Motivation and emotion/Lectures/Brain and physiological needs

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Lecture 03: Brain and physiological needs
This is the third lecture for the motivation and emotion unit of study.


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This lecture:

  • explains the role of brain structures, neurotransmitters, and hormones in regulating motivational drives
  • discusses physiological needs, particularly thirst, hunger, and sexual motivation

Take-home messages:

  • The brain is as much about motivation and emotion as it is about cognition and thinking
  • We underestimate how powerful biological urges can be as motivational forces when we are currently not experiencing them


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Motivated and emotional brain

  • Neuroscience
  • Brain structures
  • Subcortical
    • Reticular formation
    • Amygdala
    • Reward centre
    • Basal ganglia
    • Hypothalamus
  • Cortical
    • Insula
    • Prefrontal cortex
    • Orbitofrontal cortex
    • Ventromedial PFC
    • Dorsolateral PFC
    • Anterior cingulate cortex
  • Bidirectional
    • Neurotransmitters
    • Dopamine
    • Serotonin
    • Norepinephrine
    • Endorphins
  • Hormones
    • Cortisol
    • Oxytocin
    • Testosterone
    • Ghrelin (Part B)
    • Leptin (Part B)

Brain app

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Install this free app to explore the location and function of important brain structures:

  1. 3D Brain (Google Play)
  2. 3D Brain (Apple Store)


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  1. Chapter 03: The motivated and emotional brain (Reeve, 2018)
  2. Chapter 04: Physiological needs (Reeve, 2018)


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See also

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Book chapters


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Saper, C. B., & Lowell, B. B. (2014). The hypothalamus. Current Biology, 24(23), R1111–R1116.
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