User talk:Charles Jeffrey Danoff

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Latest comment: 7 years ago by Dave Braunschweig in topic United States English
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Hello Charles Jeffrey Danoff, and welcome to Wikiversity! If you need help, feel free to visit my talk page, or contact us and ask questions. After you leave a comment on a talk page, remember to sign and date; it helps everyone follow the threads of the discussion. The signature icon in the edit window makes it simple. To get started, you may

And don't forget to explore Wikiversity with the links to your left. Be bold to contribute and to experiment with the sandbox or your userpage, and see you around Wikiversity! If you're a twitter user, please follow --AFriedman (talk) 03:17, 22 February 2010 (UTC)Reply

Hi Charles Jeffrey Danoff, I am Percy. Nice to meet you. I love the beach, swimming, fishing, and I am currently doing some research at Wikiversity on oceanography. I am also learning to play piano. What do you like? Can I be your mascot?

Yes! This is a haven for original research

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I saw your post about original research. By all means, this is exactly the place to do what you've described. It fits well within the original research policy and you may want to contact other people, such as the people you've already communicated with, for feedback. --AFriedman (talk) 03:17, 22 February 2010 (UTC)Reply

Thank you AFriedman. I have gotten a lot of support for this. I will begin. If you have time as I go on, I would love any feedback.--Charles Jeffrey Danoff 09:54, 22 February 2010 (UTC)Reply

I probably won't be able to follow your research unless you tell me where on Wikiversity you put it. --AFriedman (talk) 05:13, 24 February 2010 (UTC)Reply

Indeed, it would be difficult. The research is located at Reviewing My Semester with the FUN WITH ENGLISH 7A & 8A Textbooks. Thanks for being interested. --Charles Jeffrey Danoff 10:23, 24 February 2010 (UTC)Reply

Hi, I've cleaned up the description of your research so it reads less like a diary and more like a proposal. What are your thoughts re: how this research will benefit the Wikiversity community? For example, I was thinking that this resource may be used to explore general principles re: which teaching methods are most effective (1) when teachers are attempting to communicate with students of different cultures, and (2) when teachers are attempting to expose students to other cultures. Were you and the students actually in China, and where do you come from originally? Also, you may want to link your main Userpage and relevant Topic pages (e.g. Topic:English language, Topic:Chinese) to your research page so your research is easier to find. On the page where you're doing your research, you may also want to add a link to whatever information is available about the textbook you used. --AFriedman (talk) 19:59, 24 February 2010 (UTC)Reply

AFriedman, thanks for the ideas. I've added links to the publisher's pages for the textbooks, as well as information about where I taught, and a first draft of how this research will benefit the community. --Charles Jeffrey Danoff 01:08, 25 February 2010 (UTC)Reply

Nice to see your work :). When are you going to begin the project, instead of simply describing it? --AFriedman (talk) 02:47, 25 February 2010 (UTC)Reply

AFriedman: Soon, I hope. If you'd like a preview, view my original attempt in handwritten html. I started there, then realized a wiki would be more appropriate, and then I found the original research on Wikiversity and I knew I'd found a home. --Charles Jeffrey Danoff 04:39, 25 February 2010 (UTC)Reply

The question/answer format for background information may not make sense. My intent with providing questions was to provide examples of the sort of questions people reading your research might want to know in order to understand the details surrounding the research topic, as well as help provide a focus for you/researchers. The intent in including background information is to provide some answers. The only questions readers probably need to know about are the ones which are the focus of the research. The introduction section is a good start to the format I had in mind. I think any answers you want to include should be part of that introduction. If you want I could try to rewrite the questions you have answered so far in the format I had in mind. -- darklama  14:02, 25 February 2010 (UTC)Reply

