Image Map

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Online Image Map Editor on GitHub

ImageMap in Wikiversity allows learners to explore a learning resource visually. This learning resource is designed for authors of learning resources in Wikiversity, that want to enhance learning resources with visual explorations of the content.

Water Wheel Link to Wikipedia
Click on Water Wheel - Image River: Queich, City: Annweiler, Country: Germany
Image Map Graph for Navigation


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Learning Tasks

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  • Explore the concept of Real World Labs with learning resources in Wikiversity attached to a geographical location. Explain how image maps can help to explore the geographical location!
  • Place the images representing a certain geolocation on the map a create an icon for with the
    • (Learning Resource) Wikiversity URL with the learning resource for that geolocation or
    • (Image Map Page) with Image Map on the Wikiversity page. Users change from MAP-navigation to IMAGE-based navigation.
  • Explore the Image Map features and the requirments and constraints for learners[1] with the following examples
  • Select images for your Real World Lab (e.g. the image on the right with the river Queich) and create an image map that informs about the objects seen on the image (e.g. the water wheel or the river). The ImageMap editor will defined clickable areas on the image. Users explore the Real World Lab just by the web browser by selecting the river bed, or a building. By clicking on the river or the building the user can select further details of river or the building (view inside the building).
    • Use the following URL in the Online Image Map originally created by Adam Maschek and forked and adapted (2017) for an improved application within Wikiversity.
  • Mark the water wheel and create a reference to an online resource in Wikipedia, that explains this type of old technology.
  • Try other types of links that make a reference objects see on the image, e.g. a geographical map with a marker, that shows where the image was taken, or any other web-based resouce including quizzes, YouTube Videos, ...

See also

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Equirectangular Image from Wikiversity used for Aframe 360 Degree Image (see Hugin)
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  1. Allen, R. (1998). The Web: interactive and multimedia education. Computer Networks and ISDN Systems, 30(16), 1717-1727.
  2. ImgMap - Webbased OpenSource Tool for creating ImageMap for Wikiversity (accessed 2017/10/24) - - Download; (Offline use of ImageMap Editor)