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Talk:Motivation and emotion/Book/2018/Emoticons, emoji, and the electronic communication of emotion

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Latest comment: 5 years ago by Jtneill in topic Multimedia feedback

Topic development feedback

The topic development has been reviewed according to the marking criteria. Written feedback is provided below, plus there is a general feedback page. Please also check the chapter's page history to check for editing changes made whilst reviewing the chapter plan. Responses to this feedback can be made by starting a new section below and/or contacting the reviewer. Topic development marks are available via UCLearn. Note that marks are based on what was available before the due date, whereas the comments may also be based on all material available at time of providing this feedback.

Title, sub-title, TOC

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  1. Very good

User page

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  1. Excellent

Social contribution

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  1. OK
  2. Link doesn't go directly to evidence of contribution (it should be easy to see the changes you made at first glance, without any searching)

Section headings

[edit source]
  1. Basic, single-level structure suggested
  2. Consider using a 2-level structure
  3. It is not clear or convincing from the current proposed structure and key points how the chapter will address the theory and research marking criteria
  4. Generic proposed sections such as "Emotion" aren't necessary. Instead, cover such concepts briefly within the Overview or subsequent sections, with links to dedicated Wikiversity/Wikipedia resources for more info. This will allow the bulk of the structure to be focused on addressing the core topic (i.e., the chapter's sub-title).

Key points

[edit source]
  1. Overview
    1. Questions - good, but maybe consolidate - once these are decided upon, then it should help to guide the chapter structure
    2. Consider introducing one or more case studies to help engage reader interest (e.g., perhaps a scenario where emojis/emoticons are used to good effect, and perhaps another example where they don't work so well in communicating emotions)
    3. Conclusion - underdeveloped - but this is the most important section
  1. OK - explain what this emoji is meant to represent. Also, if possible, explain it connection to key points being made to address the question.


[edit source]
  1. Probably the first two links belong better in External links, as they are not academic, peer-reviewed sources.


[edit source]
  1. Good

-- Jtneill - Talk - c 03:43, 2 October 2018 (UTC)Reply


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Hi Daniele, I think your chapter will be super interesting to read when its finished. While not exactly on the same topic, I think our chapters have some similar themes - I'm doing Sexting Motivation. When you come to adding all your content, I recommend adding some content between the headings and subheadings to give an overview of the oncoming content. This should help with the flow of the chapter. I hope your chapter writing goes well! --Brittany (u3117719) (discusscontribs) 02:49, 21 October 2018 (UTC)Reply

Heading casing

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FYI, the convention on Wikiversity is for lower-cased headings (or sentence casing). For example, use:

==Cats and dogs==

rather than

==Cats and Dogs==

-- Jtneill - Talk - c 00:23, 29 November 2018 (UTC)Reply

Chapter review and feedback

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This chapter has been reviewed according to the marking criteria. Written feedback is provided below, plus there is a general feedback page. Please also check the chapter's page history to check for editing changes made whilst reviewing through the chapter. Responses to this feedback can be made by starting a new section below and/or contacting the reviewer. Chapter marks will be available later via Moodle, along with social contribution marks and feedback. Keep an eye on Announcements.


[edit source]
  1. Overall, this is a basict chapter.
  2. The chapter could benefit from further development of theory, research, and practical take-home messages, as well as improvements in the quality of written expression.
  3. For additional feedback, see comments below and these copyedits.
  1. Some relevant theory is covered, but overall use of theory is limited.
  1. Some statements are unreferenced (e.g., see the [factual?] tags).
  2. Some relevant research is described.
  3. Some relevant critique of research is evident in the Conclusion.
  4. When describing important research findings, consider including a bit more detail about the methodology and indicate the size of effects in addition to whether or not there was an effect or relationship.
  5. Greater emphasis on major reviews and meta-analyses would be helpful.
  1. Written expression
    1. The quality of written expression could be improved.
    2. Avoid one sentence paragraphs. A paragraph should typically consist of three to five sentences.
    3. Some paragraphs are overly long. Each paragraph should communicate one key idea in three to five sentences.
  2. Layout
    1. See earlier comments about heading casing.
    2. Avoid having sections with only one sub-section.
    3. Sections which include sub-sections should also include an introductory paragraph (which doesn't need a separate heading) before branching into the sub-headings.
  3. Learning features
    1. Adding interwiki links for the first mention of key words would make the text more interactive.
    2. Basic use of images.
    3. No use of tables.
    4. Good use of feature boxes.
    5. Basic use of quizzes.
    6. Basic use of case studies or examples.
  4. Spelling, grammar, and proofreading.
    1. Check and make correct use of ownership apostrophes (e.g., individuals vs. individual's).
    2. Use Australian spelling (e.g., hypothesize vs. hypothesise; behavior vs. behaviour).
    3. Spelling can be improved (e.g., see the [spelling?] tags).
    4. The grammar for some sentences could be improved (e.g., see the [grammar?] tags).
    5. More proofreading is needed to fix typos and bring the quality of written expression closer to a professional standard.
    6. Check and make correct use of affect vs. effect.
  5. APA style
    1. Numbers under 10 should be written in words (e.g., five); numbers 10 and over should be written in numbers (e.g., 10).
    2. Direct quotes need page numbers.
    3. Direct quotes should be embedded within sentences and paragraphs, rather than dumped holus-bolus. Even better, communicate the concept in your own words.
    4. Refer to each Table and each Figure at least once within the main text.
    5. Provide more detailed Figure captions to help connect the figure to the text.
    6. Citations
      1. This chapter does not currently use APA style for citations (e.g., citations should not include author initials, a comma is need before the year, and use of et al. (capitalisation, commas, full-stops) is incorrect).
    7. References are not in full APA style e.g.,
      1. Check and make correct use of capitalisation.

-- Jtneill - Talk - c 00:23, 29 November 2018 (UTC)Reply

Multimedia feedback

The accompanying multimedia presentation has been marked according to the marking criteria. Marks are available via the unit's Canvas site. Written feedback is provided below, plus see the general feedback page. Responses to this feedback can be made by starting a new section below. If you would like further clarification about the marking or feedback, contact the unit convener.


[edit source]
  1. Overall, this is a basic, but sufficient presentation.
  1. Many of the comments about the book chapter also apply to this section.
  2. The presentation is well structured (Title, Overview, Body, Conclusion).
  3. There is a lack of discussion about research or take-home messages.
  4. The presentation could be strengthened by adding a Conclusion slide with practical, take-home messages.
  1. The presentation makes basic use of text and image based slides with narrated audio.
  2. Reasonably well paced.
  3. Consider leaving longer pauses between sentences.
  4. Excellent intonation/expression within narration.
  5. The font size is usually sufficiently large to make it easy to read in the time provided.
  1. Check sound quality - it sounds like there is traffic in the background?
  2. Use the full chapter title and sub-title on the opening slide and in the name of the video because this helps to match the book chapter and to clearly convey the purpose of the presentation.
  3. Video recording quality was excellent.
  4. Audio recording quality was affected by background noise - review microphone set up.
  5. A copyright license for the presentation is not provided.
  6. A link from the book chapter was not provided.
  7. A very basic written description of the presentation is provided.

-- Jtneill - Talk - c 00:30, 29 November 2018 (UTC)Reply