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Feedback template for the topic development exercise for motivation and emotion. Transclude on a chapter talk page.

Simple example

Simple example

[edit source]

See also detailed example

<!-- Official topic development feedback -->
<!-- Title -->
<!-- Headings -->
<!-- Overview -->
<!-- Key points-->
<!-- Figure -->
<!-- Learning feature -->
<!-- References -->
<!-- Resources -->
<!-- User page -->
<!-- Social contribution -->


The topic development submission has been reviewed according to the marking criteria. Written feedback is below, plus see the general feedback page. Please also check the page history for changes made whilst reviewing the chapter plan. Responses to this feedback can be made by starting a new section below and/or contacting the reviewer. Marks are available via UCLearn. Marks are based on the latest version before the due date.

-- Jtneill - Talk - c 04:42, 17 August 2024 (UTC)

Detailed example

[edit source]

Example use of the template which includes commonly used feedback comments:

<!-- Official topic development feedback -->
<!-- Title -->
# The title and sub-title are correctly worded and formatted
# The title and/or sub-title were not correctly worded and/or formatted (fixed)
# User name removed from the page. Authorship is as per [[Special:History/{{PAGENAME}}|the page's edit history]].
<!-- Headings -->
# See earlier comment about [[#heading casing|heading casing]]
# Excellent – Well developed 2-level heading structure. Meaningful headings clearly relate directly to the core topic.
# Promising 2-level heading structure – could benefit from further development and/or refinement
# Basic, 2-level heading structure – could benefit from further development (expand)
# Basic, 1-level heading structure – could benefit from further development, perhaps using a 2-level structure (i.e., including subheadings)
# Under-developed, 1-level heading structure – develop further, perhaps using a 2-level structure for larger section(s) (i.e., including subheadings)
# Overly complicated 3-level structure – consider simplifying
# Revise heading structure to place less emphasis on background concepts and more emphasis on the target topic. The draft headings place too much emphasis on background concepts and too little on the relationship between the concepts.
# Messy heading structure – needs work (see [[Motivation and emotion/Tutorials/Wiki editing|Tutorial 2]])
<!-- Alignment with focus questions -->
# Excellent alignment between sub-title, focus questions, and heading structure
# Very good alignment between sub-title, focus questions, and heading structure, but there may be room for improvement
# Reasonably good alignment between focus questions and heading structure, but aim for closer alignment
# Basic alignment between between sub-title, focus questions, and top-level headings. Aim to improve.
# Develop closer alignment between sub-title, focus questions, and top-level headings
<!-- Other --->
# Aim for 3 to 6 top-level headings between the Overview and Conclusion, with up to a similar number of sub-headings for large sections
# The Overview and Conclusion should not have sub-headings
# Use default heading formatting (i.e., avoid bold, italics, underline, changing the size etc.)
# Avoid having sections with only 1 sub-heading – use 0 or 2+ sub-headings
# "Introduction" heading isn't necessary. Provide this information in Overview or move into subsequent sections.
# Cover definition(s) in the Overview and/or subsequent sections with embedded inter-wiki link(s) to further information.
# Case study doesn't need a separate heading; instead embed case study within relevant sections
# Quiz doesn't need a separate heading; instead embed quiz questions within relevant sections
# Check grammar (e.g,. missing question mark)
# Remove [[wikit:acronym#Noun|acronym]]s from headings
# Remove citations from headings
<!-- Overview-->
# Excellent – Scenario, image, evocative description of the problem/topic, and focus questions
# Very good
# Good
# Basic
# Insufficient
# Does this section include [[Motivation and emotion/Assessment/Using generative AI|genAI content]]? If so, it needs to be acknowledged as such in the edit summaries, otherwise it violates academic integrity.
# Hasn't been developed – Needs scenario, image, evocative description of the problem/topic, and focus questions
<!-- Scenario -->
