Computer Skills/Basic/Word Processing

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Basic word processing operations include editing and saving files, using the clipboard, recognizing user interface features, spell check, and printing files.

Objectives and Skills

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Objectives and skills for basic word processing concepts include:[1]

  • Create a new document: enter text; delete; save; save as
  • Use basic edit features: cut; copy; paste
  • Identify features: tool bar; icons; cursor
  • Use dictionary; spell check
  • Operate print; print preview


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  1. YouTube: Word 2010: Environment
  2. YouTube: Word 2010: Creating Documents
  3. YouTube: Word 2010: Text Basics
  4. YouTube: Word 2010: Saving
  5. YouTube: Word 2010: Page Layout
  6. YouTube: Word 2010: Spelling and Grammar
  7. YouTube: Word 2010: Printing


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These activities may be completed using any word processing application (Microsoft Word, LibreOffice Writer, Google Document, Apple Pages, etc.):

  1. Start your word processing application. It should automatically open with a new, blank document.
  2. Enter two paragraphs of text in your new document. You can write about the user interface features you see (toolbar, icons, menus, status bar, scroll bars, etc.) and where they are located.
  3. Save your document.
  4. Copy the first paragraph and paste it at the end of the document, creating a third paragraph.
  5. Delete the duplicate third paragraph.
  6. Use Spell Check to verify and correct spelling for your document.
  7. Use Print Preview to see the page layout for your document.
  8. Print your document.
  9. Use Save As to save your document with a new name.

See Also

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