Progress and Prospects in Parkinson's Research/Symptoms/Amimia

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Fixed and vacant expression (masking)

Very little research has been carried out on this common PD symptom but the following are relevant :-

Allen (1931) The Dissociation of voluntary and emotional movements of the face with special reference to emotional paresis as a physical sign [2]

Hemmesch et al (2009)The Influence of Facial Masking and Sex on Older Adults’ Impressions of Individuals with Parkinson’s Disease. [3]

Clark et al (2011) Visual Exploration of Emotional Facial Expressions in Parkinson's Disease [4]

Tickle-Degnen et al (2011) Culture, Gender and Health Care Stigma: Practitioners’ Response to Facial Masking Experienced by People with Parkinson’s Disease < [5]

Further Research

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This will list the latest papers on this topic. You are invited to update this page to reflect such recent results, pointing out their significance.
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  2. Allen, I.M.(1931) Full Text The Dissociation of voluntary and emotional movements of the face with special reference to emotional paresis as a physical sign
  3. Hemmesch. Amanda R.; Tickle-Degnen, Linda and Zebrowitz, Leslie A. (2009) Full Text Psychol. Aging 24 (3) 542 – 549 The Influence of Facial Masking and Sex on Older Adults’ Impressions of Individuals with Parkinson’s Disease.
  4. Clark, Uraina S.; Neargarder, Sandy and Cronin-Golomb, Alice (2011) Full Text Visual Exploration of Emotional Facial Expressions in Parkinson's Disease
  5. Tickle-Degnen, Linda and Zebrowitz, Leslie A. and Ma, Hui-ing (2011) Full Text Soc. Sci. Med. 73 (1) 95 – 102 Culture, Gender and Health Care Stigma: Practitioners’ Response to Facial Masking Experienced by People with Parkinson’s Disease