Portal:Complex Systems Digital Campus

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the repository for Open Questions, Challenges and Ressources of the

To create a new scientific community, please read this page and go here ('here' is coming) in the website of the UNESCO UniTwin CS-DC.
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"All things being caused and causing, helped and helping, [...] I take it for impossible to know the parts without knowing the whole as to know the whole without knowing the parts." (Blaise Pascal, Pensées, 1670). The UNESCO UniTwin CS-DC UniTwin commits with UNESCO to develop the living roadmap of Complex Systems and to share all the research and educational resources for dealing with the scientific challenges of the roadmap. The CS-DC Cosypedia is a social intelligent ICT system as Wikipedia : any scientist in the world can modify the living roadmap proposed by the CS-DC communities. Furthermore any scientist can choose to be involved in the CS-DC communities and to launch new ones.

CS-DC 2024 elections, manifestos and results

The CS-DC living roadmap of complex systems

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Open questions, challenges and resources

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The CS-DC Wikiversity portal is where the CS-DC living roadmap is developing under the peer-to-peer collaboration of all the concerned scientists in the world.

  • As in Wikipedia, any scientist can modify the challenges and references at the different levels of the CS-DC organization, 'i.e.' e-departments, e-laboratories, project-teams and the constantly improving resources they produce.
  • Contrary to Wikipedia, instead of being the encyclopedia of scientifically established knowledge, the CS-DC living roadmap is an encyclopedia of the open questions, challenges and conjectures posed by Complex Systems.

The main aim of the CS-DC is to share all necessary research and educational resources in order to deal with the challenges of Complex Systems. The first shared resource for dealing with this aim is the CS-DC living roadmap as an encyclopedia of open questions and open resources.

Of course, the construction of the CS-DC living roadmap is currently far for being complete. The way to complete it as well as its whole logic is detailed below. All the concerned scientists in the world are invited to visit or modify existing challenges and create new ones by proposing new CS-DC entities in relation with the existing ones. All CS-DC entities are providing sustainable resources to all its members and, beyond, to all concerned scientists.

Constructing the living roadmap of complex systems

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CS-DC roadmap

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Complex Systems with their bottom-up and top-down causality at all distance in space and time are the source of very difficult scientific and epistemological problems. These require new transdisciplinary approaches leading to new disciplines.

There are two “dual and equivalent” scientific strategies for developing the living roadmap of complex systems depending on the starting point (cf figure below):

• If the starting point are the theoretical or epistemological questions encountering each class of complex systems, the result constitutes the living roadmap of the complex systems science, as a new transdiscipline.

• If the starting point is an experimental class of complex systems encountering the theoretical questions, the result constitutes the living roadmap of an integrative and predictive science, as a new transdiscipline.

These two dual scientific strategies are producing two "equivalent" roadmaps, because its horizontal chapters and is vertical chapters are covering exactly the same matrix of scientific challenges: indeed this matrix is fundamentally dual. Complex systems science as a transdiscipline involves mathematicians, statistical mechanicians or physicists, computer scientists, theoreticians of complex matter or biology or ecology or cognitive science or human science or geoscience. A new integrative sciences like integrative biology involves not only biologists but also bio-mathematicians, bio-physicists, bio-chemists, bio-computer scientists.

All CS-DC scientific communities are creating and continuously enacting their living roadmaps starting with one of the two kinds of starting points:

• The e-departments are about 'great questions' and 'great domains'.

• The e-laboratories are about 'great sub-questions' and 'great sub-domains'.

• The e-teams can be about milestones of 'great sub-questions' and 'great sub-domains'.

• The e-teams can have in turn e-teams for the cascade of milestones.

Any theoretical community is working transversally as its theoretical e-department. And any experimental community works vertically as well as its e-department.

All these communities have a 'scientific committee' of great scientists guaranteeing that the scientific results are currently at the best scientific level. It is especially the case for the cascade of e-teams as a fundamental one. Typically, an e-team is an international team of young scientists with any shared challenge starting with a scientific committee composed with some of their advisors and organizing an international e-seminar (a webinar) with their help for inviting great scientists. The e-team can ask some of these invited scientists to enter in their scientific committee. Each e-team can ask to organize an e-session in the annual CS-DC e-Multiconference. Each e-team has to develop an international e-course program recognized by the whole universitary UNESCO UniTwin CS-DC.

All these communities can create internal sub-communities through any kind of committee and its cascade of committees:

• A part of committees have a functional role (for organizing e-events, e-courses, ..) between the universities of the uniTwin in direction of a Global eCampus for studying complex systems.

• An other part of committees are just scientific communities at the intersection of great challenges and domains in the matrix

• The last part is just for e-teams that have not sufficiently members or not a scientific committees

The committees at the intersection of a theoretical challenge and an experimental challenge have a fundamental role combining both theoretical and experimental challenges. All these committees constitute de facto a theoretical and experimental committeefor enacting experimental theoretician or theoretical experimentalists. Such committees are organizing the same kind of 'very efficient natural convergence' as in theoretical and experimental physics laboratories. Such committees are the main instruments for organizing permanently such natural convergence between the theoretical aspects and experimental aspects of the living international roadmap of complex systems. That will create the same kind of reciprocal co-evolution as between mathematics and physics in the last centuries.


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Complex Systems roadmap (ONCE-CS) 2006

French Roadmap for Complex System 2008-2009, Bourgine, P., Chavalarias, D.and al.

See also the Curriculum on Complex Systems Sciences project.

List of Continental and Country roadmaps

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Producing/sharing the resources for overcoming the roadmap challenges

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By construction, the CS-DC organisation has almost exactly the same structure as the living roadmap: the e-departments correspond to the chapters; the e-laboratories and project-teams are covering in a more and more precise and complete way the matrix. Their new results from research and education by research are shared as CS-DC resources for overcoming new challenges. The permanent transdiciplinary interactions in the matrix increase the natural convergence between the theoretical aspects of the living international roadmap of complex systems and the experimental aspects of the living international roadmaps of the new integrative science. This "natural convergence" is of the same kind as the reciprocal co-evolution of mathematics and physics in the last centuries.


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Great Questions about Complex Systems


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Great Domains of Complex Systems


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Flagship Projects

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