Progress and Prospects in Parkinson's Research/Symptoms/A

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The A-Z of Parkinson's Symptoms

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Note: 'A' is a prefix of Greek derivation meaning 'Without'

e.g Asymptomatic means 'Without symptoms'.
Aboulia (lack of will or initiative)

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Lack of will or initiative

There is an alternative spelling ’Abulia’.

This symptom can come about through trauma or as a result of Deep Brain Stimulation. It can also arise from non-Parkinsonian causes such as degeneration of or surgery upon the frontal lobes.

Common features of aboulia are:-

• Difficulty in initiating and sustaining purposeful movements

• Lack of spontaneous movement

• Reduced spontaneous movement

• Increased response-time to queries

• Passivity

• Reduced emotional responsiveness and spontaneity

• Reduced social interactions

• Reduced interest in usual pastimes

This has been described by:-

Doder et al (1999) Parkinson's syndrome after closed head injury: a single case report [1]

Redgrave et al (2010)Goal-directed and habitual control in the basal ganglia: implications for Parkinson’s disease [2]

Drubach et al (2011)Free Will, Freedom of Choice and Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration [3]

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  1. Doder, Daniel A,; Jahanshahi, M.; Turjanski, N.; Moseley, I and Lees, A. (1999) Full Text J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiatry. 66 (3) 380–385. Parkinson's syndrome after closed head injury: a single case report
  2. Redgrave, Peer; Rodruiguez, Manuel, Smith, Yolande; Rodruiguez-Oroz, Maria C.; Lehericy, Stephane; Bergman, Hagai; Agid, Yves; DeLong, Mahlon R. and Obeso, Jose A. (2010) Full Text Nat. Rev. Neurosci 11 (11) 760-772. Goal-directed and habitual control in the basal ganglia: implications for Parkinson’s disease
  3. Drubach, Daniel A.: Rabibstein, Alejandro, A. and Molano, Jennifer (2011) Full Text Mens. Sana. Monogr. 9 (1) 238–250. Free Will, Freedom of Choice and Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration
Agnosia (difficulties in action or perception)

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Difficulties in action or perception

(May include Agnosia - Loss of ability to recognize objects, persons, sounds, shapes, or smells)

This has been studied by:-

Goldenburg et al (1986) Impairment of motor planning in patients with Parkinson's disease: evidence from ideomotor apraxia testing. [1]

Jacobs, Jesse V. et al (2006)The supplementary motor area contributes to the timing of the anticipatory postural adjustment during step initiation in participants with and without Parkinson’s disease [2]

Rohrer et al (2009) Apraxia in progressive nonfluent aphasia [3]

Liepelt-Scarfone et al (2011) Influence of Different Cut-Off Values on the Diagnosis of Mild Cognitive Impairment in Parkinson's Disease [4]

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  1. Goldenberg, G.; Wimmer, A. Auff, E.; and Schnaberth, G. Daniela (1986) Full Text J. Neurol. Neurosurg Psychiatry. 49 (11) 1266–1272. Impairment of motor planning in patients with Parkinson's disease: evidence from ideomotor apraxia testing.
  2. Jacobs, Jesse V.; Lou, Jau-Shin,; Kraakevik, Jeff A. and Horak, Fay, B. (2006) manuscript The supplementary motor area contributes to the timing of the anticipatory postural adjustment during step initiation in participants with and without Parkinson’s disease
  3. Rohrer, Jonathan Daniel, Rossoy, Martin N. and Warren, Jason D.(2009) Full Text J.Neurol. 257 (4) 569 – 574 Apraxia in progressive nonfluent aphasia
  4. Liepelt-Scarfone, Inga; Graeber, Susanne; Feseker Anne; Baysal, Gulsum, Godau, Jane; Gaenslen, Alexandra, Maetzler, Walter and Daniela Berg, Daniela (2011) Full Text Influence of Different Cut-Off Values on the Diagnosis of Mild Cognitive Impairment in Parkinson's Disease
Agrypnia (persistent sleeplessness)

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Disturbed sleep

May include Agrypnia

The following references are relevant:-

Schutte-Rodin et al (2008)Clinical Guideline for the Evaluation and Management of Chronic Insomnia in Adults [1]

Suzuki et al(2011)Sleep Disturbances Associated with Parkinson's Disease [2]

Louter et al (2012) Recognition and diagnosis of sleep disorders in Parkinson’s disease [3]