DarkLama: Changing from a question/answer format to something more natural makes sense, especially because not all the questions are relevant for every kind of research. If you have time, please feel free to rewrite the questions so far in that format. This morning I added some more answers. If you'd be interested, please feel free also to add yourself to the list of people helping with the research. On a side note, I forgot to log-in before adding my answers. Is there some sort of protocol for how to note that I wrote them? I added a link on the talk page. Is that enough? --Charles Jeffrey Danoff 03:38, 26 February 2010 (UTC)Reply
Something more natural is what I had in mind. I would like for Wikiversity:Research process to reflect that as well while being useful for the first time researcher.
I believe common practice is to assume that anyone contributing under an IP address is an anonymous contributor who does not wish to receive any form of credit for the work they do. I wouldn't worry about it, unless credit for those revisions is important to you. What you wrote on the discussion page may be enough. You could also leave a message while logged out on the talk page confirming what you said while logged in. Custodians with access to checkuser tools can probably confirm what IP address(es) you have used when logged in. I don't know if using checkuser tools for this purpose though would be appropriate, it may violate wikimedia's checkuser or privacy policy. You may be able to find additional suggestions from the community if you asked at Wikiversity:Colloquium. -- darklama  10:20, 26 February 2010 (UTC)Reply
I have edited the page twice. Which version do you prefer? A or B? -- darklama  11:40, 26 February 2010 (UTC)Reply
In certain ways I prefer B, but I think A is more appropriate and natural. B would be a good model for an abstract I may need to write later. In any event, thank you very much. You merged my words together better and quicker than I would have done. --Charles Jeffrey Danoff 02:27, 27 February 2010 (UTC)Reply
Also, I asked the Wikiversity:Colloquium for their advice. Finally, I agree that the Wikiversity:Research process reflect something more natural while using the questions as a guide makes sense. Perhaps some journal examples of Background Info? And, or, should I finish my original research, mine? --Charles Jeffrey Danoff 02:43, 27 February 2010 (UTC)Reply
What would you like to do? You are welcome to help revise and improve the research process too. It may be enough for you to document your experiences and what you have learned, and/or to actively discuss your experiences and what you learn as it happens with others, if that is what you rather do. I am likely to review and revise the research process over time, to reflect areas where people have struggled, and to document what works. Your own struggles, mistakes and successes with doing research on Wikiversity is likely to be enough to help me with that.
I think some kinks I still need to work out right now has to do with presentation and perspectives. I think a first-person narrative is a more natural frame of mind to be in while a research project is ongoing, but at some point revisions are probably needed to make the presentation more suitable for an audience. That probably doesn't need to be done until the research is finished.
I can't quiet put my finger on it, but I think maybe the background information section is missing some details. I think it has to do with the thing that is the subject/focus of your research. Like maybe more details about the textbooks and lessons you use are missing. How are teachers suppose to be able to know if your situation is similar to their situation if they don't know the details? How are other people suppose to be able to reproduce your research for themselves and see if they would reach similar conclusions or produce similar results if they don't know the details? Like what tools, materials, etc. you used, how you used them, or whatever? I hope you understand what I mean. -- darklama  14:42, 27 February 2010 (UTC)Reply
Darklama, I agree with you. I think I want to add the following questions:
  • How can teachers archive old lesson plans for personal reference and other needs?
  • Is it possible to share lesson plans that are useful for others and if so, how?
  • What are effective teaching methods using the FUN WITH ENGLISH Listening texbooks?
  • What is the best way for teachers to review their own lesson plans to learn and improve?
  • How can teachers display their portfolio of archived teaching materials to show their personal evolution?
  • How can teachers share and use their culture teaching English in a foreign one?

