but because the Duchess did not release to the newspapers the names of those who were invited, those dignitaries went mostly unnamed in the newspaper reports, if their presence was noted at all. Besides the South Asian guests invited to this garden party, some South Asian visitors to London were spectators as well:

Among the sightseers were several of the Indian visitors in gorgeous coloured coats, tight-fitting trousers, and turbans, as well as some of the Australian and New Zealand troops.[1] (6, Col. 3a)

In a section on what people — mostly women — wore, the reporter for the Daily News said,

Suffice to say, the modistes had done their best, and that their achievements excited general admiration. Here and there, however, was an Eastern beauty whose golden lace drapery, loosely enveloping a figure that owed nothing to the corset, challenged comparison, we will not say with what success, with the European model. In the almost entire absence of uniforms or Court dress, the costumes of the East Indian notables lent colour to the assemblage, while their pearls and diamonds, the wealth of Ormuz and of Ind, were not allowed to pass unobserved.[4] (5, Col. 6b)

People Invited

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  1. Queen Victoria, with escort and attendants
    1. Captain's Escort of the 2nd Life Guards
    2. The Duchess of Buccleuch, Mistress of the Robes
    3. The Dowager Lady Churchill, Lady in Waiting
    4. The Hon. Harriet Phipps, Woman of the Bedchamber
    5. Maids of Honour in Waiting
      1. The Hon. Mary Hughes
      2. The Hon. Aline Majendie
    6. the Earl of Kintore, Lord in Waiting
    7. Captain Drummond, Groom in Waiting
    8. Equerries in Waiting
      1. Major-General Sir John M'Neill, V.C.
      2. Lieutenant Colonel Davidson, M.V O. [sic]
  2. Grand Duke and Grand Duchess Serge of Russia
  3. Princess Henry of Battenberg, with attendants
    1. Miss Minnie Cochrane
    2. Colonel John Clerk, C.S.I., C.V.O.
  4. Her Imperial Majesty the Empress Frederic, attended by
    1. the Dowager Lady Ampthill
    2. Lord Harris
    3. Colonel S. Waller
    4. Princess Hatzfeldt Trachenberg
    5. Count Seckendorff
    6. Baron and Baroness Reischach
  5. Their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales, with attendants
    1. Lady Suffield, Lady in Waiting
    2. Miss Knollys, Woman of the Bedchamber
    3. Lord Colville of Culross, K.T., G.C.V.O., Chamberlain to the Princess of Wales
    4. The Earl of Gosford, K.P., Lord in Waiting
    5. General Sir D. Probyn, G.C.V.O., K.C.B., K.C.S.I., V.C, Comptroller
    6. Sir Francis Knollys, K.C.M.G., C.B., Groom in Waiting
    7. Major-General Stanley Clarke, C.M.G., Equerry in Waiting
  6. Princess Victoria of Wales
  7. Their Royal Highnesses Prince and Princess Charles of Denmark
  8. Their Royal Highnesses the Grand Duke and Grand Duchess of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, attended by
    1. Lady Caroline Cust
    2. Mr. Hugo Erskine Wemyss
    3. Count Reventlow Criminil
    4. Baron von der Wense
  9. Their Royal Highnesses Prince and Princess Christian, attended by
    1. Baroness von und zu Egloffstein
    2. Colonel the Hon. Charles Eliot
  10. Her Highness Princess Victoria
  11. His Highness Prince Christian Victor
  12. His Highness Prince Albert of Schleswig-Holstein
  13. Her Royal Highness Princess Louise Marchioness of Lorne and the Marquis of Lorne, attended by
    1. Lady Sophia Macnamara
    2. Colonel Arthur Collins, M.V.O.
  14. Their Royal Highnesses Prince and Princess Henry of Prussia, attended by
    1. Admiral of the Fleet Sir Edmund Commerell
    2. Baron and Baroness Seckendorff
    3. Count Hahn
    4. Captain Muller
  15. Their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, attended by
    1. The Hon. Mrs. Monson
    2. His Excellency Herr von Schön
    3. Captain the Hon. D. J. Mouson [sic, s/b Monson?], M.V.O.
    4. Mr. A. D. J. Monson
    5. Captain von Ruxleben
  16. Princess Beatrice of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha
  17. The Hereditary Prince of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha
  18. Their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of Connaught and Strathearn, attended by
    1. Colonel and the Hon. Mrs. A. Egerton
  19. Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Albany, attended by
    1. Sir Robert and Lady Collins
    2. Miss Potts
  20. Her Royal Highness Princess Frederica of Hanover and Baron von Pawel Raminingen, attended by
    1. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wood
  21. His Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge, attended by
    1. Colonel A. C. FitzGeorge, C.B.
  22. Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Teck and his Highness the Duke of Teck, attended by
    1. Lady Katherine Coke
    2. The Hon. A. Nelson Hood
  23. Her Royal Highness Princess Louise Duchess of Fife and the Duke of Fife
  24. His Highness the Prince and her Royal Highness Princess Frederic Charles of Hesse, attended by
    1. The Hon. A. Hay
    2. Fraulein von Tasmund
    3. Baron von Kotwitz
  25. Their Highnesses Prince and Princess Aribert of Anhalt, attended by
    1. Miss Deverell
    2. Major Evan Martin
  26. Her Royal Highness the Hereditary Princess of Saxe-Meiningen and her Serene Highness Princess Feodore of Saxe-Meiningen, attended by
    1. The Hon. Aubrey FitzClarence
    2. Miss von Dreskan
    3. Baron von Roeder
  27. His Serene Highness the Prince of Schaumburg-Lippe
  28. Their Highnesses Prince and Princess Edward of Saxe-Weimar
  29. Her Serene Highness Princess Victor of Hohenlohe
  30. Countess Gleichen (x2)
  31. Their Serene Highnesses Prince and Princess Adolphus of Teck
  32. The Prince Francis and Prince Alexander of Teck
  33. His Highness Prince Augustus Leopold of Saxe-Coburg
  34. Their Serene Highnesses Prince and Princess Blucher von Wahlstatt
  35. Their Serene Highnesses Prince and Princess Joachim Murat
  36. Their Serene Highnesses Prince and Princess Hans Henry Pless
  37. Prince and Princess Loewenstein
  38. Their Serene Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of Arenberg
  39. Prince Victor Duleep Singh
  40. Prince Frederick Duleep Singh
  41. Princess Duleep Singh (x2)
  42. ARGENTINE REPUBLIC — M. Florencio Dominguez and M. Carlos Dominguez
  43. BADEN — Herr yon Brauer, Mr. Brook Taylor, and Baron Bohlen Halbach
  44. BAVARIA — His Royal Highness the Prince Rupert, General Sir L. Gardiner, K.C.V.O., C.B., Major Fairholme, Lieutenant-Colonel Emile von le Bret Nucourt, and Captain Othon von Stettin
  45. BELGIUM — His Serene Highness the Prince Charles de Ligne, Princess de Ligne, Madlle. de Ligne, Mr. C. lnnes Ker, Count de Jonghe d'Ardoye, and the Marquis d’Asshe
  46. BOLIVIA — M. Caso, Mr. Conway Seymour, M. Pedro Suarez, Madame Suarez, and M. Adolfo Bolivian
  47. BRAZIL — M. de Souza Correa [Corréa?]
  48. BULGARIA — Their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Bulgaria, Colonel J. R. Slade, C.B., Madame Petrow Tchomakoff, Count Robert de Bourboulon, Lieutenant-Colonel Marcoff, Major Petrew, Captain Stoïanow, and Mr. Martin Furth
  49. CENTRAL AMERICA (Greater Republic) — M. Medina and Miss Medina
  50. CHILI — M. Ramon Subercasseaux and Mr. Raglan Somerset
  51. CHINA — His Excellency Chang Yen Hoon, Colonel Mark Bell, V.C,. Mr. Liang, Mr. Jui, and Mr. Koo
  52. COREA — His Excellency Min Young Hwan, Major A. Cavendish, Mr. Min Young Chan, Mr. Min Shangho, and Mr. von Rautenfeld
  53. COSTA RICA — Senor Don Demetrio Iglesias, Mr. C. Alban Young, Dona Eudoxia Castro, Señorita Maria Iglesias, Don Ricardo Fernandez Guardia, and Dona Christina Castro Keith
  54. DENMARK — His Royal Highness the Prince Waldemar, Major-General Arthur Ellis, C.S.I., M. Charles Rothe, and Captain Evers
  55. EGYPT — Prince Mohammed Ali Pasha, Colonel Larking, Tigrane Pasha, Colonel Aziz Bey, Mr. George Smart, Said Zoulfikar Bey
  56. ECUADOR — M. Navares, Colonel Concha
  57. FRANCE — General Davoust, Duc d'Auerstadt, Duchesse d'Auerstadt, and Madlle. Davoust, Colonel Brabazon, Colonel Dawson, General Hagron, M. Crozier, Colonel Humbert, and Captain Riviers de Mauny
  58. GERMANY — His Royal Highness the Prince Albert of Prussia, Prince Regent of Brunswick, Major-General Sir C. du Piat, K.C.B., Colonel Grierson, Lieutenant-General von Plessen, Colonel von Arnim, Captain Fischel, Count von der Schulenberg (Hofmarschall), Major Freiherr von Stein, Dr. Schreibe, Captain von Unzer
  59. GREECE — M. Rangabi, Mr. R. D. Norton
  60. GUATEMALA — Dr. Cruz, Madlles. Cruz (2), Señor Estrada
  61. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS — Mr. S. M. Damon, Captain the Hon. H. Napier, Major Curtis P. Jaukea
  62. HESSE — Their Royal Highnesses the Grand Duke and Grand Duchess of Hesse, Colonel the Hon. H. Byng, C.B., Baroness de Grancy, Baron Riedesel zu Eisenbach, Baron de Genadius Grancy
  63. ITALY — Their Royal Highnesses the Crown Prince and Princess, the Earl of Clarendon, Colonel Needham, Countess Giulia Trigona, Lieutenant-General Terzaghi, Major Cavaliere Viganoni, Captain Cavaliere Merli Miglietti, Count Romnaldo Trigona, Cavaliere F. Comotto
  64. JAPAN — His Imperial Highness the Prince Arisugawa, Mr. R. F. Synge, Captain Beaumont, R.N., Marquis Ito, Mr. S. Saito, Marquis Kido, Captain Funaki, Lieutenant-Colonel Murata, Lieutenant Kato, Mr. Nabeshima
  65. LIBERIA — Mr. H. Hayman
  66. LUXEMBURG — His Royal Highness the Hereditary Grand Duke of Luxemburg, Colonel H. D. Browne, Baron Ritter yon Grünstein
  67. MECKLENBURG-SCHWERIN — His Excellency Herr D. yon Vietinghoff, Mr. Eyre A. Crowe
  68. MEXICO — Don Antonio Mier y Celis, Mr. Arnold Royle, C.B., Don Francisco R. Gallardo, Don Eustagino dc Escaudon, and Captain Don Ponfirio Diaz
  69. MONTENEGRO — His Highness the Prince Danilo, Major the Hon. C Harbord, Colonel Djurcovitch, and Captain Pejanovitch
  70. NETHERLANDS — Count van Lynden, Countess van Lynden, Mr. Horace West, and Count W. de Bylandt
  71. PARAGUAY — M. E. Machain and Madame Machain
  72. PERSIA — His Imperial Highness the Prince Amir Khan, General Sir Thomas Gordon, K.C.I.E., C.B., C.S.I.[,] Mr. Harry Churchill, General Karim Khan, Mirza Ahmad Khan, Mirza Ohaness Khan, Mirza Mohamad Ali Khan
  73. PERU — Senor Canevaro, Duchesse de Zoagli Canevaro, Dr. Don A. N. Puente, Don Alfredo Elster, and Don Carlos von der Heyde
  74. PORTUGAL — His Royal Highness the Duke of Oporto, Major the Hon. H. C Legge, M.V.O., Colonel Duval Telles, Captain Moreira de Sà, Major d'Albuquerque, and Lieutenant Jose de Melie[?]
  75. ROME — Right Rev. Monsignore Sambucetti, Hon. Harry Stonor, Right Rev. Monsignore Belmont, the Right Rev. Monsignore de Vaz, Marchesi and Marchesa Muccioli, of the Noble Guard
  76. ROUMANIA — General Pancovici, Colonel G. P. Georgescu
  77. RUSSIA — Their Imperial Highnesses the Grand Duke Serge and Grand Duchess Feodrowna, the Grand Duke Cyril, Lord Churchill, Lieutenant-Colonel Waters, Countess Olsouffiew, Princess Youssoupoff, Princess Lobanoff de Rostow, General Stépanoff, Colonel Gadon, and Prince Youssoupoff, Colonel Clements, Mr. Alexander Gordon Ross, and Sub-Lieutenant N. Coubé (A.D.C. to Grand Duke Cyril)
  78. SAXE-COBURG — His Royal Highness the Prince Philip of Saxe-Coburg, Captain Walter Campbell, and Herr von Schön
  79. SAXE-WEIMAR — His Highness the Prince Hermann of Saxe-Weimar, Mr. Frederick Campbell, and Count Zeppelin
  80. SAXONY — His Royal Highness the Prince Frederick Augustus, Duke of Saxony, Colonel Howard, Freiherr yon Reitzenstern, First Lieutenant von Metzsch, and Baron von Oppell
  81. SERVIA — M. Mijatovich and Madame Mijatovich
  82. SIAM — His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and the Prince Mahit of Siam, Colonel E. H. Sartorius, V.C., Lieutenant-Colonel Rajavallabha, Lieutenant-Colonel C. Vernon Hume, Colonel Indaraty, Surgeon-Major Yarr
  83. SPAIN — Duke of Sotomayor, Captain the Hon. A. Greville, Señor José Caro, Señor Alfonso Merry del Val, and Señor Benitez al Villar
  84. SWEDEN AND NORWAY — His Royal Highness the Prince Eugène of Sweden and Norway, Captain G. L. Holford, Count G. Gyldenstolpe, Captain Roeder, Captain Baron Cederstrom
  85. TURKEY — Munir Pasha, Major Surtees, Brigadier-General Nassir Pasha, Captain Enver Bey, Colonel Gordon Ponsonby
  86. UNITED STATES — His Excellency the Hon. Whitelaw Reid, Mrs. Whitelaw Reid, Colonel Hallam Parr, Major-General Nelson A. Miles, Mrs. Nelson Miles, Rear-Admiral Joseph N. Miller, Captain M. P. Maus, Mr. Ogden Mills, Mrs. Ogden Mills, Mr. G. Creighton Webb, Mr. Erskine Hewett, Commander W. H. Emory, Lieutenant Philip Andrews, Lieutenant T. S. Rogers
  87. URUGUAY — Dr. Alberto Nin, Madlle. Nin, Don Alfonso Saenz de Zumaran, Don Luis Posadas, Colonel C. Robido
  88. WURTEMBURG— His Royal Highness the Duke Albert of Wurtemburg, Colonel C. Swaine, Lieutenant-General von Bilfinger, First Lieutenant Count von Degenfeld- Schonburg; five officers of the Queen's German Regiment: Major C. R. Burn (in attendance), Lieutenant-Colonel von Falkenhayn, Major von Arnim, First Lieutenant Baron von Moeller-Lilienstern, First Lieutenant von Gerlach, Second Lieutenant von Studnitz
  89. "Native Princes, and gentlemen and ladies accompanying them"[3] (4, Col. 2b)
