Motivation and emotion/Lectures/Videos

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Videos used in motivation and emotion lectures

This page lists videos used in Motivation and emotion lectures.

Some other videos are used in the tutorials.

Plus emerging academics (aka "students") create 3 min. multimedia presentations about specific topics which are listed at the top of each Motivation and emotion book chapter page.

  1. What is motivation? The "person-in-the-street" impression of motivation is often that motivation is the conscious focusing and channeling of personal energy towards achieving specific goals such as physical effort for fitness or sporting performance. This is one aspect of motivation, such as depicted in this "motivational" video which inspires us to put aside inner excuses and self-doubts, to push on through difficulty, and strive towards challenging goals: The ultimate motivational clip - Rise and shine! (YouTube) (3:24 mins). What's your favourite motivational video?
  1. The Power of Motivation: Crash Course Psychology #17 (CrashCourseYoutube) (11:19 mins)
  2. This video explores some of the reasons behind why are approaching the assessment this way: A vision of students today (Youtube)
  1. These videos explain the basic concept of a wiki and the purpose of the Wikipedia project:
  1. Your brain is more than a bag of chemicals (David Anderson, 2013, TED talk, 16 mins)
  2. Hormones of hunger: Leptin and ghrelin (Corporis, 2019, Youtube, 9:33 mins)

This video explains the psychological ingredients for harnessing motivation in the workplace:

This video discusses that most of us thrive by making constant progress and feeling a sense of purpose - about attitudes and meaning in our work.

This video provides an example of one of the main type of implicit motive - the need for power:

The video argues against the conventional wisdom of making your goals public because when you do, you get a sense of (false) satisfaction:

This video from a motivational guru argues for putting everything aside to achieve one goal in 24 hours:

This video humorously describes a replication of the infamous "marshmallow" experiment - those who can resist temptation tend to have better long-term outcomes:

This video argues for turning around our thinking about stress and how it can be good for us:

  • How to make stress your friend (Kelly McGonigal, TED talk, 2013 (11:51/14:29 min) (Start at 1:32 - "Let me start with the study that made me rethink my whole approach to stress" and End at 13:21 - "Thank you")

The video explains the work of Paul Ekman in codifying the intricate ways in which emotions are revealed through facial expressions:

This video shows the trailer for a TV series about lie detection through analysis of facial expression and body language:

  • Lie to me - Promo 2 (2:01 min video about TV series focusing on lie detection through facial expression / body language)

This video provides a more detailed discussion about how to tell when someone is lying:

This video explores and demonstrates what is becoming "emotionally" possible for robots:

This video explores the (somewhat surprising) ingredients for happiness according to psychology studies: