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Latin/Verbs Present 3 Lesson 2

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In last week’s lesson we covered verbs for “cost,” “don’t want,” “prefer,” and “become, be made.” We’ll add some more common verbs today, and review a few we’ve already learned. There are some verbs that may be confusing (e.g. raise a crop, raise a child, grow in size are three different verbs) or have multiple meanings (tollo can mean either lift up or take away).

New Vocabulary

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Latin English Audio (Classical) Notes
āeroplā̆num, ī (also aeronavis, is) airplane
ignis, ignis, ignium (m.) fire
volō, volāre, volāvī, volātus, 1 fly not to be confused with volō, velle, voluī, irreg = wish/want.
rīdeō, rīdēre, rīsī, rīsus, 2 laugh
subrīdeō, subrīdēre, subrīsī, subrīsus, 2 smile
accendō, accendere, accendī, accensus, 3 turn on, kindle a light/lamp
colō, colere, coluī, cultus, 3 till, cultivate, grow (as a crop), tend
crēscō, crēscere, crēvī, crētum, 3 grow, increase
discō, discere, didicī, discitus, 3 learn, acquire knowledge/skill of/in
incendō, incendere, incendī, incēnsus, 3 set fire to, kindle, burn, make angry
pōnō, pōnere, posuī, positus, 3
put, place, set, put down
tollō, tollere, sustulī, sublātus, 3 raise up, lift, take away

New Sentences

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Latin English Notes
Avis volat. The bird flies.
Īnsecta volant. The insects fly.
Quōmodo volās? In āeroplā̆nō volō. How do you fly? I fly in an airplane.
Testūdō volat. A turtle flies. Proverb for something impossible.
Volō volāre. I want to fly.
Lūmen accendō. I turn on the light. Use accendo to turn on or kindle a light or, by extension, another device, usually one that sheds light from above.
Paula computātrum accendit. Paula turns on the computer.
Līberī omnia lūmina accendunt. The children turn on all the lights.
Ignis in focō fit. A fire is made on the hearth.
Lucia ignem in focō incendit. Lucia lights a fire on the hearth. Use incendō to start a fire or possibly a similar destructive force, such as anger.
Lūcia epistulās incendit. Lucia burns the letters.
Pīrātae malī urbem incendunt. The bad pirates set fire to the city.
Mārcus mē incendit. Marcus makes me angry.
Avia subrīdet, sed Avus rīdet. Grandmother smiles, but Grandfather laughs.
Subrīdēmus, rīdētis. We smile, you (pl.) laugh.
Subrīdeō quod chocolātum mihi placet. I smile because I like chocolate (chocolate pleases me).
Omnēs canēs subrīdent. All the dogs are smiling.
Linguam Latīnam discō. I am learning Latin.
Multum in Duolingō discis / discitis. You are learning a lot on Duolingo.
Lūcia dē Rōmā discit. Lucia is learning about Rome.
Magister (doctor) docet; discipulī discunt. The teacher teaches; the students learn.
Linguam Latīnam in scholā discimus. We are learning Latin in school.
Puer celeriter crēscit. The boy is growing quickly.  
Crēscisne? Are you growing?
Pecūnia in arboribus non crescit. Money doesn’t grow on trees.
Līberī crēscunt. The children are growing.
Agricola frūmentum colit. The farmer cultivates grain.
Agricolae holera colunt. The farmers are raising/growing vegetables.
Hortum meum colō. I tend my garden.
Manum tollō. I raise my hand.
Mārcus librum tollit. Marcus picks up the book./ Marcus takes away the book.
Paula fīlium suum tollit. Paula is raising her son./ Paula lifts up her son./ Paula takes away her son.
Mē dē perīculō tollō. I take myself out of danger./ I remove myself from danger.
Tē dē perīculō tollis. You take yourself out of danger.
Sē dē perīculō tollunt. They take themselves out of danger.
Mārcus clāvēs tuās tollit (capit)! Marcus is taking your keys!
Mīlitēs gladiōs pōnunt. The soldiers put down their swords.
Paula pōculum pōnit et patellam tollit. Paula puts down the cup and picks up the plate.
modus tollēns taking away mode
modus pōnēns placing/affirming mode


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Practice and learn the words and phrases in this lesson
Step one First learn the words using this lesson:
Step two Next try learning and writing the sentencing using this:
Note that the Memrise stage covers the content for all lessons in each stage.
If you are skipping previous stages you may need to manually "ignore" the words in previous levels (use the 'select all' function)

Quite a few verbs today, and more to come next time. One game I play with my students is to have a competition to identify English derivatives of our Latin words, especially verbs. How many derivatives can you find? Valēte!