Dominant group/Journals

The two-word term dominant group appears to occur most often in articles within periodicals (or journals), conference proceedings, and least often in books. Although the earliest occurrence so far is within a book published in 1826. Relative synonyms for the term have been discovered as far back as 1780: "For the impression of the commercial arts is often conspicuous in the upper departments of life, before it reaches those of inferior condition; but the circle gradually widens."[1] Bold added. And, another, “die Dominanten Religionen von ganz Europa”[2] occurs in 1726. Bold added.
This learning resource focuses on those most recent periodicals that include the term in an article, possibly discuss the term in some way, or directly focus research on the term. Initially, discovering at least one use of the term places the journal on the list, but including those that do not, perhaps versus impact factor, may be important.
The objective is to determine through research the category of periodicals most likely to publish or desire to publish an article about the term dominant group.
As the answer to the search is unknown, this learning resource is an exploratory research effort. It is conceded from the beginning that there is in all likelihood at least one expert somewhere who probably knows from experience the best journal within which to publish such an article on dominant group and in fact the funding agency most able to provide publication costs, at the minimum.
Ultimately, interviews with authors who have used and continue to use the term dominant group in their articles may be necessary.
[edit | edit source]The term patrician class seems to be the earliest relative synonym for dominant group.
"According to Livy, the first 100 men appointed as senators by Romulus were referred to as "fathers" (patres),[3] and the descendants of those men became the Patrician class.[4] The patricians were distinct from the plebeians because they had wider political influence, at least in the times of the Republic."[5]
Romulus may not have been a human, but something in the sky used by a group of humans to make themselves into a ruling class, or by using religion to reinforce their dominance over others.
[edit | edit source]That dominant group occurs in at least one journal has been demonstrated. That dominant group occurs at least once in almost every journal is possible with about 71,550 occurrences of the two-word term in the scholarly literature. Although its frequency in any subject is low (usually less than 3 % of the articles), its frequency across subjects is not a constant, and it may be picked up by data mining search engines looking for relevant terms.
Def. "the science and practice of term evaluation"[6] is called onometrics.
"Since onometrics adds rationality to the evaluation of terms, we can eliminate much of the same subjectivity (in the form of personal taste, personal connotations, ego, etc.) which all science seeks to avoid."[6]
"In formal metrics, as in any scientific approach, clear and precise definitions are crucial."[6]
"The ... field ... is the scientific or technological field of the object. ... [F]or onometrics it is terminology science' and ultimately language science or linguistics."[6]
Def. "a terminological approach in which first a concept is given and then its name or names are sought"[6] is called onomantics.
Def. "anything artificially produced (by man), including not only tangible objects and substances but intangibles such as services, procedures, programs, plans, and ideas"[6] is called an artifact.
Here is the key question: Is dominant group in context "selecting and using good terminology."[6]
Term-evaluating criteria:[6]
- Accuracy
- Precision - Semantics
- Descriptiveness
- Unequivocalness
- Mononymy
- Appropriate Register - Vocality
- Precedent
- Conciseness - Efficiency
- Appropriate Simplicity
- Form Correctness - Morphology
- Etymological Purity
- Derivability
- Inflectability - Uniformity
- Series Uniformity
- Acceptability - Diction
- Euphony - Phonetics
- Pronounceability.
"[N]aming often involves finding a satisfactory balance among conflicting criteria."[6]
[edit | edit source]"Negative emotions in the dominant group, such as anger and guilt, were neither central nor salient in justifying the apology."[7]
"Racist assaults characteristically involve members of a dominant group speaking or acting against members of ethnic or religious minority groups."[8]
"The first form of stigmatization is poverty, which occurs when the dominant group is able to monopolize the highest social positions in terms of power, social prestige and material advantage."[9]
"The majority population was the dominant group, responsible for the process of doing and saying as actors and sayers."[10]
Technical Communication Quarterly
[edit | edit source]International Journal of Intercultural Relations
"This strategy attempts to achieve the goals of empowering of members of the minority group and helping the dominant group develop new insights into their ambivalence and power orientation (Maoz & Bar-On, 2000)."[11]
Citizenship Studies
"The same pattern also persisted in Rome from its founding until the sixth century BC (753-510 BC), when the king was overthrown and driven out of the city. This upheaval was apparently related to the rise of a patrician class which owned the means of warfare."[12]
The Slavonic and East European Review
"The dervish sees the treatment of his brother as an insult to his honour and position and manages to topple the local officialdom, but he cannot overcome the solidarity of the patrician class. First he is disgraced by a campaign of rumours and then he is crushed."[13]
[edit | edit source]Applied Soil Ecology
Aquatic Toxicology
Biochemical Systematics and Ecology
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers
Ecological Modelling
Environmental Pollution
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science
Journal of Environmental Management
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology
Journal of Great Lakes Research
Journal of Marine Systems
Journal of Microbiological Methods
Limnologica - Ecology and Management of Inland Waters
Marine Pollution Bulletin
"All nematode trophic groups were present in the investigated birch forests, with bacteriovores being the dominant group, followed by plant-parasitic nematodes, fungal feeders, root-fungal feeders, omnivores and predators."[14]
