Motivation and emotion/Book/2015
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[edit | edit source]- Activism motivation - What motivates people to engage in human/environment/animal rights activism?
- U3070695
- Alcohol and aggression - How does alcohol consumption affect aggression?
- U3034876
- Altruism versus selfishness - To what extent is human behaviour altruistic or selfish? - U3127811
- Armed defence force motivation - What motivates people to join armed defence forces?
- U3100338
- Binge drinking motivation in young people - What motivates binge drinking in young people?
- U3083035
- Bipolar disorder and motivation in the work place - How does bipolar disorder influence motivation in the work place? - U3100696
- Boredom and motivation - What is the effect of boredom on motivation? - U3049669
- Brand name product purchase motivation - What motivates people to buy brand name products as opposed to the cheaper, and just as useful generic brands?
- U3100080
- Bullying and pack behavior motivation in adolescents - What motivates adolescents to participate in group bullying? - U3105368
- Caffeine and exercise motivation - What is the effect of caffeine on exercise motivation? - U3100299
- Child sexual exploitation material access motivation - What motivates people to access, watch, and distribute CSEM and what can be done about it? - Aalcock
- Chocolate eating motivation - What motivates people to crave and eat chocolate? - U3119519
- Consumer motivation - What motives consumers to purchase?
- U3081807zack
- Cystic fibrosis treatment motivation - How can motivation be maintained for continuous treatment of cystic fibrosis? - Bee Taylor
- Dance motivation - What motivates people to dance?
- Chloe Mae C
- Defense mechanism motivation - What motivates the use of defense mechanisms? - U3077844
- Elective plastic surgery motivation - What motivates people to seek elective plastic surgery? - Iga.leszczynska
- Extreme emotions as motivation - What are the major emotions involved in motivation and what role do extreme emotions play in motivation? - Ekclements
- Empowerment motivation - What is empowerment and how can it be fostered in ourselves and others?
- Melclancy28
- Exercise and motivation - What is the effect of physical exercise on motivation? - U3081348
- Exercise motivation in people living with dementia - How can motivation to exercise be developed in people living with dementia?
- U3083687
- Exercise rehabilitation motivation in chronic disease patients - What are the motivations and perceived barriers for exercise rehabilitation in chronic disease patients? - U3096856
- Extrinsic and intrinsic motivation in elite athletes - What is the role of extrinsic and intrinsic motivation for elite athletes? - SimonHealey
- Extrinsic motivation and antisocial behaviour in children - How can extrinsic motivation be used to manage antisocial behaviour in children? – U3099083
- Family influences on academic motivation - How do families influence school-aged children’s academic motivation? - U3097561
- Filicide motivation - What motivates a parent to kill his or her child?
- Tigeralee
- Group sport motivation - What motivates participation in group sports?
- Ccgmjb
- High-risk business motivation - What motivates people to engage in high-risk business decisions?
- Job89
- Illegal downloading motivation in Australia - What motivates people to illegally download copyrighted works and what is Australia doing to discourage this behaviour? - U3082322
- Impulsive behaviour in children - What motivates impulsive behaviour in children and how can it be effectively modified?
- CJBush03
- Infanticide motivation - What motivates people to commit infanticide?
- U3085835
- Internet addiction motivation - What motivates internet addiction? - U3046579
- Leadership motivation - What motivates some people to become leaders?
- NeetiR
- Leaving violent relationship motivation for women - What motivates women to leave violent relationships?
– Burners67
- Life after death motivation - What motivates beliefs about life after death?
- U3017556
- Luxury good purchase motivation - What motivates people to buy luxury goods?
- U3092375
- Major depressive episodes and motivation - How do MDEs affect motivation? - U3083646
- Mastery and flow - What is the role of flow in motivating people to pursue excellence?
- U118741
- Mastery motivation - What drives the pursuit of mastery? - U3098061
- Masturbation motivation - Why do people masturbate?
- U3071369
- Motivational control theory of cognitive fatigue - What is the role of motivational control in managing cognitive fatigue?
- Moyism
- Murder motivation - What motivates a person to intentionally kill another?
- Matthew Svatos
- Nicotine and addiction: Why is nicotine addictive and what can be done about it? - U3097325
- Nootropics and motivation - What is the effect of smart drugs on motivation for study and work? - U3068952
- Overcoming learned helplessness - How can learned helplessness be overcome? - Eternity.hausen
- Paleolithic healthy food lifestyle motivation - What motivates people to have a paleolithic healthy food lifestyle?
