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Cosmic radiation astronomy/Quiz

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The cosmic-ray telescope collects data on the composition of the cosmic ray particles and their energy ranges. Credit: NASA.{{free media}}

Cosmic-ray astronomy is a lecture as part of the astronomy course on the principles of radiation astronomy.

You are free to take this quiz based on cosmic-ray astronomy at any time.

To improve your score, read and study the lecture, the links contained within, listed under See also, External links, and in the {{principles of radiation astronomy}} template. This should give you adequate background to get 100 %.

As a "learning by doing" resource, this quiz helps you to assess your knowledge and understanding of the information, and it is a quiz you may take over and over as a learning resource to improve your knowledge, understanding, test-taking skills, and your score.

Suggestion: Have the lecture available in a separate window.

To master the information and use only your memory while taking the quiz, try rewriting the information from more familiar points of view, or be creative with association.

Enjoy learning by doing!


1 What negatively charged particles may be used as tracers of cosmic magnetic fields?

2 True or False, Violent activity and supernovae generate cosmic-ray superthermal particles.


3 A cosmic ray may originate from what astronomical source?

the solar wind
the diffuse X-ray background
Mount Redoubt in Alaska
the asteroid belt
an active galactic nucleus

4 True or False, A small amount of aluminum-26 is produced by collisions of magnesium atoms with cosmic-ray protons.


5 Ionization within the Earth's atmosphere from cosmic rays has what property?

it's subject to solar eclipses
it increases underwater
cosmic rays do not penetrate the atmosphere
is higher at the base of the Eiffel tower rather than the top
is obscured by hot-air balloons
the ionization rate rises at rising elevation

6 True or False, The feature that makes deep inelastic lepton scattering and e+e- annihilation tractable is that these processes proceed via the electromagnetic and strong interactions.


7 Which types of radiation astronomy directly observe the rocky-object surface of Venus?

meteor astronomy
cosmic-ray astronomy
neutron astronomy
proton astronomy
beta-ray astronomy
neutrino astronomy
gamma-ray astronomy
X-ray astronomy
ultraviolet astronomy
visual astronomy
infrared astronomy
submillimeter astronomy
radio astronomy
radar astronomy
microwave astronomy
superluminal astronomy

8 True or False, Due to the limited shielding provided by its relatively weak magnetic dipole moment, the surface of Mercury is everywhere subject to bombardment by cosmic rays.


9 Complete the text:

Match up the item letter with each of the possibilities below:
Meteors - A
Cosmic rays - B
Neutrons - C
Protons - D
Electrons - E
Positrons - F
Gamma rays - G
Superluminals - H
X-ray jets

the index of refraction is often greater than 1 just below a resonance frequency

iron, nickel, cobalt, and traces of iridium

Sagittarius X-1

escape from a typical hard low-mass X-ray binary

collisions with argon atoms

X-rays are emitted as they slow down

Henry Moseley using X-ray spectra


10 The relative abundances of solar cosmic rays reflect those of the solar

11 Complete the text:


tracks in emulsion chambers have been used for

measurements of

nuclei above

in a series of balloon-borne experiments.

12 Complete the text:

Match up the radiation letter with each of the detector possibilities below:
Meteors - A
Cosmic rays - B
Neutrons - C
Protons - D
Electrons - E
Positrons - F
Neutrinos - G
Muons - H
Gamma rays - I
X-rays - J
Ultraviolet rays - K
Optical rays - L
Visual rays - M
Violet rays - N
Blue rays - O
Cyan rays - P
Green rays - Q
Yellow rays - R
Orange rays - S
Red rays - T
Infrared rays - U
Submillimeter rays - V
Radio rays - W
Superluminal rays - X
multialkali (Na-K-Sb-Cs) photocathode materials


511 keV gamma-ray peak


broad-band filter centered at 404 nm

a cloud chamber

ring-imaging Cherenkov


effective area is larger by 104



a blemish about 8,000 km long

a metal-mesh achromatic half-wave plate

coated with lithium fluoride over aluminum

thallium bromide (TlBr) crystals


aluminum nitride

heavy water

18 micrometers FWHM at 490 nm

wide-gap II-VI semiconductor ZnO doped with Co2+ (Zn1-xCoxO)

a recoiling nucleus

high-purity germanium

magnetic deflection to separate out incoming ions

2.2-kilogauss magnet used to sweep out electrons


13 True or False, Some cosmic-ray observatories also look for high energy gamma rays and X-rays.


14 Complete the text:

Match up the type of cosmic-ray detector with each of the possibilities below:
visible tracks - A
diffusion cloud chamber - B
bubbles - C
a grid of uninsulated electric wires - D
similar to the Haverah Park experiment - E
fluorescence detectors - F
spark chamber

continuously sensitized to radiation

Pierre Auger Observatory

bubble chamber

Cherenkov detector

expansion cloud chamber


15 True or False, Solitary electrons constitute much of the remaining 1 % of cosmic rays.


16 Complete the text:

Cosmic rays with energies over the

energy of 5 x 1019

interact with

photons to produce

via the resonance.

17 Yes or No, The phenomenology of cosmic ray cascades reflects in an essential way processes governed by the weak force.


18 Complete the text:

Bombardment by protostellar

may make the rock

of calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions

and chondrules radioactive, producing

found in meteorites that are difficult to obtain with other mechanisms.

19 Complete the text:

Match up the item letter with each of the detectors or satellites below:
Bonner Ball Neutron Detector - A
Multi Mirror Telescope - B
MAGIC telescope - C
Explorer 11 - D
HEAO 3 - E
Helios - F
Pioneer 10 - G
Voyager 1 - H








20 Which of the following are determined by the CRS aboard Voyager 1?

acceleration process
life history
dynamic contribution
behavior in the interplanetary medium
trapped particle environment
a steady rise in May 2012 of collisions with high energy particles above 70 MeV
a dramatic drop in collisions in late August


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  1. Cosmic rays leave a trail that can be detected.

See also

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{{Radiation astronomy resources}}