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  1. Schutte-Rodin, Sharon; Broch, Lauren; Buysse, Daniel; Dorsey, Cynthia and Sateia, Michael (2008) Full Text J. Clin. Sleep Med. 4 (5) 487 – 504. Clinical Guideline for the Evaluation and Management of Chronic Insomnia in Adults
  2. Suzuki, Keisuke; Miyamoto, Masayuki; Miyamoto, Tomoyuki; Iwanami, Masoki and Hirata, Koichi (2011) Full TextParkinsons Dis. 2011: 219056. Sleep Disturbances Associated with Parkinson's Disease
  3. Louter, Maartje; Aarden, Willemijn C.C.A.; Lion, Joy, Bloem, Bastiaan R. and Overeem, Sebastian (2012) Full TextJ. Neurol. 259 (10) 2031 – 2040. Recognition and diagnosis of sleep disorders in Parkinson’s disease
Akathesia (restless legs)

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Uncontrollable, involuntary movement of the legs and feet

The following references are relevant:-

Gao et al (2010) Restless Legs Syndrome and Erectile Dysfunction[1]

Gao et al (2010) Restless legs syndrome and Parkinson’s disease in men[2]

Pourcher et al (2010) Compulsive habits in restless legs syndrome patients under dopaminergic treatment [3]

Peeraully and Tan (2012) Linking restless legs syndrome with Parkinson's disease: clinical, imaging and genetic evidence [4]

Further Research

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  1. Gao, Xiang; Schwarzchilds, Michael A.: O’Reilly, Eilis J.; Wang, Hao and Ascherio, Alberto (2010) Full TextSleep 33 (1) 75 – 79 Restless Legs Syndrome and Erectile Dysfunction
  2. Gao, Xiang; Schwarzschild, Michael A.; O’Reilly, Eilis J.; Wang, Hao and Ascherio, Alberto (2010) Full Text Mov. Disord. 25 (15) 2654 – 2657 Restless legs syndrome and Parkinson’s disease in men
  3. Pourcher, E.; Remillard, S. and Cohen, H. (2010) Full TextJ. Neurol. Sci. 290 (1-2) 52 -56 Compulsive habits in restless legs syndrome patients under dopaminergic treatment.
  4. Peeraully, Tasneem and Tan, Eng-King (2012) Full TextTransl. Neurodegener. 2012; 1: 6. Linking restless legs syndrome with Parkinson's disease: clinical, imaging and genetic evidence
Akinesia (freezing of gait)

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Inability to initiate locomotion

The following references are relevant:-

Morris et al (2010) Striding Out With Parkinson Disease: Evidence-Based Physical Therapy for Gait Disorders [1]

Maidan et al (2010) Heart rate changes during freezing of gait in patients with Parkinson's disease [2]

Espay et al(2012) “On” state freezing of gait in Parkinson disease - A paradoxical levodopa-induced complication [3]

Further Research

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  1. Morris, Meg. E.; Martin, Clarissa L. and Schenkman, Margaret L.(2010) Full Text Phys. Ther. 90 (2) 280 – 288 Striding Out With Parkinson Disease: Evidence-Based Physical Therapy for Gait Disorders
  2. Maidan, I; Plotnik, M.; Mirelman, M. Wess, A.; Giladi, N.; and Haudorff, J.M. (2010) Full Text Mov. Disord. 25 (14) 2346 -2354 Heart rate changes during freezing of gait
  3. Espay, A.J.; Fasano, A.; van Nuenen, B.F.J.; Payne, M.M; Snijders, A.H. and Bloem, B.R. (2012) Full Text. Neurology 78 (7) 454 – 457 ”On” state freezing of gait in Parkinson disease - A paradoxical levodopa-induced complication
Algolagnia (excessive sexual activity)

Redirected to Hypersexuality: Hypersexuality

Excessive sexual activity

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(Related symptoms: Satyriasis, Sadomachism)

The following references are relevant:-

Witjas et al (2012) Addictive behaviors and Parkinson's disease. [1]

Politis et al (2013) Neural response to visual sexual cues in dopamine treatment-linked hypersexuality in Parkinson's disease. [2]

Pereira et al (2013) Screening hypersexuality in Parkinson's disease in everyday practice. [3]

