Latin III/Perfect Tense Lesson 2
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Last week we learned the basic rules for the perfect tense: use the 3rd principal part, and the endings
- ī, istī, it, imus, istis, ērunt
This week we’ll continue learning the perfect tenses of verbs, most of which we have studied before. (We seem to discover one or two that need to be included every lesson!) We’ll include the vocabulary listings for this week’s verbs: if you want to study many verbs at once we recommend the vocabulary list linked right.
Verbs in This Lesson
[edit | edit source]Latin | English | Audio (Classical) | Notes |
habitō, 1 | live, inhabit | ||
laborō, 1 | work, labor | ||
rogō, 1 | ask, request | ||
stō, stare, stētī, status, 1 | stand | ||
vocō, 1 | call | ||
moveō, movēre, mōvī, motus, 2 | move | ||
respondeō, respondēre, respondī, respōnsus, 2 | answer, respond | ||
teneō, tenēre, tenuī, tentus, 2 | hold, keep | memoriā teneō = hold in memory, remember. | |
agō, agere, ēgī, actus, 3 | do, act, drive, give | ||
ducō, ducere, dūxī, ductus, 3 | lead, guide, bring, escort | ||
faciō, facere, fēcī, factus, 3 (i-stem) | make, do | ||
pōnō, pōnere, posuī, positus, 3 | put, place, set, put down | ||
scribō, scribere, scrīpsī, scriptus, 3 | write | ||
aperiō, aperire, aperuī, apertus, 4 | open | ||
inveniō, invenire, invēnī, inventus, 4 | find, come upon |
Other new words
[edit | edit source]Latin | English | Audio (Classical) | Notes |
locus, locī (2nd decl. m. in singular, neuter in pl.) | place | ||
castra, castrōrum (2nd decl. neuter, used in plural) | camp | ||
nubō, nūbere, nūpsī, nūptus, 3 | marry | Usually only of women |
New Sentences
[edit | edit source]Latin | English | Notes |
Fēcistīne hoc? | Did you do this? (Did you make this?) | |
Quid heri fēcistī (fēcistis)/ēgistī(ēgistis)? | What did you do yesterday? | |
Tunicam fēcī. | I made a shirt. | |
Epistulam scrīpsī. | I wrote a letter. | |
Fabrī domum fēcērunt. | The workers built a house. | |
Avus Paulam ad vīvārium dūxit. | Grandfather took Paula to the zoo. | |
In urbe labōrāvimus. | We worked in the city. | |
Hīc septem annōs habitāvimus. | We have lived here for seven years. | |
Multī et magnī ducēs legionēs Rōmānās dūxērunt. | Many great generals led the Roman legions. | |
Gāius clāvēs invēnit. | Gaius found the keys. (finds) | |
Ecce, Māter, novum canem invēnī! | Look, Mom, I found a new dog! | |
Oculōs aperuī. | I opened my eyes. | |
Fenestram aperuit. | He opened the window. | |
Līberī gratiās mihi ēgērunt. | The children thanked me. | |
Mīlitēs prō castrīs stētērunt. | The soldiers stood in front of the camp. | |
Lūcia cibum in mēnsā posuit. | Lucia put the food on the table. | Could be “in mēnsam” but as we’ve established, with pōnō the ablative is more common |
Castra prō oppidō posuērunt. | They pitched camp in front of the town. | |
Castra mōvērunt. | They moved the camp. | |
Domum mōvit. | He moved (house). | |
Lūciam vocāvī. | I called Lucia. | |
Medicum vocāvimus. | We called the doctor. | |
Locum tibi tenuī. | I have kept a place for you. | |
Linguam Latīnam memoriā tenuimus. | We remembered the Latin language. | |
Rogāvī et respondistī. | I asked and you answered. |
Latin | English | Notes |
Mārcus Lūciam uxōrem dūxit (M. L in mātrimōnium dūxit). | Marcus married Lucia. | lit., Marcus led Lucia as wife/to the altar. |
Lūcia Marcō nūpsit (Lucia Marcum in mātrimōnium accēpit). | Lucia married Marcus. | lit., Lucia took the veil for Marcus, took Marcus in matrimony. |
Lūcia et Mārcus mātrimōniō conjūnctī sunt. | Lucia and Marcus were married. | lit. were joined in matrimony. |
Jūdex Lūciam et Mārcum mātrimōniō conjūnxit. | The judge married Lucia and Marcus. | |
Nunc Lūcia est mulier nūpta, et Mārcus est vir marītus. | Now Lucia is a married woman and Marcus is a married man. |
[edit | edit source]Practice and learn the words and phrases in this lesson | |
Step one | First learn the words using this lesson: |
Step two | Next try learning and writing the sentencing using this: |
Note that the Memrise stage covers the content for all lessons in each stage. If you are skipping previous stages you may need to manually "ignore" the words in previous levels (use the 'select all' function) |
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