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Latin/Corpus Humanum Lesson 2

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This week we continue with the parts of the body, introducing new vocabulary. These medical words and others like them are proof that Latin is, indeed, used in every language. Since Latin and Greek were the languages used in scientific nomenclature, wherever medicine and modern science are practiced by those educated in these disciplines, Latin and Greek loanwords exist in the languages. Yet another powerful argument for having a Latin course: it helps enormously with developing the specialized vocabulary needed for scientific professions!

New Vocabulary

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Latin English Audio (Classical) Notes
tālus, i ankle
umerus, i (humerus in late Latin) shoulder, upper arm
collum, i (cervix, cervicis, m.) neck
cubitum, i elbow
tergum, i back
sanguis, sanguinis (m.) blood, family
cor, cordis (cordium, but corda nom. and acc. pl.) (n.) heart
pectus, pectoris (n.) chest
dēns, dentis, dentium (m.) tooth, tusk
frōns, frontis, frontium (f.) forehead, brow, front
pollex, pollicis (m.) thumb (big toe)
os, ossis, ossium (n.) bone
genū, genūs (n.) knee
dexter, dextera, dexterum (dexter, dextra, dextrum) right, on the right dextera (dextra) and sinistra are sometimes used without manus to mean right or left hand
sinister, sinistra, sinistrum left, on the left
cadō, cadere, cecidī, cāsus, 3 fall

New Sentences

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Latin English Notes
Umerus dexter, cubitum dexterum, manūs dextera Right shoulder, right elbow, right hand.
Tālus sinister, genū sinistrum, manūs sinistra Left ankle, left knee, left hand.
In genua cadit. He falls onto his knees.
In tergum cadit. He falls onto his back.
Frōns mea dolet. My forehead hurts.
Injūriam in fronte habeō. I have an injury on my forehead.
Dux impetum a tergō facit. The general makes an attack from the back.
Equus longum collum habet. The horse has a long neck.
Cor ejus(eius) valet. His heart is strong/healthy.
Pectus meum dolet. My chest hurts.
Cor in sinistrā parte pectoris est. The heart is on the left side of the chest.
Os Lūciae fractum est, nōn ōs. Lucia’s bone is broken, not her mouth. cf os, ossis “bone” with ōs, oris, “mouth.” Both are neuter 3rd declension nouns.
Quot ossa sunt in corpore humanō? How many bones are in the human body?
Dēns meus dolet. My tooth hurts.
Dentēs lavō. I brush my teeth.
Sanguis ruber est. Blood is red.
Sanguine conjūnctī sumus. We are relatives by blood.
Pollice versō. Thumb turned, thumbs down The sign to kill a losing gladiator  
Sursum corda. Lift up your hearts; lit. hearts lifted


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I hope you have enjoyed this lesson. As always, we welcome comments or questions on the talk page. Next we’ll begin the perfect tense. Valēte!