Portal:Computer Science
Welcome to the Computer Science Portal. This Portal is a directory of Computer Science pages at Wikiversity. This directory page provides links to Computer Science learning resources that have been developed by the various Wikiversity Computer Science content development projects. The main content development project is the School of Computer Science. This portal features exciting examples of Computer Science learning resources. Wikiversity participants who are interested in Computer Science are invited to create and participate in learning projects and learning resources and help organize them by developing this portal. We're just starting, but we already have some good materials. The Computer Science Portal serves to provide quick access to everything in the Computer Science category.
This Portal:Computer Science should be used per the School:Computer Science as a tool to promote the school and not as an interface to a body of knowledge. Knowledge about Computer Science should be stored in the school library and not in the school portal. Tell me more |
Building an artificial neural network using reinforcement learning strategies
This project is devoted to making a neural network model of hippocampal place cells and simulating the activity of model neurons under conditions that model when a laboratory animal is in a Morris water maze.
What is happening in an animal's brain as it learns to swim consistently straight to a target? At this point, science can't really answer this question in full detail. One can only speak of spatial learning, place learning, cognitive maps formation and memory in general. This project tries to explore a mathematical model of these processes by making use of computers.
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If you have comments or questions about developing Wikiversity computer-related learning resources the central discussions are at this talk page.
- School of Information Technology
- School of Computer Science
- Sandbox Server - student accounts
- Department of System Administration
- Department of Web Design
- Department of Computer Programming
- Department of Computer Game Design
- Department of Artificial Intelligence
- Department of Network Security
- Department of Computer Networks
- Department of Business Process Management
- Department of Information Studies
- Department of Software Project Management
- Department of Software Process Management
- Department of Image Processing
- Department of Operating Systems
- Department of Computer Architecture
- See also: Computer Science Programme.
- Category:Algorithms
- Category:Artificial intelligence
- Category:Computational modeling
- Category:Computer Hardware
- Category:Computer programming
- Category:Computer Science Courses
- Category:Computer Simulation and Game Design
- Category:Graphics
- Category:Introduction to Computer Science
- Category:Network administration
- Category:Programming
- Category:Software
- Category:Web design
- Category:Information & Communication Technology Management
"To me programming is more than an important practical art. It is also a gigantic undertaking in the foundations of knowledge." Grace Hopper,
Introduction to Computer Science - Computer science program - Anthropomorphic Robotics - Introduction to Programming in Java - A Hands-On Introduction to Game Design and Production Processes - C Source Codes - Operating Systems - Operate a personal computer - Checking open proxies - Configuring and administering a network operating system - Conway's Game of Life - Cryptography - Data Structures and Algorithms - Distributed P2P search engine - Embedded System Engineering - Websites Qualification - Information management using open source - Information systems - Information system modelling - Introduction to SQL - Introduction to algorithms - Introduction to boolean logic - Markerless Tracking - Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game Research Project - OpenMoko - Python Operators - Quantum computing - Remote Learning Development - Wikiversity computer skills - Software testing/Introduction - Unsolved problems in software engineering - Wikiversity screen saver

- Always looking for new contributors and participants!
- 16 April 2019: Cloud computing a Pocket Guide is ready!
- 29 March 2019: The lesson: Python Concepts/Using Python's Decimal module is ready!
- 19 March 2019: The course Computer Architecture Lab is ready for learners!
- 15 March 2019: All lessons for Internet Protocol Analysis an advanced computer networking topic are ready for learners!
- 16 February 2019: The course HTML or HyperText Markup Language is ready for learners!
- 14 February 2019: DevOps a software engineering culture and practice is ready!
- 14 October 2014: Dedicated Programming Compiler proposal started!
- 9 August 2007: Introduction to Technical Writing welcomes contributors and editors
- 19 January 2007: Portal:Computer Science begun!
- 16 August 2006: - School of Computer Science founded!
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