TAO/Old Start Page

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Welcome to the work space of the project TAO

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TAO is both a placeholder for the Chinese ideograph (Pinyin: About this sound Dào ), meaning way or method, and an acronym for Third Age Online. The main goal is to make it easier for older people to take advantage of the opportunities offered by online communities. TAO also seeks to develop strategies for online communities who wish to encourage older people to contribute content. You can learn more about the project by checking out its official website.

We use Wikiversity to:

  • develop a handbook for online communities and operators of community platforms, containing effective strategies for an improved inclusion of older people in online communities and online social networks
  • set up a community of practice with various stakeholders from different backgrounds around the topic "e-inclusion of older people in the web 2.0 era", with a focus on online communities and online collaboration


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The handbook is our project output. It is the place where the know-how gathered and validated throughout our project is formalized and presented in a "distilled" form, ready for use by interested members of online communities as well as platform operators.

Community of Practice

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The people engaging in the various learning and research activities around the project TAO form our community of practice. It is made up of our multidisciplinary project team, comprising both researchers and practitioners, complemented by a series of other stakeholders. You are welcome to join us if you are interested!


Learning and Research Activities

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Throughout various learning and research activities we are gathering, generating, transferring, testing, and documenting the know-how that is relevant for our purpose. By documenting the results of our learning and research activities we are possibly also generating the content of the handbook. In the Wikiversity context all ways of approaching the topic can be called "Activity".

The learning and research activities presently under development can be found here:

Materials on working in Wikiversity

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  • TAO/Concept: Development of the Concept of TAO/Wikiversity (CoP & handbook)
  • TAO/Brainstorm: Page for input, raw ideas, things to be done later in the project.
  • TAO/Overview: list of pages belonging to of in focus of the project (us it to not loose the overview).
  • TAO/Templates: collection of templates, which are recommended to use.
  • TAO/Media files and licenses: pointers and basic information on generating media beyond text.