Introduction to psychology/Psy102
Psy102 is a first-year undergraduate introductory psychology unit which was taught by James Neill, University of Canberra, July-Nov., 2009, with some materials free and open to all. ![]() WebsitesUnit descriptionThis unit provides an overview of the following introductory topics in psychology:
This unit is the second part of an Introduction to psychology sequence (see Psy101). Learning outcomesOn successful completion of this unit it is expected that students will be familiar with some of the major topics in psychology and be able to demonstrate knowledge of theory and research related to these topics. It is also expected that students will be able to communicate about behaviour and mental processes in a format acceptable for psychological writing. WorkloadThe nominal expected workload is 150 hours (including in-class time, out-of-class study time, and assessment tasks). Assessment consists of:
Yes, that could add up to 105% if you get the bonus marks!
For learning support, contact James Neill and/or post to the unit's talk pages. |
- There were 11 x 2 hour lectures held at the University of Canberra, Semester 2, 2009.
- Lectures were presented by James Neill and a variety of guest lecturers from the Centre for Applied Psychology, University of Canberra.
- Lectures were largely based around corresponding chapter readings from the Gerrig et al. (2008) textbook.
- Some of the slides and handouts are available via the links to the lecture pages.
- Video and audio was streamed and recorded and was available to University of Canberra students. Lecture recordings by James Neill can be made available by request.
Lecture topics
Week | Lecture | Title | Lecturer | Readings |
01 | 01 | Introduction and overview | James Neill | Ch01 |
02 | 02 | Intercultural and indigenous psychology | Guest lecturer | Riggs (2004) |
03 | 03 | Mind, consciousness and alternate states | Vivienne Lewis | Ch05 |
04 | 04 | Cognitive processes | James Neill | Ch08 |
05 | - | No lecture | - | - |
06 | 05 | Therapies for psychological disorders | Tim Carey | Ch15 |
07 | 06 | Sensation and perception | Thea Vanags | Ch04 |
08-09 | - | No lectures | - | - |
10 | 07 | Learning and behaviour analysis | Janet Tweedie | Ch06 |
11 | 08 | Intelligence and intelligence assessment | James Neill | Ch09 |
12 | 09 | Motivation | James Neill | Ch11 |
13 | - | - | - | - |
14 | 10 | Social processes, society and culture | James Neill | Ch17 |
15 | 11 | Summary and review | James Neill | - |
- Timetable: There will be 6 x 2 hour fornightly tutorials.
- Goal: The tutorial program aims to provide some practical experiences, expansion, and reinforcement of key topics covered in lectures and readings, although not necessarily in the same order.
- Attendance: Tutorial attendance is strongly recommended, but is not compulsory.
- Preparation/Reading: Students do not generally need to prepare or read ahead for tutorials (unless specifically instructed to do so). However, it would be advantageous to at least familiarise yourself with, and ideally read, the corresponding textbook chapter(s) beforehand and/or afterward.
- Correspondence between lectures and tutorials: Tutorial topics do not necessarily coincide with the timing of the corresponding lecture in part due to the availability of guest lecturers.
- Assessment: Assessment of content covered during the tutorials will be in the following fortnight's online quiz and the exam. There is no in-class assessment during tutorials.
List of tutorial topics
Week | Tutorial | Title |
02 | 01 | Consciousness and learning |
04 | 02 | Therapies for psychological disorders |
06 | 03 | Sensation and perception |
10 | 04 | Cognitive processes and intelligence |
12 | 05 | Motivation |
14 | 06 | Social processes, society and culture |
- An overall mark of 50% or higher is required to Pass the unit.
- All assessments are optional.
- Non-completed assessments will be awarded 0.
- Summary of assessment items
Item | Weighting | Due date |
Essay | 45% | 5pm Monday 21 September, 2009 (Week 10) |
Exam | 45% | Final exam period |
Quizzes | 10% | 5 best scores from six quizzes in Weeks 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 11-12, 13-14, 15-16 |
Bonus marks | up to 5% extra | Due dates vary; check details |
Psychology 102 Essay Writing Guide
![]() In theory, everything you need to know (including the marking criteria) about writing the Psychology 102 essay can be found in this guide! In practice, of course, that may or may not be true. So, if you can't find what you want, post to the Essay discussion forum. Also see the essay section on Moodle. Download: APA style template and cover sheet Ready to submit? Use the essay drop-box |
Word count![]()
Marking and feedback
List of essay topics
Marking criteria (100%)Your essay will be marked according to the following weightings and marking criteria: Abstract & title (10%)
Argument (20%)
Theory (20%)
Research (20%)
Referencing (10%)
Presentation (20%)
![]() FAQSee also: Essay discussion forum Can I focus on an example?Use some examples - but be selective - the examples should be chosen so as to illustrate the essay's main points. If done well, this can be an interesting and effective way of addressing the essay question. However, be warned - do not overly indulge in examples to the detriment of addressing the broader aspects of the essay. The #1 mistake in undergraduate essays is not addressing the question - and overly focusing on examples is one way the essay question is sometimes avoided. If the question doesn't ask you to focus specifically on one example, then a more general answer is probably expected (with some illustrative examples along the way). 1,500 words isn't enoughBe (carefully) selective - aim to focus only on the key points and main features of the related research and theory literature. Writing a 1,500 word essay is, in many ways, harder than writing a 3,000 word essay. Choosing what to focus on (and what not to focus on) is really important. Whose my audience?Imagine the target audience is 1st year psychology students - e.g., aim your essay as a new section in an introductory psychology textbook. What would you want to read? I would like a concise overview of the issue/topic, an explanation of the main theory and research in the area and the conclusions that can be drawn, with referencing along the way to the key primary sources and perhaps some examples where they help to explain key points. I can't access some articlesIf you identify possible references that you can't access through the university library, send the details to the convener who will arrange to get the article or chapter added to e-Reserve. How to get help proofreadingThe unit convener and tutors are not available for proofreading draft essays. You may be able to discuss and get general advice from the convener and tutors about your approach to the essay and/or you may wish to ask more specific questions. If you would like to get your essay proofread, then several possible options exist, including but not limited to:

- Weighting: The final exam for is worth 45% of your final mark for this unit.
