Facilitating Online/Meetings

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FO09 meetings

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Link for all meetings held in 2009

  • 31 July at 11am NZ time (11pm UTC) - Notes and recordings
  • 3rd August at 8pm NZ time - Course orientation - notes and recording
  • 10th August 9am NZ time - What is online community - recording.
  • 28th August Facilitation, teaching and moderation. Link to recording.
  • 1st September Clarifying a few things about formal/informal enrollment and what is expected this week. Link here.
  • 10th September Looking at online forums and facilitation. Recording here.
  • Wednesday 23rd September: Networking, Blogs and Twitter - recording here .
  • Friday 2nd October. Sarah Stewart interviewed Wayne Mackintosh about wiki, community and facilitation. Recording here
  • Wednesday 8pm Wednesday 7th October NZ - world clock here. Topic: Planning for assignment 2 and the mini conference. Recording
  • Wednesday 14th October 6pm NZ. Another chance to talk to Leigh about assessment 2.
  • Thursday 15th October 8pm NZ - world clock here. Learning how to use Second Life. The session will start off in Elluminate but we will be moving over to Second Life to have a look around and learn more about how to interact there. This session will be led by Sarah Stewart - please contact Sarah for details.
  • Tuesday 1sy December. Wrap up meeting

FO08 meetings

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Below are available recordings of meetings, presentations and discussions around topics in the 2008 course:

FO07 meetings

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In the 2007 course, we ran a series of guest lectures. Each lecture went for 10 minutes followed by 30 minutes discussion. Below are recordings of those presentations and the discussions that followed.

George Siemens - Curatorial Teaching

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George Siemens gave a 15 minute talk on his concept of curatorial teaching. It is a very thought provoking idea and generated quite a lot of good discussion afterwards.

Derek Chirnside - Community in courses

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Derek Chirnside gave a bang on 10 minute talk on his concept for developing a sense of community in courses. It stimulated quite a bit of discussion around the open and closed course debate.

Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach - The Art of Building Virtual Communities

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Early on in this course, many of us were enthusiastic for Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach' s article The Art of Building Virtual Communities. The tips in that article have received wide acclaim in the comments and other people's blogging.

We were lucky to have Sheryl join us with a 10 minute lecture and then discussion on Tuesday 4 September 12:00 Noon Auckland time, or for Sheryl, that's Monday, 3 September 2007 at 8:00 p.m New York time.

Nancy White - looking over our shoulders

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This week's guest lecture was a biggy. We were very lucky to have the famous Nancy White talk with us from the lovely Seattle USA on Tuesday 12noon NZST.

Nancy suggested that we watch this animation about Peer Assist before we met. (After you click play, the movie will have to load a little before it starts playing. If you are on dial up, right click and save the movie file to your computer).

It was a very inspiring and engaging talk and Nancy got it in at under 15minutes! That's the best so far :) Here are the recordings:

  1. MP3 audio of Nancy's talk - 2.7meg / 15min
  2. MP3 audio of discussion after the talk - 6.3meg / 35min
  3. Elluminate recording - 1hr, 35min (no password needed, includes discussion about course)
  4. Slides on slideshare

Konrad Glogowski - Classrooms as Third Places

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Konrad Glogowski (that's him on the right) joined us for the 2nd in a series of 10 minute lectures relating to the facilitation of online learning communities. In this recording Konrad talks about developing a sense of community and individual presence before attempting formal learning. Konrad talks to his middle school teaching experiences but his research and insight is very applicable across many efforts to develop an online learning community.