    1. His Highness the Raja of Kaparthala
    2. His Highness the Thakur Sahib of Morvi, K.C.I.E.
    3. His Highness the Thakur Sahib of Gondal, C.I., and her Highness the Maharani of Gondal, C.I.
    4. Colonel Maharaj Dhiraz
    5. Sir Pratab Singh, K.C.S.I.
    6. Thakur Hari Singh[,?]
    7. Kunwar Dhokal Singh
    8. Rajah Ajit Singh of Khetri, attended by
    9. Rajkumar Unmaid Singh of Shahpura, attended by
      1. Colonel Trevor (in attendance upon the Rajah Ajit Singh of Khetri and the Rajkumar Unmaid Singh of Shahpura)
    10. Bijey Singh
    11. Sir Jamaetjee Jejeebhoy, Bart., C.S.I., Miss Jejeebhoy, Mr. Jejeebhoy
    12. Mr. and Mrs. Powrala
    13. Major J. G. Turner and Mrs. Turner
    14. Mr. A. R. Wood and Mrs. Wood
  90. The "officers of the Imperial Service Troops, with British officers and ladies"[3] (4, Col. 2b)
    1. Captain Mir Hashim Ali Khan Hyderabad-Resaldar
    2. Major Sunayat Singh, Kashmir
    3. Commandant Abdul Ganny, Gwalior
    4. Commandant Gooind, Rao Matkar, Indore
    5. Commandant Mirza Kurim Beg, Bhopal
    6. Rai Bahadur Dhunpat Rai, Jeypore
    7. Commandant Nand Singh, Patiala
    8. Commandant Rai Bahadur Thakur Dip Sing, Bikanir
    9. Commandant Chatru Singh, Bhartpur
    10. Resaldar Abdul Majid Khan, Babawalpur
    11. Commandant Daud Khan, Ulwar
    12. Commandant Nazir Khan, Rampur
    13. Risalda-Major Didar Singh, Sindi
    14. Risaldar-Major Kishan Singh, Nabha
    15. Risaldar Hara Singh, Karpurthala
    16. Risaldar Dhan Singhi, Bhavnagar
    17. Colonel H. Melliss, C.S.I., and Mrs. Melliss
    18. Major F. H. R. Drummond and Mrs. Drummond
    19. Captain F. Angelo
    20. Lieutenant H. Coape-Smith
    21. Captain G. F. Chenevix-Trench
  91. The "officers of Native Cavalry Corps with British officers and ladies"[3] (4, Col. 2b)
    1. Risaldar-Major Baha-ud-din-Khan
    2. Sardar Bahadur, A.D.C. to Viceroy
    3. Risaldar-Major Sayyid Abdul Aziz
    4. Risaldar-Major Khan Bahadur
    5. Risaldar-Major Izzat Khan
    6. Risaldar-Major Hukam Singh
    7. Risaldar-Major Sher Singh
    8. Risaldar-Major Husain Khan
    9. Risaldar-Major Mangal Singh
    10. Risaldar-Major Kesar Singh
    11. Risaldar- Major Faiz Khan
    12. Risaldar-Major Muhammad Umar Khan
    13. Risaldar-Major Ali Mahomed Khan
    14. Risaldar-Major Mihrab Ali Khan
    15. Risaldar Kaddam Khan
    16. Risaldar Jahanzir Khan
    17. Risaldar Nadir Khan
    18. Risaldar Mir Haidar Shah Khan
    19. Risaldar Makbul Khan
    20. Risaldar Net Ram
    21. Ressaidar Gurdatt Singh
    22. Subadar Muhammed Beg Junadar
    23. Abdul Karin Khan
    24. Lieutenant-Colonel J. C. H. Gordon and Mrs. Gordon
    25. Major A. Phayre and Mrs. Phayre
    26. Captain C. F. Campbell
    27. Captain P. Melville, in attendance on his Highness Thakur Sahib of Morvi
    28. Captain M'Cartney Filgate, in attendance on their Highnesses the Thakur Sahib and Maharani of Gondal
    29. Mr. Nowroz
    30. M. Parveez
    31. Sir M. Mansherjee Bhownaggree, M.P.
    32. Mr. Percy Armytage and Mrs. Armytage
    33. Mr. Frank Cook, C.I.E., and Mrs. Frank Cook
  92. The "commanding officers of Colonial contingents, with the ladies accompanying them"[3] (4, Col. 2b)
    1. Colonel the Hon. M. and Mrs. Aylmer, Canada
    2. Colonel and Mrs. Lassetter, New South Wales
    3. Major Reay, Victoria
    4. Colonel Pitt, New Zealand
    5. Major and Miss King, Queensland
    6. Lieutenant and Mrs. Phillips, Cape of Good Hope
    7. Lieutenant-Colonel Rowell, South Australia
    8. Major Strickland, Western Australia
    9. Captain Shepstone, Natal
    10. Major and Miss Reeves, Ceylon
    11. Mr. Badeley, Hong Kong
    12. Colonel Walker, C.M.G., and Mrs. Walker, Straits Settlements
    13. Captain Lucie Smith, Jamaica
    14. Lieutenant-Colonel E. B. M'lnnis, C.M.G., and Mrs. M'lnnis, British Guiana
    15. Major Rooks, Trinidad
    16. Captain Bernard, Malta
    17. Captain Kershaw, Cyprus
    18. Captain and Mrs. Middlemist, Gold Coast
    19. Inspector Hook, Lagos
    20. Captain Blakeney, Sierra Leone
    21. Lieutenant Festing, Royal Niger Company
    22. Captain Flint, British North Borneo Company
    23. The Hon. M. Gifford, Rhodesian Horse
    24. The following British officers attached: Lieutenant-Colonel Boulton, Lieutenant-Colonel Prior, Lieutenant-Colonel Tucker, Lieutenant-Colonel Domville, Lieutenant-Colonel Gibson, and Lieutenant-Colonel Tyrwhitt
  93. The "gentlemen representing the various races in the Island of Ceylon"[3] (4, Col. 2c)
    1. Maha Mudaliyar don Solomon Dias Bandaranaihe
    2. The Hon. Alexander Dealius Sonewiratne
    3. M. E. Rowland Goonoratne
    4. M. Charles de Soysa Dessanayaka
    5. Panabokko Jikiri Banda
    6. Nugawela Kuia Banda
    7. Kobbokeduwe Loku Banda
    8. M. E. S. W. Senathi rajah [sic] and Mrs. Senathi
    9. M. J. H. de Saram and Miss de Saram
    10. M. P. Ramanathan
    11. M. Saunders and Miss Saunders
  94. The "members of the Corps Diplomatique and other foreigners of distinction"[3] (4, Col. 2c)
    1. The Russian Ambassador, Madame de Staal, Madlle. de Staal, Madame de Stoeckl, Princess de San Donato, Madame Yermoloff, Madlle. Yermoloff, the Councillor, three Secretaries, and four Attachés of Embassy
    2. The German Ambassador, Countess Paul Hatzfeldt-Wildenburg, her Serene Highness Princess Hans Hohenlohe-Oehringen, Baroness yon Eckardtstein, the Councillor, two Secretaries, three Attachés of Embassy, and the Director of the Chancery
    3. The Austro-Hungarian Ambassador, Countess Deym, Countess Isabella Deym, Countess Clary Aldringen, Baroness Ferstel, the Councillor, two Secretaries, and four Attachés of Embassy
    4. The French Ambassador, Baroness de Courcel[,] Madlle. de Courcel, Madame Geoffray, the Minister Plenipotentiary, five Secretaries, and three Attachés of Embassy
    5. The Italian Ambassador, Princess Ruspoli, three Secretaries, and three Attachés of Embassy
    6. The Spanish Ambassador, Countess de Casa Valencia; Mesdlles. de Alcala Galiano (2), Marquise de Guiria, Donna de Zea Bermudez, Countess de Morella, Donna de Ia Camara y Livermore, three Secretaries, and four Attachés of Embassy
    7. The Turkish Ambassador, Madame Antbopoulos, the Councillor, and two Secretaries of Embassy
    8. The United States Ambassador, Mrs. Hay, Miss Hay, Mrs. Henry White, Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Colwell, two Secretaries, one Attaché of Embassy, and the Private Secretary to the Ambassador
    9. The Argentine Minister, Madame Dominguez, Mesdlles. Dominguez (3), and the Secretary of Legation
    10. The Persian Minister, and one Secretary of Legation
    11. The Danish Minister, Madame de Bille, Madame Gosch, and the Secretary of Legation
    12. The Siamese Minister, Mrs. Verney, Miss Verney, Mrs. Loftus, the Councillor, the Secretary, the Attaché, and the Interpreter to the Legation
    13. The Liberian Minister
    14. The Roumanian Minister and the Councillor of the Legation
    15. The Netherlands Minister, Baroness de Goltstein d'Oldenaller, Baroness Schimmelpenninck van der Oye, and the Councillor of Legation
    16. The Belgian Minister, the Councillor, and two Secretaries of Legation
    17. The Mexican Minister, Madame Yturbe, Madame Romero, Madame Farias, Madame Garcia, two Secretaries and three Attachés of Legation
    18. The Japanese Minister, Madame Kato, two Secretaries, and three Atachés [sic] of Legation
    19. The Minister for Sweden and Norway, Countess Lewenhaupt, and the Attaché of Legation
    20. The Chinese Minister, Lady Macartney, the English Secretary, three Secretaries, and four Attachés of Legation
    21. The Portuguese Minister, Madlle. de Quilinan, three Secretaries, and one Attaché of Legation
    22. The Swiss Minister, Madame Bourcart, Madame de Salis, the Secretary, and the Attaché of Legation
    23. The Haytian Chargé d’Affaires
    24. The Chargé d’Affaires of Greece, Madame Metaxas, and the Attaché
    25. The Chargé d’Affaires of Chile and Madame Bascunan
    26. Two Secretaries and one Attaché of the Brazilian Legation
    27. Count E. van Rosen
    28. Mr. Hippolyte de Aranjo
    29. Vice-Admiral Montt
    30. Mr. Pinto, Mrs. Pinto
    31. Mr. and Mrs. Scaramanga
    32. Vicomte de Galard
    33. Dr. Arnold, and Madlle. von Rappoport
    34. Mrs. John Meiggs, Miss Meiggs
    35. Miss Margaret Butler
    36. Mrs. Henry Morgan
    37. Hon. Chauncey Depew
    38. Mr. and Mrs. James Taylor
    39. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Marshall
    40. Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Bayliss
    41. Mrs. Colgate
    42. Miss Furniss
    43. Miss Wells
    44. Miss Harris
    45. Hon. Levi P. Morton, Mrs. Morton, and the Misses Morton
    46. The Bishop of Illinois and Mrs. Leonard, Miss Leonard
    47. The Bishop of Albany and Mrs. Doane
    48. The Bishop of New York and Mrs. Potter
    49. the Bishop of Minnesota and Mrs. Whipple
    50. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Burns
    51. Mrs. Douglas Grant
    52. Miss Scott
    53. Mrs. Grace, Miss Margarita Grace
    54. Mrs. Wentworth
    55. Miss van Wart
    56. M. Valentin de Courcel
    57. Madame la Marquise de Talleyrand Perigord
    58. Comte Boson de Perigord
    59. Vicomte d'Espenilles
    60. Madame and Madlle. Thierry Delanoue
    61. Madlle. de la Cherè
    62. M. Cellerier
    63. M. and Madame Delawarre
    64. Madame Evelina Fenzi
    65. Count A. Zannini
    66. M. and Madame Jules Cottran
    67. Chevalier E. Mazzuechi
    68. Signor A. Tedeschi
    69. Signor A. Mariotti
    70. Captain Lucian von Ziegler
    71. Chevalier Lieutenant von Barry
    72. Baron Georg Rothschild
    73. Privy Councillor Count Berchtold
    74. Baron G. E. Levi, Baroness Levi
    75. Commander E. Philipson, Mrs. E. Philipson
    76. The Duke and Duchess of San Germano Calabritto
    77. The Marquis of San Vito
    78. Donna Lidia Serramezzana
    79. Donna Margherita Chigi
    80. Marchioness Vitelleschi
    81. Chevalier Elia
    82. Count de Franqueville
    83. Count Urbain Chevrau
    84. M. Marcel Fonquier
    85. M. Baudon de Mony, Madame Baudon de Mony
    86. Duchess de Rohan
    87. Marquis de Lastorgrie, Marchioness de Lastorgrie
    88. Count de Boisgelin, Countess L. de Boisgelin
    89. M. Stern, Madame Stern, Madlle. Stern
    90. Count Charles du Luart
    91. General de Saucy
    92. M. E. Seydoux
    93. Count Jean de Madre
    94. M. de Monbrison
    95. Baron de la Chevrelière
    96. Count de la Villestreux, Countess de la Villestreux
    97. Count Urbain de Maille, Countess Urbain de Maille
    98. General Faveret de Kerbrich
    99. Monsieur de la Haye Jousselin
    100. Baronne Faveret de Kerbrich
    101. Colonel Matton
    102. M. Ferinier Didet
    103. Madame Ferinier Didet
    104. Donna Isabella Colonna, Donna Victoria Colonna
    105. Pom-k-Soh
    106. Madame Reyntiens
    107. Marquis de Fuente Hermosa
    108. Herr Rudolf Swobody
    109. M. Lauritz Tuxen
    110. Duchesse de Baiten
    111. M. de Marcoarti
    112. Comte de Heeren, Madlle. de Heeren
    113. Monsieur M. de Mauny Talvande
    114. Senor Don Nicolas Campero
    115. Lieutenant Charny
    116. Lieutenant Sanders
    117. Madame and Madlle. de Mouni
    118. Comtesse de Montsoulmin
  95. "Foreign Admirals and Commanding Officers and Staffs"[3] (4, Col. 3a / Col. 3b)
    1. Austrian Admiral Baron von Spaun, Commander von Ziegler, Lieutenant Retter yon Barry, Lieutenant Mitchell, R.N. (attached)
    2. Danish Admiral H. H. Koch, Captain Waudel, Lieutenant Middelboc, Lieutenant Majendie, R.N. (attached)
    3. French Admiral C. F. E. De Courthille, Captain Germinet, Commander Poidlone, Lieutenant Perdriel, Sub-Lieutenant de Caqueray, Lieutenant Phillimore, R.N. (attached)
    4. Italian Admiral C. E. Morin, Commander Count Prasca, Lieutenant Lunghetti, Lieutenant Count Morano, Lieutenant Henderson. R.N. (attached)
    5. German Admiral his Royal Highness Prince Henry of Prussia, Captain Muller, Lieutenant von Spee, Sub-Lieutenant Wittman, Lieutenant Garforth, R.N. (attached)
    6. Japanese Admiral H.I.H. Prince Arizugawa, Captain Miura, Commander Tsuda, Lieutenant Stewart, R.N. (attached)
    7. Netherlands Admiral F. K. Englebrecht, Captain de Groot, Lieutenant Baron von Hardenbrock, Lieutenant Woolcombe, R.N. (attached)
    8. Norwegian Rear-Admiral von Krogh, Captain Muller, Lieutenant Petersen, Lieutenant Kerr Pearse, R.N. (attached)
    9. Portuguese Captain Barreto de Vascomellos, Captain de Cartillo, Lieutenant Trye, R.N. (attached)
    10. Russian Admiral Nicholas Skrydloff, Captain Domojiroff, Lieutenant Stetsenkoff, Lieutenant Twisleton Wykeham Fiennes, R.N. (attached)
    11. Spanish Admiral Don Segismundo Bermijo y Merelo, Captain Don Antonio Eulate y Fery, Lieutenant Don Juan Romero, Lieutenant Don Antonio Romero, Lieutenant Fair, R.N. (attached)