Remote Sensing of Environment
Research in Microbiology
Soil Biology and Biochemistry
Water Research
[edit | edit source]International Business Review
Journal of Banking & Finance
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
Journal of Macroeconomics
Journal of Public Economics
Labour Economics
[edit | edit source]International Journal of Educational Development
The Journal of Negro Education
Teaching and Teacher Education
"Today's “mugwumps” are not defending a declining patrician class, but are pushing an orthodoxy that is fundamentally anti-intellectual, in the name, of course, of educational improvement."[15]
[edit | edit source]Journal of Asian and African Studies
[edit | edit source]Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics
Human Development
[edit | edit source]Acta Agrophysica
"All the species were in the eudominant group and the most numerously collected was Dalopius marginatus (D = 50.0%)."[16]
Food Chemistry
Food Control
Scientia Horticulturae
[edit | edit source]Journal of Transport Geography
[edit | edit source]Chemical Geology
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research
Marine Geology
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
Health care
[edit | edit source]Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Basis of Disease
European Journal of Radiology
FEMS Immunology & Medical Microbiology
Journal de Mycologie Médicale / Journal of Medical Mycology
Seminars in Fetal and Neonatal Medicine
Social Science & Medicine
[edit | edit source]The American Historical Review
"This allows him to address the culture of these two institutions, which for him represent the competing approaches to medicine in the period. As with his earlier work, Lawrence asserts the influence of elite hospital physicians—or a patrician class—on the faculty and hospital."[17]
[edit | edit source]Computers and the Humanities
"However, for reasons not clear to me, they are not uncomfortable sharing the company of people who have yet to publish a grand synthesis or to edit an important text, or otherwise establish themselves in the dominant group."[18]
Human Development
"Berry and his colleagues suggest that the assimilation strategy occurs when the individual decides not to maintain his or her cultural identity by seeking contact in his/her daily interaction with the dominant group."[19]
International Critical Thought
"The effect of this structure was that executive power in Rome was always held by a member of the slave-owning patrician class."[20]
Journal of Medical Humanities
"It is often the group that is being assailed through medical categorization that makes the point that they are oppressed, subjected to the violence of the dominant group."[21]
Medical Humanities
"But more often, difference is identified as a negative deviation from the norms of a dominant group."[22]
[edit | edit source]Clinical linguistics & phonetics
International Journal of Bilingualism
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research
Materials science
[edit | edit source]International Journal of Multiphase Flow
Materials Chemistry and Physics
[edit | edit source]Journal of Proteomics
[edit | edit source]Cretaceous Research
Gondwana Research
Quaternary International
[edit | edit source]Political science
[edit | edit source]Political Studies (2012)
Scandinavian Political Studies
[edit | edit source]The psychology of groups as well as meaning often includes discussions of a dominant group.
Acta Psychologica (1997)
Advances in Experimental Social Psychology (2005)
American Behavioral Scientist (1984)
American Journal of Community Psychology
American Journal of Orthopsychiatry
American Psychologist (2001)
Animal Behaviour (2012)
Antipode (2012)
Applied Animal Behaviour Science
Applied and Preventive Psychology (1994)
Asian Journal of Social Psychology (2012)
"[T]he dominant group of Malay had higher in-group indispensability, more strongly endorsed an inclusive national representation, had stronger ethnic and national identification, and a stronger association between both identifications."[23]
Australian Journal of Psychology (1986)
Brain and Language (1978)
British Journal of Management (2012)
British Journal of Social Psychology (2006)
Children and Youth Services Review (2007)
Cognitive Psychology (1992)
Current Directions in Psychological Science (2007)
European Economic Review (2011)
European Journal of Social Psychology (2005)
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations (2003)
International Journal of Intercultural Relations (2011)
International Journal of Psychology (2000)
International Migration
Journal of Abnormal Psychology
Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology
Journal of Applied Social Psychology (2012)
Journal of Business and Psychology
Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology
Journal of Consumer Psychology (1995)
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology (2012)
Journal of Humanistic Psychology (1989)
"When an illiterate peasant claims to be powerless, Freire wants to know how this was learned and whether it is really true or merely an untested myth promoted by the dominant group, which the peasant has incorporated."[24]
Journal of Organizational Behavior (2012)
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (2008)
Journal of Research in Personality
Journal of Social Psychology (2002)
Journal of Vocational Behavior (2012)
Mis Quarterly (1996)
Negotiation Journal (2002)
Nursing Inquiry (2012)
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes
Personality and Individual Differences (2005)
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin (2004)
Political Psychology (2012)
Psychological Review (2008)
Psychological Science (2000)
Social Psychology of Education (2001)
Social Psychology Quarterly (1980)
Social Science & Medicine (2011)
Socio-Economic Planning Sciences (2010)
Theory and Psychology (1999)
Trends in Cognitive Sciences (2008)
Women's Studies International Forum (2007)
[edit | edit source]Journal of Rural Studies
[edit | edit source]Journals and periodicals are included under semantics when an article is published dealing with semantics and dominant group. These include possible publication of an article about the term dominant group.
