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Risk Literacy/Real World Labs

From Wikiversity
Real World Lab Activity: Analysis of a river as a liquid conveyor belt
Basic Risk and Response Cycle

In Real World Lab[1] for improvement of Risk Literacy considers

  • environmental,
  • social cultural,
  • scientific,
  • technical,
  • psychological and
  • educational

issues in a real geographically located area. The Real-World Lab provides options for physical interaction with environment. Picks up topic from the learning environment, combines the topic with curricular topics (e.g. in schools if possible).


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The learning objective is to improve skills, knowledge and behavioural change to improve Risk Literacy in a specific region, where the real world lab is located. The real world lab lets the learn explore

  • (Risk) how a certain risk can be identified in a real world environment and
  • (Response) provides guidance and learning resources to mitigate the risk for humans, animals and environment (see e.g. One Health)

Role of Wikiversity for Real World Labs

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Wikiversity provides the open learning resource attached to geolocation (see geolocated OER). Wikiversity allows to explore the Real World Lab digitally to prepare a

  • real visit of the Real World Lab,
  • access additional digital educational content, when you are visiting a real world lab or
  • compare the experiences at current geolocation of learner with digital visualisations of a Real World Lab, that is similar to place the learner is located.

Systems Thinking

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The local interactions with physical learning resources at the geolocation and digital learning resources in Wikiversity refer to specific geographic location as a first step. The next step as learning objective is to generalize the performed real-world experiments are generalized, then the outcome of learning is linked to a global perspective of systemic thinking, so that skill and knowledge can be transfered to similar situations and challenges.


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Learning Task

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  • Assume you want to design a Real-World Lab at a small river. Suggest experiments and interactions with environment for the subject
    • Chemistry,
    • Biology,
    • Physics,
    • Mathematics,
    • Geography,
    • Language (e.g. Poems, Literature about rivers and nature ...)
  • (Quiz for Experiments) Create a Wikiversity Quiz with a geolocation as a tailored learning resouce for specific geolocation, where the Real-World lab is located (see geolocation example in the upper right corner in the Wikipedia article Vienna International Center of UN).
  • (Online Learning) Learn how to create a web-based exploration for a Real World Lab
  • (Systems Thinking) Explore the concept of systems thinking and explain a real world lab can contribute risk literacy by identification of systemic impacts on risk. Combine the systems thinking approach with "Think Globally and Act Locally". Act locally is represented by the local interaction with the Real World Lab or in general with the environment the learner is living in. Decribe the challenge for the learner break down global knowledge about systems towards consequence of local interaction with communities and environment. A Real World Lab can be used as an environment learn about the systemic dependencies and the Risk Management. Explain how the lessons learned in the Real World Lab could improve the application of risk mitigation strategies. What are the consequence for the design of a Real World Lab that supports the transfer of knowledge and the improvement of Risk Literacy.
  • (Open Innovation Ecosystem) Explain how an Open Innovation Ecosystem can be used to create a repository of Open Educational Resources for improving Risk Literacy. Apply the Risk Literacy objective to a real location close to the place you live. What are the required learning resouces for the Real World Lab of your choice? You can those Open Educational Resources be adapted to the Real World Lab as learning environment (address e.g. natural hazards like flooding, IT environments with digital risk literacy, using improving community collaboration to perform risk mitigation strategies, ...)

See also

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  1. Schneidewind, U., & Singer-Brodowski, M. (2015). Vom experimentellen Lernen zum transformativen Experimentieren*: Reallabore als Katalysator für eine lernende Gesellschaft auf dem Weg zu einer Nachhaltigen Entwicklung/From Experimental Learning to Transformative Experiments: Real World Laboratories as a Catalyst for a Learning Society on the Way to Sustainable Development. Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts-und Unternehmensethik, 16(1), 10.