    12. Swedish Admiral A. F. H. Klintberg, Captain Ingelman, Commander Flack, Lieutenant Alton, R.N. (attached)
    13. United States Admiral J. N. Miller, Lieutenaut Richmond (attached)
    14. Captain de Mar E. Guerra
    15. Captain R. S. D. Cumins
  96. The Lord Lieutenant of Ireland and Countess Cadogan
  97. The Right Hon. the Speaker and Mrs. Gully, Miss Gully, and Miss Shelly Gully
  98. Cardinal Vaughan
  99. Right Hon. the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress, and Misses Faudel Phillips (2)
  100. The Gold Stick in Waiting, Silver Stick in Waiting, Silver Stick Adjutant in Waiting
  101. Officer Commanding 1st Life Guards and five officers
  102. Officer Commanding 2nd Life Guards and four officers
  103. Officer Commanding Royal Horse Guards and four officers
  104. Officer Commanding 2nd Dragoons and three officers
  105. Field Officer in Brigade Waiting, Adjutant in Brigade Waiting
  106. Commanding Officer Grenadier Guards
  107. Commanding Officer Coldstream Guards
  108. Commanding Officer Scots Guards, a Regimental Adjutant
  109. Commanding Officer 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Battalions Grenadier Guards and three officers of each Battalion
  110. Commanding Officer 1st and 2nd Battalions Coldstream Guards and three officers of each Battalion
  111. Commanding Officer 1st and 2nd Battalions of Scots Guards and three officers of each Battalion
  112. Commanding Officer Woolwich District and six officers
  113. Commanding Officer R.H.A. Home District and two officers
  114. Commanding Officer R.E. and four officers
  115. Commanding Officer 2nd Battalion Lincolnshire Regiment and three officers
  116. Commanding Officer Royal Marines (Chatham) and four officers
  117. Commanding Officer Royal Marines (Portsmouth) and two officers
  118. Four officers of the Honourable Corps of the Gentlemen at Arms
  119. Archbishops — Canterbury, York, Armagh, Ontario, Rupertsland
  120. Dukes and Duchesses
    1. The Duke and Duchess of Argyll
    2. The Duke and Duchess of Abercorn
    3. The Duchess of De Baileu
    4. The Duke and Duchess of Buccleuch
    5. The Duchess of Cleveland
    6. The Duke and Duchess of Devonshire
    7. The Duchess of Hamilton
    8. The Duke and Duchess of Leeds
    9. The Duke and Duchess of Marlborough
    10. The Duke and Duchess of Manchester
    11. The Duke and Duchess of Montrose
    12. The Duke and Duchess of Newcastle
    13. The Duke of Norfolk
    14. The Duke of Northumberland
    15. The Duke and Duchess of Portland
    16. The Duke of Richmond and Gordon
    17. The Duke and Duchess of Roxburghe
    18. The Duke and Duchess of Somerset
    19. The Duke and Duchess of Sutherland
    20. The Duke and Duchess of St. Albans
    21. The Duke and Duchess of Wellington
    22. The Duchess of Westminster
  121. Marquises and Marchionesses
    1. The Marquis of Abergavenny
    2. The Marchioness of Ailesbury
    3. The Marquis and Marchioness of Ailsa
    4. The Marquis of Anglesey
    5. The Marquis and Marchioness of Breadalbane
    6. The Marchioness of Blandford
    7. The Marquis and Marchioness of Bristol
    8. The Marquis of Camden
    9. The Marquis and Marchioness of Conyngham
    10. Dowager [Marchioness of] Conyngham
    11. The Marchioness of Cassar de Sai[n]
    12. The Marquis and Marchioness of Cholmondeley
    13. The Marquis of D'Auerstadt
    14. The Marquis and Marchioness D'Hautpoul
    15. The Marquis and Marchioness of Downshire
    16. Dowager [Marchioness of] Downshire
    17. The Marquis and Marchioness of Dufferin and Ava
    18. The Marquis and Marchioness of Exeter
    19. The Marquis and Marchioness of Granby
    20. The Marchioness of Hastings
    21. The Marquis and Marchioness of Headfort
    22. The Marquis and Marchioness of Hertford
    23. The Marquis and Marchioness of Huntly
    24. The Marquis and Marchioness of Hamilton
    25. The Marquis and Marchioness of Lansdowne
    26. The Marquis and Marchioness of Lothian
    27. Dowager (Marchioness of) Londonderry
    28. The Marquis and Marchioness of Londonderry
    29. The Marquis and Marchioness of Ormonde
    30. The Marchioness of Queensberry
    31. The Marquis and Marchioness of Ripon
    32. The Marquis and Marchioness of Salisbury
    33. The Marquis and Marchioness of Tweeddale
    34. Dowager (Marchioness of) Tweeddale
    35. The Marquis of Tullibardine
    36. The Marquis and Marchioness of Zetland
  122. Earls — Ancaster, Albemarle, Amherst, Ava, Antrim, Aylesford, Annesley, Airlie, Arran, Aberdeen, Buckinghamshire, Burford, Brownlow, Bradford, Bandon, Beauchamp, Bathurst, Belmore, Cairns, Caledon, Cardigan, Cavan, Craven, Cranbrook, Crawford, Coventry, Camperdown, Carrington, Carnarvon, Carysfort, Chesterfield, Chichester, Compton, Courtown, Carnwath, Crewe, Cowper, Cathcart, Castlestuart, Cork and Orrery, Dudley, De Grey, Derby, Dundonald, Dunmore, Drogheda, Durham, Dartmouth, Dalkeith, Donoughmore, Ducie, Dunraven, Denbigh, Ellesinere, Eldon, Enniskillen, Erne, Errol, Essex, Euston, Eglinton and Winton, Feversham, Fortescue, Fingall, Gainsborough, Glasgow, Granard, Galloway, Grey, Harewood, Harrington, Hopetoun, Huntingdon, Harrowby, Iddesleigh, Jersey, Kenmare, Kerry, Kimberley, Kintore, Kinnoull, Kilmorey, Kingston, Leven and Melville, Lichfield, Lisburne, Limerick, Lucan, Lovelace, Loudoun, Lonsdale, Longford, Londesborough, Listowel, Lindsay, Lanesborough, Lauderdale, De Montalt, Mayo, Mexborough, Meath, Morton, Morley, Malmesbury, Mar and Kellie, Mar, Minto, Nelson, Norbury, Northesk, Northbrook, Onslow, Orford, Powis, Portarlington, Portsmouth, Pembroke, Rosslyn, Radnor, Rosebery, Rosse, Ravensworth, Roden, Romney, Ronaldshay, Sandwich, Spencer, Strafford, Stanhope, Stamford, St. Germans, Selborne, Stradbroke, Suffolk and Berkshire, Scarbrough, Temple (of Stowe), Verulam, Westmeath, Waldegrave, Winchilsea and Nottingham, Winterton, Warwick, Wharncliffe, Yarborough
  123. Countesses — Aberdeen, Dowager Albemarle, Ancaster, Aylesford, Dowager Aberdeen, Albemarle, Amherst, Antrim, Annesley, Airlie, Arran, Bandon, Bantry, Beauchamp, Bective, Bathurst, Dowager Bathurst, Belmore, Brownlow, Buckinghamshire, Bremer, Cairns, Caledon, Cavan, Cranbrook, Craven, Cromartie, Dowager Cromartie, Coventry, Carrington, Dowager Carnarvon, Dowager Clancarty, Chichester, Cottenham, Compton, Crawford, Cowper, Dowager Craven, Clanwilliam, Cork and Orrery, Carnarvon, Cathcart, Carysfort, Chesterfield, Castlestuart, Dudley, De Grey, Derby, Dundonald, Denbigh, Dunraven, Dalkeith, Dartmouth, Dowager De La Warr, Dowager Dudley, Dunmore, Drogheda, Donoughmore, Ellesmere, Enniskillen, Erne, Erroll, Essex, Dowager Erroll, Eglinton and Winton, Feversham, Fingall, Gainsborough, Galloway, Granard, Granville, Grosvenor, Guilford, Gosford, Glasgow, Grey, Harewood, Dowager Harewood, Harrington, Hopetoun, Huntingdon, Harrowby, Howe, Hohenau, Iddesleigh, Jersey, Kenmare, Kintore, Kilmorey, Kingston, Josephine Kinsky, Lovelace, Lonsdale, Longford, Listowel, Lindsay, Leven and Melville, Leitrim, Londesborough, Lanesborough, Lauderdale, Lisburne, Lichfield, Leicester, Limerick, Lytton, Lathom, Lucan, Loudoun, Dowager Lonsdale, Metaxas, Mayo, Mexborough, Dowager Morton, Morton, Minto, Macclesfield, Dowager Mayo, Dowager Malmesbury, Malmesbury, Dowager Mar and Kellie, Mar and Kellie, Mar, Morley, Dowager Northesk, Northesk, Norbury, Oxford, Onslow, Powis, Pembroke, Percy, Portarlington, Portsmouth, Rosse. Ravensworth, Romney, Roden, Radnor, Dowager Rosslyn, Rosslyn, Shaftesbury, Spencer, Dowager Shrewsbury and Talbot, Stamford, St. Germans, Selborne, Selkirk, Suffolk and Berkshire, Stanhope, Temple (of Stowe), Verulam, Waldegrave, Warwick, Elizabeth Dowager of Wilton, Isabella Dowager of Wilton, Winterton, Winchilsea and Nottingham, Westmeath, Wharncliffe, Yarborough, Dowager Yarborough
  124. Viscounts[3] (4, Col. 3c / Col. 4a) — Boyne, Harrington, Cross, Crichton, Curzon, Castlerosse, Chelsea, Chetwynd, Corry, Cranborne, Cobham, Clifden, Coke, Frankfort de Montmorency, Dalrymple, Duncannon, De Vesci, Dungarvan, Doneraile, Deerhunt, Dillon, Exmouth, Encombe, Emlyn, Ebrington, Folkestone, Fitz Harris, Falkland, Falmouth, Gage, Galway, Gort, Gough, Garnock, Halifax, Hardinge. Hood, Kilcoursie, Knutsford, Lifford, Llandaff, Milton, Morpeth, Monck, Midleton, Melville, Massereene and Ferrard, Marsham, Maitland, Newark, Newport, Oxenbridge, Portman, Parker, Powerscourt. Peel, Raincliffe, St. Cyres, Southwell, Suirdale, Sidmouth, Templetown, Trafalgar, Valletort, Villiers. Valentia
  125. Viscountesses — Boyne, Cantelupe, Cross, Castlerosse, Chelsea, Chetwynd, Cranborne, Cobham, Clifden, Chewton, Coke, Deerhurst, Dalrymple, Duncannon, De Vesci, Dillon. Emlyn, Ebrington, Exmouth, Falmouth, Falkland, Folkestone, Frankfort de Montmorency, Garnock, Gage, Galway, Gough, Hardinge, Halifax, Hood, Kilcoursie, Knutsford, Lifford, Dowager Mountmorres, Milton, Morpeth, Monck, Midleton, Melville, Massereene and Ferrard, Marsham, Maitland, Newark, Newport, Oxenbridge, Portman, Powerscourt, Raincliffe, Sherbrooke, Trafalgar, Torrington, Templetown, Valentia, Wolseley
  126. Bishops — Auckland, Barry, Bath and Wells, British Colombia, Chichester, Durham, Ely, Exeter, Gloucester and Bristol, Gibraltar, Hereford, London, Lichfield, Lincoln, Manchester, Newcastle, Norwich, Oxford, Peterborough, Rochester, Ripon, Stepney, Southwark, St. Albans, Salisbury, Sodor and Man, Southwell, Sydney, Sierra Leone, Worcester, Winchester, Wellington
  127. Baronesses — Burdett-Coutts, Macdonald
  128. Lords — Ashbourne, Alington, Addington, Ardilaun, Aberdare. Ashburton, Ashcombe, Ampthill, Ashtown, Ardee, Amherst of Hackney, Aberdour, Abercromby, Ashton, Bangor, Brassey, Bellew, Bateman, Battersea, Bertie, Binning, Braye, Blackwood, Boston, Brougham and Vaux, Ulick Browne, Balfour of Burleigh, Burghclere, Burghley, Burton, Arthur Butter, Bagot , Belper, Basing, Bingham, Bolton, Borthwick, F. Brudenell-Bruce, Basil Blackwood, Barnard, Osborne Beauclerk, Belhaven and Stenton, Balvaird, Balcarres, Charles Cavendish-Bentinck, Henry Cavendish-Bentinck, William Cavendish-Bentinck, Calthorpe, Archibald Campbell, George Campbell, Camoys, Carbery, Carew. Courtenay, Coleridge, Connemara, Castletown, Carnegie, Castlemaine, Eustace Cecil, Hugh Cecil, John Cecil, Edward Cecil, Churston, Edward Spencer-Churchill, Chesham, Cheylesmore, Clonbrock, Alwyne Compton, Cottesloe, Crawshaw, Cloncurry, Clifford of Chudleigh, Colchester, Clinton, Colville of Culross, Cardross, Fitzwarine Chichester, Robert Cecil, W. Cecil, Crofton, De Manley, Davey, De Freyne, Dunleath, Dunglass, De Saumarez, De Ramsey, Digby, Dynevor, Dunsandle and Clanconal, De L’Isle and Dudley, Deramore, Dunally, Elphinstone, Egerton of Tatton, Elcho, Esher, Elibank, Ebury, Erskine, Farrer, Henry Fitz-Gerald, F. FitzRoy, Foley, Forester, Glenesk, R. S. Gower, Glamis, Greenock, Arthur Grosvenor, Gerard, Walter Gordon-Lennox, Algernon Gordon-Lennox, Garioch, Halsbury, Hatherton, Hawkesbury, E. Hamilton, F. Hamilton, Harlech, Hastings, Heneage, Henley, Henniker, Herschell, Herries, Hillingdon, Hindlip, Hotham, Hothfield, Hobhouse, Arthur Hill, Howard of Glossop, Hyde, Francis Hervey, Inverurie, Iveagh, Inchiquin, James of Hereford, Kelvin, Kenyon, Kilmarnock, Kinnaird, Kensington, Lurgan, Lawrence, Lovat, Llangattock, Loch, Leigh, Leconfield, Lingen, Lister, Montagu of Beaulieu, Charles Montagu, Cecil Manners, Edward Manners, Morris, Macnaghten, Muncaster, Mowbray and Stourton, Mostyn, Moreton, Monkswell, Moncreiff, Macdonald, Monteagle, Manners, Medway, Middleton, Napier of Magdala, Henry Nevill, Newton, Newtown-Butler, Norreys, North, Norton, Napier and Ettrick, O'Neill, Penrhyn, Playfair, George Pratt, Poltimore, Berkeley Paget, Pirbright, Pearson, Rathdonnell, Rendel, Rendlesham, Ribblesdale, Revelstoke, Rossmore, Russell of Killowen, Rothschild, Raglan, Ruthven, Rodney, Rayleigh, Reay, Rowton, Robartes, Romilly, Rookwood, George Scott, Henry Scott, Herbert Scott, Seaton, Saltoun, Southampton, Sherborne, Sinclair, Stalbridge, Skelmersdale, St. Levan, Shand, Stanmore, Stavordale, Savile, Stanley, St. Oswald, Swansea, Stratheden and Campbell, Settrington, Suffield, Tollemache, Templemore, Tweedmouth, Trevor, Tredegar, Thring, Tewkesbury, Tennyson, Teynham, E. Talbot, Herbert Vane-Tempest, Henry Vane-Tempest, Ventry, Watson, Willoughby de Broke, Wrottesley, Windsor, Welby, Wimborne, Wolverton, Westbury, Wenlock, Wandsworth, Warksworth, Willoughby de Eresby, and Zouche
