Welcome to Wikiphilosophers!
Wikiphilosophers is a project aiming to provide an overview of philosophical ideas from new philosophers and thinkers. On Wikiphilosophers, you can articulate all your philosophical views under the lemma to which they belong. In this way, we collect hundreds of philosophies from today's thinkers! Explore, develop and exchange countless philosophical ideas!
Getting started
[edit | edit source]What do you think you know for sure? And what assumptions are you making? What are you not quite sure about yet? Try to sort this out for yourself before you get started, by thinking about what philosophical ideas you would like to write about.
What is the topic of your philosophical idea about in one or two words? Once you know this, create a new topic page via the button below or go to the existing topic page if it already exists.
After that, you can write out your own philosophical view via Wikiphilosophers/<name of topic>/<username>
. Preferably as short and concise as possible, so that one does not have to read extensive texts.
Starting dialogues
[edit | edit source]When reading other people's philosophical views, it is possible to start a dialogue on the discussion page. Ask questions if something is not clear to you, preferably through the Socratic method. This creates the opportunity for the writer to develop his philosophical views more deeply. If you understand each other better, you can additionally get inspiration from each other. Just make sure that you always ask questions and don't try to explain your own philosophical views on the discussion page. Because you can do this on your own page.