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Wright State University Lake Campus/2017-9/Phy1050

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  • Wikiversityprivate (restricted access)
  • Physics and Astronomy Labs
  • Two files compare four options for the top note of the Barbershop chord with the bottom pitch at 440 Hz. The first is 10 cents flat, the second is 10 cents sharp, the third is exact at 770 Hz, and the fourth is equal tempered and given by .
Two files compare four options for the top note of the Barbershop chord with the bottom pitch at 440 Hz. The first is 10 cents flat, the second is 10 cents sharp, the third is exact at 770 Hz, and the fourth is equal tempered and given by .

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CR 3rd+P spreadsheet 18:30, 17 November 2017 (UTC)

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CR 3rd+P spreadsheet 18:30, 17 November 2017 (UTC)

We got a y intercept of 7.7 cm and an ID of 4.4 cm Each entry needs to hav 10 cm subtracted. For low C the actual length was 62.5 cm

note n f* 1/f* L+10cm
C 0 1 1 72.5
D 2 1.122462048 0.890898718 65.5
E 4 1.25992105 0.793700526 59
F 5 1.334839854 0.749153538 56.1
G 7 1.498307077 0.667419927 51
A 9 1.681792831 0.594603558 46.25
B 11 1.887748625 0.529731547 42
C 12 2 0.5 40

Hockeystick controversy images

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Hockeystick controversy images
Derivative of c:File:2000 Year Temperature Comparison.png and c:File:Briffa-tree ring density vs temperature 1880-2000.jpg showing how the two graphs can be combined. This is less a scientific effort than an educational one: primitive and easy to understand.
Derivative of c:File:2000 Year Temperature Comparison.png and c:File:Briffa-tree ring density vs temperature 1880-2000.jpg showing how the two graphs can be combined. This is less a scientific effort than an educational one: primitive and easy to understand.

Images for Test 3

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Images for Test 3


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