  129. Ladies[3](4, Col. 4b / Col. 5a) — Ashbourne, Arnott, Bertha Anson, Agnew, Ashburton, Ablnger, Abcrcromby, Aberdare, Ashcombe, Alice Ashley, Ardilaun, Amherst of Hackney, Heathcoat Amory, Florence Astley, Ashtown. Alison, Mildred Allsopp, Arnold, Adderley, Alderson, Adam, Edith Ashley, Austin, Armstrong, Ampthill, Dowager Ashburton, Adye, Alington, Addington, Arbuthnot, Gertrude Astley-Corbett, Alice Archer Houblon, Alexandra Acheson, Ashton, Agnes Anderson, Florence Bourke, Butler (2), Violet Brassey, Beauclerk (2), Dowager Buchanan-Riddeil, Mary Brabazon, Wilfreda Biddulph, Bloomfield, Crichton Browne, Boyle (2), Bergne, Boughey, Idina Brassey, Blythswood, Bramwell, Braddon, Bower, Butler, Bailey, Blanche Baillie, Constance Barne, Ashmead-Bartlett, Barnard, Florence Barnardiston, A. Beaumont, Belhaven and Stenton, Bateman, Evelyn Bathurst, Battersea, Violet Beauchamp, Bertie, Elizabeth Bertie, Binning, Bellew, Braye, Terence Blackwood, Boston, Brougham and Vaux, Cunliffe Brooks, Mary Bridgeman, Balfour of Burleigh, Betty Balfour, Ulick Browne, Hilda Brodrick, Burghclere, Maud Bootle-Wilbraham, Bertha Bootle-Wilbraham, Edith Bootle-Wilbraham, Burton, Arthur Butler, Victoria Buxton, Barran, Belper, Biddulph, Muriel Boyle, Bedford, Steuart Bayley, Bigge, Browne, Brownlow, Bramston, Baker, Agnes Burne, Elizabeth Biddulph, Brunner, Dowager Belhaven and Stenton, Dowager Bellew, Eleanor Brodie, Audrey Buller, Brackenbury, Basing, Albreda Bourke, Bowen, Buxton, Bingham, Bolton, Margaret Boscawen, Dowager Brooke, Susan Byng, Nina Balfour, Burdett, F. Brudenell-Bruce, De Capel Brooke, Charles Beresford, William Beresford (Lilian Duchess of Marlborough), Burrell, Dowager Barclay, Hermione Blackwood, Baird, Barrington, Clements (2), Mabel Coke, Ottoline Cavendish-Bentinck, Culme-Seymour, Gwendolen Cecil, Robert Cecil, Cromer, Cunliffe, Churchill, Isabel Clayton, Chetwode, Helen Craven, Cooper, Cowell, Cardon, Chelmsford, Dowager Carbery, Fitzwarine Chichester, Colomb, Henry Cholmondeley, Cardross, Coddington, Alfred Spencer-Churchill, Castletown, Carnegie, Frederick Cavendish, Castlemaine, Florence Cecil, Eustace Cecil, Edward Cecil, John Cecil, Randolph Churchill, Cholmeley. Chesham, Clinton, Clonbrock, Alwyne Compton, Conyers, Crawshaw, Cochrane, Colchester, Churston, Cottesloe, E. Clarke, Clifford of Chudleigh, Gertrude Cochrane, William Cecil, Commerell, Collins, Myra Cavendish. C. Cameron, Colvile, Carew, Carbutt, Carmichael, Jane Seymour Combe, Mary Crosse, Evelyn Cotterell[,] Adela Cochrane, Margaret Cameron, Calthorpe, A. Campbell, Eva Cathcart, R. Cathcart, Evelyn Cavendish, Harriet Cavendish, Courtenay, Colebrooke, Coleridge, Blanche Conyngham, Louisa Cecil, Alwyne Compton, Cole (2), Evelyn Crichton, Mary Cuffe, Crossley, Connemara, Dowager Congleton, Emma Crichton, Elizabeth Cust, Dowager Churchill, Couch, Chitty, Coventry (2), Georgiana Curzon, Chamberlain, Marshal Clarke, Campbell-Bannerman, Henry Cavendish-Bentinck, Spencer Churchill (2), Carbery, Colville, George Campbell, Camoys, Archibald Campbell, Constance Combe, Muriel Close, Evelyn Cobbold, Colville of Culross, Francis Cecil-Dallas, Mildred Denison, Alice Dundas, De Winton, Margaret Douglas, Dorchester, Dunally, De Trafford, Florence Duncombe, De Ross, De Ramsey, De L’Isle and Dudley, Elinor Denison, Mary Dashwood, Victoria Dawnay, Evelyn Dawnay, Adelaide Dawnay, H. Douglas-Hamilton, Ulrica Duncombe, Eva Dugdale, Digby, De Saumarez, Davey, Dowell, Edith Drummond, Dorington, Dunn, Dunleath, Decies, De Freyne, Duckworth, Du Cane, Des Voeux, Durand, Ida Dalzell, Dering, Drummond, Agnes De Trafford, Caroline Duncombe, Edith Douglas, Erskine (2), Grey-Egerton, Ernestine Edgcumbe, Egerton (2), Engleheart, Elcho, Ellenborough, Esher, Edwards, J. B. Edwards, Evans, Horatia Erskine, Evelyn Ewart, Elphinstone, Ellis, Ebury, Elibank, Erskine, Evelyn Eyre, Edmonstone, Blanche Edwards, Egerton of Tatton, Mary Ewart, Winifred Cary-Elwes, Beatrix Fitzmaurice, Ffolkes, Forester, Forwood, Mary Foley, Fowler, Finlay, Dorothea Fitz-Clarence, Louisa Feilding, B. Fitz Gerald, Fremantle, FitzWygram, Foster, Helen Munro Ferguson, Angela Forbes, Mary Fitzwilliam, M. FitzGerald, Fulton, Flower, Anne Fane, Fairbairn, Gertrude Foljambe, Edith Franklin, Forbes (2), Susan Fortescue, Fisher, Farrer, Fayrer, Farquhar, Augusta Fane, Fairfax, Maria Fitz-Clarence, H. Fitz-Gerald, F. Fitz-Roy, C. Fitz-Roy, Fergusson, Fletcher, Flower, Forrest, Freemantle, Dowager Helen Forbes, Frere, Dorothy Fitzclarence, Gardiner, Katharine Gathorne-Hardy, Gore Langton (2), Helen Grimston, Mary Carr Glyn, Jane Grey-Trefusis, D'Arcy Godolphin-Osborne, Frances Gresley, Charlotte Graham-Toler, Grant-Duff, Seymour Fitz-Gerald, Victoria Grey, Griffin, Graham, Gillford, Green, Susan Gilmour, Galton, Garvagh, Glamis, Glenesk, Glyn, Evelyn Goschen, Margaret Graham, Lynedoch Gardiner, Grosvenor (2), Arthur Grosvenor, Grenfell, Grant, Gipps, Grey, Gull, Gilbey, Gerard, Margaret Ormsby Gore, Constance Gore, Helen Graham, Florence Grant, Gordon, Halsbury, Beatrice Hare, Eleanor Howard, Agnes Howard, Alice Havelock-Allan, Beatrix Herbert, Alexandra Hamilton, Howard (2), Maria Hood, Mary Hope, Hely-Hutchinson (2), Seager Hunt, Howard of Glossop, Clement Hill, Hart, Augustus Hervey, Basil Hall, Fermor Hesketh, Hooker, Blanche Haygarth, Hunter, Hartopp, Baillie Hamilton (2), C. Hamilton, Beatrix Douglas Home, Constance Harris, Mabel Howard, Hayter, Florentia Hughes, Halle, E. Hamilton, Haldon, F. Douglas Hamilton, Victoria Hamilton, Cicely Hardy, Hatherton, Hawke, Hawkesbury, Heneage, Henley, Herschell, Herries, Hillingdon, Norah Hodgson, Hibbert, Mary Holland, Harcourt, Hothfield, Mary Hozier, Hylton, George Hamilton, Haliburton, Rachel Howard, Hobhouse, Arthur Hill, Harris, John Hay, Hotham, Hoskins, Hood of Avalon, Harrison, Hay, Holdich, Dixon-Hartland, Hanson, Harriet Harrison, Stock Hill, Hindlip, Houldsworth, Howarth, Emily Hart-Dyke, Hervey-Bathurst, Hastings, Lucy Hicks-Beach, Hardy, Herbert (2), Hemming, Iveagh, Inchiquin, Margaret Jenkins, Alice Jolliffe, Jeune, Jenner, Jenkins, Joicey, Dowager Jessel, Jephson, Hill Johnes, Jackson, Burn Jones, Jessell, Caroline Lister Kaye, Kemball, Beatrice Kemp, Kennaway, King, Kitson, Lister Kaye, Edith King-Tenison, Florence King King, Kennard, Kerr (2), Innes-Ker (2), Mabel Kenyon-Slaney, Aline Kennedy, Beatrice Lister Kaye, Kelvin, Kinnaird, Keith-Falconer (2), Emily Kingscote, Kennett-Barrington, Mary Stuart Keppel, Isabella Keane, Leconfield, Constance Leslie, Isabel Larnach, Leigh, Henry Gordon-Lennox, Walter Gordon-Lennox, Algernon Gordon-Lennox, Lister, Margaret Littleton, Llangattock, Loch, Lockwood, Louise Loder, Lovat, Mary Loyd, Lubbock, Lawrence, Dowager Lurgan, Doreen Long, Lyttelton, Lyall, Emily Lytton, Loraine, Lyons, Drury Lowe, Lysons, Lawson, Lindley, Elliott Lees, Adela Larking, Albertha Lopes, Lyell, Harriet Lindsay, Laking, Frances Lambart, Victoria Lambton, Gwendolen Little, Lurgan, Llewelyn, Catherine Loftus, Jane Lindsay, Lewis, Lucy Drury Lowe, Longley, Jane Lindsay, Caroline Gordon-Lennox, Mary Lygon, Lilian Liddell, Leese, Susan Leslie-Melville, Katharine Le Poer Trench, Mary Lascelles, Ellen Lambart, Lowry-Corry (2), Lees, Legard, Lingen, Edith Montgomerie, Blundell Maple, H. Maxwell, Georgiana Mure, Macgregor, Martin, Victoria Manners, Hilda M'Neile, Maxwell, Miller, Middleton, Monckton, Charlotte Montgomery, Maclean, Medway, Magheramorne, Mappin, Milner, Cecil Scott Montagu, S. Montagu, Nora Maitland, Mary Milbanke, Meysey-Thompson, Monkswell, Evelyn Mason, Maude (2), Monson, Mackenzie, Markham, Louisa Magenis, Macpherson-Grant, MacCormac, MacDonald, Mackenzie, Margaret Crichton-Maitland, Manners, M'lver, Middleton, Dowager Magheramorne, Margaret Majendie, Maxwell, Monteagle, Moncreiffe, Moreton, Morgan, Blanche Morris, Mary Morrison, Mostyn, Mowbray and Stourton, Dowager Mowbray and Stourton, Mowbray, Muncaster, Anne Murray, Scott Moncrieff, MacGregor, Macnaghten, Morris, M'Clintock, Mackworth, Evelyn M'Donnell, Sophia Montgomerie, More-Molyneux, Meade (2), Murray (2), Heron-Maxwell, Georgiana Mure, Martin, Marriott, Maxwell, Caroline Madden, Helen MacGregor, Clementina Mitford, Agneta Montagu, Methuen, Madden, Moseley, Marjoribanks, Augusta Noel, Naylor-Leyland, Elizabeth Nugent, Napier and Ettrick, Napier of Magdala, Henry Nevill, Dowager Napier of Magdala, Newton, Newtown-Butler, Norreys, North, Northcote, Norman, Northcote (2), Nelson, Agnes Noel, Muriel North, Nicolson, O'Brien, Olpherts, O'Hagan, Gwendoline O'Shee. O'Neil, O'Brien, Katherine Pakenham, Evelyn Parker, Percy (2), Pontifex, Pearson, Playfair, Poltimore, Dickson-Poynder, Dowager Lady Peyton, Princep [sic] Alice Packe, Berkeley Paget, Paget of Cranmore, Palmer, Peel, Georgiana Peel, Palgrave, Powell, Priestley, Poynter, Pearson, Constance Childe-Pemberton, Sophia Palmer, Chichele Plowden, William Phipps, Penhryn, Pirbright, Baden-Powell, Perceval, George Pratt, Probyn, Phillimore, Muriel Parsons, Pollock, Anna Chandos-Pole, Parratt, Alice Portal, Petre, Powell, Alfred Paget, Maude Parry, Mary Pepys, Eva Wyndham-Quin, Wyndham-Quin (2), Reid, Dowager Rayleigh, Reay, Rayleigh, Rathmore, Dowager Raglan, Rodney, Robartes, Victoria Russell, Arthur Russell, Robinson, Ribblesdale, Roberts of Kandahar, Jane Repton, Rookwood, Rossmore, Rothschild, Russell of Killowen, G. Russell, Raglan, Jane Ryan, Alexander Russell, W. H. Russell, Ramsay, Ruthven, O. Roberts, Rathdonnell, Rendel, Laura Ridding, Roxburgh, Stafford, Swinnerton Dyer, Catherine Somerset, Geraldine Somerset, Stevenson, Helen Stewart, Constance Shaw-Lefevre, Sophie Scott, D. Smith, Stratheden and Campbell, Swansea, Mary Stewart, Henry Somerset, Savory, Shute, Smyth, William Seymour, Mark Stewart, Samuelson, Alice Stanley, Stansfield, Stephenson, Stewart, Stone, Sutherland, St. Oswald, Evelyn Sutton, Settrington, Savile, Albert Seymour, Simeon, Charles Scott, Saltoun, Seaton, Seymour, Southampton, Shaw, Kay-Shuttleworth, Sherborne, Octavia Shaw-Stewart, Alice Shaw-Stewart, Esther Smith, Barbara Smith, Sinclair, Skelmersdale, Edith St. Aubyn, St. Levan, Houston Stewart, Shand, Smith, Simmons, Stewart, S. Samuel, Dowager Southampton, Salmon, Shippard, Simpson of Windsor, Margaret Spicer, Sprigg, Mary Shelley, Stewart of Grantully, Marie Savile, Mary Sackville, Mary Stuart-Richardson, Edward Spencer-Churchill, Charlotte Stopford, Seymour (2), Blanche Smith, Isabel Stewart, Isobel Stanley, Louisa Scott, Susan Sutton, Stanhope (2), Sybil Smith, Euan Smith, Scott (2), Kathleen Swinnerton-Pilkington, St. Leonards, Mary Saurin, Tatton Sykes, Tyler, Thursby, E. Talbot, Emma Talbot, Tennyson, E. Thornton, Thring, Ulrica Thynne, Mary Trefusis, Trevelyan, Tuson, Henrietta Turnor, Tennant, Jane Taylor, Tweedmouth, Templemore, Tenterden, Trevelyan, Turner, Teynham, Trevor, Agnes Townshend, Tollemache, Troubridge, Taylour (2), Vivian, Ventry, Jane Van Koughnet, Howard Vincent, Helen Vincent, Vincent, Jane Vivian, Emily Van De Weyer, Villiers (2), Edith Villiers, Wilson, Willshire, Wood, Hugh Wyndham, Leucha Warner, Woods, Warrender, Wantage, Clementine Walsh, Dowager Westbury, Sarah Gordon Wilson, F. F. Walker, Rose Weigall, Elizabeth Williamson, Arthur Wellesley, Willes, Willis, White, Westbury, Whitehead, Winnington, Isabella Whitbread, Julia Wombwell, Wenlock, Cecilia Webb, Williams-Wynn, Walrond, Watson, Mary Waldegrave, Wimborne, Windsor, Wolverton, Mary Wood, James Walker, Whiteway, Windeyer, Willoughby (2), Constance Wodehouse, Barbara Yeatman, Lilian Yorke
  130. Right Honourables — H. H. Asquith, E. Ashley, A. H. Dyke Acland, J. Atkinson, J. B. Balfour, Sir G. Bowen, G. W. Balfour, Sir Hicks-Beach, A. J. Balfour, James Bryce, Sir H. Campbell-Bannerman. A. H. Smith-Barry, E. Carson, H. Chaplin, Sir J. Chitty, Jesse Collings, Sir R. Couch, G. N. Curzon, J. Chamberlain, L. Courtney, Sir M. Grant-Duff, A. Akers-Douglas, Sir W. Hart Dyke, Sir H. Elliot, F. Foljambe, Sir H. Fowler, Sir A. B. Forwood, Sir J. Fergusson, Herbert Gladstone, Sir J. Gorst, G. J. Goschen, W. E. Gladstone, Sir G. Grey, C. H. Hemphill, Charles Seale-Hayne, R. W. Hanbury, Lord George Hamilton, Staveley Hill, Sir J. T. Hibbert, Sir W. Harcourt, lon Hamilton, Sir Arthur Hayter, Sir F. Jeune, W. L. Jackson, Sir John Kennaway, G. Shaw-Lefevre, W. Lidderdale, Sir Massey Lopes, James Lowther, Sir J. Lubbock, Sir H. Lopes, Walter Long, Sir N. Lindley, J. W. Mellor, Sir G. O. Morgan, John Morley, Arnold Morley, Sir J. Mowbray, A. J. Mundella, J. H. Macdonald, F. Max Müller, Sir W. Marriott, Graham Murray (the Lord Advocate), Sir E. Monson, Sir P. O'Brien, Sir A. Otway, Sir F. Peel, Sir R. Paget of Cranmore, W. J. Pirrie, J. P. Robertson, Sir. J. Rigby, C. T. Ritchie, Sir S. H. Strong, Sir B. Saunderson, Sir J. Stansfeld, Sir A. Smith, C. R. Spencer, Sir C. Kay-Shuttleworth, Sir R. Temple, Sir R. Thompson, Sir E. Thornton, Lord Henry Thynne, Sir G. O. Trevelyan, C. P. Villiers, Sir Algernon West, Sir C. L. Wyke, C. B. Stuart-Wortley, S. J. Way
