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Talk:Motivation and emotion/Book/2016/Australian Indigenous language revival motivation

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Latest comment: 7 years ago by Jtneill in topic Multimedia feedback


[edit source]

Hi, this is a really interesting and important topic. I thought this could help. www.sbs.com.au/.../06/pride-and-identity-reviving-indigenous-languages

u3081127 contribution 30/9/2016 at15:50

Possible Considerations

[edit source]


Just letting you know that you have a really interesting book chapter topic! I have a few suggestions which you may (or may not) want to take into consideration when you write your chapter. New Zealand is a great practical example of how Indigenous Language can be preserved, as their national anthem is in both their native language and English. A big issue that we face in Australia is the sheer number of Indigenous languages which exist (about 150 still in use today), so which of these do we focus on preserving? Political considerations could also be noted, given Australia's history (Stolen Generation, etc.). You might want to read Michael Walsh's 2005 article - Will Indigenous Languages Survive?. Hope this helps! --Qt3141 (discusscontribs) 02:43, 16 October 2016 (UTC)Reply

Heading casing

[edit source]
FYI, the convention on Wikiversity is for lower-cased headings. For example, use:

==Cats and dogs==

rather than

==Cats and Dogs==

-- Jtneill - Talk - c 21:43, 21 October 2016 (UTC)Reply

Chapter review and feedback

This chapter has been reviewed according to the marking criteria. Written feedback is provided below, plus there is a general feedback page. Please also check the chapter's page history to check for editing changes made whilst reviewing through the chapter. Responses to this feedback can be made by starting a new section below and/or contacting the reviewer. Chapter marks will be available later via Moodle, along with social contribution marks and feedback. Keep an eye on Announcements.


[edit source]
  1. Overall, this is a basic chapter on a challenging topic, given the almost complete lack of peer-reviewed psychological literature which is directly related to the core question. Nevertheless, the chapter provides a reasonable answer to the question.
  2. For more feedback see these copyedits and the comments below.
  3. Feel free to make ongoing changes to the chapter if you wish to address any of these comments or make other improvements.
  4. The chapter is well under the maximum word count.
  1. Overview
    1. Explain why the topic is important.
    2. Consider including an example or case study (e.g., learning Wiradjuri via CSU?)
    3. Establishes the relevance of the topic.
  2. Body
    1. The main improvement for this chapter would be more clearly explain how each of the motivational theories relates to the problem (motivation to revive/non revive Australian Indigenous languages).
    2. The tables would be more effective if they helped to demonstrate how the theory applies to the problem of interest.
    3. The case study(ies) is(are) helpful. Perhaps consider adding more case studies.
  3. Conclusion
    1. Offers a clear, well-written summary.
    2. Could be improved by providing some more concrete, take-home messages.
  1. There is little research directly about the topic, but a more indepth review of key, related studies is recommended (e.g., language revival motivation in other countries?)
  2. Were old sources such as South Australia (1844) and (Maslow (1943) directly consulted? If not, don't cite it (or use a secondary citation).
  3. Anonymous (2012) is a weak citation and is not included in the reference list.
  4. When describing important research studies, provide some indication of the nature of the method.
  5. When discussing important research findings, indicate the size of effects in addition to whether or not there was an effect or relationship.
  1. Written expression is reasonably good.
    1. Write for an international, not just an Australian, audience.
    2. Avoid starting sentences with a citation unless this information is particularly pertinent. Instead, provide the citation at the end of the sentence.
    3. The chapter addresses the topic and book theme but lacks practical take-home messages.
    4. The quality of written expression could be improved (e.g., see where clarification templates such as [Rewrite to improve clarity], [explain?], [say what?], and [vague] may have been added to the page).
    5. Some clarification templates have been added to the page.
  2. Structure and headings
    1. The chapter is well-structured.
  3. Layout
    1. There is minimal use of images or tables.
    2. Some images are used, but the chapter could be improved by adding more images.
    3. Tables and/or Figures are used effectively.
    4. Tables and Figures should be referred to in the main text.
    5. Figure captions could be improved by making them more explanatory.
  4. Integration with other chapters
    1. The chapter could be improved by integrating it more deeply with other book chapters by linking key concepts to other related chapters such as Motivation and emotion/Book/2011/Self-determination theory
  5. Learning features
    1. Add Interwiki links (to relevant Wikipedia articles) to make the text more interactive.
    2. Quiz questions are used in a basic way to encourage reader engagement.
  6. Spelling
    1. Use Australian spelling (some general examples are hypothesize -> hypothesise; behavior -> behaviour).
    2. Some examples of Indigenous language words and how they can affect social identity etc. could be useful.
  7. APA style
    1. Check and correct the APA style for how to report numbers (Numbers under 10 should be written in words (e.g., five); numbers 10 and over should be written in numbers (e.g., 10)).
    2. The APA style for the reference list is good; one improvement would be to remove issue numbers for paginated journals.

-- Jtneill - Talk - c 06:18, 4 January 2017 (UTC)Reply

Multimedia feedback

The accompanying multimedia presentation has been marked according to the marking criteria. Marks are available via the unit's Moodle site. Written feedback is provided below, plus see the general feedback page. Responses to this feedback can be made by starting a new section below. If you would like further clarification about the marking or feedback, contact the unit convener.


[edit source]
  1. Overall, this is a basic, sufficient presentation.
  1. Overview
    1. Clear, but perhaps outline what content/sections will be covered.
  2. Selection and organisation
    1. Well selected content - not too much or too little.
    2. Theory rich; research poor.
    3. Somewhat addresses a self-help theme.
    4. Consider using more illustrative examples.
    5. Citations and references are included.
  3. Conclusion
    1. None provided.
  1. Audio
    1. Audio is clear and well-paced.
    2. Varied intonation added interest and engagement.
  2. Visuals
    1. Clear and easy to read.
    2. Excellent font size.
    3. Consider including more images, figures, and/or tables.
  1. Overall, basic, effective production.
  2. Meta-data
    1. Rename the title so that it includes the title (and matches the book chapter).
    2. Add a link to the book chapter.
    3. Excellent use of the Description field to provide relevant information.
  3. Audio recording quality
    1. Good, clear
  4. Image/video recording quality
    1. Good, clear
    2. Effective use of simple tools.
  5. Licensing
    1. A copyright license for the presentation is not indicated (i.e., in the meta-data or the visual presentation).
    2. No images used, so no relevant licenses shown.

-- Jtneill - Talk - c 06:31, 4 January 2017 (UTC)Reply