# A scenario or case study is presented in a feature box with an image at the start of this section
# A scenario or case study is presented in a feature box at the start of this section
# Add an image to the scenario to help attract reader interest
# Move the scenario or case study into a feature box (with an image) to the start of this section to help catch reader interest
# A scenario or case study is planned
# Add a scenario or case study in a feature box (with an image) at the start of this section to help catch reader interest
<!-- Description -->
# A brief, evocative description of the problem/topic is provided
# A brief, evocative description of the problem/topic is planned
# Simplify/abbreviate the description of the problem/topic. Move detail into subsequent sections.
# Add a brief, evocative description of the problem/topic
# Use present, rather than future, tense
# Use 3rd person perspective (except 1st/2nd person can work for feature boxes/scenarios)
<!-- Focus questions -->
# Focus questions are aligned with sub-title and top-level headings
# Reasonably good alignment between focus questions and heading structure, but consider closer alignment
# Closer alignment between the sub-title, focus questions, and top-level headings is recommended
# Open-ended focus questions are usually better than closed-ended (e.g., yes/no) questions
# Use single- rather than double-barrelled focus questions
# Use bullet-points (see [[Motivation and emotion/Tutorials/Wiki editing|Tutorial 02]])
# Present focus questions in a feature box at the end of this section
<!-- Key points-->
# Excellent – key points are well developed for each section
# Promising development of key points
# Basic development of key points
# Partial development of key points
# Insufficient development
# No development
<!-- Citations -->
# Excellent use of citations
# Very good use of citations
# Good use of citations
# Basic use of citations
# Insufficient use of citations
<!-- Theory and research -->
# Good balance of theory and research
# Promising balance of theory and research
# There seems to be reasonably good coverage of theory, however, strive to balance the content with critical review of relevant research
# Strive for an integrated balance of the best psychological theory and research about this topic, with practical examples
# It is unclear whether the best available psychological theory and research has been consulted in the preparation of this plan
<!-- Style -->
# Use APA style 7th edition for citations (e.g., do not include author initials)
# Use APA style 7th edition for citations with three or more authors (i.e., FirstAuthor et al., year)
# Use [[w:Serial comma|serial comma]]s[https://www.buzzfeed.com/adamdavis/the-oxford-comma-is-extremely-important-and-everyone-should]. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gBx8ooDupXY Video] (1 min)
<!-- Other -->
# For sections which include sub-sections, include the key points for an overview paragraph prior to branching into the sub-headings
# ''Avoid providing too much background information''. Aim to briefly summarise general concepts and provide internal links to relevant book chapters and/or Wikipedia pages for further information. Then focus most of the content on ''directly answering the core question(s)'' posed by the chapter sub-title.
# Direct quotes need page numbers (APA style) – even better, write in your own words
# Avoid overcapitalisation (APA style) – [https://polishedpaper.com/blog/capitalization-apa-style more info]
# Use [https://www.aresearchguide.com/write-in-third-person.html 3rd person perspective], although a case study or feature box could use 1st or 2nd person perspective
# Use [https://www.abc.net.au/education/learn-english/australian-vs-american-spelling/11244196 Australian spelling] (e.g., analyze -> analyse; behavior -> behaviour)
# Move references into the References section. Keep citations in the main body.
# Does this plan include [[Motivation and emotion/Assessment/Using generative AI|genAI content]]? If so, it needs to be acknowledged as such in the edit summaries, otherwise it violates academic integrity.
# Consider using the [https://unicanberra.instructure.com/courses/15707/external_tools/262?display=borderless Studiosity] service and/or a service like [https://www.grammarly.com/ Grammarly] to help improve the quality of written expression such as checking grammatical and spelling errors
<!-- Conclusion -->
# Conclusion is well developed
# Conclusion is underway
# Conclusion (the most important section) is underdeveloped
# Conclusion (the most important section) hasn't been developed
# What might the take-home, practical messages be? (What are the answer(s) to the question(s) in the sub-title and/or focus questions?)
<!-- Figure -->