  131. Honourables[3] (4, Col. 5a / Col. 5b) — H. Allsopp, George Allsopp, O. Borthwick, T. J. Byrnes, Sir E. C. Braddon, T. Brassey, Henry Bourke, Charles Bourke, J. Boscawen, C. E. Bingham, Charles Brand, Terence Bourke, Ivo Bligh, Reginald Brett, W. St. John Brodrick, Algernon Bourke, Arthur Brand, Albert Bingham, Allen B. Bathurst, John Baring, Eric Barrington, Coplestone Bampfylde, G. H. Campbell, K. Campbell, T. H. Cochrane, George Colville, R. Chetwynd, Arthur Chichester, Hamilton Cuffe, Henry Coventry, Henry Cubitt, Hugh Campbell, Osbert Craven, Arthur Cadogan, Montagu Curzon, W. Cavendish, John Dawnay, Conrad Dillon, Hubert V. Duncombe, R. C. Devereux. Hew Dalrymple, Eustace Dawnay, W. Dawnay, A. Hay Drummond, C. T. Dundas, Cecil Duncombe, W. Dundas, H. Escombe, F. Egerton, Tatton Egerton, Herbert Eaton, Arthur Elliot, R. Fitzwilliam, Everard Fielding, Sir John Forrest, W. H. Fitzwilliam, Sir C. Fremantle, Ailwyn Fellowes, Sir Malcolm Fraser, Sir S. Ponsonby Fane, N. Fitzgerald, George Ormsby Gore, Robert Grosvenor, Algernon Grosvenor, Ronald Greville, Louis Greville, Sidney Greville, F. Leveson-Gower, Geoffrey Browne Guthrie, A. E. Gathorne-Hardy, C. Hardinge, A. Hardinge, C. G. Hay, Evelyn Hubbard, Lionel Holland, Grosvenor Hood, A. Holland Hibbert, Sydney Holland, Robert Herbert, Sir Robert Herbert, G. Jolliffe, Sydney H. Jolliffe, G. Keppel, Derek Keppel, C. C. Kingston, Reginald Lister, F. W. Lambton, Atholl Liddell, Henry Littleton, Wilfrid Laurier, R. l’Estrange, Charles Laurence, Herbert Laurence, F. D. Leigh, E. Chandos Leigh, G. W. Leslie, William Lowther, L. Lowther, T. W. Legh, Alfred Lyttelton, C. Hanbury Lennox, Schomberg M'Donnell, Archibald Marjoribanks, R. Moreton, Charles Mills, W. Massey-Mainwaring, John Scott Montagu, Sir H. S. Northcote, Sir Hugh Nelson, R. Nevill, R. Terence O'Neill, C. B. Parsons, Cecil Parker, Horace C. Plunkett, E. W. B. Portman, Albert Petre, R. Parker, E. S. Douglas-Pennant, F. Parker, Sydney Peel, H. Orde Powlett, Thomas Playford, Ashley Ponsonby, F. Roberts, J. M. Rolls, the Master of Ruthven, Gustavus Hamilton-Russell, C. Ramsay, G. H. Reid, W. Rowley, A. Russell, W. Rothschild, Sir J. Gordon Sprigg, Lyulph Stanley, Sir Donald Smith, Randolph Stewart, R. J. Seddon, J. Maxwell Scott, FitzRoy Stewart, Sir Saul Samuel, Granville Somerset, Arthur Somerset. W. F. D. Smith, A. Saumarez, F. C. Stanley, George Stanley, R. Somerset, Edward Thesiger, George Hill-Trevor, Sir D. Tennant, R. Marsham-Townshend, Charles Trevor, Marcus Hill-Trevor, Charles Grey Trefusis, Rev. L. Tyrwhitt, Alfred Talbot, Frederick Thesiger, Sir G. Turner, S. R. Thayer, F. Villiers, R. Greville-Verney, F. Bootle-Wilbraham, Robert Ward, Armine Wodehouse, Arthur Walsh, F. Wood, Percy Wyndham, Sir W. Whiteway, Tatton Willoughby, Alex. G. Yorke
  132. Honourable Ladies[3] (4, Col. 5b / Col. 5c) — Mrs. Allsopp, Mrs. Alexander, Mrs. Anstruther, Mrs. Armytage, Mrs. Acland, Vere Annesley, Susan Baring, Lady Birkbeck, Mrs. Baillie of Dochfour, Mrs. Balfour, Mrs. Bampfylde, Mrs. Hamar Bass, Mrs. Bagot, Mrs. Barrington, Misses Bateman-Hanbury (2), Mrs. Bingham, Mary Byng, Mrs. A. Brassey, Mrs. A. Bourke, Mrs. E. R. Bourke, Mrs. T. C. Bruce, Mrs. Stapleton Bretherton, Mrs. Benyon, Diana Sclater-Booth, Mrs. F. Bridgeman, Mrs. Britten, Misses Bruce (2), Mrs. Barlow, Mrs. Brett, Mrs. Bligh, Misses M'Clintock Bunbury (2), Mrs. T. Bourke, Mrs. Brand, Mrs. T. Brand, Emmeline Brownlow, Lady Biddulph, Mrs. Bingham, Mrs. H. Bourke, Mrs. Bagot, Mrs. Barker, Misses Bridgeman (2), Lilian Baring, Albinia Brodrick, Beresford, Mrs. A. Cadogan, Mrs. H. Corry, Caroline Courtenay, Lady Cunningham, Mrs. Candy, Mrs. W. Cavendish, Mrs. C. Cadogan. Ethel Cadogan, Audrey Coleridge, Mrs. H. Campbell, Darea Curzon, Mrs. Ronald Campbell, Misses Campbell (2), Mrs. Gough-Calthorpe, Rachel (Gough) Calthorpe, Misses Gough Calthorpe (2), Mrs. Otway Cuffe, Mrs. Carpenter, Mrs. Curzon, Emily Cathcart, Misses Cross, Mrs. P. Crutchley, Mrs. Carington, Mrs. Cavendish, Mrs. J. B. Campbell, Mrs. Corbett, Mrs. A. Chichester, Eleonora Chetwynd, Mrs. R. Chetwynd, Mrs. Clowes, Mrs. Cubitt, Mildred Campbell, Hilda Chichester, Mrs. C. Duncombe, Mrs. C. T. Dundas, Mrs. W. Dundas, Mrs. Hay Drummond, Mrs. Dawnay (2), Mrs. C. Dillon, Mrs. Digby, Mrs. John Dundas, Frances Drummond, Mrs. R. C. Devereux, Mrs. M. Drummond, Misses de Montmorency (2), Edith Dillon, Lady Du Cane, Misses Douglas-Pennant (2), Mrs. H. Dennison, Lady Grey Egerton, Mrs. T. Egerton, Mrs. Arthur Elliot, Mrs. Evans, Mrs. H. Eaton, Lady Elliot, Mrs. A. F. Egerton, Lilian Elphinstone, Mrs. Ellis. Mrs. Escombe, Mrs. Eliot, Muriel Erskine, Mrs. Lionel Fortescue, Mary Fremantle, Mary Forester, Mrs. Charles Keith-Fraser, Mrs. C. Keith-Falconer, Mrs. A. Fellowes, Mrs. W. H. Forster, Mrs. W. Farquhar, Mrs. Fitzgerald, Mrs. Ferguson of Pitfour, Mrs. F. G. FitzGerald, Lady FitzGerald, Misses Fraser (2), Mrs. N. Fitzgerald, Mrs. A. Greville, Mrs. Alaric Grant, Mrs. Gye, Maud Grosvenor, Evelyn Giffard, Violet Gibson, Mrs. L. Greville, Mrs. R. Greville, Lady Godley, Mrs. A. Grosvenor, Mrs. A. H. F. Greville, Elizabeth Grosvenor, Mrs. Henry Gladstone, Lady Hamilton Gordon, Nevil Gordon, Misses Guest (2), Mrs. Gough, Mrs. North Dalrymple-Hamilton, Mrs. Halford, Mrs. Assheton Harbord, Misses Hawke (2), Misses Heneage (2), Alice Hubbard, Mrs. Herbert, Helen Henniker, Mrs. R. Herbert, Misses Hamilton (2), Mrs. A. Holland Hibbert, Dorothy Hood, Lady Acland-Hood, Mrs. Henniker, Mrs. Curzon Howe, Mrs. C. Harbord, Mrs. C. Hardinge, Fanny Hood of Avalon, Lady Higginson, Mrs. E. Hubbard, Mary Hughes, Judith Harbord, Mrs. A. Haig, Mrs. Hill, Mrs. Hobart Hampden, Bridget Harbord, Nina Gathorne-Hardy, Mrs. Harbord, Mrs. Meynell Ingram, Lady Johnston, Mrs. Jolliffe, Mrs. Keppel, Mrs. William Keppel, Lady Knollys, Mrs. Alfred Ker, Constance Kerr, Mrs. Kingscote, Mrs. A. Lyttelton, Misses Lyttelton (2), Mrs. Legge, Mrs. Lumley, Mrs. Lambton, Mrs. Lyttelton, Mrs. E. H. Loyd, Mrs. Hanbury Lennox, Mrs. Legh, Mrs. A. Liddell, Mrs. L. Lowther, Mrs. Lawley, Mrs. H. Gore-Lindsay, Misses Loch (2), Mrs. E. C. Leigh, Misses Littleton (2), Sybil Legh, Bertha Lambart, Mrs. F. D. Leigh, Cordelia Leigh, Mrs. C. Lawrence, Mary Lascelles, Misses Lawrence (2), Mrs. W. Lowther, Mrs. H. Lawrence, .Mrs. Mostyn, Alice Murray, Annette Monck, Mrs. C. Molyneux, Mrs. R. Moreton, Misses Henniker Major (2), Misses Constable Maxwell (2), Mrs. Maclagan, Mrs. Magniac, Aline Majendie, Mrs. Fuller-Maitland, Violet Monckton, Mrs. Percy Mitford, Flora Macdonald, Mrs. Mallet, Evelyn Moore, Violet Mills, Mrs. Mills, Mrs. Maguire, Mrs. Mackinnon, Maud de Moleyns, Mrs. Monck, Mrs. Massey-Mainwaring, Mrs. M'Calmont, Lady Macdonald, Mrs. Monson, Misses Mostyn (2), Lady Musgrave, Mrs. G. H. Murray, Napier, Mrs. Neeld, Emilia Napier, Mrs. Newdigate, Mrs. Scott Napier, Misses O'Brien (2), Mrs. Okeover, Myra Orde-Powlett, Mrs. Oliphant, Henrietta O'Neill, Mary O'Hagan, Mrs. Parsons, Misses Peel (2), Mrs. Heber Percy, Mrs. Parker, Mrs. E. S. Douglas-Pennant, Mrs. Pretyman, Misses Ponsonby (2), Mabel Parnell, Mrs. Ponsonby, Misses Palk (2), Mrs. Pirie, Mrs. Orde-Powlett, Mrs. Anderson Pelham, Mary Portman, Mrs. F. Parker, Mrs. W. Paton, Harriet Phipps, Mrs. A. Petre, Mrs. Portman, Mrs. Ritchie, Misses Rice (2), Misses Rendel (2), Evelina Rothschild, Lady White Ridley, Misses Hamilton Russell (2), Misses Russell (2), Mrs. Phillips Roberts, Mrs. C. Ramsay, Misses Roberts (of Kandahar) (2), Mrs W. Rowley, Eleanor Rolls, Mrs. J. D. Ryder, Lady Thelluson Rowley, Mrs. Ruthven, Misses Strutt (2), Lady Cowell-Stepney, Mrs. Maxwell Scott, Mrs. E. J. Stanley, Mrs. C. R. Spencer, Mrs. A. Somerset, Misses St. Clair (2), Mabel St. Aubyn, Mrs. Stirling, Mary Sidney, Alison Stourton, Misses Skeffington (2), Mrs. A. Saumarez, Mrs. G. Somerset, Mrs. Stanley, Mrs. V. A. Stanley, Lady Simeon, .Mrs. A. H. Smith, Mrs. E. J. Saunderson, Mrs. Strutt, Mrs. Stewart, Violet Somerset, Maude Stanley, Mrs. R. Stewart, Hilda Sugden, Horatia Stopford, Mrs. Hill-Trevor, Misses Hill-Trevor (2), Lady Thorold, Mary Thesiger, Mrs Tremayne, Mrs. Talbot, Mrs.F. Thesiger, Mrs. Marsham-Townshend, Misses Tollemache (2), Mrs. C. W. Trotter, Mrs. R. A. J. Talbot, Lady Tryon, Misses Trefusis (2), Mrs. W. le Poer Trench, Mrs. Trelawny, Katharine Thring, Mrs. E. Thesiger, Rosamond Tufton, Alice Hanbury-Tracy, Misses Thellusson (2), Misses Tyssen Amherst (2), Misses Vivian (2), Misses Verney (2), Misses Vereker (2), Mrs. R. G. Verney, Mrs. F. Villiers, Mrs. Whateley, Frances Wolseley, Misses Wyndham (2), Mrs. P. E. Warburton, Evelyn Wrottesley, Mrs. P. Wyndham, Lady Wilson, Mrs. West, Mrs. G. Wrottesley, Mrs. Dudley-Ward, Mrs. Wodehouse, Ella Williamson, Maud Wynn, Misses Wood (2), Lois Yarde-Buller, Mrs. J. Yorke, Mrs. E. C. Yorke
  133. Sirs[3] (4, Col. 5c–6a) — Augustus Adderley, Edwin Arnold, John Austin, George Arthur, John Heathcoat-Amory, A. Armstrong, Andrew Agnew, Frederick Abel, Henry Acland, A. Arnold, Alexander Arbuthnot, John Barran, G. Bower, J. W. Bonser, J. Crichton-Browne, Joseph Bailey, E. Ashmead-Bartlett, Henry Barkly, R. Beauchamp, Raymond Burrell, Charles Barrington, David Baird, Arthur Birch, Edward Birkbeck, W. Cunliffe Brooks, A. de Capel Brooke, Courtenay Boyle, F. Burton, F. Buxton, Steuart Bayley, John Bramston, John Baker, H. Bullard, J. T. Brunner, H. Bellingham, Henry Bergne, Thomas Boughey, F. J. Bramwell, E. Burne-Jones, James Blyth, Seymour Blane, Henry Chamberlain, Roderick Cameron, Hugh Cholmeley, John Conroy, Edward Clarke, C. Cameron, E. Carbutt, W. Coddington, Marshal Clarke, Reginald Cathcart, Savile Crossley, Edward Colebrooke, Reginald Cust, Charles Crosthwaite, John Colomb, Daniel Cooper, F. Astley-Corbett, Donald Currie, Henry Cunningham, Robert Cunliffe, Henry Cotterell, T. D. Gibson Carmichael, F. Curden, George Dallas, James Drummond, Mortimer Durand, G. Des Vieux, Henry Dering, J. N. Dick, Dyce Duckworth, T. Swinnerton Dyer, E. Hastings Doyle, John Dorington, William Dunn, Humphrey de Trafford, Charles Dalrymple, G. Dashwood, Gardner, Engleheart, Francis Evans, A. Edmonstone, Whittaker Ellis, W. H. Flower, Horace Farquhar, Joseph Fayrer, H. Fletcher, William Ffolkes, William Fraser, Bartle Frere, Gerald Seymour Fitz-Gerald, Robert Finlay, B. Walter Foster, Gerald FitzGerald, R. FitzGerald, Maurice FitzGerald, Forrest Fulton, William Flower, Andrew Fairbairn, John Gilbert, E. T. Gourley, Edward Grey, W. Gull, Walter Gilbey, Lepel Griffin, G. Macpherson-Grant, Reginald Graham, Philip Grey Egerton, Douglas Galton, R. Glyn, Arthur Godley, Charles Grant, R. Gresley, Alexander Acland-Hood, T. G. Fermor Hesketh, Arthur Haliburton, Brydges Henniker, F. Dixon-Hartland, R. Hanson, Alfred Hickman, W. Houldsworth, Henry Howorth, F. Seager Hunt, Charles Hall, E. W. Hamilton, Reginald Hardy, Clement Hill, Basil Hall, Joseph Hooker, Charles Hunter, Charles Hartopp, Victor Houlton, Augustus Hemming, Henry Irving, Frederic Johnstone, W. Jenner, J. Jenkins, James Joicey, Charles Jessell, Harry Johnston, Edward Jenkinson, James Hill Johnes, John Jackson, H. Seymour King, James Kitson, J. Lister-Kaye, V. Kennett-Barrington, George Kekewich, John Leslie, Thomas Dick Lander, T. Villiers Lister, James Linton, Charles Lees, Charles Legard, Thomas Lea, Wilfrid Lawson, Elliott Lees, A. C. Lyall, J. T. D. Llewelyn, Joseph Leese, Leonard Lyell, F. Laking, Godfrey Lushington, F. Lockwood, Henry Longley, George Lewis, F. Milner, Herbert Maxwell, Francis Montefiore, Graham Montgomery, Robert Moncreiffe, Musgrave, Colin Scott Moncrieff, Francis Mowatt, Evan MacGregor. J. G. Miller, F. D. Maclean, J. Blundell Maple, Allan Mackenzie, Lewis M'lver, F. Mappin, Theodore Martin, Samuel Montagu, William MacCormac, Hubert Miller, Lewis Morris, Clements Markham, A. C. Mackenzie, John Monckton, J. Stirling-Maxwell, J. Heron Maxwell, Kenneth Matheson, J. S. Montefiore, Acquin Martin, W. Maxwell, Oswald Moseley, Arthur Nicolson, Terence O'Brien, Reginald Ogilvy, Herbert Oakeley, Hush Owen, G. G. Petre, Walter Parratt, Frederick Pollock, Herbert Perrott, Douglas Powell, Weetman Pearson, Joseph Pease, Francis S. Powell, Reginald Palgrave, W. Priestley, E. G. Poynter, G. S. Baden-Powell, Charles Pontifex, J. Dickson-Poynder, James Paget, C. M. Palmer, C. Lennox Peel, James B. Peile, Westby Perceval, Charles Pigott, John Puleston, W. Plowden, Richard Quain, George Russell, C. Lister Ryan, W. H. Russell, J. Ramsay, Owen Roberts, R. T. Reid, Charles Robinson, J. Thellusson Rowley, James Reid, C. Euan-Smith, J. Barrington Simeon. J. B. Stone, M. Shaw-Stewart, Edward Sieveking, T. H. Sanderson, Augustus K. Stephenson, Thomas Sutherland, Mark Stewart, Andrew Scoble, Joseph Savory, Douglas Straight, Charles Shelley, S. Shippard, E. Sassoon, A. Condie Stephen, E. Sullivan, Arthur Sullivan, S. Scott, H. Simpson, E. Stafford, Ernest Satow, Tatton Sykes, John Tyler, Charles Tennant, John Tenniel, J. Thorold, John Thursby, Thomas Troubridge, Charles Turner, H. Meysey-Thompson, W. Vincent, Edgar Vincent, Arthur Vicars, W. Williams-Wynn, James Walker, R. Webster, George Wombwell, C. Rivers Wilson, W. H. Wills, Donald Mackenzie Wallace, George Warrender, F. Winnington, James Whitehead, Arthur Willshire, Henry Wood, Hugh Wyndham, W. White, Sidney Waterlow, Hedworth Williamson, Jacob Wilson, W. Windeyer, Albert Woods (Garter), Allen Young
