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A bubbling cauldron of star birth is highlighted in this new image from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Harvard-Smithsonian CfA.
Welcome to the Wikiversity Institute of Astrophysics
Part of the School of Physics

In modern language the term Astronomy relates to making observations of universe and categorizing the objects seen. Consequently in modern language, Astrophysics is about understanding what the objects actually are and the role they play in our universe. Hence Astrophysics is about understanding the physical laws that govern said objects. See Astrophysics on Wikipedia for further information about the definition of the terms Astronomy and Astrophysics.

Astrophysics relies on all areas of physics to be completely understood. To obtain a degree in Astrophysics a student should have a good grasp of Mathematics (noteably Algebra and Calculus). Also necessary to making progress is a good foundation in fundamental Physics (Newtonian Mechanics, Optics, Electromagnetism, Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, Nuclear Physics), and if any progress is to be made uniting gravity with the quantum world, then understanding Particle Physics is the next step for Astrophysicists to make.

Additional recommended knowledge lies in Computer programming, Chemisty and Geology.


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In terms of the framework of an ordinary University, a student must complete a set amount of credits in order to be awarded with a degree. Similarly, students are also required to meet a certain amount of credits per year in order to progress from one year to the next. In an online free-form university such as this, such a notion of obtaining the requisite number of credits for being awarded a degree is a difficult concept. As such, the following can only serve as a guideline; this curriculum will mimic that of an ordinary university.

(the following is a work in progress and will be clarified as the department evolves)

Level 1

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Level 2

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Level 3

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Postgraduate & Research

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Learning resources

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Please feel free to create courses and learning projects. Be bold!


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Inactive participants

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See also

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{{Radiation astronomy resources}}