In addition to answering these quesitons, a goal of this research is to create a legitimate web resource for any teachers using the FUN WITH ENGLISH listening textbooks. Previously I included my ideas about expanding the research to include what i'm doing right now, but upon further reflection, that can wait. Focus on getting this going first. --Charles Jeffrey Danoff 13:45, 2 March 2010 (UTC)Reply

Go for it. With further thought, I'm thinking you may want to add answers too for:
  • What is/are FUN WITH ENGLISH Listening textbooks?
  • Who is/are FUN WITH ENGLISH Listening textbooks suppose to teach?
  • Why is/are FUN WITH ENGLISH Listening textbooks used in your classroom?
  • How is/are FUN WITH ENGLISH Listening textbooks used in your classroom?
  • When is/are FUN WITH ENGLISH Listening textbooks used in your classroom?
-- darklama  17:11, 2 March 2010 (UTC)Reply
Will do, thanks for the support and ideas. --Charles Jeffrey Danoff 04:57, 4 March 2010 (UTC)Reply

İnvite to History of Ottoman Empire Course

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Hi! If you want to be student on History of the Ottoman Empire course, you can learn History of Ottoman Empire. Also you can be assistant student and professional student about History of Ottoman Empire. You can ask any questions, doing homeworks and making quiz about History of Ottoman Empire. Good works... --Bermanya 19:19, 16 June 2010 (UTC)Reply

Wikimania returns

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Hi, as I have seen your presentation, I would say there are more participants like you. E.g. this resource I have founded today looks good: Human Legacy Course/Early India.--Juan de Vojníkov 20:37, 2 August 2010 (UTC)Reply

Juan glad to hear. I looked at the resource quickly and its intriguing. I hope I can read more later. How did you see my presentation? Thanks for getting in contact. --Charles Jeffrey Danoff 20:46, 2 August 2010 (UTC)Reply

From the chair. Most of the facts of that blok I have known, so I had no opportunity to ask some questions.--Juan de Vojníkov 20:54, 2 August 2010 (UTC)Reply


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Hi, could you put all the pages you have founded to a category? Thanks!--Juan de Vojníkov 18:14, 5 August 2010 (UTC)Reply

That would be helpful. What would you suggest? Something unique like Mr. Danoff's FWE Lessons? And/or something more broad like TESOL [Teaching English as a Second or Other Language]? --Charles Jeffrey Danoff 21:46, 6 August 2010 (UTC)Reply

It doesn't matter. If there are more pages of your course it can be category:Mr. Danoff's FWE Lessons. This category will be than in category:English as a Second Language.--Juan de Vojníkov 09:53, 8 August 2010 (UTC)Reply

How about this Mr. Danoff's FWE 8B Lesson 2? Or, would it be better to make all the lesson plans a sub-page as part of an overall Mr. Danoff's FWE Lessons page like Nonlinear finite elements/Sets is a sub-page of Nonlinear finite elements? --Charles Jeffrey Danoff 19:03, 11 August 2010 (UTC)Reply

The organization of Topic:TESOL material at Wikiversity with simple to use navigational elements will evolve as people submit pages on this topic and work with them. To start this, I put some category links into a template:TESOL that you can display on your user page or wherever you find it helpful. It is a box of links that floats right. To put it on a page, use this wiki text: {{TESOL}} as I have done here, to show you:


Topic:English Language

Cheers! --Rogerhc 04:36, 22 November 2010 (UTC)Reply

Hi Roger, I think it'd be a helpful idea to add TESOL template to the TESOL resources I'm making. I tried here, only problem being it lines up to the left of the other templates I have. Any chance you could fix that?
Thanks for saying hi, we had some brief back and forths and wikigogy in the past, and I am glad to be back in contact again. --Charles Jeffrey Danoff 19:35, 22 November 2010 (UTC)Reply
Fixed (added "clear:right;"). Sorry for the delay. Didn't see this till just now; don't frequent these parts often. --Rogerhc 04:25, 7 December 2010 (UTC)Reply
thx, looks professional --Charles Jeffrey Danoff 05:40, 7 December 2010 (UTC)Reply

Mr. Brown & Mr. Danoff's Halloween Lesson 2

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This looks like a place where you took notes, on a subtopic.

May I suggest that this doesn't belong in mainspace, at the top level? If this is part of an existing resource, then placing it as a subpage underneath that resource would be appropriate. Or if it's your personal notes, in your user space, as subpages of User:Charles Jeffrey Danoff.