  134. Chairman of County Council (Dr. Collins)
  135. Counts — Cassini, De Ganay, Gurowski, Hohenau, Theodor Bolesta Koziebrodski, Leon Mniszeek, Potocki, Raben
  136. Countesses — De Ganay, Potocki, Raben
  137. Barons —  De Onethau, Alphonse de Rothschild, Ferdinand Rothschild, Schröder, von Deichmann, yon Heeckeren van Wassenaer, Campbell von Laurentz
  138. Baronesses — De Brienen, D’Onethan, Alphonse de Rothschild, Schroder, von Deichmann, Emile Beaumont d'Erlanger, von Hügel, Gertrud von Hügel, Campbell von Laureutz, Wilhelm von Rothschild
  139. Rev. the Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland
  140. Deans — Christ Church, St. Paul's, Westminster, Windsor
  141. The Provost of Eton
  142. Master of Trinity (Mr. Butler)
  143. The Sub-Dean of the Chapels Royal
  144. Canons — Blundell, Dalton, Duckworth, Fleming, Hervey, Teignmouth Shore, Wilberforce
  145. Dr. Adler (Chief Rabbi)
  146. Dr. M'Cormick
  147. Chaplain of the Fleet
  148. Chaplain General
  149. Reverend Doctors — Edmund Warre, C. J. Welldon
  150. Reverends — Prebendary Hawkshaw, Albert Baillie, W. H. Bliss, M. Ebrington Bisset, Lord W. Cecil, Lord Charles Fitzroy, J. H. Ellison, H. Haweis, W. R. Jolly, G. J. Martin, Newton Mant, Marquis of Normanby, A. Robins. W. Gunion Rutherford, Clement Smith, Montagu Villiers
  151. Doctors — Lennox Browne, J. V. Bridge, Barlow, Robert Farquharson, J. F. Fox, Surgeon-Major Kilkelly, John Lowe, C. H. H. Parry, G. V. Poore, Dorrien Smith, S. Wilks
  152. Messieurs[3] (4, Col. 6b–7a) — Astor, B. F. Astley, W. Astor, Alfred Austin, Hamilton Aidé, Arthur Ash, W. Ambrose, E. H. Anson, Edward Alderson, John Aird, H. T. Anstruther, C. T. Dyke-Acland, Adeane, A. Asher, Ascroft, Allhusen, R. Anderson, George Alexander, Arbuthnot, Leonard Biddulph, Beresford, Stapleton Bretherton, F. Stapleton Bretherton, Bertier, R. G. Blennerhassett, Cosmo Bevan, R. Benson, Rupert Beckett, W. A. Baillie-Hamilton, Walter Baring, S. B. Bancroft (actor "Bancroft and his wife accepted with becoming grace the congratulations with which they were well-nigh overwhelmed"[4] (5, Col. 6b)), Biddulph, H. R. Baird, J. Wolfe Barry, H. Bathurst, Victor Biddulph, Wentworth Beaumont, Wentworth B. Beaumont, F. Tress Barry, Baillie of Dochfour, Hamar Bass, G. Bridgman, C. G. O. Bridgeman, Edmund R. Boyle, Banbury, Sydney Buxton, C. H. Babington, A. O. Bruce, W. W. Beach, D. P. Barton, F. G. Barnes, J. Emmott Barlow, E. Bainbridge, James Bailey, J. G. A. Baird, Bolitho, H. C. O. Bonsor, E. W. Beckett, Boulnois. M. M. Bhownaggree, F. F. Begg, Charles Bell, M. Biddulph, Buchanan, A. Birrell, J. G. Butcher, W. R. Bousfield, Barton, Brookfield, T. G. Bowles, Brymer, A. H. Brown, W. Burns, Bucknill, E. Balfour, Baxendale, Bell, Barnes, Benson, Bischoffsheim, Beer, Charles Balfour, F. Bibby, Bigham, Baldwin, Bigwood, R. M. Beachcroft, Brigg, Banks, F. Bevan, H. L. C. Brassey, F. C Burnand, Bagge, Burges, F. Cavendish-Bentinck, Cavendish-Bentinck, Childe-Pemberton, Shepherd Cross, R. Cox, Cobbold, Richard Combe, Henry Pelham Clinton, J. R. G. Cotterell, C. Tyrall Cavendish, Kinloch Cooke, Compton, V. Seymour Corkran, F. Cawley, J. D. Clark, Croombie, Cooke, F. S. W. Cornwallis, Consett, George Courroux, Purdon Clarke, F. L. Cook, Colston, Cameron, R. K. Causton, Victor Cavendish, Henry Cavendish, Percy Crutchley, Austen Chamberlain, Cecil Chaplin, Ernest Clarke. J. D. Campbell, W. A. Cockerell, DOyly Carte, W. M. Cazalet, Burdett-Coutts, Clowes, C. A. Cripps, Cayzer, Clark, Cory, Clough, Evelyn Cecil, W. W. Carlile, Channing, Ward Cook, J. A. Campbell, Atkinson Clark, B. Cohen, Cavendish, Wentworth Cole, T. B. Cochrane, Crawshay, A. Cross, Daniel Cooper, Cameron Corbett, Cruddas, D. Coghill, Wilfrid Cripps, F. Cazenove, P. H. Calderon, Critchett, C. Kinloch Cooke, Lee Dillon, Louis Davidson, W. E. Denison, W. H. Dudley-Ward, W. de Winton, De Trafford, C. S. Dickson, W. Rees Davies, Coningsby Disraeli, A. Drummond, F. Dugdale, R. Disraeli, Gerard Dicconson, J. de la Cour, W. Bromley-Davenport, G. Drummond, J. Diggle, Ben Davies, de Soria, J. K. Digby, C. B. Dalison, Greville Douglas, Kenelm E. Digby, Darling, Dicken, Vaughan Davies, Doxford, Deverell, Thiselton Dyer, Edwin de Lisle, Du Plat Taylor, F. Elliot, Bevan Edwards, Cary-Elwes, T. H. Elliott, Erskine, W. H. Evans, T. E. Ellis, R. Edgcumb, C. C. Edwards, Eyre, F. Eaton, H. P. Ewart, Maurice Euphrussi, M. Eliot, Fitzgerald, Almeric Fitzroy, Alfred Farquhar, J. N. Farquharson, Farquharson of Invercauld, Cecil Fane, G. H. Fane, Herbert Fisher, H. St. George Foley, Hayes Fisher, Dyafer Fakhry, W. Farquhar, Arnold-Forster, Fardell, Munro-Ferguson, W. S. Foster, Johnson-Ferguson, L. Fry, Farmer, Fielden, Firbank, Fison, Flannery, E. Flower, H. W. Forster, Bevill Fortescue, Fane, F. G. Fitzgerald, E. Farquhar, Franklin, J. S. Forbes, Forbes, John Ford, John Gordon, Henry Graves, George Grossmith ("George Grossmith was not a little lionised by titled ladies"[4] (5, Col. 6b)), Howard of Greystoke, Hamilton Gatliff, G. P. Goldney, Goelet, Gye, Grifflth-Boscawen, A. Gosling, Geoffrey Drage, Otto Goldsmidt, Frank Gore, F. Graham, S. Hoffnung Goldnung Goldsmid, W. H. Kendal Grimston, Gilliat, Gadson, F. W. Gibbs, V. Gore, Goschen, J. E. Gordon, G. Leveson-Gower, E. A. Goulding, Graham, H. R. Graham, Ernest Gray, Montagu Guest, Garfit [?], H. D. Greene, W. R. Greene, J. A. Gretton, Henry Gladstone, W. H. Grenfell, S. W. Gore, Wilhelm Ganz, Scott Gatty, Charles Gold, Walter Gibson, Gurdon, W. Gillett, Sydney Gedge, Tyrell Giles, C. C. Graham, F. R. Gosset, A. C. Humphreys-Owen, G. M. Hutton, Heseltine, Claude Hay, Halford, E. Hope, Philip Henriques, C. D. Hohler, Hornyold, Carl Haag, Hardcastle, Hanbury, L. V. Harcourt, R. K. Hodgson, Adrian Hope, Beresford-Hope, J. Hozier, E. S. Howard, Horner, Maurice Holzman, A. C. Howard, Cozens-Hardy, Thomas Halsey, Hardy, James Hope, R. Hallett Holt, T. Hare, Hatch, R. B. Haldane, C. Harrison, J. Henniker Heaton, Hermon-Hodge, E. Brodie Hoare, G. Hoare, H. Hobhouse, VV. H. Hornby, R. P. Houston, G. B. Hudson, John Hutton, A. E. Hutton, Lewis Hall, Augustus Hare, George Harwood, G. T. Hertslet, Hartmann, H. Higgins, Hughes, Francis Hamilton, John Hare, Hungerford, Joseph Howard, Hope, R. R. Holmes, H. Howard, Haggard, Cecil Higgins, J. C. Horsley, The Munshi Abdul Hafiz Karim, Wootton Isaacson, E. R. Jenkins, Arthur James, Jacobs, Jebb, A. F. Jeffreys, J. H. Johnstone, Brynmor-Jones, H. C. Jervoise, W. James, Atherley-Jones, Philip Burne Jones, Henry Joslin, George Kemp, Nigel Kingscote, C. Kempe, W. Kenny, A. Kennard, J. Kenyon, Kearley, King King, Lees Knowles, Knowles, Kimber, Kuhe, T. Kingscote, Landon, Reginald Lucas, Letchworth, Lyon, Henry Gore Lindsay, E. H. Loyd, Leonard Lindsey, Drury Lowe, Fairfax Lucy, E. Law, Cecil Lister-Kaye, H. B. Lindsay, H. T. Lopes, J. Grant Lawson, H. Lubbock, W. A. Lindsay, A. K. Loyd, Lecky, W. F. Laurence, Edwin Laurence, J. W. Lowther, Luttrell, Loder, S. Leighton, W. C. F. Luttrell, E. Lloyd, Heathcote Long, L’Estrange, T. C. March, C. J. Murray, Mount, Morrell, R. J. More, Moon, E. P. Monckton, Monk, F. Bingham Mildmay, Beresford Melville, M’Laren, M'Ewan, Martin, H. H. Marks, lan Z. Malcolm, H. L. B. MCalmont, J. W. Maclure, Campbell Munro, J. Maclean, J. C. Macdona, W. G. E. Macartney, Muir Mackenzie, Hugh Morrison, G. H. Murray, P. C. Milbank, Bingham Mildmay, Alpin Macgregor, M. Myther, V. Montagu, Frederick Macmillan, C. M’Neill, Arundel St. John Mildmay, C. Maud, Fuller Maitland, A. Milman, W. A M’Arthur, Marjoribanks, W. H. Myers, F. W. Maude, Muntz, Charles Morley, Murdoch, A. B. F. Mitford, B. Mallet, Mure, Madden, W. J. Mure, R. Maguire, Mackinnon, Montgomerie, Maxwell-Lyte, Mason, Ronald Moncrieffe, Milvain, T. G. Menzies, G. Manners, Nicol, F. A. Newdigate, G. Noel, T. W. Nussey, Charles Orde, R. A. Oswald, M. Oldroyd, J. C. O'Dowd, Oswald, Oppenheim, Arthur Oliphant, C. L. Orr-Ewing, J. L. Pattison, J. Balfour Paul, Paton, A. Peckover, Archibald Peel, Perks, J. Pender, J. Penn, Price, Powell, Paoli, Constantine Phipps[,] Charles Phipps, Leslie Probyn, B. Faudel-Phillips, Wilton Phipps, L. Faudel-Phillips, Joseph Pease, Pollock, Arthur Pease, Roland Protheroe, Walter Peace, J. M. Paulton, Platt-Higgins, Pennefather, Provand, Guy Pym , A. E. Pease, Godfrey Pearse, Algernon Peel, A. V. Pryor, Montagu Price, Phelips, John Ponsonby, Hussey Packe, Wyndham Portal, Henry Petre, Lort Phillips, H. W. Primrose, E. Parkes, Herbert Praed, Heber Percy, Quilter, J. Rankin, Renshaw, J. A. Rentoul, H. C. Richards, Read, T. Richardson, A. T. Phillips Roberts, Hugo von Ruffer, Alexander Ramsay, Alderman and Sheriff Ritchie, Richardson, Rebow, G. L. Ryder, G. A. Redford, G. W. E. Russell, H. J. H. Russell, Pandeli Ralli, John Rutherford, J. Rennell Rodd, Leopold Rothschild, T. W. RusseII, Forbes Robertson, Alfred Rothschild, Brooke Robinson, Edmund Robertson, Repton, James Round, Royds, Henry Raikes, Bowen Rowlands, J. D. Ryder, Sheriff Hargreaves Rogers, Skeffington Smyth, Augustus Spalding, H. H. Shaw, E. Strachey, J. Murray Scott, J. Stern, P. L. Sclater, R. Sassoon, W. Sidebottom, Abel Smith, Louis Sinclair, C. H. Seely, Lucas Shadwell, W. E. T. Sharpe, C. E. Shaw, E. B. Sparke, T. H. Sidebottom, Steward, Stibbert, H. Somerset, H. S. Samuel, J. P. Smith, Horace Seymour, A. H. Smith, H. M. Stanley, J. A. Swettenham, A. Spicer, Stevenson, J. H. Stock, J. Sturgis, H. C. Smith, C. J. Stewart, Leslie Stephen, T. Smith, Senhouse, Eames Storey, Christopher Sykes, H. Seton-Karr, Philip Somers-Cocks, T. Skewes-Cox, Shelley-Bontein, Salting, Leo Schuster, Smith, Arthur Sassoon, G. D. Smith, Shaw, Michael Shaw-Stewart, E. J. Stanley, Albert Sandeman, Scaramanga, Sant, F. Sutton, Dudley Smith, C. E. Tritton. W. E. M. Tomlinson, H. F. Tollemache, A. M. Torrance, Tarleton, Edward Tighe, Alma-Tadema, W. H. Wilson-Todd, P. Thornton, F. Taylor, Beerbohm Tree, Dan Tupper, Montagu Tharp, Abel Thomas, Algernon Turnor, Tudway, C. W. Trotter, H. J. Tennant, J. C. Thynne, H. D. Trelawny, C. E. Thynne, F. J. Thynne, Montagu Thorold, Tremayne, H. Graham Toler, John Taylor, A. J. R. Trendell, Tosti, Christopher Tower, T. Usher, A. Ure, T. Usborne, Chas van Raalte, Graham Vivian, R. C. de Grey Vyner, Hope Vere, F. E. Villiers, Von André, Venning, L. Van Loon, Van De Weyer, Val Prinsep, Walter, Thomas Wayman, Hwfa Williams, Cornwallis West, R. G. Webster, Sackville West, Wanklyn, A. S. Wiison, G. Fleetwood Wilson, A. F. Warr, F. W. Wilson, Piers Egerton Warburton, S. Wombwell, Weigall, Powell Williams, John Welby, Wingfleld, Whitbread, J. W. Wilson, Walton, D’Arcy Wyvill, Wodehouse, Wylie, A. Wilson, John Wilson, C. H. Wilson, Herbert Whiteley, Wynne, Lee Warner, W. West, G. Whiteley, Spencer Walpole, H. C. Woods, M.D., Deputy Inspector-General, Charles Wyndham, J. Humphrey Ward, F. Walker, Whateley, W. Woodall, Wyndham, Godfrey Webb, J. Welby, Charles Waldstein, H. Yorke,.[sic] and Yerburgh