- U3083568
- Personality and achievement motivation - How does personality affect the motivation to achieve? - U3081508
- PhD drop-out and motivation - What are the motivational predictors of PhD drop-out? - U3069744
- Pole dancing motivation - What motivates people to do pole dancing? - AfiAyup
- Punctuality motivation - What motivates people to be on time?
- U3100755
- Rape motivation - What motivates rape?
- U3059210
- Reading motivation in young learners - How can teaching staff and parents motivate young learners to read?
- David James Stevenson
- Revenge motivation - What motivates revenge and how does it affect us?
- Turleyb
- Schizophrenia and motivation - What is the effect of schizophrenia on motivation and what can be done about it?
- U3079526
- Self-esteem and motivation - What is the relationship between self-esteem and motivation?
- Andrew J. T. Brown
- Serial killing motivation - What motivates serial killing? - U3096690
- Sex worker motivation - What motivates people to do sex work? - Woodsie335
- Sport team fandom motivation - What motivates sport team fandom?
- U3114188
- Stress and achievement motivation - What are the effects of stress on achievement motivation? - U3096825
- Suicidal terrorism motivation - What motivates suicide attacks?
- U3081677
- Texting while driving motivation - What motivates texting while driving, what are the consequences, and what can be done about it? - FanRachel
- Transtheoretical model of change and motivation - What is the transtheoretical model of change and how can it be used to motivate people to change?
- Yevanne
- Travel motivation - What motivates people to seek out travel experiences?
- U3096981
- Unconscious sources of attraction - What are the unconscious causes of romantic and sexual attraction? - U3148379
- Willpower - What is it and how can it be strengthened?
- SVenter
- Workplace motivation and autonomy - What is the role of autonomy in workplace motivation? - Alex.N.Reynolds
- Workaholism motivation - What motivates workaholism and what can be done about it?
- MorganPhillips
- Zeigarnik effect - How does the Zeigarnik affect motivation?
- U943390
[edit | edit source]- Adultery and emotion - What is the role of emotion in sexual cheating?
- Jade E Baker
- Affect intensity - What is affect intensity and how does it affect our emotional lives?
- U3052443
- Alcohol addiction and emotion - What role does emotion play in alcohol addiction?
- U3096509
- Alexithymia - What is alexithymia, why does it matter, and what can be done about it?
- U3036568
- Anger and decision-making - What is the effect of anger on decision-making? - U3068890
- Anger and violent behaviour - What is the effect of anger on violent behaviour? - U3096855
- Antisocial Personality Disorder and emotion - How does APD influence emotion and emotion recognition? - Em.Jacobs
- Anxiety and school refusal - What role does anxiety play in school refusal and what can be done about it?
- U3084047
- Anxiety and weight - How does anxiety influence body weight? What can we do? - Becc z
- Attributions and arousal - How do attributions influence our experience of arousal?
- U3096780
- Autism and emotional development - How does autism affect children's emotional development? - U3082917
- Breast cancer and anxiety in women - How does anxiety impact on women with breast cancer? - Bt1718
- Body modification and emotion - What is the role of emotion in body modification?
- Sait1993
- Caffeine and anxiety - What is the effect of caffeine and caffeine withdrawal on anxiety?
- U3100310
- Cannabis and negative emotions - What is the effect of cannabis on negative emotions?
- KeshR94
- Climate change and mental health - What is the effect of climate change on mental health? - U3082926
- Cortisol and stress - How and why does cortisol influence stress? - Ucu3100383
- Depression in adolescence - What are the causes and consequences of depression in adolescence? - Joshfking
- Depression in older adults - What are the risk factors for depression in older adults and what can be done about it? - U3096614
- Digestive system and emotion - What influence does the gut microbiome have on emotion?
- Tessa Power
- Domestic violence and emotion regulation in children - How does domestic violence affect children's ability to regulate their emotions? - 3083783ro
- Down syndrome and emotion - How does Down syndrome influence emotional experience? - U3100051
- Dyslexia and anxiety in children - What is the effect of dyslexia on children’s anxiety? - U3094958
- Emotional Freedom Techniques - What is EFT, how does it work, and what is the evidence?