My guideline for what goes in mainspace, top level, is "Would someone be looking for a course on -- in this case -- "Mr. Brown & Mr. Danoff's Halloween Lesson 2"? Somehow I don't think so!

The question for me is not whether or not you can do on Wikiversity what you are doing. You can do it, it's welcome. The question is where and how.

You seem to be writing a book. Reviewing My Semester with the FUN WITH ENGLISH 7A & 8A Textbooks Yet that page is a collection of notes, not part of a book, per se. User space? Subspace of a Fun With English resource? The page I mention in the section header could be a subpage of a book page.

Many of your page titles have your name in them. I'm working on Cold fusion. I suppose I could start a page called Abd ul-Rahman Lomax's Experiences with Cold fusion. But that certainly would not be a collaborative project. If I were going to do that, I'd do it in my user space. as with User:Abd/My experiences with cold fusion.

What do you think? --Abd 21:35, 17 February 2011 (UTC)Reply

Abd, thanks for your interest and comments. I agree that the organization is troublesome right now. Currently I am focusing on getting all the different components published this afternoon/evening, once they're all there I think the best way to organize will reveal itself to me. What I'm thinking now is:
TOP: Mr. Danoff's Anqing Teaching Portfolio
SUB: /7A Lessons
SUB: /1 (depending on lesson #)
what'd you think of that?--Charles Jeffrey Danoff 21:50, 17 February 2011 (UTC)Reply
for the second semester stuff I took your advice and removed my name from the titles and put them all into so and so user spaces, then created a Wikiversity book out of it all: FUN WITH ENGLISH 7B & 8B: Unofficial Teacher's Guide --Charles Jeffrey Danoff 07:06, 18 February 2011 (UTC)Reply
I suggest you use lesson names instead of lesson numbers. You can avoid a need to rename pages should the order in which the lessons are taught change. Other people will have an easer time finding the lesson they are after if they use the search function. Other people will also be able to navigate to the lesson they want to use or read quickly, instead of checking each page to see if this is the lesson they are after. -- darklama  13:19, 18 February 2011 (UTC)Reply
I like your ideas, I moved almost the 7A lessons under the sub-page and gave them new names. Is that what you meant? I still like having some sort of numbering ordering system, so I aligned them by chapter, a la this resource from Englipedia which was the most helpful thing I ever found as an EFL teacher. How's that? --Charles Jeffrey Danoff 05:39, 19 February 2011 (UTC)Reply
I suggest not using your name in a top-level resource, i.e., in mainspace with no prefix, rather than being a subpage. If you are really writing only about yourself, and your personal experience, the page could be in your user space, but it may be just fine as a personal story under the general topic of Fun with English. I'm not sure about the "Books" as a top-level resource name! If it's a book, why not Wikibooks? --Abd 16:25, 18 February 2011 (UTC)Reply
I agree that I shouldn't have my user name in there. I moved most of the the 7A lessons all into sub-pages under the main resource. Still need to move the the 8A lessons. The resource isn't a book, its designed to be a guide for teachers who are using the FUN WITH ENGLISH books. The idea is they'll type their book name into google and this'll come up ... does that make sense? Do you have a better idea for a title? --Charles Jeffrey Danoff 05:39, 19 February 2011 (UTC)Reply
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Hi, I added a link to your messsage; I hope you dont mind. if you do mind, I don't mind if you remove it ;-) John Vandenberg 03:06, 23 February 2011 (UTC)Reply

Silly me; I see now that you linked to it in your first message in that thread. John Vandenberg 03:16, 23 February 2011 (UTC)Reply

United States English

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Thanks for moving ENG 099. I see that the Wikipedia article for this subject is Wikipedia:American English, but it does note that it is often called U.S. English. I'll add a redirect for our American English to the new title. There was a Dec. 2012 subpage. I've moved it under the current page. Let me know if you have any questions. -- Dave Braunschweig (discusscontribs) 13:27, 21 November 2016 (UTC)Reply