  153. Mesdames[3] (4, Col. 7a–b) — Adair, A. H. Dyke Acland, Dyke Acland, Asquith, Alfred Austin, Adair, Evelyn Atherley, Ashton, Allhusen, Adeane, Alma-Tadema, Argles, Abdy, Agar, Antrobus, Alexander, Ascroft, Arkwright, Bowden-Smith, Browne, Barton, Bates, H. M. Biddulph, W. H. Bliss, Beresford, Ebrington Bissett, Bertier, R. P. Blennerlhasset, Brownrigg, Bridge, Cosmo Bevan, Rupert Beckett, Bradley, Birch-Reynardson, W. A. Baillie-Hamilton, Walter Baring, Bathurst, S.[?] B. Bancroft (actor "Bancroft and his wife accepted with becoming grace the congratulations with which they were well-nigh overwhelmed"[4] (5, Col. 6b)), H. R. Baird, Wolfe Barry, Beer, Barlow, Bischoffsheim, F. Bibby, Bigham, Butler, Bankes, W. Borsel, Duncan Baillie, Bagge, Burges, Butler, Brocklehurst, C. H. Babington, Bailey, H. A. Brassey, Barlow, F. Bevan, Tresa [?] Barry, F. C. Burnand, Charles Bagot, Wentworth Beaumont, Charles Balfour, Baxendale, Benson, Blundell, Bryce, C. G. O. Bridgeman, S. Buxton, A. Barry, Banbury, F. G. Barnes, Beaumont, D. P. Barton, W. W. Beach, A. C. Bruce, J. F. Bagot, J. Bailey, J. G. A. Baird, Birrell, Bolitho, Bonsor, Griffith-Boscawen, Boulnois [?], Bowles. F. F. Begg, C. Bill, Buchanan, Brookfield, A. H. Brown, Bell, E. Balfour, Baldwin, R. Benson, C. E. Buckle, Barnes, W. Burns, C. K. Burn, H. Churchill, Crutchley, Curzon, F. Cavendish-Bentinck, W. G. Cavendish-Bentinck, Chamberlain. W. Chetwynd, Dick-Cunynghame, Archibald Calvert, Creignton, Daniel Cooper, Calley, Cox, Kinloch Cooke, Rivett Carnac, C. Kinloch Cooke, Henry Pelham Clinton, Colston, Coghill, Castance, B. F. Clark, Cavaye, Consett, G. D. Clark, A. B. Crosbie, Clerk, Wilfrid Cripps, Chapman, Crawshay, F. Campbell. W. W. Carlile, Channing, Cayzer, F. S. W. Cornwallis, Armar Corry, Cory, Critchett, Craik, W. Campbell, Atkinson Clark, R. Cox, Cruddas, Cavendish, Shepherd Cross, Clive, Crombie, F. L. Cook, C. Tyrall Cavendish, Clifford Corry, Hastings Campbell, Cameron Corbett, Carter, Corroux, Chaloner, Cecil Chapiin, J. D. Campbell, W. A. Cockerell, Compton, D'Oyly Carte, Stanley Clark, Cazalet, Seymour Corkran, Chaine, Carson, Boyd Carpenter, Causton, W. Campbell, Codrington, F. L. Campbell, D. B. O. Campbell, Cuninghame, Stapleton Coton, Coventry, Crabbe, Close, Courtney, E. H. Cooper, Carnegy, Randall Davidson, A. Hay Drummond, G. De Plat Taylor, Dickson, Lawrence Drummond, Louis Davidson, Dicken, Denis Daly, Dalton, R. C. de Grey Vyner, Durnford, W. de Winton, Edwin de Lisle, de Arcos, Drummond, Darling, A. L. Douglas, Doxford, Thiselton Dyer, Vanghan Davies, Denny, Coningsby Disraeli, Geoffrey Drage, Davis, Dundas, R. Disraeli, Dicconson, J. de la Cour, G. Drummond, J. Diggle, Akers-Douglas, Digby, Dunne, Dalbiac, de Salis, C. S. Dickson, Domvile, Ellicott, Edwards, Ellison, C. B. Ewart, Edis, East, Eliot, Egerton, F. Elliot, Floyd, Fenwick, E. Farquhar, Barrington Foote, G. M. Farquhar, Farquarson of Invercauld, Almeric Fitzroy, Lancelot Farmer, FitzGeorge, G. H. Finch, Fenn, Wynne Finch, R. Fitzwilliam, Fanshawe, Fullerton, Fane, Hayes Fisher, Fellowes, Houston French, Arnold-Forster, Fardell, Field, W. H. Foster, H. S. Foster, Johnson Ferguson, Farmer, Fielden, Fison, Firbank, Bevill Fortescue, Farnham, H. Fludyer, S. W. Gore, F. R. Gosset, Gregory, C. C. Graham, Guy-Pym, John Gordon, Gooenough, Henry Graves, Gordon, Garfit [?], S. Gedge, Tyrell Giles, Gilliat, Godson, S. Hoffmung Goldsmid, Kendal Grimston, Goldsworthy, J. E. Gordon, Gunter, W. H. Grenfell, H. Grenfell, G. G. Gordon, Gurney, Goodden, F. Gore, S. Gordon, A Goldsmid, Scott Gatty, Walter Gibson, Gordon, Grant, Goelet, Gye, Gardner, Gladstone, Gore, Green, Goschen, A. Gosling, Hargreaves-Rogers, Staveley Hill, Hanbury. James Hope, Claude Hay, Heneage, Heseltine, E. Hope, Arthur Heath, Philip Henriques, C. D. Hohler, Hornyold, Carl Haag, Marcus Hare, Harford, Hardcastle, Holmes, Beresford Hope, Adrian Hope, Hanbury, Horner, Hammet, Hall, A. C. Howard, Halsey, Hardy, Heath, Hermon Hodge, Brodie Hoare, S. Hoare, H. Hobhouse, W. H. Hornby, G B. Hudson, Platt-Higgins, Hildyard, Lewis Hall, G. M. Hutton, G. Hutton, W. G. G. Hutchinson, Haweis, Hartmann, Higgins, John Hare, Hungerford, Humphreys-Owen, R. W. Hamilton, Hills, Hippisley, Herbert, Hatton, Henderson, Haggard, Hervey, J. Howard, H. Howard, Ian Hamilton, Gathorne-Hardy, Howard, Marcus Hare, Inglefield, Wootton Isaacson, Joicey, Jenkinson, Inigo Jones, Jackson, A. James, Cotton-Jodrell, Jacoby, Jebb, A. F. Jeffreys, Jessel, Brynmor Jones, Pryce Jones, J. E. Jameson, H. C. Jervoise, W. James, Atherley Jones, G. Johnstone, J. H. Johnstone, A. Kennard, Kearley, Kimber, Hegan Kennard, Kitching, Kennion [?], Kennison, Knowles, W. Kenny, Kennedy, Keeley, Kuhe, Kingston, Kilkelly, Colin Keppel, Hanning Lee, A. K. Loyd, Lyon, Long, Lane, Lucas, Lockwood, S. Leighton, Lecky, E. Lawrence, Lawrie, Luck, Lloyd. A. P. Lake, J. W. Lowther, Lowe, Lidderdale, Liddell, Lascelles, Luttrell, H. Lubbock, Leslie, Lucas-Shadwell, Laurier, Naylor Leyland, Langenbach, E. Law, Fairfax Lucy, Lockhart, Lewis, Maxwell-Lyte, F. A. Lucas, G. Manners, Beresford Melville, Morrell, Victor Milward, Marshall, Maclure, J. Maclean, M'Laren, M'Ewan, R. B. Martin, Marks, Markham, J. M'Calmont, F. W. Maude, Napier Miles, M’Neill, Max Muller, Meeking, Manvers Moorson, Arundel St. John Mildmay, Frederick Macmillan, Mount, Muntz, Murdoch, Wyndham Murray, W. J. Mure, Graham Murray, Montefiore, W. C. F. Molyneux, Newton Mant, Millett, Malet, Ashurst Morris, May, Maurice, Milvain, Marjoribanks, J. C. Macdona, Moorhouse, Muir Mackenzie, G. Moncrieff, J. Murray, Montgomery, Milbank, Bingham Mildmay, Mellor, C. Maude, T. G. Menzies, J. M'Donald, W. A. M'Arthur, M'Neile, M'N'eill, Campbell Munro, Mostyn, A. Milman, Majoribanks, Noel, H. F. Nicholson, F. Neville, Nicol, Nevul [?], Nugent, Newhouse, Oppenheim, M. Oldroyd, Charles Orde, H. H. Oldham, R. A. Oswald, Oswald. A. Oliphant, Oakley, J. L Pattison, Price, Perowne, Perks, Constantine Phipps, Peacocke [?], R. Prothero, Powell, Leslie Probyn, Pitman, Upton Prior, Lort Phillips, Primrose, Powlett, Pakenham, Peyton, Parkes, Wyndham Portal, Pipon, Pender, Phillpotts, Pollock, Montagu Price, Phellps, John Ponsonby, Fox Pitt, A. Peel, Aldrich Pelham, J. Pease, Poe, G. Pearse, A. Paget, A. Pease. N. G. Philips, Pirie [?], Dampier Palmer, F. Post, Pakenham, Paget, H. Parr, Wilton[?]-Phipps, Quilter, Rebow, J. C. Russell, Rolfe, Rutherford, I[?]. Richardson. James Ronand, Robins, Rennell Rodd, W. W. Russon[?], Alexander Ramsay, Robinson, J. Rennell Rodd, Redford, Harcourt Rose, Royds, H. Raikes, Carl Rosa, Ronalds, Arrnold Royle [? Royce?], Rice, Leopold Rothschild, Raikes, J. Rankin, Renshaw, F. Russell, Ricardo, Riddel, Robertson, G. Royle, Teignmouth [?] Shore, Sandeman, Stopford, Graham Smith, Salting, Brinsley Sheridan, Salmon [?], Salmond, Edgar Shephard, Sant. A. Sandeman, H. Seymour, H. S. Samuel, St. Clair, AbeI Smith, J. P. Smith, H. M. Stanley, A. Spicer, Stevenson, Swaine, Sullivan, J. H. Stock. E. B. Sparke, J. Sturgis, Louis Sinclair, H. Seton-Karr, Slade, J. Stern, Skefflngton Smyth, P. L. Slater, A. C. Stewart, R. Sassoon, C. Smith, E. Strachey, Napier Sturt, Steward, Eames Storey, Starkie, Senhouse, Bridgman Simpson, Seddon, T. Smith, Leslie Stephen, Settle, Scaramanga [?], Arthur Sassoon, L. Seymour, Shaw. R. F. Synge, T. Skewes-Cox, Stevenson, H. C. Smith, Sterling, T. H. Sidebottom, C. H. Seely, Shelley-Bontem [?], Sandford, Hawley Smart, Sergison [?], Frederick Slade, Scobell, Graves Sawle, Scott, Settle, Smith-Barry, Stewart, J. A. Swettenham, Surtees, Synge, Dudley Smith, Thomson, M. Thorold, H. Graham Toler [?], J. W. Taylor, Christopher Tower, Tosti, Temple, Beerbohm Tree, Dan Tupper, R. T. Thynne, Montagu Tharp, Trotter, Anstruther Thomson, Tupper, Taylor, C. E. Tritton, C. F. Anstruther Thomson, Edward Tighe, F. Taylor, Tillard, Tillbrook, Brook Taylor, Tudway, C. E. Thynne, J. C. Thynne, H. Thomas, Thwaites, Tarleton, A. Ure, Usher, R. Vivian, Val Prinsep, Edmund Vaughan, E. Villiers, C. van Raalte, Von André, Verschoyle, F. E. Villiers, Vance, Hope Vere, Villiers, Venning, Sackviile West, Whatman, Williams Wynn, Watson, Wharton, John Wilson, Williams, Stuart Wortley, Wood, C. H. Wilson, S. J. Way, Walton, H. Whiteley, G. Whiteley, Ellis Williams, Wilson, Weywan, E. F. Wodehouse, John Welby, Wray, Wickham, Whatley, Spencer Walpole, Hwfa Williams. J. Woodford, Charles Wyndham, Wingfield, Charles Wood, Lee Warner, Warre, Humphrey Ward, Wallis, Wilberforce, Wynne, J. Welby, Eardley Wilmot, A. S. Wilson, C. [?] E. Ward, Walter, Warner, R. G. Webster, Wells, Cornwallis-West, F. Charteris Wemyss, Yerburgh
  154. Misses[3] (5, Col. 7c – 6, Col. 1a) — Ascroft, Arnott, Alexander, Armytage (2), Adye [?] (2), Alison, Heathcoat-Amory, Austin (2), Aird (2), Archer-Houblon, Rosomond Anstruther, Adam (2), Arbuthnott, Akers-Douglas, Florence Anderson, Arkwright, Birch-Reynardson (2), Bradley, Bowden-Smith (2), Browne (2), Bromley-Davenport, Barker, Burrell (2), Berkeley, Berkeley (2), Beresford, Berens, Bertier, Baird (2), Brownrigg, Bates, Alice Bagot, Barne, Bartlett (2), Barnardiston (2), Birch, Bourke, Brassey (2), Browne (2), Bruce (2), Hicks-Beach (2), Biddulph (2), Mariot [?] Bayley, Mabel Brackenbury, Browne (2), Stapleton Bretherton [?] (2), Beryl Bradford, Banbury, Evelyne Burne, Bolitho, Bonsor, Beach, Biddulph, Bill, Brunner, Blackwood (2), Bandanaratke [?], Barran (2), Brodie (2), Brookfield, Brown, Barnes (2), Burns, Bowen (2), Buxton (2), Bellingham, Bailey (2), Brooke, Bell (2), Baxendale, Burdett, Mary Bulteel, Burges (2), Bevan, Brassey (2), Duncan Baillie (2), Braddon, Rhoda Broughton, Blyth (2), Baring, Bathurst (2), Blundell, Balfour, Freda Biddulph, Hilda Beaumont, Budgett, Bramwell, Butler, Crutchley (2), Culme-Seymour, Carleton, Chapiin [sic?] (2), Cockerell, Lilah Campbell, Boyd Carpenter (2), Cowell-Stepney, Lucia Creighton, Chrichton-Maitland, Leila Crichton, Campbell, Calvert, Ronald Campbell, Cooper (2), Cochrane, Clarke, Clowes (2), Stanley Clarke, Commerell, Colville, Cayzer, Crosse, Chaning (2), Cunliffe, Chetwode (2), Chetwynd (2), Corry, Clark, J. A. Campbell, Cameron, Colomb, Custance, Clive (2), Grace de Capell-Brooke, Cook, Vera Consett, Cooper, Campbell (2), Cockerell, Cecil, Carlisle, Cholmeley (2), Cruddas (2), Cox, Cowell, Causton, Cust (2), Cuffe, Chitty, Chamberlain (2), Crabbe (2), Edith Chaplin, Corbett, Cameron (2), Chaplin, Cholmondeley, Carden, Cotterell (2), Spencer Churchill, Corkran, Commerell, Edith Drummond, Sybil Dudley-Ward, Gladys Dalgety [?], Drummond (2), Duncombe (2), De Winton, De Trafford, De Perpigna, Dalrymple, Dashwood, Duncombe (2), Dawnay (2), Du Cane  (2), De Brienen (2), La Baronne de Friesen, La Baronne Sirtema de Grovestins [?], Mary Drummond, De Winton, Davey, Digby (2), Dowell, Marion Dunne, Du Chair, De Winton, Domvile [?], Douglas (2), Dunn, Doxford, Deverell, Drummond (2), Digby, Disraeli, Adelizs [?] Drummond, May Dundas, Dillon (2), Bevan Edwards (2), Evans (2), Ellison, Eliot (2), Ellicott, Gertrude Elliot, Egerton (2), Ellis (2), Edis (2), Ellaby, Egerton, Grey Egerton, East (2), Elphinstone (2), Rachel Erskine, Evelyn Ellis, Amelia Farquharson, Henrietta Farquharson, Foster, Farmer, Fielden (2), Fison, Fersuson of Pitfour (2), Fitzwilliam (2), Flower, Keith Falconer (2), Fenwick (2), Forwood (2), Farquharson of Invercauld (2), FitzClarence (2), Olga FitzGeorge, Ethel Fitz-Roy, Fergusson, Dorothy Ffolkes, Finch (2), Fanshawe, Flower, Fullerton (2), Feilding (2), Fardell (2), Fisher (2), Fowler (2), Frere (2), Fitz Gerald, Gold, Graves, Gibbs (2), Gregory, Gough-Calthorpe (2), Helen Gladstone, Goschen (2), Glyn, Godley (2), Gardiner, Gillian [?] (2), Gunter (2), Gilbey, Maud Grenfell, Hamilton Gordon, Gurrney Goodden, Goldsmid, Gardiner, Grant, Victona Grant-Duff, Goelet, Gosling, Gore, Gathorne-Hardy, Gordon (2), Hood (2), Heneage, M. Carew Hunt, Hare (2), Hay  (2), Hickman, Adrian Hope (2), Hare (2), Agnes Beresford Hope, Carl Haag, Hardcastle (2), Heseltine, Hare, Hope, Heron Maxwell (2), Halford (2), Hamilton (2), Hamilton, Howard (2), Hardy (2), Hay (2), Herbert Margaret Acland Hood, Mary Hope, Hill, Hemming (2), Jean Hotham, Hall, Harrison, Gladys Higginson, (Brydges) Henniker, Halsey (2), V. Hanson, (Stock) Hill (2), (Brodie) Hoare (2), Hoare (2), Houldsworth (2), Haig, Hart, Hervey, (Lewis) Hall, Harwood (2), Hutchinson, Hughes (2), Hooker, Hart-Dyke (2), Hervey-Bathurst (2), Louisa Heathcote, Howard, Dora Hanbury, Howard (2), Hornby (2), Satyendra Bala Tagore, Grace Jackson, Jolliffe (2), Helena James, Jenner, Joicey, Cotton-Jodrell, Jenkins (2), Johnstone, Jameson (2), Jessel, Jervoise, S. L. Johnstone, Keith-Falconer (2), Ker (2), Ethel Kenny, Kennedy, Kennard, King King, Kennard (2), Kitson (2), Kerr (2), Kimber, Kennaway (2), Nona Kerr, Keppel, Kemball, C. Lees, Lyson, Gore Lindsay, Linton (2), Lindley (2), Lubbock, Aline Lambton, Lambart (2), Liddell, Alice Loch, Lindsay, Lucas-Shadwell, Hanning Lee (2), Emily Loch, Larking, Leese, Llewelyn, Leighton (2), Lawrence (2), Lopes (2), J. Lawson, Laurie (2), Lyte (2), Lloyd (2), Lyall, Luttrell, Lockwood, Lister, Lidderdale (2), Violet Leigh, Liddell (2), Drury Lowe, Lewis (2), Loftus, Lindsay, Lyell (2), Aimee Lowther, l’Estrange, Graham Murray, Mellor (2), Milward, Monk (2), Maxwell (2), Massey-Mainwaring, Mackworth (2), Markham (2), Macdonald, More-Molyneux, Cicely Monson, Maclure, Lena Milman, Morris (2), Macnaghten, Mowatt (2), Margaret Muir MacKenzie, Murray, Mundella, Mowbray, Ethel Morris, Beatrice Mildmay, May Milbank, Evelyn Moreton, Magniac (2), Mackenzie, M'Clintock, Madden, MacGregor(2) Mount (2), Muntz, Murdoch, Mitford, Montagu (2), Mure, Menzies, Macpherson-Grant, Malet, Moseley (2), Meeking, Macgregor, Mary Moore, Montgomery, St. John Mildmay, Madden (2), Milman (2), Constance Maude, Martyn, Campbell Munro, Nevill (2),Noel (2), Nevill, Nicol, Neville, Nelson (2). Olpherts [?] (2), Oakley, Ogilvy, Humphreys Owen, V. A. Okeover, O’Brien (2), Linda Oppenheim, Phoebe Otway, Alina O'Shee, Anderson Pelham, Pole, Pereira, Peyton, Pattison, Orde Powlett, Powlett, Pelly (2), Perowne, Charlotte Probyn, Julia Ponsonby, Peekover, Peel (2), Penn, Peace, Baden Powell, Powell (2), Pease, Priestley, Palgrave, Post, Parker, Pease, Palmer, Packe (2), Alice Paget, Paget, Paget of Cranmore (2), [?] Phillips, Phipps, Cecilia Peel, Chandos Pole, Pollock Phellps, Parry, Ponsonby, Wilton Phipps, Quain, Quilter (2), Russell of Killowen(2), Ritchie (2), Robins, Sibyl Robertson, Round (2), Royds (2), Russell, Rebow, Jane Ryan, Ramsay, Ricardo (2), Rigby, Russell (2), Lucy Raikes, Rankin, Frances Rod, Beatrix Rice, Russell (2), K. Reiss, Ricardo, Smith, Stafford, Stevenson, Stopford (2), M. Seymour, Kay Shuttleworth [?] (2), Seymour (2), Shaw, Shaw-Stewart, Evelyn Starling[?], Maxwell Scott, Abel Smith, Sartorius (2), Maud S[?]hey, Stewart, Magaret Stanley, Dorrien Smith, Smith (2), [?]