Motivation and emotion/Assessment/Using generative AI

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Using generative AI


Figure 1. This image was generated by 2023 Motivation and Emotion student JorjaFive using Midjourney and uploaded to Wikimedia Commons for use in the chapter about flourishing in the elderly.

Generative artificial intelligence (genAI) tools such as ChatGPT, Claude, and Gemini can aid but should not replace independent thinking. If using genAI tools for the major project (topic development, book chapter, multimedia presentation), acknowledge their use in Wikiversity edit summaries and/or provide APA-style citations. When in doubt, more acknowledgment is better than less. Academia is based on transparency. Acknowledgement is not required for low-level tasks such as improving spelling and grammar.

You are responsible for content you submit. Be aware of limitations of genAI tools such as biases and inaccuracies. GenAI tools work best for topics you already understand, with carefully crafted prompting based on peer-reviewed research. Refine prompts for better results and fact-check generated content. Despite the risks, genAI tools can aid brainstorming, concept explanation, synthesis of ideas, and improve the readability and quality of written expression.

If you are unsure about appropriate use, ask questions and discuss, so we can all learn together.

Detailed guidelines

Learning to use generative artificial intelligence (genAI) tools (such as ChatGPT) responsibly and ethically is an emerging skill. GenAI tools can be used to enhance academic work, but should be used judiciously and as a supplementary tool, rather than as a replacement for independent thinking and academic inquiry.

GenAI tools may be used to assist in preparation of the major project (topic development, book chapter, and multimedia presentation). Use of such tools must be clearly acknowledged, otherwise it is a violation of academic integrity. There are two acceptable methods for acknowledging use of genAI:

  • Use Wikiversity edit summaries when adding genAI material by including the name of the tool in the and a link to the conversation (e.g., see ChatGPT shared links FAQ) or the prompt details (or a summary of the prompt) (e.g., "ChatGPT May 24 Version. Prompt detail or summary") if a link can't be shared.
  • Provide APA style citation:, with a reference link to the genAI conversation

These practices help to ensure that the use of genAI is clear and transparent. Transparency is key to good practice in academia and professionalism. If in doubt, err on the side of providing too much acknowledgement detail than not enough. However, there is no need to acknowledge genAI use for low-level tasks such as fixing grammar and spelling.

Be aware of the limits of genAI tools. Content they generate may be inaccurate, biased, incomplete, or otherwise problematic. Minimal effort prompting tends to yield low quality results. Refine prompts to get better outcomes. You are entirely responsible for the accuracy and quality of any content you submit. Always fact check.

Regardless of whether genAI has been used, all claims need to be supported by verified peer-reviewed citations which you have directly consulted. Thus genAI citation is necessary, where it has been used, but not sufficient basis for supporting claims. Low-energy or unreflective reuse of text generated by genAI large language models without further investigation and reviewing of primary, peer-reviewed academic literature will likely to lead to poor quality results. GenAI tools work best for topics which you already understand. Guide and craft genAI responses based on your reading of peer-reviewed theory and research.

Despite these warnings, you are encouraged to explore use of genAI tools to help create higher quality work. Recommended uses of genAI tools include brainstorming, explaining key concepts, developing a structure, synthesising complex ideas, rephrasing to improve readability and the quality of written expression, checking spelling and grammar, and image generation (e.g., see Figure 1).

If you are unsure about how to use genAI or how to cite appropriately, ask questions and discussion, so we can all learn together.

See also