School talk:Political science

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Latest comment: 9 years ago by Dave Braunschweig in topic Non-Active
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This is the Talk page for discussing the Political science school

Please sign your comments using four tildes (~~~~), and give comments that start a new topic ==A Descriptive Header==, placing them at the bottom of the page. This page is used for general discussion for the Political_science school, proposed courses and subpages as well as the layout of the main page in general. For discussion on a particular subpage, please use its talk page.

Wikimedia Foundation
Wikimedia Foundation

Seems like the Political Science school is underdeveloped, and is need of a nice design. I'm a political science major and perhaps I could be of use by making an account. 01:57, 7 October 2006 (UTC)Reply

Hey, made an edit, to revive this thing. Humble Guy

Also made an edit. --Begebies 22:02, 5 May 2005 (UTC)Reply


Please vote Yes on Wikiversity, otherwise our everything written here won't matter.

dean nonsense

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I removed the dean nonsense. no other school has one, especially a self-appointed one. if you want to teach a course, that is fine and good, but the wikipeda way is not heirarchical, the faculty isn't built, appointed, or even certified by one person. It is who contributes and teaches. --Buridan 13:38, 17 March 2006 (UTC)Reply

you just don't go around appointing yourself dean and professor. it isn't done. there isn't even a title dean or professor in the wikiversity guide. you can be an instructor or teacher. also deleting discussion is not done in wikipedia projects. the goal is to have a civil discourse about this where everyone collaborates, not where someone makes themself defactor chief. --Buridan 19:36, 17 March 2006 (UTC)Reply

Orphaned courses

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Are these pages needed? Add them into this school or mark them for deletion by typing {{delete|reason}} on these pages. Thanks, haginძaz 06:04, 21 May 2006 (UTC)Reply

Wikiversity namespace

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I created the following page on wikiversity:

Then found this one!

I assume this one is going to move over to wikiversity proper? 16:24, 23 August 2006 (UTC) (Nach0king with no account here)Reply

American focused

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Well, well, well. What a surprise.

Hu? the only active section in this school is the Topic:Politics of the European Union. Unless America got a bit larger, I think it's more European focused.--Rayc 04:40, 21 September 2006 (UTC)Reply
I think it's more about the fact that the American Politics bit is included in the Core and the EU is in the Electives.--Dnjkirk 05:23, 7 October 2006 (UTC)Reply
You know whats really a surprise? The fact that we've got a School of Political Science and there is no mention of Karl Marx or Marxism. 20:23, 29 May 2007 (UTC)Reply

New Here

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So, I am very interested in this Wikiversity thing! Please do tell me where I can help. My areas of expertise are in my user page. Dnjkirk 05:22, 7 October 2006 (UTC)Reply

I too am also new here. This School doesn't seem as active as some of the others. Please note where I can help. Brasidas 21:50, 25 July 2007 (EST)

Political Theory and Moral/Political Philosophy

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I like the idea of the Center for Moral and Political Philosophy but do you think that is repetitive with the Division of Political Theory? They are both very similar. Brasidas 01:54, 26 July 2007 (UTC)Reply

voting in Texas...

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sort of a funny video. Maybe sort of educational. --Remi 19:36, 28 September 2007 (UTC)Reply

Forms of government

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93 All, There needs to be some kind of headline where people can go and research different forms of government here. Preferably this would fall under the comparative politics category. Things that should be explored include monarchy and technocracy, as well as coop governments such as occurred in the period when the hospitalers ruled malta. (The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talkcontribs) 16:22, 26 February 2008)

Confused, please help

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Hi, I’m having a bit of a hard time finding my way around this project; it seems to have a slightly different organizational structure than other Wikimedia sites. Can someone please explain where new courses are discussed and what exactly are the roles of the various schools, departments, “Topics”, and classes? In Wikipedia terms, is the school of political science like a WikiProject, the departments like task forces within them, and the classes like articles? Thank you. --Arctic.gnome 03:18, 13 March 2008 (UTC)Reply

