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Latin/Future Tense Lesson 2

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Future tense, third and fourth conjugation

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Today’s lesson continues the future tense in Latin. As we saw last lesson, 1st and 2nd conjugation verbs use the endings

bō, bis, bit, bimus, bitis, bunt to form the future tense
(with the help of the connecting vowel ā for 1st conjugation, ē for 2nd).

This week we’ll turn to the forms used for the 3rd and 4th conjugations:

3rd and 4th conjugations future tense
Formed by Latin Example mittō English meaning Latin Example English meaning Latin Example audio English meaning
present stem + am mittam I will send capiam I will seize audiam I will hear
present stem + ēs mittēs you will send capies you will seize audiēs you will hear
present stem + et mittet he will send capiet he will seize audiet he will hear
present stem + ēmus mittēmus we will send capiemus we will seize audiēmus we will hear
present stem + ētis mittētis you will send capietis you will seize audiētis you will hear
present stem + ent mittent they will send capient they will seize audient they will hear

Most irregular verbs follow the pattern of 3rd/4th conjugation verbs, except for compounds of sum which follow that pattern — erō, eris, erit, erimus, eritis, erunt — and compounds of : ībō, ībis, ībit, ībimus, ībitis, ībunt. We’ll introduce a few of these in this lesson and a few in the next.

New Vocabulary

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Latin English Audio (Classical) Notes
nēmō, nēminis no one, nobody
3rd declension noun, a compound of nē + homō

New Sentences

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Latin English Notes
Epistulam mittam. I will send the letter.
Nēmō hoc leget. No one will read this.
Hodiē pullum edunt; crās holera edent. Today they eat chicken; tomorrow they will eat vegetables.
Quis solvet? Who will pay?
Nunc aquam bibimus; vespere vīnum bibēmus. Now we are drinking water; in the evening we will drink wine.
Crās intellegēs / intellegētis. Tomorrow you will understand.
Māter dē hōc audiet. Mother will hear about this.
Vivent. They will live.
Quandō veniēs / veniētis? When will you come?
Paula ambulābit, sed Lūcia curret. Paula will walk, but Lucia will run.
Mārcus librum emet, sed Gāius librōs vēndet. Marcus will buy a book, but Gaius will sell books.
Nēmō mihi crēdet! No one will believe me!
Numquam clāvēs inveniam. I will never find the keys.
Mīlitēs gladiōs pōnent. The soldiers will put down their swords.
Quid dīcent? What will they say?
Quid agent / facient? What will they do?
Senātus aget. The Senate will act.
Mārcus domī (opus faciet) / (laborābit). Marcus will work at home.
Tēcum ībō. I will go with you.
Quō ībis? Where will you go?
Dormient. They will sleep.
Nēmō sciet. No one will know.
Mox lūdere poterō. Soon I will be able to play.
Nēmō dormīre poterit. No one will be able to sleep.
Solvēre nōn poterunt. They will not be able to pay.
Saccharum in theam nōn pōnam. I will not put sugar in the tea.
“Nōn faciēs tibi sculptile.” Thou shalt not make for yourself a graven image. Exodus 20:4
“Nōn occīdēs.” Thou shalt not murder. Exodus 20:13
“Quis cū̆stōdiet ipsōs cū̆stōdēs?” Who will guard the guards themselves? Juvenal
Proximā lēctiōne plūs discēmus. We will learn more in the next lesson.


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Practice and learn the words and phrases in this lesson
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Step two Next try learning and writing the sentencing using this:
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If you are skipping previous stages you may need to manually "ignore" the words in previous levels (use the 'select all' function)
