Introduction to psychology/Psy102/Assessment/Exam
(Redirected from Psychology 102/Assessment/Exam)

- Weighting: The final exam for is worth 45% of your final mark for this unit.
- The final exam will take place Wed 18 Nov 2-4pm (Gym)
- The exam will assess knowledge of the lectures, tutorials, and associated reading content from the entire unit.
- No materials (books, notes and calculators) will be allowed - however, a general English language or foreign dictionary is permitted (Unannotated Non-Electronic Dictionary (English/Foreign)), plus please bring your student ID card, several pencils, an eraser, and a sharpener.
- The exam will consist of 100 multiple-choice questions (in 2 hours).
- Practice exam questions are available at the end of each chapter in the Gerrig et al. (2008) textbook, MyPsychLab and the six fortnightly quizzes.
- Requests for deferment should be directed to the examinations office.
- Further details about the exam were provided during the final lecture and on Moodle