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Latin I/Food Lesson 2

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We are working on learning how to talk about food in this series of Latin lessons. We’ll continue to add nouns to our vocabulary, but all of them from the first three declensions that we’ve studied previously. On the right are links you might want to check out for what we’ve learned so far.

New Vocabulary

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1st declension, f. unless otherwise noted
Latin English Audio (Classical) Notes
būbula, ae beef
cēna, ae dinner, evening meal
patella, ae dish, plate
porcīna, ae pork
2nd declension: m. ending in –us; n. ending in –um
Latin English Audio (Classical) Notes
dulciolum, ī candy, a sweet
iēntāculum, ī  breakfast
pōculum, ī  drinking cup, bowl
prandium, ī  lunch   late breakfast, brunch
triclīnium, ī  dining room
Latin English Audio (Classical) Notes
3rd declension: gender noted
calix, calicis (m) chalice, wine cup
carō, carnis (f.) meat, flesh
Latin English Audio (Classical) Notes
adjectives: note these are similar to 3rd declension nouns
dulcis, dulce (adj.) sweet
ēsuriēns, ēsurientis (adj.) hungry, starving
sitiēns, sitientis (adj.) thirsty
Latin English Audio (Classical) Notes
verbs: not fully conjugated this lesson
cēnō, dine, eat dinner   1st conjugation
coquō, coquere, coxī, coctus,   cook 3rd conjugation
ēsuriō, 4 be hungry, to hunger 4th conjugation
gustō, 1 taste, enjoy 1st conjugation
sitiō, 4 be thirsty 4th conjugation
sūmō, sūmere, sūmpsī, sūmptus, 3 (cōnsūmō) take, consume e.g., a meal; 3rd conjugation

New Sentences

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Latin English Notes
Culīna et triclīnium in vīllā sunt. The kitchen and dining room are in the house.
iēntāculum, prandium, cēna breakfast, lunch, dinner
Mēnsa est in triclīniō. The table is in the dining room.
Est mēnsa et in culīnā. There is also a table in the kitchen.
Ōva in iēntāculō edō. I eat eggs for breakfast.
Ōva iēntāculō sumō. I eat eggs for breakfast.
Būbula est carō. Beef is meat.
Porcīna et pullus sunt carō. Pork and chicken are meat.
In triclīnio cenam edimus. We eat dinner in the dining room.
In triclīnio cenāmus. We dine (eat dinner) in the dining room.
Ēsuriō. I am hungry.
Ēsuriēns sum. I am hungry.
Puerī sunt ēsurientēs. The boys are hungry.
Paula post prandium dulciolum edit. Paula eats a candy after lunch.
Dulciolum est dulce. The candy is sweet.
Sūcus dulcis est. The juice is sweet.
Parva puella est dulcis. The little girl is sweet.
Sitīsne? Are you thirsty?
Sitiēns es. Quid bibis? You are thirsty. What do you drink?
Vīnum in calice bibit. He drinks wine in a chalice (wine cup).  
Gāius cafeam dē pōculō bibit. Gaius drinks coffee from a cup.
Mārcus jūs in pōculō habet. Marcus has soup in a bowl.
Ōvum in patellā est. The egg is on the plate.
Patellae in mēnsā sunt. The plates are on the table.
Servī mēnsam in triclīnium portant. Slaves carry the table into the dining room.
Lūcia ōva cum porcīnā coquit. Lucia cooks eggs with pork.
Būbulam gustātis. You all taste the beef.
Prandium sūmimus. We have (take) lunch.


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Practice and learn the words and phrases in this lesson
Step one First learn the words using this lesson:
Step two Next try learning and writing the sentencing using this:
AI version You can try learning and writing the sentences using our AI Prompt
Note that the Memrise stage covers the content for all lessons in each stage.
If you are skipping previous stages you may need to manually "ignore" the words in previous levels (use the 'select all' function)

We hope you enjoyed learning more Latin food vocabulary. We will have at least one more lesson on the subject, maybe more. Bonam fortūnam!