Welcome to the Physics and Astronomy portal. This portal is intended to be a user-friendly guide to physics and astronomy content on Wikiversity for pre-school, primary and secondary levels. For a more specialist and advanced portal, please refer to the School of Physics and Astronomy.
This word finder puzzle contains the names of the planets and some other objects in the solar system. Click on the image for a full size version which you can freely re-use and modify. Print it and use it for your lessons, integrate it into your pages on Wikiversity, or use it in other learning resources and websites. Use the links below to find more images like this one.
The following is a dynamic listing of all the pages categorized into this portal. To restructure or extend this list, you will need to edit individual page categories.
Enter the title of your new page into the box below and click the button. This will create a new page for you and start off the page with some boilerplate.
July 22:Wikiphilosophers has launched on Wikiversity. The goal of this project is to provide an overview of all philosophical ideas of philosophers and thinkers within Wikiversity.