Wright State University Lake Campus/2017-9/Phy1050/log

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Wright State University Lake Campus/2017-9/Phy1050/Studyguide .. Wright State University Lake Campus/2017-9/Phy1050/Syllabus .. wright.miraheze.org

Everything before global warming

M 28 August 2017 (UTC)

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Showed card game. Introduced Studyguide. Did first quiz on motion. Don't sweat these calculations if you can't do them. You have other ways to succeed in this class.

T 29 August 2017 (UTC)

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Attendance policy: Allowed to miss 15 days without penalty. Nominally, you must attend 60 days to get 100%.

and D is the days that you attend, OR 55 if you attend more than 55 days.

Polarizing filters. Maybe do another wikiquiz.

T 5 September 2017 Syllabus

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Test prep: Questions 1-14 of second quiz Special:Permalink/1415990 has been discussed. (quiz called "velocity and acceleration"

user:Guy vandegrift .. hidden

W 6 Spitball motion lab

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the opera .. the painting

R 7 Sep ?

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F 8 Sep ?

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M 16:49, 11 September 2017 (UTC)

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transclusion deactivated by a nowiki tag

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{{cot|[[Physics and Astronomy Labs/Uniform acceleration tapping basketball with spitwads#How_Things_Work_Lake_Campus_Fall_17|Hidden transclusion <sup>--click to visit</sup> ]] .. click bar to see or hide}}

{{#lst:Physics and Astronomy Labs/Uniform acceleration tapping basketball with spitwads}}

R 7 Spitball motion lab Data analysis

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Physics and Astronomy Labs/Uniform acceleration tapping basketball with spitwads#How_Things_Work_Lake_Campus_Fall_17


M 9 Sep

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Did you get email on test postponement? What did we do Thursday and Friday?

M 11 Sep: Miraheze wikifarms

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Want more?

T 12 Sep

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  • Go to Studyguide: 7/16 from 1409885 to b_waves_PC. Also: NOT ON THIS TEST: What happens to the wavelength on a wave on a stretched string if the wave passes from lightweight (low density) region of the rope to a heavy (high density) rope? Question 14 on studyguide.

Wed 13 Sep

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Talks http://www.wright.edu/~guy.vandegrift/Talks/index.htm

natural 5/3 = 1.6667... http://www.wright.edu/~guy.vandegrift/Talks/cello.mp3
scientific 29/12 = 1.681793...http://www.wright.edu/~guy.vandegrift/Talks/piano.mp3

Caterpillar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ITqv3ey3h50

as Bach wrote it http://www.wimmercello.com/images/bachs1a.gif

Next day review

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Friday 15 September 2017 Miraheze wikilabs

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Monday 18 September Optics (for Test on Wednesday)

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also before the next test

Tues 19 September Sound(for Test on Wednesday)

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I like this one

Monday 2 October Newton's Dark Secrets

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Summary of transcript

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1 Newtwon wrote in code. Much of of his personal writings were never really understood as late as 1937.

2 3 4

5 An apple speeds up as it falls. At every instant in time it seems to have a certain speed. How do you mathematically describe this "instantaneous" velocity? when the two times are nearly the same. See also File:Tangent as Secant Limit.svg

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Wed oct 4 newton's cannon

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File:Bisection_method.svg and wikipedia:Bisection method and Newton's cannon " 4 October 2017 At 6250 we missed the center of the cannon by approximately on ball diameter. At 6200 it seemed to go higher. The for this second one was 3min32sec=212sec

4411 <Min <4411.5

Thur oct 5 curve fit newton's cannon

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  1. Measure distance "as crow flies" for v = 1000 and 4000 m/s.
  2. Predict distance for v=2000. Make a sketch showing how a graph and similar triangles would permit you to find a formula. You can also get the formula by something called Regression_analysis
  3. Measure and calculate Big/Small and also percent error. The latter is (Measured−True)/True. You can report Big/Small as off by a factor of .... For small errors (less than about 10% or so, they essentially give the same information).
  4. Fit your three points to a parabola. It's best not to use Excel curve fit. There is an Excel extension, but it is more convenient to search the internet for "regression" fitting.
  5. Now use your parabola to predict the distance for v=3000. Measure and compare as before.