# Excellent - One or more relevant figure(s) presented, captioned, and cited
# One or more relevant figure(s) presented and captioned
# One or more relevant figure(s) presented
# The relevance of the figure to the topic is unclear
# A relevant figure is not presented and cited (see [[Motivation and emotion/Tutorials/Wiki editing|Tutorial 2]])
<!-- Caption -->
# The figure caption(s) provide(s) a clear, appropriately detailed description that is meaningfully connected with the main text
# The figure caption(s) should include '''Figure X'''. ...
# The figure caption(s) could better explain how the image connects to key points being made in the main text
# Use APA style for figure captions
<!-- Cite -->
# Figure(s) are cited at least once in the main text
# Cite each figure at least once in the main text using APA style (e.g., see Figure 1)
<!-- Size -->
# Consider increasing image size from to make it easier to view
# Consider decreasing image size to make it less dominant in relation to the text
<!-- Creation -->
# Well done on creating and uploading your own image! {{smile}} – this can also be listed as a social contribution
<!-- Learning feature -->
<!-- Interwiki links --->
# Excellent in-text [[m:Help:Interwiki linking|interwiki links]] for the first mention of key terms to relevant Wikipedia articles and/or to relevant book chapters
# Promising in-text [[m:Help:Interwiki linking|interwiki links]] for the first mention of key terms to relevant Wikipedia articles and/or to relevant book chapters
# One use of in-text [[m:Help:Interwiki linking|interwiki links]] for the first mention of key terms to relevant Wikipedia articles and/or to relevant book chapters
# Add in-text [[m:Help:Interwiki linking|interwiki links]] for the first mention of key terms to relevant Wikipedia articles and/or to relevant book chapters (see [[Motivation and emotion/Tutorials/Wiki editing|Tutorial 2]])
<!-- Examples/case studies -->
# Excellent use of one or more scenarios/examples/case studies
# Promising use of one or more scenarios/examples/case studies
# Basic use of scenario/example/case study
# Placeholder use of one or more scenarios/examples/case studies
# Consider use of one or more scenarios/examples/case studies 
<!-- Quiz -->
# Excellent use of quiz question(s)
# Promising use of quiz question(s)
# Focus the quiz question(s) on the take-home messages for each focus question
# Consider including one or more quiz question(s) about the take-home messages
<!-- Tables -->
# Excellent use of one or more tables
# Promising use of one or more table(s)
# Add table caption
# Cite each table at least once in the text
# Also consider using one or more tables to summarise key information
<!-- Other -->
# Consider including more examples/case studies, quiz question(s), table(s) etc.
<!-- References -->
<!-- Overall -->
# Excellent
# Very good
# Good
# Basic
# Insufficient
# To be developed
<!-- Systematic reviews -->
# Well done on identifying relevant systematic reviews and/or meta-analyses
# At least one relevant systematic review and/or meta-analysis has been identified
# Are there any systematic reviews about this topic?
<!-- Suggestions -->
# Move non-academic / non-peer reviewed sources to External links
# All references need to be cited in the text
# All citations need to be in the References
# Only include references which have been accessed and read
# Check and correct [https://apastyle.apa.org/instructional-aids/reference-guide.pdf APA referencing style]:
## alphabetical order
## capitalisation
## [[Help:Wikitext quick reference|italicisation]]
## [https://apastyle.apa.org/instructional-aids/reference-guide.pdf doi formatting]
## make doi hyperlinks active (i.e., clickable)
## use dois where available instead of other links
## include hyperlinked dois
## page numbers should be separated by an en-dash (–) rather than a hyphen (-)
# None
# Remember that the goal is to identify and use the best academic theory and research about this topic
# Use APA style or wiki referencing style, but not both. Currently, a mixture of referencing styles is used.
# Don't cite AI-generated content because it is unreliable and not peer-reviewed. Instead, follow the [[Motivation and emotion/Assessment/Using generative AI|using genAI guidelines]] which include acknowledging and linking to genAI use in edit summaries, otherwise it is a violation of academic integrity.
<!-- Resources -->
<!-- See also -->
