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Talk:Motivation and emotion/Book/2020/Emotion regulation and culture

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Latest comment: 3 years ago by Jtneill in topic Multimedia feedback


[edit source]

Hi, I think I accidentally removed some of the information that I put in my Topic development can you please check my history. Thank you so much.

Fixed - you can also check and fix yourself by viewing the history to see what changes have been made. -- Jtneill - Talk - c 07:48, 1 October 2018 (UTC)Reply

Topic development feedback

The topic development has been reviewed according to the marking criteria. Written feedback is provided below, plus there is a general feedback page. Please also check the chapter's page history to check for editing changes made whilst reviewing the chapter plan. Responses to this feedback can be made by starting a new section below and/or contacting the reviewer. Topic development marks are available via UCLearn. Note that marks are based on what was available before the due date, whereas the comments may also be based on all material available at time of providing this feedback.

Title, sub-title, TOC

[edit source]
  1. Good

User page

[edit source]
  1. Good

Social contribution

[edit source]
  1. Good
  2. See suggestions for how to record social contributions

Section headings

[edit source]
  1. Very limited development
  2. Remove template headings and replace with your own

Key points

[edit source]
  1. Very limited development
  2. Remove template keyt points and replace with your own
  1. An image was added
  2. Add an APA style caption to explain how the image helps to illustrate one or more key points in the text


[edit source]
  1. OK
  2. Use APA style
  3. For latest APA style recommended format for dois see http://blog.apastyle.org/apastyle/2017/03/doi-display-guidelines-update-march-2017.html


[edit source]
  1. Insufficient - one Wikipedia link added for See also
  2. See also - also link to related book chapters
  3. External links - not provided

-- Jtneill - Talk - c 07:48, 1 October 2018 (UTC)Reply

Chapter review and feedback

[edit source]

This chapter has been reviewed according to the marking criteria. Written feedback is provided below, plus there is a general feedback page. Please also check the chapter's page history to check for editing changes made whilst reviewing through the chapter. Responses to this feedback can be made by starting a new section below and/or contacting the reviewer. Chapter marks will be available later via Moodle, along with social contribution marks and feedback. Keep an eye on Announcements.


[edit source]
  1. Overall, this chapter is incomplete and insufficient (it offers less than 300 words for a 4,000 word assignment).
  2. The chapter would benefit from further development of the Overview and Conclusion - it should be possible to only read these sections and get a good sense of why the topic is important and what is known/recommended.
  3. Overview - consider building on the sub-title by establishing focus questions to help guide the reader and the chapter structure.
  4. For additional feedback, see comments below and these copyedits.
  1. This chapter makes no use of theory.
  1. This chapter makes no use of research.
  1. This chapter presents insufficient material to comment on the quality of written expression.
  2. Layout
    1. See earlier comments about heading casing.
    2. This chapter lacks structure.
  3. Learning features
      1. Adding interwiki links for the first mention of key words would make the text more interactive.
    1. No use of images, tables, feature boxes, quizzes, case studies, or examples.

-- Jtneill - Talk - c 07:57, 3 December 2018 (UTC)Reply

Topic development feedback

[edit source]

The topic development has been reviewed according to the marking criteria. Written feedback is provided below, plus there is a general feedback page. Please also check the chapter's page history to check for editing changes made whilst reviewing the chapter plan. Responses to this feedback can be made by starting a new section below and/or contacting the reviewer. Topic development marks are available via UCLearn. Note that marks are based on what was available before the due date, whereas the comments may also be based on all material available at time of providing this feedback.

Title and sub-title

[edit source]
  1. The sub-title has been corrected to be consistent with the book table of contents

User page

[edit source]
  1. Not provided

Social contribution

[edit source]
  1. None summarised with links to evidence.

Section headings

[edit source]
  1. Basic development.
  2. Avoid overly long headings.
  3. Remove generic template headings
  4. Focus "How can culture guide an individual?" more clearly on emotion regulation

Key points

[edit source]
  1. Overview - Consider adding:
    1. focus questions.
    2. a case study.
  2. Remove or adapt generic template content.
  3. Basic development of key points for each section, with relevant citations.
  4. Consider including more examples/case studies.
  5. Rather than referring to "East Asian" and "European" cultures based on geography, consider referring to something like "collectivist" and "individualistic" cultures which is more about their culture.
  6. Conclusion missing
  1. An image (figure) is presented.
  2. Caption does not use APA style (italics).
  3. Caption could better explain how the image connects to key points being made in the main text.
  4. Cite each figure at least once in the main text.


[edit source]
  1. OK.
  2. For full APA style, use:
    1. correct capitalisation
    2. correct italicisation
    3. the new recommended format for dois


[edit source]
  1. See also
    1. Identify more specifically relevant links
  2. External links
    1. Not provided

-- Jtneill - Talk - c 06:13, 12 September 2020 (UTC)Reply

Chapter review and feedback

[edit source]

This chapter has been reviewed according to the marking criteria. Written feedback is provided below, plus there is a general feedback page. Please also check the chapter's page history to check for editing changes made whilst reviewing through the chapter. Responses to this feedback can be made by starting a new section below and/or contacting the reviewer. Chapter marks will be available later via UCLearn, along with social contribution marks and feedback. Keep an eye on Announcements.


