3D Modelling/Examples/Panorama 360

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AFrame 360 Image - Look around by draging mouse with mouse button pressed
AFrame 360 Image - Look around by draging mouse with mouse button pressed

AFrame Example Durlach or AFrame Sample 360 Degree Image - Look around by draging mouse with mouse button pressed

For the Panoramas with 360 Degree view there are to different geometric option to create 360-Degree view for a geographical location:

Learning Task

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List of Examples

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See also 3D Modelling and WikiCommons2AFrame for creating your own 360 degree panoramas with equirectangular images.

Nature: River Rhine near Cologne/Germany

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The following 360 Degree image are displayed with Aframe which make them usable with VR-headsets.


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Trees 3D

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Tube View

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Tube Projection

The following examples start with the tube view and proceed to more advanced projections with Panorama Image Stitching for sphere view of an panorama.

Sphere View Panorama

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Suface of sphere projected to a rectangle - equirectangular image
Equirectangular Projection of the surface of the earth

The first step is to create a multiple view of a selected location and take pictures from a centre of view into all direction with overlapping images (1/4 overlap). The Panorama Image Stitching Software Hugin support you in creating the the 360 degree spherical view for the panorama.

Spherical (equirectangular) Images

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You can explore existing spherical (equirectangular) images in WikiMedia Commons.

See also

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  1. Paul Brunt (2012) Open-Source-Software SnappyTree - GitHub-Repository: https://github.com/supereggbert/SnappyTree/ Demo-3D-Trees: http://www.snappytree.com (Zugriff 2021/05/07).