Eliminating poverty

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SDG1: No Poverty - Learning Resouce supports the SDGs - UN-Guidelines[1]

This is a learning and research project about how to eliminate poverty on Earth. Poverty is tragic. It will be good if poverty can be eliminated. It will be good if all humans can live lives of abundance and prosperity. When poverty is reduced and when education increases, birth rates go down. Over population is possibly something that is worsening poverty. Educational wikis in many languages can help to eliminate poverty on Earth potentially.

Discussion questions and essay ideas

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  • Could universal basic income mostly eliminate poverty on Earth?
  • What are the most efficient ways to help eliminate poverty on Earth?
  • Can open source technologies help to eliminate poverty?
  • What role can open education play in helping to eliminate poverty?
  • How can increasing the average education level of populations help to eliminate poverty?
  • Can open source industrial designs help to eliminate poverty?
  • What role could decentralized autonomous organizations have in helping to eliminate poverty on Earth?
  • What can you do to help eliminate poverty on Earth?
  • What role can education and capacity building play in helping to eradicate poverty on Earth?
  • How many humans live on less than $2.5 per day?
  • How might political corruption make poverty hard to eliminate?
  • Elimininating human resources from a production process reduces costs. This is similar to costly risk mitigation efforts for the population.
    • To what extend is participation of people in sustainable circular economic processes relevant for eliminating poverty?
    • Sustainability is based many aspects e.g. including circular economic processes of used resources driven by renewable energy and respecting human/public health, animal health and environmental health (see One Health).
    • Including One Health approach for the community approach into consideration add the costs to the production process and make the sustainable economic approach less competetive. How can people get a job and income in sustainable economic environment, that protects One Health as consequence?
    • Design a Living Lab for a small town where people know eachother and support eachother and try to calculate the inflow of money (income, pension, ...), energy supply, ... and outflow (e.g. paying for Internet services, paying for energy supply, or paying for goods and services in general ...). Try to determine how often 1 Dollar is spend within the Living Lab until it leaves the Living Lab. If you get your salery and you pay 50 Dollars directly to pay your internet and/or phone bill, then it is spent zero times within the community. If you use that money to buy a bread in a local bakery and then 50 Dollar of the income of backery owner is spent outside to buy ingrediences for the bread those 50 Dollar are just spent 1 time within the community.
    • Generalize that concept to other resources and explain how circular economy and a balance of inflow and outflow of money and resources could contribute to the elimination of poverty. What are the callenges and constraints of such an approach?
    • Assume we have more than one Living Lab (LL) that work sustainable to a certain degree and have a balanced inflow and outflow of money and resources. How can communities collaboratively organize sustainable circular economic structures that they could not accomplish solely for themselves? E.g. a service of one Living Lab is provided to the other Living Lab. How can both the assure that the collaboration is sustainable for both Living Labs and how can both assure that a single Living Lab is not getting poorer and poorer over time? What are the options to keep the collaborative workflows without increasing poverty for one LL? What are the relevant parameter of sustainability, that should be monitored by both LL so that poverty does not increase in just one LL?
    • How can you apply the principle of Swarm Intelligence to the evolution of the Living Labs?
  • (Event or Process) Poverty can be caused by a single event (e.g. extreme event due to climate change) or it can be a longer process of getting poorer over time. Find more examples of event based causes of poverty and examples with a longer process of increasing poverty. Compare those examples and identify differences and similarities. Discuss options of collaboration to fight poverty and explain how the collaborative efforts must be tailored to requirements and constraints of the vulnerable communities.


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See also

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  1. UN-Guidelines for Use of SDG logo and the 17 SDG icons (2019/05/10) - https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/news/communications-material/