# See also
## Excellent
## Very good
## Good
## Basic
## To be developed (see [[Motivation and emotion/Tutorials/Wiki editing|Tutorial 2]])
## One of two link types provided
### Also link to related book chapters
### Also link to relevant Wikipedia pages
## Use bullet-points (see [[Motivation and emotion/Tutorials/Wiki editing|Tutorial 02]])
## Use [[w:Letter case#Sentence casing|sentence casing]]
## Rename links so that they are more user friendly (see [[Motivation and emotion/Tutorials/Wiki editing|Tutorial 02]])
## Include source in brackets after link (e.g., (Wikipedia) or (Book chapter, year) for Wikiversity book chapters)
## Use alphabetical order
<!-- External links -->
# External links
## Excellent
## Very good
## Good
## Basic
## One of two required external links provided
## To be developed (see [[Motivation and emotion/Tutorials/Wiki editing|Tutorial 2]])
## Move Wikipedia link to the See also section
## Move academic sources into references and cite in the chapter
## Only include links directly related to the sub-title
## Target an international audience; Australians only represent 0.33% of the world population
## Good choice of links, but poorly formatted (see [[Motivation and emotion/Tutorials/Wiki editing|Tutorial 02]])
## Use bullet-points (see [[Motivation and emotion/Tutorials/Wiki editing|Tutorial 02]])
## Use [[w:Letter case#Sentence casing|sentence casing]]
## Rename links so that they are more user friendly (see [[Motivation and emotion/Tutorials/Wiki editing|Tutorial 02]])
## Include source in brackets after link
## Use alphabetical order
<!-- User page -->
# Excellent – used effectively
# Very good
# Good
# Basic
# Not created – see [[Motivation and emotion/Tutorials/Wiki editing|Tutorial 02]]
<!-- Description about self -->
# Excellent description about self provided
# Description about self provided
# Brief description about self – consider expanding
# Very brief description about self – consider expanding
# Add description about self
<!-- Links to profile(s) -->
# Link(s) provided to professional profile(s)
# Consider linking to your [https://portfolio.canberra.edu.au/ eportfolio] page and/or any other professional online profile or resume such as [https://www.linkedin.com/ LinkedIn]. This is not required, but it can be useful to interlink your professional networks.
<!-- Link to book chapter -->
# A link to the book chapter is provided
# Rename the link to the book chapter to make it more user-friendly (see [[Motivation and emotion/Tutorials/Wiki editing|Tutorial 02]])
# Add link to book chapter
<!-- Social contribution -->
# Excellent – at least three different types of contributions with direct link(s) to evidence
# Good – two out of three types of contributions made with with direct link(s) to evidence. The other type of contribution is making:
# One out of three types of contributions made with with direct link(s) to evidence. The other types of contribution are making:
#* direct improvements to other [[Motivation and emotion/Book|chapters (past or current)]]
#* comments on the [[Help:Talk page|talk page]]s of other [[Motivation and emotion/Book|chapters (past or current)]]
#* posts about the unit or project on other platforms such as the {{Motivation and emotion/Canvas}} discussion forum or on [https://x.com X] using the {{Motivation and emotion/Hashtag}}
# None summarised on user page with direct link(s) to evidence (see [[Motivation and emotion/Tutorials/Physiological needs#Social contributions|Tutorial 03]]). Looking ahead to the book chapter submission, see [[Motivation and emotion/Assessment/Chapter#Socialcontribution|social contributions]].
# To add direct links to evidence of Wikiversity edits or comments: view the page history, select the version of the page before and after your contributions, click "compare selected revisions", and paste the comparison URL on your user page. For more info, see [[Motivation and emotion/Assessment/Chapter#Making and summarising social contributions|Making and summarising social contributions]]. This was demonstrated in [[Motivation and emotion/Tutorials|tutorials]].
# Are these contributions based on AI-generated content? If so, please follow the [[Motivation and emotion/Assessment/Using generative AI|using genAI guidelines]], otherwise it is a violation of academic integrity.
# Great to see you on X!
# Well done on creating and uploading your own image!
# Use a numbered list (see [[Motivation and emotion/Tutorials/Wiki editing|Tutorial 02]])
# Descriptions of contributions could be more precise/accurate/detailed
# Add a brief summary of each contribution
# Remember to sign comments on talk pages