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Use the following links to query the PubMed, PubMed Central and Google Scholar databases using the Search terms:- Parkinson's_Disease Hypersexuality .
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  1. Witjas, T.; Eusebio, A.; Fluchère, F. and Azulay, J.P. (2012) Full Text Rev. Neurol. (Paris). 168 (8-9) 624 - 633. Addictive behaviors and Parkinson's disease.
  2. Politis, M.; Loane, C.; Wu, K.; O'Sullivan, S.S.; Woodhead, Z.; Kiferle, L.; Lawrence, A.D.; Lees, A.J. and Piccini, P. (2013) Full Text Brain. 136 (Pt 2) 400 -411.Neural response to visual sexual cues in dopamine treatment-linked hypersexuality in Parkinson's disease.
  3. Pereira, B.; Llorca, P.M.; Durif, F.; Brousse, G.; Blanc, O.; Rieu, I.; Derost, P.; Ulla, M.; Debilly, B. and de Chazeron, I. (2013) Full Text Parkinsonism Relat. Disord. 19 (2) 242 - 246. Screening hypersexuality in Parkinson's disease in everyday practice.
Amimia (fixed and vacant expression)

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Fixed and vacant expression (masking)

Very little research has been carried out on this common PD symptom but the following are relevant :-

Allen (1931) The Dissociation of voluntary and emotional movements of the face with special reference to emotional paresis as a physical sign [2]

Hemmesch et al (2009)The Influence of Facial Masking and Sex on Older Adults’ Impressions of Individuals with Parkinson’s Disease. [3]

Clark et al (2011) Visual Exploration of Emotional Facial Expressions in Parkinson's Disease [4]

Tickle-Degnen et al (2011) Culture, Gender and Health Care Stigma: Practitioners’ Response to Facial Masking Experienced by People with Parkinson’s Disease < [5]

Further Research

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  2. Allen, I.M.(1931) Full Text The Dissociation of voluntary and emotional movements of the face with special reference to emotional paresis as a physical sign
  3. Hemmesch. Amanda R.; Tickle-Degnen, Linda and Zebrowitz, Leslie A. (2009) Full Text Psychol. Aging 24 (3) 542 – 549 The Influence of Facial Masking and Sex on Older Adults’ Impressions of Individuals with Parkinson’s Disease.
  4. Clark, Uraina S.; Neargarder, Sandy and Cronin-Golomb, Alice (2011) Full Text Visual Exploration of Emotional Facial Expressions in Parkinson's Disease
  5. Tickle-Degnen, Linda and Zebrowitz, Leslie A. and Ma, Hui-ing (2011) Full Text Soc. Sci. Med. 73 (1) 95 – 102 Culture, Gender and Health Care Stigma: Practitioners’ Response to Facial Masking Experienced by People with Parkinson’s Disease
Aphagia(inability to swallow)

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Inability to swallow

Swallowing problems are frequently reported by PD patients but the symptom awaits detailed scientific research.

The following references are relevant:-

eHealthMe (1977)Could Parkinson's disease cause Aphagia? A study of 26 patients [1]

eHealthMe (1977) Could Azilect cause Aphagia? [2]

Russell et al (2010) Targeted exercise therapy for voice and swallow in persons with Parkinson’s disease [3]

Further Research

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  1. eHealthMe (1977) Article Could Parkinson's disease cause Aphagia? A study of 26 patients's+disease/aphagia
  2. eHealthMe(1977) Article Could Azilect cause Aphagia?
  3. Russell, John A.; Ciucci, Michelle, R.; Connor, Nadine P. and Schallert, Timothy(2010) Full TextBrain Res. 1341 : 3 – 11. Targeted exercise therapy for voice and swallow in persons with Parkinson’s disease
Aphonia (inability to make sounds)

Aphonia: Inability to make sounds. ( To subpage for editing >> )


Inability to make sounds

The following references are relevant:-

Critchley (1981) Speech disorders of Parkinsonism: a review [1]

Russell et al (2010) Targeted exercise therapy for voice and swallow in persons with Parkinson’s disease [2]

Hallett (2011) Psychogenic Parkinsonism [3]

Search the scientific literature (Aphonia)

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  1. Critchley, E,M, (1981) Full TextJ. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiatry 44 (9) 751 – 758 Speech disorders of Parkinsonism: a review
  2. Russell, John A.; Ciucci, Michelle, R.; Connor, Nadine P. and Schallert, Timothy(2010) Full TextBrain Res. 1341 : 3 – 11. Targeted exercise therapy for voice and swallow in persons with Parkinson’s disease
  3. Hallett, Mark (2011) Full TextJ. Neurol. Sci. 310 (1-2) 163 – 165 Psychogenic Parkinsonism
Aphrenia(stoppage of thought)

Aphrenia: Stoppage of thought Redirected to Dementia: ( To subpage for editing >> )


Abnormal progressive decline in cognitive function

See also Cognitive Impairment

The following references are relevant.