[edit source]
  1. Overall, this chapter does a reasonably good job of applying psychological theory and research to a real-world problem.
  2. Sub-title didn't match the original listing; adjusted.
  3. For additional feedback, see following comments and these copyedits.
  1. Relevant theory is reasonably well selected, described, and explained.
  2. It could be helpful to more identify more specific cultural and/or emotional theories.
  1. Relevant research is reasonably well reviewed and discussed in relation to theory.
  2. When describing important research findings, consider indicating the size of effects in addition to whether or not there was an effect or relationship.
  3. Greater emphasis on major reviews and/or meta-analyses would be helpful.
  1. Written expression
    1. Overall, the quality of written expression is good professional standard.
    2. Use third person perspective rather than first person (e.g., "we") or second person (e.g., "you") perspective[1].
    3. The chapter benefited from a well developed Overview and Conclusion, with clear focus question(s) and take-home messages.
  2. Layout
    1. See earlier comments about heading casing.
    2. Sections which include sub-sections should also include an introductory paragraph (which doesn't need a separate heading) before branching into the sub-headings.
    3. Avoid having sections with only one sub-sectio
  3. Learning features
    1. Excellent use of embedded in-text interwiki links to Wikipedia articles.
    2. No use of embedded in-text links to related book chapters. Embedding links to related book chapters helps to integrate this chapter into the broader book project.
    3. Use of images is promising but problematic:
      1. File:Universal facial expressions.jpg was falsely claimed as your own work
      2. File:Rev-98-2-224-fig1a.gif was falsely claimed as your own work and appears to be a copyright violation of https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/c426/7ec20f32dfc3301440a8542c4f129f91a440.pdf - it has been nominated for deletion. A better approach would have been to recreate this diagram.
    4. Basic use of table(s).
    5. Basic use of feature box(es).
    6. Very good use of quiz(zes).
    7. The quiz questions could be more effective as learning prompts by being embedded as single questions within each corresponding section rather than being presented as a set of questions at the end.
    8. Individual studies made for interesting case studies. Perhaps more individual examples could help make the content more relatable to an everyday audience.
  4. Grammar
    1. The grammar for some sentences could be improved (e.g., see the [grammar?] tags).
    2. Use serial commas[2] - it is part of APA style and generally recommended by grammaticists.
  5. Proofreading
    1. More proofreading is needed to fix typos and bring the quality of written expression closer to a professional standard.
  6. APA style
    1. Numbers under 10 should be written in words (e.g., five); numbers 10 and over should be written in numerals (e.g., 10).
      1. Use ampersand (&) inside brackets and "and" outside brackets.
    2. Figures and tables
    3. Reference formatting lacks consistency and is not full APA style. For example:
      1. Check and correct use of capitalisation.
      2. Check and correct use of italicisation.
      3. Include dois as hyperlinks.
  1. ~8 logged, useful, social contributions across 2 platforms with direct links to evidence. Most contributions were made in the week before chapters due.

Multimedia feedback

The accompanying multimedia presentation has been marked according to the marking criteria. Marks are available via the unit's UCLearn site. Written feedback is provided below, plus see the general feedback page. Responses to this feedback can be made by starting a new section below. If you would like further clarification about the marking or feedback, contact the unit convener.


[edit source]
  1. Overall, this is a basic presentation.
  1. The presentation takes a while (~1 min) to get going/into the specific topic.
  2. Add and narrate an initial title/sub-title slide, to help the viewer understanding the focus and goal of the presentation.
  3. Consider adding and narrating an Overview slide (e.g., with focus questions), to help orientate the viewer about what will be covered.
  4. The presentation makes basic use of theory.
  5. The presentation makes basic use of research.
  6. The presentation could be improved by making more use of examples or case studies.
  7. What are the practical take-home message(s) that we can use to help improve our everyday lives based on the best available psychological theory and research about this topic?
  1. The presentation makes basic use of animated slides with narrated audio.
  2. Well paced.
  3. Consider improving articulation (e.g., pronunciation of "construal") to enhance the clarity of speech.
  4. Some of the font size should be larger to make it easier to read.
  5. The visual communication is supplemented by images.
  1. The video is produced using simple tools.
  2. The sub-title is missing in both the video title and on the opening slide - this would help to clearly convey the purpose of the presentation.
  3. Audio recording quality was very good.
  4. Image sources and their copyright status are provided.
  5. A copyright license for the presentation is provided in the video description but not in the meta-data.
  6. A link to the book chapter is provided.
  7. A link from the book chapter is provided.
  8. A written description of the presentation is provided.

-- Jtneill - Talk - c 04:11, 25 November 2020 (UTC)Reply