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Latin II/Verbs Present 2 Lesson 4

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Today, let’s add another series of verbs to those we’ve covered already. Also, let’s learn another way of expressing possession, using the dative case; called the dative of possession, a helpful explanation can be found here. It is commonly used, maybe more so than habeō. One of our new verbs, egeō, is used frequently with an object in the ablative case. Many Latin verbs are used with a case other than the accusative; just one more of the many complexities of Latin. You’ll also notice that many verbs are formed with a base form to which a prepositional prefix has been added; in this lesson, adjuvō, amittō, absum, adsum.

New Vocabulary

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Latin English Audio (Classical) Notes
adjuvō (adiuvō), adjuvāre, adjūvī, adjūtus help, assist
also juvō (iuvo), 1
egeō, egēre, eguī, 2 need, am in need of with abl. or gen.
āmittō, āmittere, āmīsī, āmissus, 3 lose, send away
petō, petere, petīvī, petitus, 3 seek, beg, order, ask for, aim for
vincō, vincere, vicī, victus, 3 conquer, win
absum, abesse, afuī, afuturus, irreg. am away, am distant
adsum, adesse, adfuī, adfuturus, irreg. am here, am present

New Sentences

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Latin English Notes
Lūcia duōs frātrēs habet. Lucia has two brothers.
Duō frātrēs Lūciae sunt. Lucia has two brothers (two brothers are for Lucia).
Librum bonum habeō / Liber bonus mihi est. I have a good book.
Octō līberī eīs sunt/ Octō līberōs habent. They have eight children.
Epistula tibi est. You have a letter/ There’s a letter for you.
Magister rogat, “Adestne Lūcia?” The teacher asks, “Is Lucia here?”
“Lūcia abest,” discipulī dicunt. “Lucia is absent,” the students say.
“Ubī est Mārcus?” “Adsum!” “Where is Marcus?” “I’m here!”
Ūndēvīgintī discipulī adsunt, sed trēs absunt. Nineteen students are present, but three are absent.
Mārcus semper vincit. Marcus always wins.
Rōmānī Gallōs vincunt. The Romans conquer the Gauls.
Vincimus! We are winning!
Māter puellas adjuvat. Mom helps the girls.
Puellae mātrem adjuvant. The girls help Mom.
Paula respōnsa petit. Paula is seeking answers.
Mīserōs adjuvat. He/she helps the poor people/unfortunate/needy.
Paula pullum et orȳzam petit. Paula orders chicken and rice.
Jūs et acetāria petō. I order soup and salad.
Cervīsiam petunt. They order beer.
Clāvēs āmittō. I lose my keys.
Spem nōn āmittimus. We do not lose hope.
Pecūniam āmittunt. They are losing money.
Pecūniā egēs/egētis. You need money.
Gāius sāpōne et dentifriciō eget. Gaius needs soap and toothpaste.
Auxiliō egeō. I need help.
Duodecim sedibus egēmus. We need twelve chairs.
Puerī tunicīs novīs egent. The boys need new shirts.

The next lesson is about adverbs. If you have questions, comments, or corrections please add them in a comment on the talk page. Pax vobiscum!


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