Latin I/Basics 2 Lesson 3
Salvēte omnēs! Welcome back to Latin!
This week’s lesson will finish up the Basics 2 section of this Latin course. We will learn to conjugate a few new verbs and introduce one new noun:
New vocabulary
[edit | edit source]Latin | English | Audio (Classical) | Notes |
scrībō | I write | ||
scrībis | you write | ||
scrībit | he, she, it writes | ||
scrībimus | we write | ||
scrībitis | you (pl. write) | ||
scrībunt | they write | ||
habeō | I have | ||
habēs | you have | ||
habet | he has | ||
diārium, diāriī (2) | newspaper | its accusative singular is also diārium |
At some point in the near future I hope to create a classified vocabulary list of all the words I’ve used, which I will then link to the directory page and keep updating as new words are introduced.
Grammar notes
[edit | edit source]Remember that in Latin the conventional word order is subject-object-verb, but that is less important than the endings of the nouns in the sentence, which indicate case. So far we have used nominative case for the subject and predicate nouns (if there is a linking/being verb in the sentence); and we have had a limited number of accusative case nouns, used as direct objects. More formal study of accusative case will be kept for the skills that introduce several nouns belonging to one declension at one time, making it easier to note the patterns.
New Sentences
[edit | edit source]Latin | English | Notes |
Est diārium. | It is a newspaper. | |
(Ego) scrībō. | I write. | |
Tū librum scrībis. | You write a book. | |
(Ei) librum scrībunt. | They write a book. | |
Mārcus et Gāius librum scrībunt. | Marcus and Gaius write a book. | |
Ea librum scrībit. | She writes a book. | |
Paula librum scrībit. | Paula writes a book. | |
(Vōs) scrībitis. | You (pl.) write. | |
(Nōs) scrībimus, (vōs) scrībitis. | We write, you write. | |
(Eae) diārium legunt. | They/ those women read a newspaper. | |
Fēminae diārium legunt. | The women read the newspaper. | |
(Is) librum scrībit. | He writes a book. | |
Mārcus librum scrībit. | Marcus writes a book. | |
Diārium legō. | I read the newspaper. | |
(Ego) legō, (tū) scrībis. | I read, you write. | |
Librum scrībō. | I write a book. | |
Klingōnēs diārium nōn legunt. | The Klingons do not read the newspaper. | |
Lūcia diārium habet. | Lucia has a newspaper. | |
Puerī aquam bibunt. | The boys drink water. | |
Puella saccharum edit. | The girl eats sugar. | |
(Ego) diārium habeō. | I have a newspaper. | |
(Tū) librum habēs. | You have a book. | |
Saccharum edō. | I eat sugar. | |
Aquam habet. | He/she has water. | |
Puerī scrībunt. | The boys write. | |
Fēmina mālum edit. | The woman eats an apple. | |
(Ego) mālum habeō. | I have an apple. | |
Paula librum habet. | Paula has a book. |
[edit | edit source]Practice and learn the words and phrases in this lesson | |
Step one | First learn the words using this lesson: |
Step two | Next try learning and writing the sentencing using this: |
AI version | You can try learning and writing the sentences using our AI Prompts |
Note that the Memrise stage covers the content for all the basics 2 lessons. If you are skipping previous stages you may need to manually "ignore" the words (use the 'select all' function) |
That’s all for this week … Next week we’ll go over some basic conversational phrases and maybe soon after that we can start with more systematic study of noun declensions and cases. Bonam fortūnam!