The topic development submission has been reviewed according to the marking criteria. Written feedback is below, plus see the general feedback page. Please also check the page history for changes made whilst reviewing the chapter plan. Responses to this feedback can be made by starting a new section below and/or contacting the reviewer. Marks are available via UCLearn. Marks are based on the latest version before the due date.

  1. The title and sub-title are correctly worded and formatted
  2. The title and/or sub-title were not correctly worded and/or formatted (fixed)
  3. User name removed from the page. Authorship is as per the page's edit history.
  1. See earlier comment about heading casing
  2. Excellent – Well developed 2-level heading structure. Meaningful headings clearly relate directly to the core topic.
  3. Promising 2-level heading structure – could benefit from further development and/or refinement
  4. Basic, 2-level heading structure – could benefit from further development (expand)
  5. Basic, 1-level heading structure – could benefit from further development, perhaps using a 2-level structure (i.e., including subheadings)
  6. Under-developed, 1-level heading structure – develop further, perhaps using a 2-level structure for larger section(s) (i.e., including subheadings)
  7. Overly complicated 3-level structure – consider simplifying
  8. Revise heading structure to place less emphasis on background concepts and more emphasis on the target topic. The draft headings place too much emphasis on background concepts and too little on the relationship between the concepts.
  9. Messy heading structure – needs work (see Tutorial 2)
  10. Excellent alignment between sub-title, focus questions, and heading structure
  11. Very good alignment between sub-title, focus questions, and heading structure, but there may be room for improvement
  12. Reasonably good alignment between focus questions and heading structure, but aim for closer alignment
  13. Basic alignment between between sub-title, focus questions, and top-level headings. Aim to improve.
  14. Develop closer alignment between sub-title, focus questions, and top-level headings
  15. Aim for 3 to 6 top-level headings between the Overview and Conclusion, with up to a similar number of sub-headings for large sections
  16. The Overview and Conclusion should not have sub-headings
  17. Use default heading formatting (i.e., avoid bold, italics, underline, changing the size etc.)
  18. Avoid having sections with only 1 sub-heading – use 0 or 2+ sub-headings
  19. "Introduction" heading isn't necessary. Provide this information in Overview or move into subsequent sections.
  20. Cover definition(s) in the Overview and/or subsequent sections with embedded inter-wiki link(s) to further information.
  21. Case study doesn't need a separate heading; instead embed case study within relevant sections
  22. Quiz doesn't need a separate heading; instead embed quiz questions within relevant sections
  23. Check grammar (e.g,. missing question mark)
  24. Remove acronyms from headings
  25. Remove citations from headings
  1. Excellent – Scenario, image, evocative description of the problem/topic, and focus questions
  2. Very good
  3. Good
  4. Basic
  5. Insufficient
  6. Does this section include genAI content? If so, it needs to be acknowledged as such in the edit summaries, otherwise it violates academic integrity.
  7. Hasn't been developed – Needs scenario, image, evocative description of the problem/topic, and focus questions
  8. A scenario or case study is presented in a feature box with an image at the start of this section
  9. A scenario or case study is presented in a feature box at the start of this section
  10. Add an image to the scenario to help attract reader interest
  11. Move the scenario or case study into a feature box (with an image) to the start of this section to help catch reader interest
  12. A scenario or case study is planned
  13. Add a scenario or case study in a feature box (with an image) at the start of this section to help catch reader interest
  14. A brief, evocative description of the problem/topic is provided
  15. A brief, evocative description of the problem/topic is planned
  16. Simplify/abbreviate the description of the problem/topic. Move detail into subsequent sections.
  17. Add a brief, evocative description of the problem/topic
  18. Use present, rather than future, tense
  19. Use 3rd person perspective (except 1st/2nd person can work for feature boxes/scenarios)
  20. Focus questions are aligned with sub-title and top-level headings
  21. Reasonably good alignment between focus questions and heading structure, but consider closer alignment
  22. Closer alignment between the sub-title, focus questions, and top-level headings is recommended
  23. Open-ended focus questions are usually better than closed-ended (e.g., yes/no) questions
  24. Use single- rather than double-barrelled focus questions
  25. Use bullet-points (see Tutorial 02)
  26. Present focus questions in a feature box at the end of this section
  1. Excellent – key points are well developed for each section
  2. Promising development of key points
  3. Basic development of key points
  4. Partial development of key points
  5. Insufficient development
  6. No development