Leverenz et al, (2009) Cognitive Impairment and Dementia in Patients with Parkinson Disease [1]

Johnson and Galvin (2011) Longitudinal Changes in Cognition in Parkinson's Disease with and without Dementia [2]

Weintraub et al (2011) Neurodegeneration Across Stages of Cognitive Decline in Parkinson Disease [3]

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Use the following links to query the PubMed, PubMed Central and Google Scholar databases using the Search terms:- Parkinson's_Disease Dementia.
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  1. Leverenz, James B.; Quinn, Joseph F.; Zabetian, Cyrus;Zhang, Jing; Montine, Kathleen S. and Montine, Thomas J. (date) Full TextCurr. Top Med. Chem. 9 (10) 903 – 912. Cognitive Impairment and Dementia in Patients with Parkinson Disease
  2. Johnson, David K.; and Galvin, James E. (2011) Full Text Dement. Geriatr. Cogn. Disord. 31 (2) 98 – 108. Longitudinal Changes in Cognition in Parkinson's Disease with and without Dementia
  3. Weintraub, Daniel; Doshi, Jimit; Koka, Deepthi’ Davatzikos, Christos; Siderowf, Andrew D.; Duda, John E.; Wolk, David A.; Moberg, Paul J.; Xie, Sharon X. and Clark, Christopher M. (2011) Full TextArch Neurol. 68 (12) 1562 – 1568. Neurodegeneration Across Stages of Cognitive Decline in Parkinson Disease
Apnoea (stoppage of breathing)

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Arrest of breathing

There is an alternative spelling " Apnea". This is most frequently observed sleep disorder. During apnoea there is no movement of air in or out of the lungs. There is a considerable body of literature on this Symptom. Here are a few references and a general search tool:

Chotinaiwattarakui et al (2010) Risk of sleep-disordered breathing in Parkinson's disease [1]

Univ. of California clinical Trials. (2012). Study into the cognitive benefits of treating sleep apnea in Parkinson’s disease [2]

Lelieveld et al (2012) The Role of Serotonin in Sleep Disordered Breathing Associated with Parkinson Disease: A Correlative DASB PET Imaging Study [3]

Further Research

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  1. Chotinawattarakui, Wattanachai; Davalu, Ptaveen; Chervin, Ronald D, and Albin, Roger L. (2010) Sleep Breath 15 (3) 471 – 478 Risk of sleep-disordered breathing in Parkinson’s disease
  2. Univ. Californis Clinical Trial, (2012). Study into the cognitive benefits of treating sleep apnea in Parkinson’s disease.
  3. Lelieveld, Irene M.; Müller, Martijn L.T.M.; Bohnen, Nicolaas I.Koeppe, Robert A.; Chervin. Robert D; Frey, Kirk A.; and Alnin, Roger L.(2012) PloS On The Role of Serotonin in Sleep Disordered Breathing Associated with Parkinson Disease: A Correlative DASB PET Imaging Study e 7 (7) e-40166
Apraxia (difficulties in action or perception)

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Difficulties in action or perception

(May include Agnosia - Loss of ability to recognize objects, persons, sounds, shapes, or smells)

This has been studied by:-

Goldenburg et al (1986) Impairment of motor planning in patients with Parkinson's disease: evidence from ideomotor apraxia testing. [1]

Jacobs, Jesse V. et al (2006)The supplementary motor area contributes to the timing of the anticipatory postural adjustment during step initiation in participants with and without Parkinson’s disease [2]

Rohrer et al (2009) Apraxia in progressive nonfluent aphasia [3]

Liepelt-Scarfone et al (2011) Influence of Different Cut-Off Values on the Diagnosis of Mild Cognitive Impairment in Parkinson's Disease [4]

Further Research

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Search the scientific literature (Agnosia)