-Smith, Saurin, Salmond (2), Sandeman (2), Sant, Dudley Smith[?], Swaine, Stephenson (2), Stewart (2), Dora Stone, Sparkes, [Stanley?], Nita Houston Stewart, Lily Severn, Evelyn Stanley, [Sheppart?], Saumarez Smith, Truda Saunderson, Swinburne, [Sullivan?], Mabel Seymour, Shute, R. Sterling, Stern (2), Sar[?] (2), Sassoon (2), P. L. Sclater, Sparke, Smith (Clement), [Sanderson?], Hilda Stewart, Seddon (2), Shelley, Sprigg (2), [?] Stephen, Ruby Spencer Churchill, Rachel Smith, [?], Tremayne (2), Ellen Terry, Ethel Thomas, Muriel [?], Taylor, Mary Talbot, Tomlinson, G. le M. Tupper, [?], Ella Taylor, Thorold, Taylor (2), E. Tuson, Trelawny [?], Adela[?] Trefusis, Rachel Thynne, Tritton (2), Thomson (2), [?], Thesiger, Thynne, I. C. (2), Thynne (2), Thornton (2), [Temple?], Turner, Talbot, Thynne, Usher, Van de Weyer (2), [Vivian?] (2), Dorothy Villiers, Freda Villiers, Verschoyle, Van [der Byl?], Villiers, Venning, Hilda von Deichmann, Wood[ford?], Fleetwood Wilson, Eardley-Wilmot, Maud Walpole, [?hend?] Wilson, Wilson, Wilberforce, Warren (2), [W?vil?] (2), Wills (2), Warrender (2), Walrond (2), Wynd[ham?] (2), Webster (2), Watson, Wombwell, Whitehead (2), [W?Ieyer?] (2), Evelyn Wellesley, Cornwallis West, Whatman {2), [?] (2), Rachel Weigall, F. Walker, Smart Walker, Wood (2), de la Wood[?], Ward, Wilbraham, Wilberforce (2), Walker, Williams, [Workham?] (2), Yeatman
  155. Admirals of the Fleet [initial large caps, rest sm caps] — Earl of Clanwilliam, Lord John [Hay?], the Hon. Sir H. Keppel
  156. Admirals — H. G. Andoe, C. E. Buckle, Sir F. Bedford, Britten, the Hon. W. Carpenter, H. F. Cleveland, Sir H. Chads, Close, [?], Carr, E. J. Church, Sir W. Dowell, R. G. Douglas, A. L. [?], C. E. Domvile, A. T. Dale, D’Eyncourt, Field, Sir A. [Farquhar?], Fitzgerald, Fellowes, Fanshawe, Sir H. Fairfax, Sir [?] Fisher, C. J. Fane, Fullerton, the Hon. Sir E. Fremantle, [?] FitzGeorge, Woods Pasha, Sir W. Hunt-Grubbe, Sir Anthony [?] Hoskin, Lord Hood of Avalon, Sir Leopold Heath, Sir [?] [F.?] Hotham, Sir Algernon Heneage, R. H. Hamond, the Right Hon. Sir [J.?] Hay, St. G. C. D’Arcy Irvine, Jones, Kennedy, Sir A. [?s], A. P. Lake, R. M. Lloyd, Sir L. Loraine, A. H. Markham, [Sir?] R. More-Molyneux, Sir F. L. M'Clintock, Sir R. Macdonald, [the?] Hon. V. Montagu, Nicholson, Noel, Marquis of Northampton, Sir E. Ommaney [?], Sir Augustus Phillimore, A. T. Powlett, [?], [?. ?.] Rowley, Sir F. Richards, Lord Charles Scott, [? St.? John?], W. H. C. St. Clair, Bowden Smith, Sulivan, E. H. Sey[mour?], H. Stephenson, Sir Nowell Salmon, Sir W. Houston [Stewart?], Sir M. [Cuhne?]-Seymour, E. W. Turnour, E. W. Van[?] Wharton, Sir G. Willes, the Hon. W. J. Ward
  157. Captain, R.N. — W. A. D. Acland, C. J. Barlow, F. R. Board[?], H. Bainbridge, Hon. T. Brand, Bickford, Lord Charles [B?ford?], B. F. Clark, Colville, Carter, Hon. S. Cecil Colville, [?ford?], A. G. Douglas, Sir C. Domville, Hon. A. Hay Dru[?], [?] [W.?] [?] Gordon, Hammet, Hon. Curzon Howe, Hender[?], [?] Ingles, Jellicoe, Jephson, Johnstone, Jeffreys, H. C. [?], Hon. A. Littleton, Hon. Hedworth Lambton, Moore, May, [? Net?], Poe, Pipon [?], Aldrich Pelham, Alfred Paget, [Bi.idcl?], Rolleston, John Sinclair, Bridgeman Simpson, [?], Van Koughnet [?], Burges Watson, Eardley-Wilmot, [?ham, Winsloe, Hon. J. Yorke
  158. [Lieutenants???] — Anson, G. R. Bethell, Blair, Bayley, Cave[?], [?] Cave,Hon. Cecil Cadogan, de Salis, Fraser, Floyd, Hon. [?] [F?], Alaric Grant, Morgan, Moore, Marescaux, [?] Stuart, Tupper, Wells, Williams, G. J. S. Warrender
  159. [Lieutenants?] R.N. — Alton, Murray Aynsley, Boyle, Bather, [?], [R. F.?] Boyle, Chaytor, Sir Charles Cust, G. W. Davy, [?] Wyndham-Fiennes, Fair, Godfrey Faussett, Garforth, [L?]ord Clifford, Hopkinson, Henderson, Keyes, Keppel, [?] Lloyd, Majendie, Mitchell, Morant, Kerr-Pearse, [?] Richmond, Rae, Stewart, Hon. Victor Stanley, [?] [Calta?]-Seymoar, Trye, Thring, Hon. Cyril Ward, W[?], R. E. Wemyss, Woolcombe
  160. [Captain?] Trinity House, Sir J. Sydney Webbe
  161. [Field?] Marshall — Sir F. P. Haines, Sir Lintorn Simmons, Sir [?] Stewart, Lord Roberts of Kandahar, Viscount Wolseley
  162. [Generals?] —Sir J. Ardagh, Sir A. Alison, Sir H. J. Alderson, [?n] Annesley, J. Alleyne, Sir J. M. Adye, Sir C. G. [Arbuth?]not, Sir H. Havelock-Allan, R. Bateson, Sir W. F. [B?er, Sir H. Brackenbury, H. M. Bengough, the Right Hon. [?] Buller, Sir Owen Tador-Burne, H. J. Buchanan, Sir C. H. [Brown?low], Sir S. Browne, Sir M. Biddulph, Viscount Bridport, [?. O.?] Barnard, E. F. Chapman, Lord Clarina, C. F. Clery, the Hon. S. Gough-Calthorpe, E. H. Clive, Godfrey Clerk, Lord [Ch?]sford, the Hon. Sir Andrew Clarke, Sir E. Du Cane, Crutchley [?], Lord de Ros, Sir John Donelly, J. H. Dunne, Sir Martin Dillon, Sir Collingwood Dickson, Sir H. de Bathe, Davis, Sir F. de Winton, Sir T. Dennehy, Sir H. Ewart, Sir J. B. Edwards, C. B. Ewart, Cecil East, Arthur French, Sir T. Fitz-Wygram, the Hon. Sir P. Feilding, Sir T. E. Gallwey, Sir T. Goldsmid, Sir R. Gipps, Sir R. Grant, Sir F. W. Grenfell, Coleridge Grove, Goldsworthy, J. J. H. Gordon, Sir E. A. Holdich, Sir E. W. Higginson, Sir R. J. Hay, Sir R. Harrison, Julian Hall, Earl Howe, the Hon. W. Home, J. Jameson, Sir Arnold Kemball, Kelly-Kenay, Lord Mark Kerr, F. T. Lloyd, Sir D. Lysons, Sir Drury Lowe, G. Luck, J. W. Laurie, F. Marshall, the Hon. R. Monck, Crichton Maitland, Sir J. M'Neill, Montgomery, the Hon. S. Mostyn, G. Moncrieff, E. Markham, Sir W. A. Mackinnon, Bryan Milman [?], H. M’Calmont [?], M'Donnell, W. C. F. Molyneux, Lord [Methuen?], J. F. Maurice, Sir F. Middleton, O. H. Nicolls, Sir E. [?] Newdegate, Sir H. N[orman?], Sir W. Olpherts, F. Peyton [?], G. [?] Upton Prior, T. H. Pakenham, G. W. T. Rich, Lord [?der] Russell, Robinson, Rowlands, J. C. Russell, F. [Russell?], A. C. Stewart, Sir Henry Smyth, Sterling, Sir C. [?] Shute, N. Stevenson, Swaine, Lord William Seymour, [?] [Sahmond?], Sir Frederick Stephenson, Sir John Stokes, Sir R. [?], Sir H. B. Tuson, the Hon. R. A. J. Talbot, G. le M. [Tupper?], Taylor, Hon. C. Thesiger, R. T. Thynne, Upperton, [?]H. Utterson, Sir J. Watson, Sir C. W. Wilson, Sir F. F. Walker, Sir Evelyn Wood, Sir C. Warren, Albert Williams, the Hon. G. Wrottesley, Sir G. H. Willis, Sir H. Wilmot
  163. Colonels — Armytage, Arkwright, Pat Boyle, Burges, the Hon. [?] Byng, H. B. H. Blundell, M. S. Brownrigg, Sir E. Bradford, Sir A. [Blyge? Bigge?], the Hon. F. Bridgeman, Brassey, Lord William Beresford, St. John Barne, N. Barnardiston, Lord Blythswood, [?] Cunynghame, F. H. Custance, Clayton, Sir Henry Colville, [?] Carnac [?], Cavaye, Seymour Corkran, the Hon. Charles [?], W. Campbell, Chaloner, Archibald Calvert, the Hon. [?] Campbell, the Hon. Wenman C. Coke, the Hon. W. [?ton], the Hon. Sir W. Colville, Chaine, A. B. Crosbie, [T.?] [R?] Crosse, Lord Edward Pelham Clinton, the Hon. Henry [C?hton], E. H. Cooper, the Hon. H. Corry, John Clerk, Lord Dorchestcr, C. R. Dease, the Hon, Lewis Dawnay, [the?] Hon. H. Denison, Denny, Dalbiac, A. Davidson, the Hon. Cathbert Edwards, the Right Hon. Sir F. Edwards, [?son], R. Edis, the Hon. Charles Edgecumbe, Aubone Fife, [?], Wynne Finch, Ferguson of Pitfour, Forster, Lancelot [?r] H. Frudyer, Barrington Foote, Goldsmid, Gore, Grenfell, [?n], C. G. Gordon, R. Gunter, Alan Gardner, Hon. G. Gough, [?] [?iton], the Hon. A. Hood, the Earl of Home, Lord Claud [Hamilton?], Harford, Herbert, the Earl of Haddington, Haygarth, G. Hatton [?], Hillyard, Arthur Haig, Sir E. Stock Hill, R. Hennell, Archer Houblon [?], the Hon. Cospatrick Home, the Hon. C. Gathorne-Hardy, Johnstone, Cotton-Jodrell, Hegan, [H?nard], Sir N. Kingscote, H. A. Lascelles, the Hon. Heneage [L?], Hanning Lee, F. A. Lucas, the Hon. H. Lyttelton, Lockwood, L. V. Loyd, C. W. Long, Ronald Lane, Lucas, J. Leslie, the Hon. Caryl [?]Molyneux, John Murray, Sir A. W. Mackworth, J. M'Calmont [?], Milward, the Hon. F. C. Morgan, J. J. Mellor, Meeking, Manvers [?], Moorsom, H. Malet, the Earl of Mount Edgecumbe, the [Earl?] of March, Wyndham Murray, Sir V. Majendie, the Hon. G. [Napper?], H. H. Oldham, L. J. Oliphant, A. Paget, Dampier Palmer, [Earl?] Percy, George Paget, C. D. Patterson, Arthur Peel, [Birch?] [Richardson?], the Hon. F. W. Stopford, Sir W. G. Stirling, E J. [Sanderson?], T. M. Sandys, H. Smith, J. F. Sandeman, Renyon-[Surrey?], C. E Stewart, E. H. Sartorius, the Hon. Walter [Stewart?], L. Seymour, Settle, Stevenson, Starkie, C. H. Seafe, the Hon. Sir W. P. Talbot, J. Du Plat[?] Taylor, H. Thomas, A. W. [T?], the Hon. W. Ie Poer Trench, H. P. Vance, Sir C. E. Howard Vincent, M.P.; R. Vivian, A. P. Vivian, E. Villiers, the Duke of Westminster, the Earl of Wemyss, Lord Wantage, Ward, [Waring?], [Earle?] Welby, Lord Arthur Wellesley, Robert Williams, the Hon. H. L. Wood, Sir W. H. Walroud, F. Smart Walker, A. [Williams?] Wynn, Wardrop
  164. Majors — Anne, Atherley, Ashton, F. H. Bowles, the Hon. [?] R. Bourke, Carnegy, H. Candy, Close, the Hon. F. Colborue, the Hon. Wenman Coke, Lawrence Drummond, Alfred [Edgecombe?], G. Egerton, E. H. Elliot, the Hon. A. Henniker, J. [H?a?h], the Hon. Assheton Harbord, the Hon. North Dalrymple [Hamilton?], Jameson, Pryce Jones, Larnach, the Hon. Osbert [Lumley?], C. Little, Marindin, the Hon. J. Scott Napier, Wyndham Quin, F. C Rasch, the Hon. A. Sidney, the Hon. J. T. St. Aubyn, Sir Edgar Sebright, Stirling, T. E. M. Swinnington-Parkington, [?.] M. Temple, Tillbrook, Anstruther Thomson, [E.?] [L.?] Woodhouse, and the Marquis of Winchester
  165. Captains — O. Ames, J. Acland, Alan Boisragon, Bates, H. M. [Biddulph?], the Hon. Baring, Butler, the Hon. J. Byng, the Hon. [N.?] Yarde-Butler, E. W. Blunt, J. F. Bagot, the Hon. W. Bagot, Seymour Combe, W. Chetwynd, Dundas, Denis Daly, Cecil Drummond, M. Drummond, Ellison, Houston French, Gye, R. G. [Gilmour?], P. Green, W. G. Grice-Hutchinson, Ahmed Hussain, G. [L.?] Holford, Jessel, the Hon. W. Lambton, the Hon. G. H. [L?], Sir H. Naylor-Leyland, G. Lister, Matthews, A. D. Miller, [?],M. M'Neill, C. Norton, Phillpotts, N. G. Philips, Prety[man?], Duncan Pirie, Pitman, Fox Pitt, Petre, Harcourt Rose, [W.?] [J.?] Stopford, Sir Eyre Shaw, H. G. D. Shute, Spicer, the Hon. [?.] St. Aubyn, Sutton, Tillard, Webbe, Wray, and Gordon [Watson?]
  166. Lieutenants — Baun, A. Cowell, the Hon. E. C. Lennox, F. Ponsonby, J. Ponsonby, Vandeleur, the Hon. C. Willoughby, and the Hon. C. S. H. D. Willoughby


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"The Bands of the 1st Life Guards, Grenadier Guards, and Royal Artillery played a selection of music during the afternoon."[3] (4, Col. 2c)


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Quote Intro

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Notes and Questions

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  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 “The Queen’s Garden Party. Brilliant Scene at Buckingham Palace.” Globe 29 June 1897, Tuesday: 6 [of 8], Col. 3a–c [of 5]. British Newspaper Archive https://www.britishnewspaperarchive.co.uk/viewer/bl/0001652/18970629/050/0006. Print p. 6.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 "Jubilee Festivities. The Queen Again in London. Interesting Functions. A Visit to Kensington. The Garden Party." North British Daily Mail 29 June 1897, Tuesday: 5 [of 8], Col. 3a–7b [of 9]. British Newspaper Archive https://www.britishnewspaperarchive.co.uk/viewer/bl/0002683/18970629/083/0005. Print p. 5.
  3. 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 “The Queen’s Garden Party.” Morning Post 29 June 1897, Tuesday: 4 [of 12], Cols. 1a–7c [of 7] and 5, Col. 1a–c. British Newspaper Archive https://www.britishnewspaperarchive.co.uk/viewer/BL/0000174/18970629/032/0004 and https://www.britishnewspaperarchive.co.uk/viewer/bl/0000174/18970629/032/0005.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 “The Queen’s Garden Party. Buckingham Palace Grounds. A Brilliant Scene. The Queen’s Cup of Tea.” Daily News (London) 29 June 1897, Tuesday: 5 [of 10], Col. 6a [of 7] – 6, Col. 2a. British Newspaper Archive https://www.britishnewspaperarchive.co.uk/viewer/bl/0000051/18970629/021/0005. Print pp. 5–6.