European Journal of International Relations
International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education
Journal of Semantics: according to a Google scholar search this journal has never published any article containing the term dominant group.
Journal of Web Semantics: none.
Natural Language Semantics: none.
The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease
[edit | edit source]American Journal of Economics and Sociology (2012)
Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy (2012)
Children and Youth Services Review
Disability, Handicap & Society
European Journal of Political Research
Journal of Health and Social Behavior
Journal of Social Issues (2012)
Journal of Urban Affairs (2012)
Law and Social Inquiry (2012)
Sociology Compass (2012)
Tourism Management
Transforming Anthropology (2012)
[edit | edit source]Information Sciences
New Biotechnology
Telecommunications Policy
Telematics and Informatics
[edit | edit source]Terminology - zero articles contain the two-word term dominant group.
Data summaries
[edit | edit source]Subject Area | Journal | Synonym for dominant group | Number of occurrences | Impact factor | Open access (Y,N) |
Culture | International Journal of Intercultural Relations | dominant group | ~400 | 1.054 | Y |
Education | The Journal of Negro Education | dominant group | ~400 | ||
Education | The Journal of Teacher Education | dominant group | ~400 | ||
Psychology | Adolescence | dominant group | ~400 | ||
Psychology | Advances in Experimental Social Psychology | dominant group | ~400 | ||
Psychology | American Journal of Community Psychology | dominant group | ~400 | ||
Psychology | American Journal of Orthopsychiatry | dominant group | ~400 | ||
Psychology | British Journal of Social Psychology | dominant group | ~400 | ||
Psychology | Group Processes & Intergroup Relations | dominant group | ~400 | ||
Psychology | International Journal of Psychology | dominant group | ~400 | ||
Psychology | International Migration | dominant group | ~400 | ||
Psychology | Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology | dominant group | ~800 | ||
Psychology | Journal of Personality and Social Psychology | dominant group | ~800 | ||
Semantics | Nature | dominant group | ~1000 | ||
Semantics, Psychology | Cognitive psychology | dominant group | ~400 | ||
Sociology | American journal of Sociology | dominant group | ~400 | ||
Sociology | Journal of Health and Social Behavior | dominant group | ~400 | ||
Sociology | Journal of Social Issues | dominant group | ~800 | ||
Sociology | The Sociological Quarterly | dominant group | ~400 |
[edit | edit source]- Finding an appropriate journal for an article about dominant group may be harder than finding out what dominant group is.
See also
[edit | edit source]References
[edit | edit source]- ↑ James Dunbar (1780). Essays on the History of Mankind in rude and cultivated ages. London: Printed for W. Strahan. pp. 399. Retrieved 2012-02-15.
- ↑ Johann Jacob Scheuchzer; Anton L. Keller; Moritz Anton Cappeller (1726). Lucerna Lucens Alethophili: Eines Catholischen Priesters Schreiben An Aretophilum Seinen lieben Freund und Mit-Capitularen. Frenstadt. pp. 128. Retrieved 2012-04-10.
- ↑ Kenny Zeng, 2007, A History Of Ancient and Early Rome
- ↑ Livy, Ab urbe condita, 1:8
- ↑ "Patrician (ancient Rome), In: Wikipedia". San Francisco, California: Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. February 21, 2013. Retrieved 2013-03-01.
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 Charles T. Gilreath (March 1993). Richard Alan Strehlow and Sue Ellen Wright. ed. Onometrics: The Formal Evaluation of Terms, In: Standardizing Terminology for Better Communication: Practice, Applied Theory, and Results. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: American Society for Testing and Materials. pp. 75-94. Retrieved 2012-06-25.
- ↑ Martha Augoustinos; Brianne Hastie; Monique Wright (September 2011). "Apologizing for historical injustice: Emotion, truth and identity in political discourse". Discourse & Society 22 (5): 507-31. Retrieved 2012-06-26.
- ↑ Donna L. Lillian (November 2007). "A thorn by any other name: sexist discourse as hate speech". Discourse & Society 18 (6): 719-40. Retrieved 2012-06-26.
- ↑ Antonio Sérgio Alfredo Guimarães (March 2003). "Racial Insult in Brazil". Discourse & Society 14 (2): 133-51. Retrieved 2012-06-26.
