Climate change

Introduction to Learner based Activities
[edit | edit source]Aim of the project:
[edit | edit source]This learning project aims to support participants in their response to climate change[2] through the collective identification, remixing, creation and use of learning resources on this topic.
Outcomes for the Learner-based Activiities
[edit | edit source]Please add any outcomes you would like this project to achieve. Also use the talk page to discuss these outcomes.
- Find participants for the project
- Discuss and select approaches to organise and implement the project
- Work collectively to set the aims and objectives of the project
- Negotiate a provisional outline of how these objective might be achieved
- Collectively identify, locate, remix, edit and create learning activities and resources that will fulfil participants individual objectives.
- Participate in the learning activities
- Reflect on and evaluate these learning experiences
- Refine the process and repeat
Learners Activity Page
[edit | edit source]- Learners Activity - Comment of Learner - response to performed role plays in the context of Climate Change. Suggestion of learner, how the learning environments about climate change can be improved.
- (Data Driven Analysis) Explain the requirement of data driven analysis for climate change decision making. The artic ice produced layers of ice in the past. Are small bubbles or air encapsuled in the ice and how does that give information about greenhouse gas concentration in the past? How can the corresponding climate on earth be identified with other samples or fossiles on earth to clarify what climate could be expected? Look at the speed of increase of greenhouse emission in the atmosphere, how does that relate to mean temperatures and the application of the Moving Average on weather data to identify a long term trend. What are available the resources of peer-reviewed journals that you can find to support evidence-based decision making.
- (Biodiversity) consider the climate change in the context of biodiversity. Try to describe possible links between Climate Change and Biodiversity as hypothesis. Then look for scientific evidence in peer-reviewed journals that support your previously mentioned links/hypothesis. What is the scientific evidence you find and what are the conclusions you draw from the scientific results?
Learning Activities
[edit | edit source]- (Sustainable Development Goals) Analyse the Sustainable Development Goals and identify the contributions to Risk Management in the area of climate change.
- (Risk Management) Analyse the generic approach describe in the Risk Management learning resource. Map risks to risk mitigation resource and analyse possible obstacles and challenges of the application risk mitigation strategies.
- What is the difference between weather and climate?
- (Polar Ice Shield - Atmospheric Diary) Snow encapsules in bubbles of the atmosphere in layers per year. The layers can be identified like layers in a tree trunc (dendrochronology). In the polar ice shield layers of ice aggegrate over years. This creates a climate diary of the atmosphere. If you combine this information with plants and animals living in a specific area at a specific time (e.g. proven by fossiles, paleogentics, ...) it is possible to estimate what climate is matching with the current Greenhouse gas concentration in the atmosphere?
- (Risk Literacy) Why is it difficult to understand the consequences of climate change? "I am expose to 40 degrees celsius between Winter and Summer. I do not care about 2 degree temperature difference mentioned in global warming scenarios!"
- (Responsibility) Discuss the responsibility of the current generations for the future generations. Create a role play and assign a role to different stakeholders. Discuss the responsibilty of the stakeholders and the requirements and constraints in which they perform decisions. What are the drivers for the decision to what extend is the climate change responsibility part of decision making? Try to identify conflicts of interest and discuss possible solutions for climate change risk mitigation.
Processes used in this project
[edit | edit source]This section will contain details of the various processes or methods used in this project in producing the stated outcomes. At the moment this is just a random list of some possible approaches. Please add your own suggestions or links to established approaches.
Participation and ownership
[edit | edit source]The nature of wikis encourages joint ownership of all the participants. The experience of other wiki projects can be used as a guide to encouraging participation.
Learning methods
[edit | edit source]Webquests
[edit | edit source]A webquest is an enquiry based learning activity were participants use the Internet to locate the resources they need to resolve the problem posed by the webquest.
Reflective diary
[edit | edit source]This project encourages people to take a personal approach to the subject of climate change. Peoples feelings and emotions play a key part in any learning. One approach to paying attention to your feelings is to keep a reflective learning diary. In this you can record your immediate feelings about some aspect of your learning. Later you can reflect on these feelings and see how they effected your learning. If you wanted to share your reflective learning diary you could set up a page on your Wikiversity home page and add entries there. Alternatively you could setup a reflective learning blog and which can be either private or public.
