Etymology is an introductory lecture for the course on the elements of terminology.
You are free to take this quiz at any time.
Once you’ve read and studied these pages and the links contained within, listed under See also, External links and in the {{terminology resources}} template, you should have adequate background to take the quiz.
Suggestion: Have the lecture available in a separate window.
Enjoy learning by doing!
[edit | edit source]
External links
[edit | edit source]- African Journals Online
- Bing Advanced search
- Google Books
- Google scholar Advanced Scholar Search
- Lycos search
- NASA's National Space Science Data Center
- NCBI All Databases Search
- Office of Scientific & Technical Information
- PsycNET
- Questia - The Online Library of Books and Journals
- SAGE journals online
- Scirus for scientific information only advanced search
- Spacecraft Query at NASA
- SpringerLink
- Taylor & Francis Online
- WikiDoc The Living Textbook of Medicine
- Wiley Online Library Advanced Search
- Yahoo Advanced Web Search
{{Charge ontology}}{{Reasoning resources}}