  7. Excellent use of citations
  8. Very good use of citations
  9. Good use of citations
  10. Basic use of citations
  11. Insufficient use of citations
  12. Good balance of theory and research
  13. Promising balance of theory and research
  14. There seems to be reasonably good coverage of theory, however, strive to balance the content with critical review of relevant research
  15. Strive for an integrated balance of the best psychological theory and research about this topic, with practical examples
  16. It is unclear whether the best available psychological theory and research has been consulted in the preparation of this plan
  17. Use APA style 7th edition for citations (e.g., do not include author initials)
  18. Use APA style 7th edition for citations with three or more authors (i.e., FirstAuthor et al., year)
  19. Use serial commas[1]. Video (1 min)
  20. For sections which include sub-sections, include the key points for an overview paragraph prior to branching into the sub-headings
  21. Avoid providing too much background information. Aim to briefly summarise general concepts and provide internal links to relevant book chapters and/or Wikipedia pages for further information. Then focus most of the content on directly answering the core question(s) posed by the chapter sub-title.
  22. Direct quotes need page numbers (APA style) – even better, write in your own words
  23. Avoid overcapitalisation (APA style) – more info
  24. Use 3rd person perspective, although a case study or feature box could use 1st or 2nd person perspective
  25. Use Australian spelling (e.g., analyze -> analyse; behavior -> behaviour)
  26. Move references into the References section. Keep citations in the main body.
  27. Does this plan include genAI content? If so, it needs to be acknowledged as such in the edit summaries, otherwise it violates academic integrity.
  28. Consider using the Studiosity service and/or a service like Grammarly to help improve the quality of written expression such as checking grammatical and spelling errors
  29. Conclusion is well developed
  30. Conclusion is underway
  31. Conclusion (the most important section) is underdeveloped
  32. Conclusion (the most important section) hasn't been developed
  33. What might the take-home, practical messages be? (What are the answer(s) to the question(s) in the sub-title and/or focus questions?)
  1. Excellent - One or more relevant figure(s) presented, captioned, and cited
  2. One or more relevant figure(s) presented and captioned
  3. One or more relevant figure(s) presented
  4. The relevance of the figure to the topic is unclear
  5. A relevant figure is not presented and cited (see Tutorial 2)
  6. The figure caption(s) provide(s) a clear, appropriately detailed description that is meaningfully connected with the main text
  7. The figure caption(s) should include Figure X. ...
  8. The figure caption(s) could better explain how the image connects to key points being made in the main text
  9. Use APA style for figure captions
  10. Figure(s) are cited at least once in the main text
  11. Cite each figure at least once in the main text using APA style (e.g., see Figure 1)
  12. Consider increasing image size from to make it easier to view
  13. Consider decreasing image size to make it less dominant in relation to the text
  14. Well done on creating and uploading your own image! – this can also be listed as a social contribution
  1. Excellent in-text interwiki links for the first mention of key terms to relevant Wikipedia articles and/or to relevant book chapters
  2. Promising in-text interwiki links for the first mention of key terms to relevant Wikipedia articles and/or to relevant book chapters
  3. One use of in-text interwiki links for the first mention of key terms to relevant Wikipedia articles and/or to relevant book chapters
  4. Add in-text interwiki links for the first mention of key terms to relevant Wikipedia articles and/or to relevant book chapters (see Tutorial 2)
  5. Excellent use of one or more scenarios/examples/case studies
  6. Promising use of one or more scenarios/examples/case studies
  7. Basic use of scenario/example/case study
  8. Placeholder use of one or more scenarios/examples/case studies
  9. Consider use of one or more scenarios/examples/case studies
  10. Excellent use of quiz question(s)
  11. Promising use of quiz question(s)
  12. Focus the quiz question(s) on the take-home messages for each focus question
  13. Consider including one or more quiz question(s) about the take-home messages
  14. Excellent use of one or more tables
  15. Promising use of one or more table(s)
  16. Add table caption
  17. Cite each table at least once in the text
  18. Also consider using one or more tables to summarise key information
  19. Consider including more examples/case studies, quiz question(s), table(s) etc.
  1. Excellent use of in-text interwiki links for the first mention of key terms to relevant Wikipedia articles and/or to other relevant book chapters
  2. Promising use of in-text interwiki links for the first mention of key terms to relevant Wikipedia articles and/or to other relevant book chapters
  3. One use of in-text interwiki links for the first mention of key terms to relevant Wikipedia articles and/or to other relevant book chapters
