Latin II/Objects Lesson 1
Salvēte omnēs! Welcome back to Latin for Wikiversity. Here you can peruse a new lesson in Latin, in a simple format. If you would like to catch up, you can find a directory of lessons, a classified vocabulary list, and Memrise courses at the links on the right.
This lesson we’ll work on some names for common objects. We have some modern Latin vocabulary in this lesson, and as always, there are variations among the authorities. I list some alternatives in parentheses. If you want to research some vocabulary for yourself, these are sites extremely valuable:
- lexilogos – a clearing-house of many Latin dictionaries
- Walter Redmond’s Glossarium – philosophical and modern Latin terms
- - a searchable database of sentences in all languages
We generally do not add a word in these lessons unless I’ve found it in one or more of these sites.
New Vocabulary
[edit | edit source]Latin | English | Audio (Classical) | Notes |
birota, ae | bicycle | ||
raeda, ae autocinetum, ī) |
car | Also autoraeda, ae | |
computātrum, ī instrumentum computatorium) |
computer | ||
involūcrum, ī | envelope, wrapping, cover | ||
pittacium, ī | stamp, label, ticket | ||
ventilātrum, ī | fan | ||
pars, partis, partium (f.) | part, piece | ||
oculāria vitra oculāria, pl. |
glasses | n.b. this is a 3rd declension plural neuter adjective, used as a noun | |
objectus, ūs (obiectus, m. 4th declension) | obstacle, object | For object, rēs, reī / corpus, corpōris may also be used |
New Sentences
[edit | edit source]Latin | English | Notes |
Raedam habeō. / Raeda mihi est. | I have a car. | |
Raedam tuam vēndis. | You sell your car. | |
Raeda patris caerulea est. | Dad’s car is blue. | |
Birota rubra est. | The bicycle is red. | |
Omnēs līberī birotās habent. | All the children have bicycles. | |
Gāius computātrum emit. | Gaius buys a computer. | |
Quīnque computātra habēmus. | We have five computers. | |
Ubī est involūcrum? | Where is the envelope? | |
Epistula in involūcrō est. | The letter is in the envelope. | |
Pittacium in involūcrum pōnit. | He puts a stamp on the envelope. | |
Pittacia emō. | I buy stamps. | |
Mārcus oculāria gerit. | Marcus wears glasses. | |
Lūcia sine oculāribus bene videt. | Lucia sees well without glasses. | |
Oculāribus egent. | They need glasses. | |
Pōculum aquae volō. | I want a glass/cup of water. | |
Septem pōcula lactis | Seven glasses/ cups of milk | |
Calix vīnī. | A glass of wine. (calix is perhaps a little fancier than poculum) | |
Calicem vīnī vult. | He wants a glass of wine. | |
Quid est objectus ille (rēs illa/ corpus illud) in viā? | What is that object in the road? | |
Birota est dōnum meum. | The bicycle is my gift. | |
Ventilātrum in fenestrā est. | There is a fan in the window. | |
parva pars pānis | a small piece of bread | |
Paula parvam partem pānis edit. | Paula eats a small piece of bread. | |
Trēs partēs carnis sunt. | There are three pieces of meat. |
[edit | edit source]Practice and learn the words and phrases in this lesson | |
Step one | First learn the words using this lesson: |
Step two | Next try learning and writing the sentencing using this: |
Note that the Memrise stage covers the content for all lessons in each stage. If you are skipping previous stages you may need to manually "ignore" the words in previous levels (use the 'select all' function) |
We’ll continue with more objects next lesson. Thank you to all who are following along with this course, and habeātis bonam fortūnam!