- ↑ Karmen Erjavec (November 2001). "Media Representation of the Discrimination against the Roma in Eastern Europe: The Case of Slovenia". Discourse & Society 12 (6): 699-727. Retrieved 2012-06-26.
- ↑ S Steinberg; D Bar-On (2002). "An analysis of the group process in encounters between Jews and Palestinians using a typology for discourse classification". International Journal of Intercultural Relations. Retrieved 2015-03-02.
- ↑ Engin F. Isin (1997). "Who is the new citizen? Towards a genealogy". Citizenship Studies 1 (1): 115-32. doi:10.1080/13621029708420650. Retrieved 2013-07-06.
- ↑ Thomas J. Butler (October 1974). "Literary Style and Poetic Function in Meša Selimović's The Dervish and Death". The Slavonic and East European Review 52 (129): 533-47. doi:10.2307/4206946. Retrieved 2013-07-06.
- ↑ Marek Renčo; Václav Čermák; Andrea Čerevková (January 1, 2012). "Composition of soil nematode communities in native birch forests in Central Europe". Nematology 14 (1): 15-25. doi:10.1163/138855411X575430. Retrieved 2012-06-26.
- ↑ Joan Wallach Scott (November/December 1991). "The Campaign against Political Correctness: What's Really at Stake?". Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning 23 (6): 30-43. doi:10.1080/00091383.1991.9940592. Retrieved 2013-07-06.
- ↑ Krzysztof Pawlęga (2006). "Degree of maintenance of wet habitat in the Kozłowiecki Landscape Park and the occurring community of click-beetle (Coleoptera: Elateridae)". Acta Agrophysica 7 (2): 461-5. Retrieved 2012-06-26.
- ↑ K Waddington (February 2007). "Christopher Lawrence. Rockefeller Money, the Laboratory, and Medicine in Edinburgh, 1919-1930: New Science in an Old Country. (Rochester Studies in Medical History.) Rochester, N.Y.: University of Rochester Press. 2005. Pp. viii, 373/ $85.00.". The American Historical Review 112 (1): 277-8. doi:10.1086/ahr.112.1.277. Retrieved 2013-07-06.
- ↑ Patrick W. Conner (June 1992). "Networking in the Humanities: Lessons from ANSAXNET". Computers and the Humanities 26 (3): 195-204. Retrieved 2013-07-06.
- ↑ S. Bhatia; A. Ram (2001). "Rethinking 'Acculturation' in Relation to Diasporic Cultures and Postcolonial Identities". Human Development 44: 1-18. doi:10.1159/000057036. Retrieved 2013-07-06.
- ↑ William Paul Cockshott; Karen Renaud (2013). "Information Technology: Gateway to Direct Democracy in China and the World". International Critical Thought 3 (1): 76-97. doi:10.1080/21598282.2013.761448. Retrieved 2013-07-06.
- ↑ Jeffrey P. Bishop (March 2008). "Rejecting medical humanism: Medical humanities and the metaphysics of medicine". Journal of Medical Humanities 29 (1): 15-25. doi:10.1007/s10912-007-9048-7. Retrieved 2013-07-06.
- ↑ Claire Hooker; Estelle Noonan (2011). "Medical humanities as expressive of Western culture". Medical Humanities 37 (2): 79-84. doi:10.1136/medhum-2011-010120. Retrieved 2013-07-06.
- ↑ Maykel Verkuyten; Aqeel Khan (June 1, 2012). "Interethnic relations in Malaysia: Group identifications, indispensability and inclusive nationhood". Asian Journal of Social Psychology 15 (2): 132-9. doi:10.1111/j.1467-839X.2012.01374.x. Retrieved 2012-06-26.
- ↑ Maureen O'Hara (Winter 1989). "Person-Centered Approach as Conscientizacao The Works of Carl Rogers and Paulo Freire". Journal of Humanistic Psychology 29 (1): 11-35. doi:10.1177/0022167889291002. Retrieved 2015-03-02.
Further reading
[edit | edit source]- Charles T. Gilreath (March 1993). Richard Alan Strehlow and Sue Ellen Wright. ed. Onometrics: The Formal Evaluation of Terms, In: Standardizing Terminology for Better Communication: Practice, Applied Theory, and Results. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: American Society for Testing and Materials. pp. 75-94. Retrieved 2012-06-25.
External links
[edit | edit source]- African Journals Online
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- Google Books
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- NCBI All Databases Search
- Office of Scientific & Technical Information
- PsycNET
- Questia - The Online Library of Books and Journals
- SAGE journals online
- The SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System
- Scirus for scientific information only advanced search
- SpringerLink
- Taylor & Francis Online
- Wiley Online Library Advanced Search
- Yahoo Advanced Web Search
{{Anthropology resources}}{{Archaeology resources}}{{Dominant group}}
{{Income}}{{Terminology resources}}