- U3048330
- Emotional manipulation and control within relationships - How and why does this occur and what are the emotional effects? - U3113687
- Emotion duration - Which emotions last the longest and why? - Uu3148421
- Emotion elicition using film - How can emotions be reliably induced in laboratory settings using film? - Unicancan
- Emotion-focused therapy - What is EFT, how does it work, and what does research say about its effectiveness?
- Sgerstenberg
- Emotional labour dimensions, antecedents, and consequences - What are dimensions, antecedents, and consequences of emotional labour?
- Queeeenbeeee
- Empathy and emotional well-being - What is the role of empathy in emotional well-being?
- Connorkaye
- Endorphins and emotion - What is the effect of endorphins on emotion and what are the mechanisms for these effects?
- TillyHarper
- Eustress - What is it, how does it work, and how can we use it?
- U3053592
- Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing Therapy and emotion - What is the effect of EMDR therapy on emotion and what is the cause of these effects? - Janinemdufour
- Fear of missing out - What is FOMO and how does it affect us?
- Freyaries
- Flashbulb memories and emotion - How do flashbulb memories affect emotion?
- U3071368
- Gardening and emotion - How does gardening influence emotion?
- U3068383
- Grief and health – How does grief affect physical and psychological health?
– U3150189
- Guilt and motherhood - Why do some mothers experience guilt and what can be done to alleviate it?
- U3100474
- Hanger - Why do people sometimes feel hangry and how can it be handled?
- U3036889
- Height and mental health - Is height related to mental health? Why and what can be done about it? - U3096927
- Hot memory and emotion - What is the 'hot memory' system and how does it work compared to a cool memory system? - 1994BG
- Human interaction and emotion - How do our emotions affect the way we interact with others?
- Massadi 92
- Illegitimate children and emotion - What are the emotional impacts of being an illegitimate child?
- U3097062
- Inauthenticy and emotional distress - What is the effect of inauthenticy on our emotions? - Briwest
- Kindness and happiness - What effect does being kind to others have on one's happiness?
- Goldraspberry
- Laughter and emotion - What is the effect of laughter on emotion and why do these effects occur? - U3075297
- Love and lust - What is the relationship between romantic love and sexual motivation?
- U3084840
- Lövheim cube of emotion - What is the Lövheim cube of emotion?
- Rose1610
- MDMA and psychotherapy - What are the effects of MDMA in conjunction with psychotherapy? - U3096481
- Meditative colouring and stress - How does meditative colouring reduce the levels of stress or anxiety of an individual? - U3100543
- Menstrual cycle and emotion - How and why do emotions vary during the menstrual cycle?
- U3096823
- Mindfulness and anxiety – How can mindfulness help to manage anxiety?
- U3065920
- Mindfulness meditation and happiness - How does mindfulness meditation influence happiness?
- U3096894
- Mood variation over the week - How does affect vary across days of the week?
- U3083676
- National and cultural happiness - To what extent does membership of a specific nation or culture affect self-reported happiness and life evaluation? - u3134289
- Neurobiology of romantic love - What are the neurobiological components of romantic love? - U116040
- Norepinephrine and emotional disorders - What role does norepinephrine play in emotional disorders?
- David M&E7124
- Prefrontal cortex and emotion - What role does the prefrontal cortex play in emotion?
- U3100230
- Procrastination, moods, and emotion - What role do moods and emotion play in procrastination? - Zac.webster
- Psychopathy and emotion - What problems do psychopaths experience in processing and interpreting emotional stimuli?
- U3100415
- Running and depression - What role can running play in the treatment of depression?
- U3096454!
- Schadenfreude - Why do we feel pleasure in the suffering of others? - U3081455
- Season and emotion - How are our emotions affected by the seasons? - U3100589
- Selective mutism and emotional well-being - What is the effect of selective mutism on emotional well-being? - U3097090
- Self-esteem and happiness - What is the relationship between self-esteem and happiness?
- U3083545
- Sex crime victim emotion - How do sex crimes affect victims' emotions?
- MFatUC
- Stolen Generations and emotion - What have been the long-term emotional impacts of child removal on survivors of the Stolen Generations? - U3096609
- Stress physiology - What are the physiological components of stress?
- U3100107
- Suppression of benevolent emotion - Why do people suppress benevolent interpersonal feelings, what are the consequences, and what can be done about? - U3052056
- Stress and infertility - How does stress impact fertility?
- U3040525
- Trans-cranial direct current stimulation and depression - How can TCDS help to treat depression?
- U862525
- Video games and emotion - How do video games affect players' emotions? - Komali 21