Hello Arctic.gnome, more info you could find also at: Wikiversity:Naming conventions. Mainly the mixture comes how people want to implement real life structures to here (since they are influenced by their day by day usage), which is also good, since we are a wiki and in constant change :-)
Wikiversity schools and topic pages form a hierarchy of content development projects. Wikiversity has relatively few major schools that organize content development projects for the many topics of study. Wikiversity school pages have names that start with the "School:" prefix such as School:Biology. A Wikiversity page in the Topic: namespace can refer to itself as a "Division" or a "Department" or "Center", "Institute", "Area", etc. Actual learning resources such as lessons are all in the main namespace where pages have no prefix.
In general it helps to see it like this: Portal:Social Sciences gives an overview what e.g. the School:History does: offer various topics. (departments could be seen as task forces - but you should ask the creator of that department what was her goal :-))
Where to discuss new courses ? Either here on this talk page or create the new topic/course and add a note e.g. in the Wikiversity:Colloquium or here, ----Erkan Yilmaz Wikiversity:Chat 07:44, 13 March 2008 (UTC)Reply
Thanks for the reply. Although now I'm a bit confused about the purpose of this site in the first place. I was looking at the department Topic:Comparative politics, where it says to read the learning materials at Comparative Politics, and that page says to go read the wikibook b:Comparative_Politics. In its final form, what will Topic:Comparative politics and Comparative Politics provide that a reader wouldn't be able to get from just reading the wikibook in the first place? --Arctic Gnome 04:51, 15 March 2008 (UTC)Reply
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Maybe move all the red links over to Wikiversity:Page creation requests... --Remi 22:17, 26 May 2008 (UTC)Reply

Current courses

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are there current courses available in political science? I have a civic interest in this area and it would compliment some of my current course of study.--Jolie 10:46, 10 October 2008 (UTC)Reply

New member

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Just a Little Order to Chaos

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Hello, my name is Jaylan Haley and I am a recent graduate of Norwich University's Master of Arts in Diplomacy Course, specializing in International Conflict Management. I am extremely enthused about the Wikiversity idea and it should definitely be explored to the greatest extent possible by all who have an interest in education and learning. That being said, the success of Wikiversity lies in our ability to take responsibility for conveying knowledge and understanding to each other so that we can remove locks on the one thing that makes us human beings, reason. I have reviewed the discussion page thus far and I think it's safe to say that there is need of just a little order for the sake of the department but we need to stay of true to the Wikipedia way of free and unfettered contributions. So I am proposing that we create a temporary system where we, the Wiki Community, together, determine how to best organize our department. This is going to be especially important for the regular contributors. Once the department is organized I think we can dispense with the formalities and let the individual contributors or "teachers" have at it. So here's my plan ...

We need to organize a Global Wikiversity Political Science Council that is comprised of current contributors. What I mean by current contributors are individuals that contribute on a fairly regular base (i.e. weekly or monthly) for long periods of time. (Yes I'm new to this page but I can assure you that I will continue to contribute). These individuals will have a vote in how we create the general organization of the School of Political Science because, right now, I think we can all agree that the school is broken. The council will vote over a one week period over several proposals which will be submitted on this discussion page. In deliberations we can highlight the merits or faults of each proposal and then once we accept a particular proposal, perhaps, change it to fit the character of our School. So for the next three days: 31 August 2009 - 2 September 2009 please add your name here as a regular contributor so that we know who actually contributes on a regular basis to the School of Political Science.

Everyone should start working on their proposals for organization of the school so that we can begin voting on 2 September. Check back in on that day to see what the voting procedures will be.

NO ONE will be excluded from the Council that chooses but if you don't contribute on a regular basis, it's going to get pretty mess with occasional edits.

Regular Contributors

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Haley Proposal

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Here is my proposal for the organization.