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Use the following links to query the PubMed, PubMed Central and Google Scholar databases using the Search terms:- Parkinson's_Disease Agnosia.
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  1. Goldenberg, G.; Wimmer, A. Auff, E.; and Schnaberth, G. Daniela (1986) Full Text J. Neurol. Neurosurg Psychiatry. 49 (11) 1266–1272. Impairment of motor planning in patients with Parkinson's disease: evidence from ideomotor apraxia testing.
  2. Jacobs, Jesse V.; Lou, Jau-Shin,; Kraakevik, Jeff A. and Horak, Fay, B. (2006) manuscript The supplementary motor area contributes to the timing of the anticipatory postural adjustment during step initiation in participants with and without Parkinson’s disease
  3. Rohrer, Jonathan Daniel, Rossoy, Martin N. and Warren, Jason D.(2009) Full Text J.Neurol. 257 (4) 569 – 574 Apraxia in progressive nonfluent aphasia
  4. Liepelt-Scarfone, Inga; Graeber, Susanne; Feseker Anne; Baysal, Gulsum, Godau, Jane; Gaenslen, Alexandra, Maetzler, Walter and Daniela Berg, Daniela (2011) Full Text Influence of Different Cut-Off Values on the Diagnosis of Mild Cognitive Impairment in Parkinson's Disease
Ataxia(lack of voluntary co-ordination of muscle movements)

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Lack of voluntary coordination of muscle movements

The following references are relevant:-

Nocera et al Impaired Step Up/Over in Persons With Parkinson’s Disease[1]

Paquette et al (2011) Walking in circles: navigation deficits from Parkinson's disease but not from cerebellar ataxia [2]

Chaturvedi and Flint (2013) Mitochondrial Diseases of the Brain. [3]

Further Research

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Search the scientific literature (Ataxia)

Literature search:

Use the following links to query the PubMed, PubMed Central and Google Scholar databases using the Search terms:- Parkinson's_Disease Ataxia.
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  1. Nocera, Joe. R.; Horvat, Michaej and Ray, Christopher T. Full Text Adapt. Phys. Activ. Step Up/Over in Persons With Parkinson’s Disease Published in final edited form as: Adapt. Phys. Activ. Q. 27 (2) 87– 95. Impaired Step Up/Over in Persons With Parkinson’s Disease
  2. Paquette, Caroline; Franzen, Erika; Melvill-Jones, Geoffrey and Horak, Fay B. (2011) Full Text Neuroscience 190 177 – 183 Walking in circles: navigation deficits from Parkinson's disease but not from cerebellar ataxia
  3. Chaturvedi, R.K. and Flint, Beal M. (2013) Full Text Free Radic Biol. Med. 2013 Apr 5. pii: S0891-5849(13)00123-8. doi: 0. Mitochondrial Diseases of the Brain.
Athetosis (involuntary movements of the face, tongue and extremities)

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Involuntary movements of the face, tongue and extremities.

A number of projects have concentrated on this symptom:-

Neilson (1974) Measurement of involuntary arm movement in athetotic patients [1]

Hallett and Alvarez (1983) Attempted rapid elbow movements in patients with athetosis [2]

Further Research

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  1. Neilson, Peter D. (1974) Full Text J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiatry. 37 (2) 171–177.
  2. Halett, M. and Alvarez, N. (1983) Full Text J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiatry. 46 (8) 745–750. Attempted rapid elbow movements in patients with athetosis
Automatism (forced obedience to external stimulli or commands)

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Forced obedience to external stimuli or commands.

Some potentially relevant references are:-

Allain et al (1995) Explicit and procedural memory in Parkinson's disease. [1]

Allain et al (1995) Procedural memory and Parkinson's disease. [2]

Perez-Velazquez (2012) The biophysical bases of will-less behaviours [3]

Further Research

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  1. .Allain,H,; Lieury, A.; Thomas V.; Reymann JM.; Gandon, J.M. and Belliard, S. (1995) Abstract Biomed. Pharmacother. 49 (4) 179 – 186 Explicit and procedural memory in Parkinson's disease.
  2. Allain, H.; Lieury, A.; Quemener, V.; Thomas, V.; Reymann, J.M, and Gandon, J.M. (1995) Abstract Dementia 6 (3) 174 – 178 Proceadurl memory and Parkinson's disease.
  3. Perez-Valaquez, Jose L. (2012) Abstract Front. Integr. Neirosci. 2012:6:98 The biophysical bases of will-less behaviours

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