Latin III/Perfect Tense Lesson 3
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The past two lessons have introduced several common perfect tense verbs. The nice thing about the perfect tense is that it is very regular, following the same rules even for irregular verbs. We’ll continue adding more verbs in today’s lesson. Remember that all perfect tense active verbs use the 3rd principal part as stem, and add the endings
- ī, istī, it, imus, istis, ērunt.
The translation in English can be “subject verbed, subject has verbed, or subject did verb.” The most complicated part of the perfect tense is learning the 3rd principal parts of all the verbs, if you haven’t already. You will notice that with the verb eō and its variants, there are two acceptable forms for the perfect tense. In practical usage īvi was often shortened to īi and it appears both ways in the literature.
Verbs in This Lesson
[edit | edit source]Latin | English | Notes |
clamō, 1 | shout, cry, proclaim | |
doceō, docēre, docuī, doctus, 2 | teach, inform | |
maneō, manēre, mānsī, mansurus, 2 | remain, stay | |
terreō, 2 | frighten, terrify | |
amittō, amittere, āmīsī, amissus, 3 | lose, send away | |
capiō, capere, cēpī, captus, 3 (i-stem) | take, catch, capture | |
currō, currere, cucurrī, cursus, 3 | run, hurry | |
induō, induere, induī, indutus, 3 | put on (clothing), dress in | |
abeō, abire, abīvī/abiī, abitum | go away, leave, depart | |
adferō/affero, adferre, attulī, allātus | bring to, deliver, carry | |
eō, ire, īvī/iī, itum | go | |
exeō, exire, exiī (exīvī), exitum | go out, exit | |
ferō, ferre, tulī, latus | bear, bring, carry | |
ineō, inire, iniī/inīvī, initus | go into, begin, enter | |
volō, velle, voluī | am willing, wish for, want |
New Words
[edit | edit source]Latin | English | Notes |
pugna, ae | fight, battle | |
dolor, dolōris, m. | pain, sorrow | |
trānseō, trānsīre, trānsīvī/transiī, transitus | go across, go over, cross, pass | |
quamdiū, adv. | how long? |
New Sentences
[edit | edit source]Latin | English | Notes |
Liberōs linguam Latinam docuī. | I taught the children Latin. | |
Docuistī Gāium legere? | Did you teach Gaius to read? | |
Sorōrem terruistī, et ea clāmāvit. | You frightened your sister, and she shouted. | |
Librum amīsī. | I lost the book. | |
Āmīsēruntne clāvēs? | Did they lose the keys? | |
Paula calceōs induit. | Paula put on her shoes. | |
Mārcus domum īvit / īit. | Marcus went home. | |
Ad scholam īvimus / īimus. | We went to school. | |
Lūcia abīit / abīvit. | Lucia has gone away. | Departed, left, “passed away”: if you want to make it clear, Lūcia ē vitā abīit. |
Mīlitēs flūmen trānsīvērunt/trānsīerunt. | The soldiers went across the river. | |
Hiems trānsīvit / trānsīit. | Winter has passed. | |
Sīc trānsit gloria mundī. | Thus passes the glory of the world. | |
Ē raedā exīvī / exīi. | I got out of the car. | |
Ex aedificiō exīverunt / exīerunt. | They went out of the building. | |
Quis pugnam inīvit / inīit? | Who started the fight? | |
Inīvistīne pugnam? | Did you start the fight? | |
Scrībere epistulam voluī. | I wanted to write a letter. | |
Vestimenta nova emere voluerunt. | They wanted to buy new clothes. | |
Quamdiū ibi mānsistī? | How long did you stay there? | quam “how” + diū “for long time” = quamdiū |
Lānam fēcit, domum mānsit. | She spun her wool, she stayed at home. | Epitaph of the ideal Roman woman. |
Mārcus signum legiōnis tulit. | Marcus bore/carried the standard of the legion. | |
Dolōrem fortiter tulistī. | You bore the pain bravely. | |
Vīnum attulimus, sed pānem attulistis. | We brought wine, but you brought bread. | |
Dolōrem tibi attulērunt. | They brought trouble to you. | |
Novem mīlia passuum cucurrimus. | We ran nine miles. | |
Puerī domum cucurrērunt. | The boys ran home. | |
Lūcia celeriter cucurrit. | Lucia ran quickly. | |
Arma cēpērunt. | They took arms. | |
Graecia capta ferum victorem cēpit. | Captured Greece has captured her savage captor. | Horace: a reference to the fact that, while the Romans conquered the Greeks, the culture of the Greeks ultimately dominated the native culture of the Romans. |
[edit | edit source]Practice and learn the words and phrases in this lesson | |
Step one | First learn the words using this lesson: |
Step two | Next try learning and writing the sentencing using this: |
Note that the Memrise stage covers the content for all lessons in each stage. If you are skipping previous stages you may need to manually "ignore" the words in previous levels (use the 'select all' function) |
In the next lesson we’ll continue with more verbs, including the slightly tricky deponent verbs. Valēte et bonam fortūnam!