Echelon 1: The School of Political Science
Echelon 2: Three Divisions (The International Division, The National Division, The Research Division)
Echelon 3: Multiple Departments and Research Centers
-The International Division will provide universal political science principles across civilizations. I propose the Department of Political Science Methodology, Department of Political Theory, Department of Comparative Politics.
-The National Division will provide specific insight into each state of the world or as many states as we can muster. I propose the Department of Political Studies in the Americas, The Department of Eurasian Political Studies, the Department of African Political Studies, and the Department of Middle Eastern and North African Political Studies, the Department of Asian Political Studies, the Department of Pacific Island Political Studies and finally the Department of Universal Territorial Political Studies (Antarctica and Space).
-The Research Division will not have departments but will be where we keep our collaborative studies. For instance, I would like to begin the Haley Center for Post-Conflict Reconstruction Studies. It sounds a little vain but I think if we're here at the beginning of what is likely to be a long-term project on the internet, we should let people know from whence these ideas come. A hundred years from now, I hope people see the fruits of our labors.
Echelon 4: Individual Courses
-The individual courses would be designed by the departments and within each course, I think we should have multiple instructors. For instance, I plan on teaching an An Introduction to U.S. National Security Policy Formulation course but someone else may want to teach the exact same course but in a different fashion. Students would thus have the option of taking a course from me or another instructor. Essentially the Wikiversity offers the same course with multiple fashions for teaching. I'm a visual and audible learner so I probably will incorporate podcasts or powerpoint presentations to enhance the environment.
Some basics ... The Divisions are nothing more than overarching organizational separators for information, the Departments are where it all happens. Teacher can be a part of multiple divisions if they teach multiple courses. So if I decided to teach a political theory course, I would become a member of the Department of Political Theory as well as the Department of Political Studies in the Americas, because of my U.S. Foreign Policy course. Each of the departments come up with their own rules on how they are going to run their courses and what they should teach in those courses. They will be run like the Global Wikipedia Political Science Council where everyone who contributes gets a vote in how they organize. Once the organization is done, NO ONE gets a vote in the material is presented by the individual teachers in their individual courses. If someone wants to teach a very specific course like Feminism in Iranian Politics, then they should coordinate the course with the Department of Middle Eastern Political Studies so that they can be sequenced into the overall structure. No one should be denied serious contributions to learning because we all have specific interests.

JaylanHaley 12:13, 31 Aug 2009 (UTC)Qatar

New course (teaching?)

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Hey, if I'm interested in teaching a series of short courses about various categories of political theories applied to and compared in various scenarios, would that go under POLS 101: Intro to Political Theory or POLS 103: Intro to Comparative Politics? Also, what do I need to do/who do I need to talk with to get this course started? 23:53, 28 October 2009 (UTC)Reply


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This page hasn't been touched since 2014. I'm proposing a series of couple to organization:

  1. Move Peace Studies from an Organization to a Department associated with International Relations.
  2. Include a Research Methods Organization.

I'll get started with developing Political Theory materials/pages. In my imagination, the organization looks something like this:

Political Theory (Organization)

  • For now a single Department (until enough contributors are active that we need to differentiate between Political Theory groups)
    • Individual courses can be grouped by:
      • Introductory surveys
      • Studies of a philosophical concept or theme (for example justice, etc.)
      • Studies of a particular approach to political theory (social contract theory, critical theory, etc.)
      • Studies of individual texts (for example, a focused reading of The Prince)
      • Applied political theory (for example, military ethics or state financial responsibility)

--Daniel.mccarville (discusscontribs) 21:03, 7 May 2015 (UTC)Reply

Be bold! My only advice would be to not spend too much time on School or Topic organization until there are more active contributors. School and topic articles don't come up in searches. It is the main space pages (resource learning projects) that most users see and benefit from. To verify this, click on page history and check the Readers count. If you see pages with high reader count, focus your efforts there first, as they are popular. If pages are low readership, they are less urgent, or need significant improvement to draw interest. -- Dave Braunschweig (discusscontribs) 00:10, 8 May 2015 (UTC)Reply