  4. Include in-text interwiki links for the first mention of key terms to relevant Wikipedia articles and/or to other relevant book chapters
  5. Excellent use of example(s)/case study(ies)
  6. Promising use of example(s)/case study(ies)
  7. Promising use of quiz question(s)
  8. Focus the quiz question(s) on the take-home messages for each focus question
  9. Promising use of table(s)
  10. Also consider using one or more tables to summarise key information
  11. Consider including more examples/case studies, quiz question(s), table(s) etc.
  12. Excellent
  13. Very good
  14. Good
  15. Basic
  16. Insufficient
  17. Not developed
  18. Well done on identifying relevant systematic reviews and/or meta-analyses
  19. At least one relevant systematic review and/or meta-analysis has been identified
  20. Are there any systematic reviews about this topic?
  21. Move non-academic / non-peer reviewed sources to External links
  22. All references need to be cited in the text
  23. All citations need to be in the References
  24. Only include references which have been accessed and read
  25. Check and correct APA referencing style:
    1. alphabetical order
    2. capitalisation
    3. italicisation
    4. doi formatting
    5. make doi hyperlinks active (i.e., clickable)
    6. use dois where available instead of other links
    7. include hyperlinked dois
    8. page numbers should be separated by an en-dash (–) rather than a hyphen (-)
  26. None
  27. Remember that the goal is to identify and use the best academic theory and research about this topic
  28. Use APA style or wiki referencing style, but not both. Currently, a mixture of referencing styles is used.
  29. Don't cite AI-generated content because it is unreliable and not peer-reviewed. Instead, follow the using genAI guidelines which include acknowledging and linking to genAI use in edit summaries, otherwise it is a violation of academic integrity.
  1. See also
    1. Excellent
    2. Very good
    3. Good
    4. Basic
    5. Not developed (see Tutorial 2)
    6. One of two link types provided
      1. Also link to related book chapters
      2. Also link to relevant Wikipedia pages
    7. Use bullet-points (see Tutorial 02)
    8. Use sentence casing
    9. Rename links so that they are more user friendly (see Tutorial 02)
    10. Include source in brackets after link (e.g., (Wikipedia) or (Book chapter, year) for Wikiversity book chapters)
    11. Use alphabetical order
  2. External links
    1. Excellent
    2. Very good
    3. Good
    4. Basic
    5. One of two required external links provided
    6. Not developed (see Tutorial 2)
    7. Move Wikipedia link to the See also section
    8. Move academic sources into references and cite in the chapter
    9. Only include links directly related to the sub-title
    10. Target an international audience; Australians only represent 0.33% of the world population
    11. Good choice of links, but poorly formatted (see Tutorial 02)
    12. Use bullet-points (see Tutorial 02)
    13. Use sentence casing
    14. Rename links so that they are more user friendly (see Tutorial 02)
    15. Include source in brackets after link
    16. Use alphabetical order
  1. Excellent – used effectively
  2. Very good
  3. Good
  4. Basic
  5. Not created – see Tutorial 02
  6. Excellent description about self provided
  7. Description about self provided
  8. Brief description about self – consider expanding
  9. Very brief description about self – consider expanding
  10. Add description about self
  11. Link(s) provided to professional profile(s)
  12. Consider linking to your eportfolio page and/or any other professional online profile or resume such as LinkedIn. This is not required, but it can be useful to interlink your professional networks.
  13. A link to the book chapter is provided
  14. Rename the link to the book chapter to make it more user-friendly (see Tutorial 02)
  15. Add link to book chapter
  1. Excellent – at least three different types of contributions with direct link(s) to evidence
  2. Good – two out of three types of contributions made with with direct link(s) to evidence. The other type of contribution is making:
  3. One out of three types of contributions made with with direct link(s) to evidence. The other types of contribution are making:
  4. None summarised on user page with direct link(s) to evidence (see Tutorial 03). Looking ahead to the book chapter submission, see social contributions.
  5. To add direct links to evidence of Wikiversity edits or comments: view the page history, select the version of the page before and after your contributions, click "compare selected revisions", and paste the comparison URL on your user page. For more info, see Making and summarising social contributions. This was demonstrated in tutorials.
  6. Are these contributions based on AI-generated content? If so, please follow the using genAI guidelines, otherwise it is a violation of academic integrity.
  7. Great to see you on X!
  8. Well done on creating and uploading your own image!
  9. Use a numbered list (see Tutorial 02)
  10. Descriptions of contributions could be more precise/accurate/detailed
  11. Add a brief summary of each contribution
  12. Remember to sign comments on talk pages

-- Jtneill - Talk - c 04:42, 17 August 2024 (UTC)

See also

[edit source]