We collected this data (USING A REDUCED IMAGE ON THE SCREEN):

m/s     CM
1000	7.2
4000	36.9
2000	12.4
3000	19.9

Mon 9 Oct

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Start here: https://www.nde-ed.org/EducationResources/HighSchool/Radiography/chemicalformula.htm

duck migration patterns

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Tuesday 17 October: Guy's Wikipedia Lecture on Nuclear Power

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See w:User:Guy_vandegrift/Lectures/Nuclear_power

19 October 2017 Thursday: Slide Whistle Music

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see also thisleft

Lifted from special:permalink/1752746:

{3/2, 4/3, 5/3, 5/4, 6/5, 7/4, 7/5, 7/6, 8/5, 8/7}
  V    IV   VI  III  iii  *     ?    ?   vi    ?

Here I used capital Romans for major and lower case for minor. The 7/4 is the devil's triad.

expanded broomstick image

Breaking Broomstick16:48, 24 October 2017 (UTC)

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Wish me luck!
  • A model consists of one or more mathematical equations that attempt to describe reality.[1][2][3]

tues 10/24 Start climate change: Where to start?

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  • Muller lectures:
  1. "hide the decline"
  2. "I was wrong"

25 October Lab on finding slopes

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This lab is in "Public Domain Format" with individual reports.

  • Verify and compare these claims:
  1. nationalgeographi.com (google) Average temperatures have climbed 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit (0.8 degree Celsius) around the world since 1880.
  2. Summary of findings - Muller (berkeleyearth.org) The analysis shows that the rise in average world land temperature globe is approximately 1.5 degrees C in the past 250 years, and about 0.9 degrees in the past 50 years.
  3. Wikipedia:Global warming
  • Translate this into degrees per mile here in Ohio, or degrees per day here in the spring or fall.
  1. Groundwater temperature Toledo to Cincinnati about 1C per 20 miles.
  2. https://www.mapsofworld.com/usa/thematic-maps/maps/usa-temprature-april.jpg december
  3. seasonal Cleveland seasonal ground (unknown location)
  4. temperatures are rising in the midwest

Upcoming lectures

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Resonances in a violin, viola, cello

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How to fix: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_OqrJflI0j8
See also https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yFiJXIA70U0 ?

Advanced curve fitting with Newton's cannon

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  • Goal: Find the so-called "parabolic" curve File:Kepler_orbits.svg. Or more precisely, be able to predict periods for near-parabolic ellipses by extraplating. Let y=1/t, where t is the time to crash, and do a fit for y=y(v), where v is the initial speed. Data
v      t
6100   3m00s
6200   3m32s
6300   6m25s


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Data taken in classroom: timercannon

v          t

Phet photoelectric lab

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  • Estimates of rise
  1. nationalgeographi.com (google) Average temperatures have climbed 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit (0.8 degree Celsius) around the world since 1880.
  2. Summary of findings - Muller (berkeleyearth.org)
  • Muller lectures:
  1. "hide the decline"
  2. "I was wrong"

Reviews for Test 3

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  • Part 1: 11/1/17 (monday) link

Fun stuff (lecture mostly not on exams)

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  1. Phet global warming: https://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/greenhouse
  2. Should we "do the math" on this coin-on elbow trick? http://publicdomainreview.org/wp-content/uploads/scientificamusements-thumb.jpg


Exponential decay lab

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Radioactive dating

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Ecliptic and Saros cycle

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Footnotes and References

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  1. http://www.wright.edu/~guy.vandegrift/wikifiles/Physics%20Teacher%20Breaking%20Broomstick.pdf
  2. http://www.wright.edu/~guy.vandegrift/shortCV/Papers/Tranversebending.pdf
  3. http://www.wright.edu/~guy.vandegrift/wikifiles/ajp%20slinky%20whistlers%20crawford.pdf