Web Design → Pen and Paper HTML activities
With each of the following snippets of HTML, see if you can spot the error:
<p> A paragraph of text that <strong> is really important </strong></p>
<p> A paragraph of text that is <em> really important </em></p>
<p>A paragraph of text with a list:</p>
<li>Point 1</li>
<li>Point 2</li>
HTML: What is HTML, Advanced HTML Tutorial, HTML Challenges, Lists and Tables, The Structure of HTML, Pen and Paper HTML activities
CSS: Learning Basic HTML and CSS, CSS challenges, Embedded CSS, Basic HTML and CSS Tutorial, Inline CSS, Develop cascading style sheets, CSS3 Animations
PHP: Simple functions in PHP, Dynamic websites, PHP challenges, Dynamic websites with PHP, Generating a receipt with PHP, Responding to HTML forms with PHP,
JavaScript: An Introduction to Programming with JavaScript, JavaScript Challenges, Getting to know JavaScript events, Getting to know the Document Object Model with JavaScript, JavaScript pen-n-paper activities, Web Programming Intro, Produce basic client side script for dynamic web pages
XML: XML challenges
Databases: Creating Database Tables
Projects: A small website project, A step-by-step web design project, Build a basic web page, Build a small website
Challenges: Web design, HTML, AJAX, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, XML, Information Architecture, Algorithms
Activities: Web design group learning activities, Pen and Paper HTML activities, A Web Design Quiz show, Ordering Tasks for a Web Project, Paired Bio Pages, Scoping a Small Project, Emerging Technologies Research Activities
Project management: An introduction to Project Management, Developing a Client Project
Design: Accessibility, Design Principles for Web Design, Design Suggestions, Generating resource identifier strings.
Testing: Testing Website performance, Website Performance Test Plan
Publishing: Getting Your Site On the Web
Certification and standards: Cert IV Website Qualifications in Australia, Australian Qualifications, Web design qualifications
Professional development: Contribute to personal skill development and learning, Useful Applications, Useful Books, Emerging Technologies, Using the Internet as a Learning Tool
Course meta-information: Web Design, About the web design learning project, New Structure, Sample Timetable