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An icon with headphones that have a compression wave between them
Audacity lets you make loud music (and soft as well).

The Audacity (audio editor) is free, open source software for recording and editing sounds. It is available for download here for Microsoft Windows, macOS/Mac OS X and GNU/Linux.

What's it for?

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This is a Wikiversity learning resource placed here to help folks with:

Converting to OGG for Wikiversity
One of the most important uses for Audacity at Wikiversity is to convert WAV and AIFF files to OGG files.
Wikiversity only uploads OGG files. Attempts to upload other file formats gets a very vague error message so you must use a program like Audacity to do the conversion.
To do this, start a new page in Audacity. Then IMPORT your WAV or AIFF file. Trim and export to OGG. Very easy!


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Getting started

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The main menu of audacity contains:

  1. FileNew, Open, Close, Save Project, Save Project As, Export... (8 export options), Page Setup, Print, Preferences, Exit
  2. EditUndo, Redo, ... Move Cursor, Snap to...
  3. Select ' make audio selections
  4. ViewZoom In, Zoom Normal, Zoom Out, ... Float Mixer Toolbar, Float Meter Toolbar
  5. Transport - Playing, Recording, Scrubbing ...
  6. Tracks - Add New, Mix, ... Sync-Lock
  7. GenerateSilence, Tone, Noise, ...
  8. EffectAmplify, Auto Duck, ... Truncate Silence, WahWah
  9. AnalyzeContrast, ... Find Clipping
  10. Tools - Macros, Screenshot, ... Sample Data Import
  11. Extra - provides access to Toolbar operations, commands for track focus and movement of the editing or playback cursor
  12. HelpOnline Help, About Audacity

See also

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Grassroots media training/KKFI/Audacity


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Tools for creating internet content
See also: Digital media workshop - Related discussion: Free content