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This is the home page for organizing and sharing resources to help with Open Teaching of Psychological Science.
The initial demonstration project is based on a survey that Eric Youngstrom, PhD, has been using in undergraduate courses taught at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and at Korea University. It includes examples of questionnaires asking about personality, morningness-eveningnesss chronotype, sleep quality, mood (depression and hypomanic symptoms), trait emotion, body image, attitudes towards mental illness, and social desirability -- all topics discussed in classes.
We are working to increase the amount of experiential learning possible with these resources. One project in Fall 2017 is to build out information pages about the measures here on Wikiversity. We will add copies of the questionnaires, scoring syntax (in triplicate: R, SPSS, and SAS), and data shells to make it easy for people to incorporate the measures into their own teaching or research. We also will share tidy data for the project, along with examples of analyses and data visualizations.
Overview and rationale
[edit | edit source]The goal is to create multiple opportunities for experiential learning. Rather than starting immediately with the basics, we take a survey that includes many widely used scales. We get our scores, and ask the following questions: a number and an acronym as a label? What does it mean? How does our score compare to other people, or what is "normal"? How accurate is the score? etc. We work together to answer these, and then try to come up with new questions in order to connect them with psychological literature, investigate them through statistical analysis and data visualization, and share our results with different audiences.
Content areas
[edit | edit source]- OToPS OSF
- Template for adding/describing new measures on Wikiversity
- Instructions for adding/describing new measures on OToPS OSF
- OToPS master measures list
- Data visualization techniques (exploratory and explanatory)
- Statistical analyses
- Common issues working with data
Data Sets
[edit | edit source]Past projects
[edit | edit source]- 2023
- 2022 - Psychology 525 at UNC Chapel Hill (Here you can find a sample syllabus with links to teaching resources)
- 2021
- 2020
- 2019
- 2018
- Fall 2017
- 2016
Student Posters
[edit | edit source]One of the capstone projects has been presenting a poster at a state or national conference. We have an anthology of student posters, along with excerpts of the syntax that they used to run the analyses and make the data visualizations. We have a gallery of past student posters here.
Further information
[edit | edit source]Here is a link to a "view & comment" version of our GoogleDoc that includes a codebook and several scratchpads. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1f16rMBHYVfjgYSuLq0lIRdf9au46ovWj7T-PBiHCi6Y/edit?usp=sharing
[edit | edit source]- ABACAB (NIH R01 MH066647)
- ABACAB (NIH R01 MH066647)/LEAD Diagnoses
- Data visualization
- Data visualization/Exploratory visualization
- Item Overlap Methodology
- Item Overlap Methodology/ADHD and ODD
- Item Overlap Methodology/Borderline personality disorder scales
- Item Overlap Methodology/Brief Mental Health Screeners
- Item Overlap Methodology/Catatonia Scales
- Item Overlap Methodology/Mania Kids
- Item Overlap Methodology/ODD content overlap
- Item Overlap Methodology/Pediatric Depression Scales
- Item Overlap Methodology/Pediatric PTSD Scales
- Item Overlap Methodology Brief Mental Health Screeners
- Item Overlap Methodology Pediatric Depression Scales
- Measures
- Measures/7 Up 7 Down Inventory
- Measures/Attribution Questionnaire
- Measures/Balanced Inventory of Desirable Responding
- Measures/Behavioral Inhibition and Behavioral Activation System (BIS/BAS) Scales
- Measures/Big Five Inventory
- Measures/Body Dysphoria Scale
- Measures/Child Mania Rating Scale
- Measures/Creative Achievement Questionnaire
- Measures/Creative Adjective Checklist
- Measures/Differential Emotions Scale
- Measures/Eating Disorders Index
- Measures/FAQ
- Measures/Hypomania Checklist
- Measures/Hypomanic Personality Scale
- Measures/Morning-Eveningness Questionnaire
- Measures/Myers Briggs Type Indicator
- Measures/Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index
- Measures/Screen For Adult Anxiety Related Disorders
- Measures/anchorcite
- Measures/template
- Messy Data/Impossible
- Poster Examples
- Poster Rubric
- RStudio setup
- ScreenForAdultAnxietyRelatedDisorders
- Teaching resources
- statistical analyses