Learning resources
[edit | edit source]- United Nations - Climate Change e-Learning Portal
- Explore the Wikipedia content about Climate Change
- C-Roads Climate Interactive: Create a role play for learners/students in which they pick up the role of different stakeholders, that negotate. The task is to represent the stakeholders interests and negotiate the actions for climate change risk mitigation. After negotiations define the emission peak year first and then calculate the total greenhouse gas reduction rate, reduction of deforrestation, ... for your activities. Discuss the results on the reduction of temperature increase until 2100.
- Explain the need for Risk Literacy about climate change and derive the purpose of the impact in the future.
- Try to identify how many people will be affected by the rise of sea level
- loss of agricultural areas,
- urban area (try to quantify the affected population)
- (AR Conference) Analyze the concept of an AR Conference in the context of climate change. Learner can meet like in a video conference in an AR Conference at different locations on earth to understand the impact of climate change on the specific location on earth. Augmented Reality can be used to explore the affected location without creating a huge carbon footprint by flying to that location. Furthermore it might be expensive and very time consuming to explore those place in the context of school, colleges and universities. How can Real World Labs be used and shared e.g. in Wikiversity so that those learning environments are created by the schools, colleges and universities at specific geolocation who shared with the other educational institutions all over world to be used for climate change Risk Literacy.
Please add links to suitable learning resources in this section. Ideally these should be licensed under a creative commons or equivalent licence.
- Due to climate change related risks like
- rise of sea level of 3mm per year (e.g. need to relocate villages on the Fiji Islands)
- increasing number of extreme events (see Disaster Management and UN-SPIDER)
- alteration of spatial pattern of communicable disease according to spread of vectors like mosquitos (see Expert Focus Group for Space and Global Health)
- loss of value of fossile fuel investments (see Global Challenges)
[edit | edit source]This section contains links and references to key information about climate change. Please only add items to this list that you feel are essential to understanding climate change.
[edit | edit source]- Summary of the IPCC Synthesis Report (PDF 2Mb) contains an overview of the latest IPCC report giving a state of the art overview of the science, consequences and mitigation of climate change and global warming
- The Copenhagen Diagnosis report(PDF 3.3Mb) is an update of the science in the proceeding report and includes new information published in the three years since the IPCC report
[edit | edit source]- The IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) is the lead organisation for the international investigation into global warming and climate change.
- The Copenhagen Diagnosis website synthesizes the most policy-relevant climate science published since the close-off of material for the last IPCC report
- Real Climate is a blog by scientists working in climate science and an invaluable source for those who are scientifically inclined.
Introduction to the science
[edit | edit source]Short courses
[edit | edit source]- Openlearn's global warming course provides a structured introduction to the science behind the debate from the people who brought you the Open University.
- Global warming is a series of videos lectures by David Archer covering a 10-week course for non-science majors focuses on a single problem: assessing the risk of human-caused climate change.
Wikiversity projects
[edit | edit source]These are a list of existing projects on Wikiversity that relate to this project. If you find any other projects please add them. A description or summary of each project would also be useful.
- Personal views on climate change
- Northern Arizona University/Environmental Ethics/Climate Change
- Scientific views on climate change
- Juridical national measures on climate change
- Visual thinking strategies
- Peak oil, energy, and society
International Activities
[edit | edit source]- 2017 UN Climate Change Conference (COP23), Bonn, Germany
- 2016 UN Climate Change Conference (COP22), Marrakech
External Resources
[edit | edit source]- Google Map of Climate Change: Zoom in on examples of the assessments of the National Climate Assessment and Development Advisory Committee.
- Google Map of the Rise, Fall, and Migration of Civilization Due to Climate Change
- United Nations Climate Change e-Learning Portal
See also
[edit | edit source]- Biodiversity
- Risk Management
- Risk Literacy
- Sustainable Development Goals
- AR Conference and Situated Learning
[edit | edit source]- ↑ UN-Guidelines for Use of SDG logo and the 17 SDG icons (2019/05/10) -
- ↑ Protocol, K. (1997). United Nations framework convention on climate change. Kyoto Protocol, Kyoto, 19.