- The final exam will take place Wed 18 Nov 2-4pm (Gym)
- The exam will assess knowledge of the lectures, tutorials, and associated reading content from the entire unit.
- No materials (books, notes and calculators) will be allowed - however, a general English language or foreign dictionary is permitted (Unannotated Non-Electronic Dictionary (English/Foreign)), plus please bring your student ID card, several pencils, an eraser, and a sharpener.
- The exam will consist of 100 multiple-choice questions (in 2 hours).
- Practice exam questions are available at the end of each chapter in the Gerrig et al. (2008) textbook, MyPsychLab and the six fortnightly quizzes.
- Requests for deferment should be directed to the examinations office.
- Further details about the exam were provided during the final lecture and on Moodle
- Weighting: The quizzes are worth 10% of your final mark. Your best five quiz scores will each count for 2% (i.e., your worst quiz score is dropped). Non-completed quizzes will get 0.
- Schedule: There will be 6 x 10 minute fortnightly online Moodle quizzes (available in Weeks 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 11-12, 13-14, and 15-16).
- Quiz content: Each quiz will:
- Assess knowledge of content covered in the preceding fortnight's lectures, tutorials, and readings.
- Consist of approx. 10 questions randomly selected from a larger test bank.
- Have a 10 minute time limit.
- Be available for a fortnight (Sunday midnight to Sunday midnight).
- Allow one attempt per student.
- Practice quizzes: See MyPsychLab.
- Extensions None available.
- Online fortnightly quiz schedule
Quiz number | Availability | Assessable content |
1 | Weeks 3 and 4 | Weeks 1 and 2 |
2 | Weeks 5 and 6 | Weeks 3 and 4 |
3 | Weeks 7 and 8 | Weeks 5 and 6 |
4 | Weeks 11 and 12 | Weeks 7 and 10 |
5 | Weeks 13 and 14 | Weeks 11 and 12 |
6 | Weeks 15 and 16 | Weeks 13 and 14 |
Students may earn up to an extra 5% towards their final mark via research participation and by completing their Moodle profile.
Research participation
- Research participation: 1% per study or hour (for long studies). Staff members, honours and postgraduate research students often require participants for their psychology research projects. In return for participation in approved research projects this semester, you will receive up to 5% towards your total mark for this subject. Note: There is no guarantee how many studies will be available or how long each study will be available for - this is at the discretion of the researchers conducting the studies. Most studies will run early in semester. Evidence of participation must be submitted by the end of semester (Friday October 30 5pm, Week 15).
- A list of research studies. Availability of new studies will be announced via Moodle. Studies may also be advertised on the Psychology noticeboard, outside room 3B25 (the Psychology administration office) and/or during lectures.
- To get credit for online studies, submit your student ID details online at the end of the survey. Your ID details will then be given to the Unit Convener who will upload the research participation marks into the Moodle gradebook for you to check. This should be done in the week after semester ends - an announcement will be sent out when these marks become available.
- To get credit for offline studies, at the end of the research session, the researcher will provide the student with a Research Project Participation (RPP) slip which must be signed by the researcher. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that all details are correctly recorded on the RPP slip. Students are required to collate the RPP slips they acquire throughout the semester. Please DO NOT submit individual RPP slips. Submit all your offline research participation slips together with a signed Assignment Cover sheet to the Centre for Applied Psychology Assignment Box (3B25) by the end of semester (5pm Friday October 30, 2009, Week 15). You may also use any Semester 1, 2009 RPP slips which weren’t used for credit in Psychology 101. Students are strongly advised to keep a copy of RPP slips for their own records.
Moodle profile
Moodle profile: 1%. Provide a complete Moodle profile by the end of the end of Week 7 (5pm Friday September 4, 2009). The unit convener will systematically grade all profiles after the due date (there is no need to "submit" your profile). A complete Moodle profile (examples: James Neill, Samantha Jarvis, Amelia Thomsett) will be considered to consist of all of the following:
- A profile picture (preferably of yourself)
- A minimum 200 word profile of yourself
- A minimum of 10 interests (in the separate interests box, separated by commas; this allows you to connect with others who list similar interests)
The main point of the exercise is to encourage/facilitate you relatively early on in your university student career to carve out a little bit of social identity for yourself and to set yourself up to network electronically with other students and staff.
For more info, see edit your profile (
Return to Moodle @ UC
Examples of bonus marks
- Case 1: 0% bonus marks: Jemima didn't participate in any research studies and didn't add a Moodle profile.
- Case 2: 3% bonus marks: Jeff participated in a three hour long research study (3%) and did not add a complete Moodle profile (0%).
- Case 3: 5% bonus marks: Jenny participated in four research studies (4%) and added a complete, meaningful Moodle profile (1%).