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enter text here about measure and uses


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enter text here about general background and history on measure

Main Features

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  • Screening
  • Diagnosis
  • Service Access
  • Monitoring Treatment
    • Progress
    • Outcome
    • Minimally Important Difference or Clinical Significance
  • Research
    • RDoC connection

Highlights of evolution

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  • Any major version changes

Competitive Comparison

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  • What are other widely used alternatives?
  • How does this compare to others?
Add Caption here
Scale (Link) Ease of Use Languages Psychometrics
Text here Text here Text here Text here Text here
Text here Text here Text here Text here Text here
Text here Text here Text here Text here Text here
Text here Text here Text here Text here Text here


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  • How were items and content written?
  • How was the content checked?
  • How were the scales developed?
    • Rationally? By experts?
    • Statistically?

Administration and scoring

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General Administration Procedure

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  • Individual or group? Paper, computer, phone?
  • Typical time to administer (<--could look at metadata of completion times)
  • Age range
  • Any special notes for other respondents?
  • How to explain purpose to different respondents? (any pro tips for getting valid data?)
  • Readability

Computer Administration and Scoring

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  • Notes about any platforms (especially open ones), hardware and software requirements
  • REDCap?
  • QSF file?
  • Links to syntax or other materials
  • Pros and cons of computerization

Scoring Instructions

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  • What are the scales? What items go on which scale? Is the total meaningful?
  • Could include tables or figures
  • What to do with missing responses?
  • Are there profiles?
  • Percentiles or standard scores?
  • Cut scores or Diagnostic Likelihood Ratios?


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  • Scores
    • What items go on what scales?
    • Raw scores
    • Percent of max possible (POMP) scores?
    • Percentiles or standard scores?
    • Any IRT calibration or special weighting
  • If norms
    • Sex norms?
    • Age norms?
    • Informant norms?
  • Other demographic considerations
    • Evidence of differences across SES, social group, country?
  • Integrating information from multiple sources
  • Step-by-step sequence for interpretation


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Full length, short forms, alternate forms


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Self (Youth, Adult), Caregiver/Parent, Teacher, Peer/Other, Observer, other

Normative Data

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Description of the normative sample (if any) or the larger samples that have been published.

Ethnic differences?


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Are versions available in additional languages?


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Version 10-item 20-item Full-length
Mean 3.08 3.05 3.04
SD .47 .47 .43
Range 2.00 to 4.30 2.05 to 4.25 2.10 to 3.97
Omega Total .78 .87 .89
Omega Hierarchical (higher order factor, Schmid-Leiman) .65 .73 .74
Omega Group Factors (variance in total score due to 5 factors) .38 .22 .23
Observed Mean inter-item correlation .11 .15 .12
Observed λ6 .78 .86? .89
Projected correlation with full .72 .81 --
Observed correlation .92 .98 --
Reliability >.8 across range (IRT) -1.5 to 4.1 -3.3 to 5.0 -3.6 to 5.8
Discrepancy (Long – Short) .04ns .01ns --
SD discrepancy .xx .yy
95% limits of agreement .yy to .zz .yy to .zz
Savings in Length (%) 67% 33% 0%
Standard Error of Measurement .22 .17 .14
Standard Error of Difference .31 .24 .20
90% Critical Change .51 .39 .33
95% Critical Change .61 .47 .40
Minimal Important Difference (MID, d ~.5) .24 .24 .22

Note. Observed correlations are based on embedded item administration. Standard errors used OmegaTotal as reliability; ns = no significant difference between short and long form.


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  • Factorial validity
  • Convergent and divergent/discriminant validity
    • What things should correlate highly? Do they? (= convergent)
    • What about measures of other constructs? Do they show lower correlations? (= discriminant)
  • Discriminative validity - does it separate groups correctly? (= classification accuracy)
  • Other criterion validity

Peer Reviewed Research

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Special Populations

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  • To PDFs (in OSF?)
  • To original site?
  • To translations
  • To Assessment Center
  • To Code


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Click here for R code

R code goes here

Click here for SPSS code

SPSS code goes here

Click here for SAS code

SAS code goes here


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  • Marked up PDF
  • Google sheet


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