Computer Skills/Intermediate/Internet

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Intermediate Internet concepts include web addresses, searching, and basic conventions of web design.

Objectives and Skills

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Objectives and skills for Internet use include:[1]

  • Understand components of web addresses
  • Know how to search; assess search results; download
  • Understand basic conventions of web design


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  1. YouTube: How to Read a Web Page
  2. YouTube: Teach Students Internet Search
  3. YouTube: Google Search Features
  4. YouTube: Information Savvy: Basic Search Strategies


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  1. Complete the tutorial How to Read a Web Page.
  2. On this page, identify the web address or URL, header, search box, navigation bar, main content, links, and footer.
  3. Complete the tutorial All About Online Search.
  4. Complete the tutorial Google Search Tips.
  5. Complete the tutorial Search Engines and Strategies.
  6. Complete the tutorial Judging Online Information.
  7. Complete the activity Practice Evaluating Information.
  8. Complete the quiz Search Better.

See Also

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